Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 292 Savior: Believers, do you want Titan?

Chapter 292 Savior: Believers, do you want Titan?

Five years later.

The dark side of the empire, the ocean world—Fara.

Farah has almost no land, and the boundless ocean surrounds the entire planet.

That's a fortune.

The huge fish population provides an almost endless supply of fish.

Once upon a time, Farah provided the empire with a steady supply of fish meat in exchange for military protection.

Plus trade with surrounding star systems.

This made it prosperous and maintained a higher standard of living than the empire.

However, with the advent of the Great Rift, Farah lost contact with the outside world.

Because almost all local resources are invested in the construction of many city-like fishing platforms.

This resulted in the weakening of its military equipment.

After losing the protection of the Empire, it is difficult to resist Chaos.

Fortunately, there was no large-scale invasion here during the initial period.

Although there are occasional riots caused by cult members, at least they can be suppressed.

As time went by, the evildoers became more and more rampant, even attracting terrible hatred that did not belong to this world.

This put Farah in a desperate situation.

They lacked weapons and equipment to make weapons, and their crude spear guns and fish cannons were simply not enough to resist those ugly monsters.

They had nothing except a pile of rare and delicious fish.

Fishing platforms were destroyed one after another.

Now even the sacred sea, revered by the Farah fishermen, is angry.

The storm was raging and the waves were raging.

The No. 658/13 aquatic fishing platform is like a steadfast watchman, enduring the impact of waves and heavy rain again and again.

Every impact caused the entire platform to tremble slightly.

This is one of Farah's largest fishing platforms and an important production base in the world.

At the same time, it is also a large city, the core area of ​​Farah.

There are nearly 100 million people.

Under the attack of evildoers and abominations, the core city of Farah is crumbling.

The core area of ​​the platform.

A towering golden sun and the holy statue of the Savior stand in the wind and rain.

Emitting a faint light.

"Great and merciful savior, faithful believers pray for your salvation..."

The pastor of the local church is braving the wind and rain with the people, following the methods in the Book of Redemption.

A sacrificial ceremony is being performed.

Many people had wounds on their bodies, which were left after fighting against evildoers and abominations.

However, they still insisted on participating in the sacrificial ceremony.

I look forward to receiving the mercy of the savior and being saved one day.

A sturdy man wearing tough fish-skin armor and covered with scars was kneeling in front of the statue of the Savior.

Pray devoutly.

He is the sea lord of Farah.

Two years ago.

Farah, who was in distress, suddenly encountered a ship.

It was the first time a ship had visited the planet since the Great Rift, and people were extremely excited.

The Ocean Lord even went to greet him personally.

However, people were surprised to find out.

That was not an imperial ship, but a pilgrim ship that had departed from Farah hundreds of years ago.

Now, in an incredible way, it has returned to Farah through the dark side's warp storm.

It also brings the holy book of salvation and hope.

The pilgrims introduced the sacred world to the lords and the people in a fanatical tone.

And how powerful it is.

The savior sent by the Holy Emperor shaped that beautiful world and made it the core sequence of the holy land of the state religion.

The power of that savior and living saint is beyond doubt.

He is also willing to provide protection for any other world that is loyal to the Golden Sun and the Savior.

This is undoubtedly a life-saving straw.

When the Sea Lord followed the ritual of the Holy Book of Redemption and personally felt the holiness of the Golden Sun and the Savior.

He threw himself into the arms of the Savior without a doubt.

The Lord of the Sea worked hard to create the holy image of the Golden Sun and the Savior according to the specifications of the Holy Book of Redemption.

Perform pilgrimage.

Pass this belief on to all the people of Farah.

People pray devoutly almost every day, hoping that one day their prayers will be answered and that they will receive the salvation and protection mentioned in the Holy Book of Salvation.

As time went by, gradually some people received responses and blessings.

This makes people even more crazy.

The Sea Lord was even more expectant, as he had completely believed in the Savior.

Unquestionable loyalty.

Because he had in his hand a holy object brought back by pilgrims, engraved with sacred runes and blessed by the golden sun.

There are too many holy objects in this world, the skeletons of powerful beings, bloodstains, armor fragments, and ancient technological relics.

Even an ancient contract can be worshipped by people.

Oilers will even kneel down and worship an ancient bolter with a machine spirit in order to appease the spirit within.

To prevent it from jamming when firing.

The holy object in the hands of the Sea Lord is even more special.

It was a technological creation made of gold and stone, covered with runes.

Able to emit light without any energy source.

Carry it with you and you can even resist those annoying whispers.

According to what is revealed in the Book of Redemption.

When all the runes on the holy objects are lit up by the devout prayers and faith of the believers.

This world will be recognized and blessed by the Golden Sun and the Savior.

At the same time, they will be eligible to contact the holy world created by the Savior and ask for help.

Now, the holy object is about to be lit.

Amidst the storm, people persisted in completing the ceremony as usual.

The last rune of the holy relic lit up, and waves appeared.

at the same time.

The statue of the Savior seemed to be inspired and emitted a bright and gentle light around it.

Everyone present felt the sacredness.

Even in the biting cold wind, their bodies and minds felt indescribable warmth.

"Praise be to the Savior!"

The priest knelt down fanatically and praised the greatness of the Savior with the people.

The sea lords showed irrepressible joy, their loyalty and faith were recognized by the savior.

More importantly, that meant that Farah had permission to contact the Holy World.

Pray for help.

They will be redeemed!
The Sea Lord held up the holy object excitedly.

He followed the instructions, activated the holy object, and entered the "Redemption Market" that he had never been able to enter.

In the virtual image, he saw a list of resources that the Holy Land world could provide.

It is so rich.

It encompassed almost everything he could imagine.

"God...Holy Titan?"

The Sea Lord was stunned. He certainly knew the legend of the Holy Titan, which was the supreme military force on the surface of the empire.

Its huge body and unparalleled firepower can destroy all evil!
This knowledge has been passed down from generation to generation in his family.

His ancestor once witnessed the destructive power of a Titan from afar during a battle.

There are two types of Holy Titans provided in the Holy Land World List, namely the 80-meter Warmaster-level Redemption Type I and the 100-meter Emperor-level Redemption Type II.

As for the small models, they are not made at all. It would be better to build a larger one with the resources.

Directly build a large Titan cluster.

The Ocean Lord looked at the number of Titans available for assistance in the list and rubbed his eyes again.

Could it be that he was dazzled?
"Emperor, eight... more than eight hundred holy Titans?"

The powerful portrait of the sacred Titan made Ocean Collar feel dizzy and almost lost the ability to speak.

He couldn't imagine that scene.

When will the Holy Titans be displayed like commodities for people to view at will?

Holy Titans are extremely valuable.

Some Titan Order worlds would treat it as a mechanical relic and construct a huge holy land.

Only distinguished guests have the opportunity to see the real thing.

In other cases, the Holy Titan can probably only be seen on fierce battlefields.

If any mortal is lucky enough to have seen it, it would be enough to pass it down from generation to generation as a story.

But most of the time.

Even if a mortal were to see a holy titan, there wouldn't be much chance for them to survive such a fierce battle.

In the Redemption Market, the number on the Holy Titan list is decreasing.

This proves that other worlds have summoned the Holy Titans to come!

The Ocean Lord took a deep breath.

He controlled his emotions and continued browsing with trembling.

A precious creation like the Holy Titan was not something he could hope for.

After all, Farah's loyalty and resource ratings were not high enough to qualify him to summon the Holy Titan. Later, the Ocean Lord saw the legendary Imperial Knights on the list, numbering more than 3,000.

And this number can be summoned at any time!

This is equally shocking.

After all, the Imperial Knights also have a sacred status in the empire.

Those knight families and pilots all have noble status, and some pilots have even become legends spread throughout the empire.

Of course, that's only for the empire.

The great savior simply turned it into wholesale.

However, the treatment of drivers is indeed very good, which attracts senior elites in the Storm Army.

After all, who doesn’t want to drive a big mecha?

At this moment, the Ocean Lord thoroughly felt the incomparable power of the Holy Land World.

At the same time, it is full of hope.

Farah is saved!
He looked at the densely packed list in the Redemption Market and was almost dazzled.

Land vehicles and artillery include super heavy tank vehicles, atmospheric fighters, heavy sentinel mechas, heavy artillery, etc.

The firearms include mortal-type bolt guns, plasma guns, melta guns, various types of machine guns, and so on.

There are also some melee weapons such as chainswords, and even force feedback power armor!

At the same time, there are also a large amount of survival supplies, engineering support, etc.

The Ocean Lord was so excited that his blood boiled. These were all the aids he was qualified to apply for!

Suddenly, he caught a glimpse of a specially marked list at the top of the page. He clicked on it and saw a strange-looking missile made of bone.

"Holy ash bomb, devil slayer, warmth from the savior?"

There is a reminder in the list that this is a special aid.

If there is a terrible chaos demon invading this world, you can apply for its use for free.

That was added at Ron's special request.

Now, the territory has fully intervened in the war between humans and Chaos.

Generally, the worlds and battles that can attract the invasion of Chaos Demons are extremely important.

Such a high-value target is worthy of the great savior to provide warmth and weaken the power of the chaotic side.

The Ocean Lord had no idea what the Chaos Demon was.

But the family's ancient written records mentioned that there were terrible forbidden demons in this world.

Maybe this is what you are talking about?
The Ocean Lord took a look and ignored it.

He submitted information about Farah’s current situation, population, and resources, and officially entered the review process for applying for aid.

At a speed almost visible to the naked eye, his application was approved and he obtained a certain amount of credit points from the Holy Land World.

You can freely choose the appropriate aid resources within the limit.

Of course, the price was that he signed a resource supply contract.

From now on, Farah needs to provide local specialty resources to the Holy Land World regularly within a reasonable range according to its own capabilities.

Until the value of the aid is repaid.

After repayment, you can also engage in commercial trade with the Holy Land World to obtain the necessary resources and protection.

The Ocean Lord carefully selected a batch of arms based on the amount he received.

These include several super-heavy tanks, heavy fighter jets, more than fifty heavy sentinel mechas, and various types of light and heavy artillery.

And tens of thousands of firearms of various types.

Melta weapons were very expensive, so he bought more than a hundred melta guns and several melta cannons.

Then he also bought thirty sets of force feedback power armor and matching explosive arrows and melee weapons for his guards.

Such a weapon configuration is enough to make some planetary defense forces cry with envy.

After the selection is completed.

The Sea Lord marked the location for receiving aid, which was set in the large square near the statue of the Savior.

Soon, the holy object popped up a notification to collect assistance, just fifteen days later, please wait patiently.

He was stunned.

So fast?
After all, this is a very long-distance transportation of supplies across the galaxy!
"Can it really be done?"

The Ocean Lord had a hint of doubt in his heart; such a promise was beyond his imagination.

But when I think of the power of the Savior and the deeds of Farah in that holy world that sent the pilgrimage ship back from the distant star field.

He felt relieved again.

“People of Farah, the Savior has granted us a gift, and a batch of powerful armaments is about to arrive.

We will be redeemed!"

The Lord of the Sea announced this exciting news to his people in front of the golden sun and the statue of the Savior.

With those weapons, they will be able to resist the increasingly fierce attacks of the evildoers.

Farah, will not perish!
in the following days.

The people of the Sea Lord and Farah are looking forward to the arrival of the aid armaments.

During this period, he also personally led the most experienced fishermen to venture into the sea to catch a batch of precious seafood.

There was even a several-meter-long star-scale minnow with star-like spots of light on its transparent body.

The meat is extremely delicious and can beautify your skin.

It was once a rare fish that was highly coveted by the imperial nobles.

These are holy offerings to the great savior and living saint, the wishes of the people of Farah.

But as the day of aid arrival approaches.

The situation has taken a turn for the worse.

For some reason, the evildoers accelerated their attacks, creating more hatred through cruel blood sacrifices.

Broke through several lines of defense in succession.

It almost hit Farah's last line of defense. If this defense was broken.

The nearly 100 million people of Faraday will have nowhere to retreat...

Finally, the day came when help arrived.

The sea lords and their guards came to the square with the statue of the Savior, waiting anxiously.

They had just come down from the front line and were almost all covered in blood.

People were eager to get hold of that batch of arms to support the front.

However, as time goes by.

There was no sign of any ship in the stormy sky, and the square remained empty.

People's hearts sank little by little.

If the armaments don't arrive, they won't be able to hold on once the last line of defense is broken.

Even if the armaments arrived safely, there would be no time or opportunity to use them.


There was a huge roar in the distance.

"My Lord, the defense line has been breached!"

The investigator put down the telescope and shouted at the people in the square.

"What did you say!?"

This news was like a heavy hammer, almost knocking the Sea Lord unconscious.

He grabbed the binoculars and looked in the direction of the defense line.

In the field of vision.

A huge abomination about five or six meters tall rushed out from the gap in the defensive wall and let out a terrible roar towards the sky.

After that, there were even more hatred and evil armies, heading towards the direction of the Savior's statue!

Farah, lost the last line of defense...

Those unarmed people will face terrible abomination.

For this attack, the leader of the evildoers, the High Priest of the Evil Eye, had carefully prepared for a long time.

He used the bones and blood of nearly 100,000 people to summon an extremely powerful Chaos Egg, along with tens of thousands of Chaos monsters.

A surprise attack was launched on the weak points in the defense line.

Those horrible chaotic creatures are simply not something that flesh and blood can resist.

As the vanguard, the Chaos Egg was not afraid of ordinary artillery fire and quickly tore through the front line.

Massacred Farah's warriors.

Now, the army of evildoers is attacking at a very fast speed.

The High Priest of the Evil Eye stood on the shoulder of the Chaos Egg, almost blending into it.

He looked at the statue from afar and sneered, "A weak and unknown god cannot compare with the great Lord of the Evil Eye..."

Today, he will destroy the idol, blaspheme it harshly, and extinguish the hope of the Farah people!
Then, completely occupy this rich world!

The Ocean Lord who saw this scene fell into deep despair, the situation was irreversible.

They won't survive until the military aid arrives.

Even if the armaments arrive, they will only fall into the hands of the evildoers!

The Sea Lord summoned all the warriors who could arrive, and tens of thousands of people gathered in the square.

Formed a line of flesh and blood defense.

People looked at the evildoers and abominations that were rushing towards them with fear in their eyes.

But they must fight desperately to buy time for Farah's people behind them.

The Ocean Lords and the Guards were among them, and he was ready to meet the end with the warriors.

Fortunately, his descendants will organize a new defense.

If he fails again, his descendants will try their best to lead the people of Farah to escape from here.

Drifting in the sacred sea.

Keep a little bit of Farah's fire.

When Farah's warriors smelled the stench of abomination and prepared to fight to the death.

"Great and merciful savior, please grant salvation and save the people of Farah!"

Some priests who were reluctant to leave knelt before the statue of the Savior and prayed desperately.

They hit their heads and blood flowed on the ground, which was washed away by the heavy rain.

As the pastors cried, the storm disappeared in an instant!
The priests and warriors couldn't help but look up at the sky. The scene before them almost made them hold their breath.

A terrifying shadow descended from the sky, its huge body almost obscuring the raging storm...

(End of this chapter)

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