Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 310: On this day, Tai Jun felt the danger of the galaxy

Chapter 310: On this day, Tai Jun felt the danger of the galaxy

The Governor stood up excitedly after hearing the words of the Chief of Guards: "Emperor, Holy Terra has not forgotten Carlo who is in darkness!"

Although he didn't know what kind of person the savior was.

But in the family’s ancient texts, there are descriptions of the Primarchs. They are legendary great beings and the Emperor’s own children.

Has the supreme status!
Perhaps the Emperor heard the prayers of the people of Caro and sent a great Primarch to save them and save Caro from being slaughtered by the aliens!
The governor prayed devoutly, thanking the Emperor for his protection.

After praying, the Governor looked at the Chief of Guards and said, "Please invite the messenger of the Savior in..."


The captain of the guards received the order and went out to meet the envoy.

The Governor sat back on the throne, but he felt that this was inappropriate. The visitor was the messenger of the Primarch Savior, representing that noble being. It was extremely rude for him to sit in such a high place.

Thinking of this, he stepped down from the throne and walked to the ground below.

Waiting for the messenger's arrival with great anticipation.

The door of the auditorium slowly opened.

As the light outside grew, the Governor felt a sacred aura approaching.

In his field of vision.

Several Anglican believers walked in from outside, wearing white and noble robes. Their postures seemed sacred and steady, giving people a strong sense of security.

The Governor couldn't help but compare him with the alien messenger and felt that the Savior's messenger was much stronger than the damn alien.

The posture of the alien messenger is always full of deliberateness and unconcealable arrogance, but the messenger in front of him is more like a saint, full of holiness and calmness.

This is the way I look at anyone.

The governor was right. The visitor was indeed a savior saint named Fran.

That guy has been traveling between planets full of war and suffering, bringing salvation to people.

The reason why people feel calm and at ease is because of his own strength.

Fran is an Eredar, and has the ability to pray to the Savior for temporary blessings. He is stronger than the average Space Marine, and can tear apart alien heretics with his bare hands.

Not a problem at all.

Fran walked over here, and the Savior Cross tattoo on his bald head sparkled in the light.

When he saw the Governor, he stopped and saluted:
"Greetings, Governor. I am Fran, a loyal saint of the Savior. I am here to spread the glory of the golden sun and the Savior..."

The Governor quickly returned the greeting:

"Mr. Fran, Carlo welcomes you."

Afterwards, Fran showed some objects representing his identity, including the regent's edict, the token of the primarch savior, the holy book of the holy world of the state religion, and so on.

At the same time, it tells about the current situation of the empire, some of the deeds of the savior, and the purpose of his coming here.

Fran asked the Governor rather cautiously.

Ask him whether his faith in the Emperor is firm and whether he is willing to follow the great Primarch Savior?

Today, with the halo of multiple identities such as the Primarch and the Holy Land of the State Religion, the spread of the faith in the Savior has become more direct and easy.

After the missionaries arrived at the planets that were on the dark side and had lost contact with the empire, they directly asked the local rulers after confirming that there were not many signs of pollution.

Are you willing to follow the great savior, the primarch, the Emperor's own son?

If the local rulers are willing, they can enjoy a good life and obtain the resources and protection of the savior.

No matter how you look at it, the Savior is the most generous being to his followers in the galaxy today.

If there is something good, he really gives it to you.

Hearing Saint Fran's question and invitation, the Governor was so excited that he trembled all over and could hardly believe it. He even wondered if he had heard it wrong.

Ah, there is such a good thing?

According to the ancient texts of their family, it is extremely difficult to follow a Primarch, and this is only possible on planets that are wealthy or produce many warriors, or on families with noble bloodlines.

Only then will you have a chance to gain the favor of the Primarch.

And they also have to pass certain strict rituals and tests.

Now, his family and the planet Carlo can also follow the Primarch. Could it be that the Primarch has taken a fancy to the warriors of their planet?

To put it simply, the Savior's behavior is to expand and sell off the original noble quotas indefinitely and collect followers of the original body in large quantities.

Grant identity and protection to those who follow.

For Ron, the more followers like this the better, and the more faith he can gain.

The Governor was afraid that the other party would go back on his word, so he immediately half-knelt on the ground and explained his belief in the supreme power of the Emperor, and then swore to follow the great savior, Primarch Roan.

After the oath was taken.

He received a token of the Primarch's followers given by Saint Fran and a holy relic in the shape of a stone tablet.

The holy object is actually a data pad that mixes various technologies. It can use the Redemption Market to apply for a variety of weapons and material resources.

Belonging is a gift from the Savior to his followers.

Now, after the Chalaton region was incorporated into the territory, the moon and other forging worlds had more sources of minerals, production capacity increased, and they could provide more weapons and equipment.

Moreover, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Logistics and other departments believe that mankind has entered a more dangerous end-era, and the conditions for support have been further reduced.

Able to give more support to those followers of the Primarch or the affiliated planets.

This is also a defensive strategy.

After the affiliated planets in the outer areas of the territory have more weapons, they can also serve as barriers for the territory to prevent invaders from quickly advancing their front lines to the mainland.

Saint Fran left these things and left in a hurry.

There are too many planets that have fallen into the dark side around the Charadon area. Every second of delay will result in countless deaths. There are also more worlds in suffering, waiting for him to redeem.

After the Governor respectfully sent away the Saint of the Savior, he smiled.

He gained a little confidence in the upcoming war.

Even if they cannot resist the attack of the aliens, they can still pray for help from the Primarch Savior, at least to prevent the planet Carlo from falling into destruction.

The Governor returned to his throne.

He took a deep breath and opened the Holy Scripture of the Savior left by the saints, which recorded the duties of followers.

He knew very well that it was not easy to become a follower of the Primarch Savior and obtain the protection of that noble being.

It could be costly.

For example, a large amount of planetary resources, population, and even the entire planet need to be served by that existence.

Even so, such an opportunity is hard to come by.

The galaxy is too dangerous nowadays. Planets may be destroyed at any time by attacks from aliens and heretics. Nothing is more important than having the protection of a powerful being!

However, the duties recorded in the scriptures were much simpler than he had imagined.

All that is required of followers is to remain loyal, perform prayer ceremonies on fixed dates, erect golden sun and savior icons, spread the faith in the savior, and so on.

Such a price is negligible to him.

After all, in the empire, erecting statues and spreading the faith in a certain saint is considered basic operation.

"Savior, you are so kind..."

The Governor was so moved that his voice choked, tears welled up in his eyes and he almost cried out loud.

The Empire has imposed strict obligations on most of the planets under its jurisdiction, requiring them to bear high tithes, which are almost like compulsory protection fees.

This is the only way to get the protection of the naval fleet or the imperial armed forces, and there is no guarantee that they will come.

In other words.

Taxation is compulsory and must be paid on time and in full, otherwise the imperial violent agencies will come to collect the taxes immediately.

It is more likely that planetary governors who are poor at collecting taxes or resist taxation will be dealt with.

The tithe tax was collected.

But if your planet is in danger, there is no guarantee that the Empire's army will arrive in time, or if they arrive and find that the chaos is too severe, they may just bomb it indiscriminately.

Even when some special forces are dispatched, they will eliminate everyone who has seen them.

of course.

This is also a helpless move of the empire, and it is already the best solution.

The emperor's planets also gladly accepted this.

In the Purgatory Galaxy, the human world can only survive by relying on the Empire, even at a painful price.

Therefore, after accepting the blessing, you need to pay a price.

The governors were also used to it.

Their ancestors and their ancestors' ancestors all went through this process. Since they can remember, they have received relevant education and think that it is a natural and right thing.


Life is the Emperor's coin.

Since you have accepted the blessing, isn't it normal to pay some taxes and sacrifice some price?
Even if these planets rely on some powerful people or high-ranking nobles of the empire, the price to pay is not small.

Due to the harsh environment of the galaxy, many forces in the empire try to utilize or squeeze the resources at their disposal to the limit.

Giving and sacrificing are the norm.

Even if you cast Chaos and believe in evil gods, you still need to devote your body and soul and provide a lot of sacrifices.

And they may not respond.

In the harsh environment of giving and selfless contribution in the galaxy, the Governor suddenly encountered a savior who asked for almost nothing and still provided protection.

He was shocked, surprised and moved.

Even felt a hint of happiness.

The Governor wiped the tears from his eyes and reverently closed the Book of Redemption.

At this point, he was already very loyal.

Suddenly, the Governor remembered the approaching alien army and quickly picked up the holy tablet left by the saint.

He looked at the holy object carefully and could conclude that this holy object, which looked like a stone slab, was an expensive and complex technological creation that exuded a sacred aura all the time.

He couldn't understand the principle behind it.

Perhaps only that being could create such a sacred creation?
According to the revelations left by the saints, this is an important tool for connecting with the Holy Land and obtaining assistance.

The Governor performed a pious worship ceremony according to the rituals in the Book of Redemption and activated this holy relic.

As the connection was established, the runes on the holy relic lit up, emitting waves.

The built-in mechanism of the holy object started up, projecting a virtual projection page in the air with many patterns on it.

"Emperor, this... is this the Redemption Market?"

The Governor stared at the virtual page with his eyes wide open. He felt dazed, as if in a dream.

Is this the help he can get?

The densely packed storage of weapons almost dazzled him.

Titans, knight mechas, space marine squads, super heavy tanks, heavy fighters, giant heavy artillery, sentinel mechas, and a variety of high-end weapons and so on.

The governor had only seen many weapons, artifacts, and the Emperor's angels in the ancient texts of his family.

Those sacred beings, which only existed in legends, were now before his eyes, and he could even summon them to come!
The Governor had some understanding.

Why are those primordial entities described in ancient texts as being like gods and omnipotent?

Everything before our eyes is enough to prove the power of the Primarch.

They have the power to turn the tide and save the world from suffering.

Now, the Savior has given Carlo Star salvation. He is so generous and kind!
"I...our Carlo Planet is saved..."

The Governor said in a trembling voice.

These days, I have been worried about the alien invasion and have been in a state of panic all day long.

Now, he only felt that he was surrounded by joy and happiness.

There is a strong sense of security.

It’s different to have the blessing of the original body.

There is no doubt that this is a war against alien invasion.


The Governor looked through the Redemption Bazaar, selecting the appropriate support, but there were so many categories that he couldn't make a decision.

He had no choice but to ask the chief guard and his staff to come.

Everyone discussed together what kind of support to apply for and what weapons to purchase to deal with this war with the aliens. These all require careful consideration.

Because apart from some basic material assistance, many high-end weapons assistance are not free and need to be exchanged for the planet's resources or manpower.

When the captain of the guards and his staff arrived, they were extremely excited when they saw the weapons and equipment at the Redemption Market.

They praised the great savior.

After all, the main force of their planet now is a group of planetary defense forces organized by the governor himself.

There is no strong force at all.

The main vehicles are still the dozens of heavy tanks purchased nearly a hundred years ago.

Most of those vehicles had some problems due to age and disrepair, and even the technical priests were unable to soothe the machine spirits within them.

The Governor, the Chief of the Guard, and the staff stayed up all night, excitedly discussing plans to purchase weapons and apply for relevant military support.

Of course, their planet doesn't have that many Terra coins or resources for the time being.

But the Savior mercifully provided them with a deferred payment plan, allowing them to pay slowly over decades or even longer, within their means.

It was actually a war loan.

Fortunately, the weapons and equipment in the Redemption Market are extremely cheap, basically at a bargain price, and are almost sold at the price of raw materials.

And there is cheaper temporary support.

This is an indescribable gift to the Governor and others.

Under normal channels, they are not qualified to obtain such weapons and equipment, and cannot buy them even if they want to.


The governor and others experienced the thrill of getting rich quickly and were so excited that they could hardly contain themselves.

They calculated the resources that the planet could provide, and selected batch after batch of weapons and equipment that made them drool. Those old heavy tanks should be eliminated and replaced with a batch of the latest heavy tanks, plus four or five super heavy guys!
We don’t need small air-to-air fighters anymore. Let’s get two formations of heavy fighters!

As for various types of artillery and heavy artillery, a batch of them were also sent to fill the defense line, and all the weapons and equipment of the planetary defense forces were also replaced with high-end goods.

The elite troops are even equipped with a batch of hot-melt weapons!
At the same time, the captain of the guards secretly suggested that His Majesty's personal guards might need to update their weapons and equipment. He took a look at the force feedback power armor and the matching bolt-firing weapons.

It's pretty good.


The Governor was in a good mood and said with a flourish: "It's only two hundred sets, change them all!"

Moreover, when he saw the captain of the guards drooling over the collector's edition power sword at the Redemption Market, he gritted his teeth and attacked him.

Then, the Governor himself came with a more advanced set of force-feedback power armor and power weapons.

I also got a set of personal force field protection equipment.

After the existing forces were almost fully equipped, they began to consider temporary support.

After all, with the strength of the planetary defense force, even with stronger equipment, it may not be able to resist the powerful Tau Empire, so temporary support is necessary.

The Governor accepted the proposal of the staff and decided to apply for temporary support.

After receiving information about the local military situation and related aliens, the Holy Land World made an assessment and provided a corresponding temporary support list.

According to the list.

He applied for an armored combined battalion of the Storm Army, which had about 70,000 to 80,000 people, including many heavy vehicles and artillery units.

Three squads of Emperor's Angels, consisting of thirty Space Marines, half equipped with Terminator armour, and several Dreadnoughts.

Finally, he requested support from ten Redemption Mechas.

"Your Majesty, the Tau Empire is coming with such force that I am a little worried..."

An aide said, "How about we apply for a divine machine?"

Hearing this, the Governor and others fell into deep thought again.

What the aide said was indeed right. Since so much has been spent, it would be safer to add more military force.

With the protection of the God Machine, they are much safer.

He gritted his teeth and waved his hand: "Add another divine machine, we will apply for two!"

After the Governor submitted the application again, the Holy Land World approved it immediately.

In this way, they applied for two more Warmaster-class Titans.

Wait for all approvals to be passed.

The Governor excitedly clicked "Submit", confirmed the application for relevant weapons and temporary support, and then the relevant application entered the operational process.

All weapons and equipment as well as requested troops will arrive at Carlo Star as quickly as possible.

However, the Governor's passion for waiting will be consumed after the application is submitted.

An aide suddenly reacted and said weakly, "Your Majesty, it seems that we have spent too many resources. According to my calculations just now, it will take us more than 500 years to pay back the resources we owe..."

For a moment, the royal hall fell into silence.

The Governor took a deep breath, controlled his shaking hands, and consoled himself: "It's okay, we can return it slowly, it's better than being conquered by the aliens!"

Another staff member spoke up:
"That's right. Besides, we don't have to pay tithes now. It's much easier to pay these back than to pay tithes!"


The Governor reacted and the scene fell into a sea of ​​excitement again.

No matter how you calculate it, repaying these resources is much easier than paying the tithe, and they also get real weapons and equipment.

Blood earned!
For a period of time afterwards.

The Governor waited nervously, fearing that the Tau Empire would attack before reinforcements arrived.

However, support arrived faster than he expected.

It arrived just three days later.

The huge transport ship, escorted by several large warships and their affiliated battle groups, arrived at the planet Carlo.

Deliver all weapons and equipment.

However, what is puzzling is that the amount of temporary support is many times greater than imagined.

The Governor was a little panicked.

He did not apply for so much temporary support, and Carlo Star could not afford more costs.

Fortunately, he got a reply.

The extra temporary support is a gift from the savior, given free of charge.

To better protect Carlo Star.

The Governor was deeply moved by this answer and was even more grateful to the Savior for protecting his follower.

Soon, temporary support forces took over the local defense.

One Emperor-class, three Warmaster-class Redemption Titans, twenty Redemption Mechs, ten War Angel squadrons, and the Storm Legion's armored combined brigade and heavy fighter formation.

They all built defenses at key locations.

Ready to support local planetary defense forces at any time.

At the same time, they set up shielding devices around the defense line to hide their troops.

This is the traditional tactic of the Savior Armed Forces.

Hide your troops.

Then, when the enemy enters the target area, we launch a surprise attack and bombard the area with artillery fire.

In fact, when the news of the Tau Empire's invasion of Carlo was passed on to the Redemption Market, the person in charge of the market immediately reported the news, which attracted the attention of relevant parties.

Although the Savior said that we should try our best to avoid conflict with the Tau Empire.

But this time it is the Tau Empire that has taken the initiative to invade the human world, and it must be severely dealt with.

Give it a shock.

Therefore, after re-evaluation, more temporary support forces were added for safety reasons.

They regarded this action as a test of the Tau Empire, and at the same time studied its military structure and combat effectiveness.

And more troops can be deployed at any time.

Soon, the Savior forces on the planet Carlo detected traces of the Tau Empire warships.

Waiting for their arrival.

in space.

A fleet of several merchant corvettes and attached battle groups from the Tau Empire approached slowly.

This planet named Kalo, which dared to reject the Greater Good, is about to face three detachments of the Tau Empire.

These include many combat uniform teams and a large number of armored units.

It is also equipped with a supreme armor capable of dealing with large vehicles, which almost represents the pinnacle of the Tau Empire's armed forces. It can deal with Imperial Knights and even resist small Titans.

Such a core force, coupled with a large number of Kroot, soldier bees and human auxiliary forces, can easily overwhelm this backward planet.

Destroy it as quickly as possible.

The fleet's itinerary was somewhat hasty.

This planet was not the main target. In fact, they just came here to eliminate the rebels on this planet.

after that.

They will go deeper into the Charadon System and attack another world to deter the savior who has extended his power to the gates of the Tau Empire!
Only by making the savior understand the power of the Tau Empire can it return to the great path of the Greater Good.

In the light cruiser command center, inside the huge meditation room.

The dark purple-skinned Ether sat cross-legged and said softly:
"This is a galaxy full of confusion. Those ignorant humans can only comfort themselves through the foolish fantasies they create..."

Many Fire Clan warriors half-knelt on the ground, listening to the instructions of the Ether Commander.

He raised his hand holding the rosary beads slightly:
"Go, destroy the enemy, everything you do is for the great greater good..."

The Fire Clan warriors stood up one after another and walked towards their respective combat suit warehouses. The hatches opened to reveal one combat suit after another.

These combat suits are lighter and more flexible than human power armor.

Under the protection of their combat uniforms, the weaker Tau people are able to participate in high-intensity combat and possess strong long-range firepower.

Combat suits generally have three to four weapon ports.

It can be equipped with missile launchers, flamethrowers, plasma cannons, blaster cannons, fusion cannons, plasma shields and other weapons and equipment.

As for the more powerful Supreme Armored Battle Suit, it is equipped with weapon systems such as three-axis ion cannons and multi-linked pulse projection cannons, capable of engaging the enemy at long distances.

And gain control of the battlefield.

Due to the rush of the journey, they sent out all their forces after a brief reconnaissance, ready to attack with unstoppable force.

Clean up the capital of Carlo.

While the Fire Caste warriors were putting on their combat uniforms, super-heavy airborne aircraft and Tiger Shark fleets had already taken over many Kroots, soldier bees, human auxiliary troops and armored units.

Dropped onto the ground of the capital of Carlo Star.

Missile defense boats and hovercraft squadrons also began to attack ground air defense arrays in some areas.

To attack.

On the ground battlefield.

The human auxiliary troops are the ones who rush to the front line.

In order to gain the recognition of the Tau, these human auxiliary forces are often the most dedicated when attacking the human camp.

Because they hate humans who resist the Tau Empire even more, and feel that those people's resistance has affected their relationship with the Tau people.

Human auxiliary troops, Kroot, soldier bees, together with hammerhead shark hover tanks, sky ray hovercrafts, etc.

An attack was launched on the defense line built by the capital of Carlo.


The dense artillery fire within the defense line stunned the auxiliary troops of the Tau Empire.

When they attacked the imperial world, they had never encountered such a fierce counterattack, and the human auxiliary troops even let out shrill screams.

Carlo's Defense Force.

Most of them aimed their heaviest fire at these damn human traitors.

Meditation room.

The Ether Commander was a little surprised when he received the news from the battlefield: "The counterattack from this backward world is more fierce than expected. That is not the force they possess..."

He immediately ordered.

Let the vanguard combat uniform reconnaissance team infiltrate the royal capital and obtain more intelligence.

At the same time, he ordered the rest of the combat uniform teams to start supporting the auxiliary troops.

But along with the screams of the reconnaissance team, the situation seemed to fall into the abyss in an instant, and they were ambushed by an unknown army!
In an instant.

Almost all the combat uniform teams were attacked, and screams were heard from all directions.

Watching the death reports coming in.

The Ether Commander felt the enemy's power, an oppression he had never felt before.

"Fire Clan warriors, retreat quickly, we have been ambushed by the Imperial Army!"

He roared his orders.

next moment.

"Wha...what, impossible!"

The images sent back by the battle suit team made Commander Ether's eyes widen.

on the screen.

Several Titans as big as hills and more mechas blocked the battle suit team's path with their artillery fire clusters.

Destroyed the only supreme armor he was proud of.

More artillery fire was like shooting flies.

It strafed the gunboats and battle suit teams floating in the air, turning them into ashes and falling to the ground.

Those red armored soldiers also cooperated with those mechanical behemoths to surround and kill his soldiers with fierce firepower.

As for the ground troops, they were almost completely covered by artillery fire.

The Aether Commander was almost overwhelmed.

The firepower advantage and tactics that he had always been good at lost their effectiveness.

That is pretty much the Tau Empire’s greatest advantage.

However, the enemy deployed many times more firepower and manpower than them!
Under the all-round encirclement and artillery fire, any tactics became useless.

Even retreat was extremely difficult.

I watched as the remaining combat suit squad, which was the main force, fled back.

Commander Ether made up his mind and decided to abandon the auxiliary troops on the ground and use the fleet to bomb the surface!

on the ground.

The remaining humans and other auxiliary troops watched the Fire Clan warriors abandon them and flee, and were helpless. They could only try hard to avoid the bombardment.

However, when they saw the fleet approaching in space.

Fell into deeper despair.

Their own fleet is preparing to bombard the entire battlefield with warship artillery fire. By then, there will be almost no possibility of survival for those on the battlefield!
in space.

Just as the Ether Commander ordered the fleet to approach the planet Carlo and attempt to launch an attack, the detection equipment frantically sounded the alarm.

Almost at the same time.

Faint beams of light streaked through the void.

From the void on all sides, enemy ships leaped out silently like ghosts, densely filling the starry sky.

They are like a group of cunning predators, blocking all possible shipping routes.

At this moment, the young Ether Commander felt cold and desperate. This was the first time he realized the danger of the galaxy...

(End of this chapter)

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