Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 311 Tell the truth, where is your main force?

Chapter 311 Tell the truth, where is your main force?
Boom boom boom——

Rays of light spears shot out from the Conqueror-class battleships, cutting through the void at high speed and hitting the enemy ships, sparking light on the shields.

The shield began to tremble under this high-energy attack and seemed like it would collapse at any moment.

Almost at the same time, other warships and affiliated battle groups also launched attacks.

The roar of the macro cannon followed one after another, hitting the shield hard.

Under cover of these attacks, the torpedoes approached the enemy ships silently and completely overwhelmed the enemy's defenses.

The coordinated firepower of the Redemption Fleet was so precise and fierce that it was like performing surgery with a chainsaw sword, brutally and accurately destroying the enemy.

Conqueror-class battleship.

Inside the bridge.

The atmosphere seemed to freeze. The fleet commander seemed dissatisfied with the situation and glanced back and forth between the various monitoring devices.

The real-time battle report data was beyond his expectations.

Fleet Commander Voladi was somewhat incredulous:

"How come the strength of this Tau Empire fleet is weaker than the pirate fleet we encountered before? Doesn't that seem unlikely?"

of course.

The only thing about the Tau Empire is that it has too few ships and insufficient firepower; however, in terms of tactical deployment and mobilization, it is still much stronger than the pirate fleet.


That kind of tactical strength is far inferior to that in simulated extreme training.

So much so that he could deal with it instinctively.

too weird.

Voladi frowned and found that things were not simple.

He pondered:

"Obviously, there is a conspiracy here. The fleet in front of us is just a cover, not the main force of the Tau Empire fleet mentioned in the intelligence!"

The reason why Voladi came in person was because the Military Affairs Department had received intelligence not long ago that the Tau Empire's fleet was monitored heading towards the Chalaton area.

There are only a few planets with human civilization ahead of the Tau Empire fleet's route.

Moreover, those planets have now been incorporated into the territory of Charadon.

In other words.

The target of the Tau Empire fleet is most likely those planets with human civilization.

They wanted to attack the outer edges of their territory.

Whether it is temptation or deterrence.

This attempt to intrude into our territory is a naked provocation and a serious violation of the bottom line of the Military Affairs Department.

Since the restoration of the webway, the territory has never been invaded by foreign enemies, and many threats have been destroyed by patrolling fleets before reaching the territory.

It simply doesn't rise to the level of triggering an intrusion alarm.

Today, the Chalaton area has just been incorporated into the territory, and the relevant patrol fleet system has not yet been established. It is also a time of vigorous reconstruction and development.

At this critical moment, if the alien fleet of the Tau Empire really entered the territory to attack, it would trigger an invasion alarm that had not been heard in the past 20 years.

That would be a serious accident and those responsible must be held accountable.

The commanders of the Military Affairs Department don’t even have the face to meet the Savior!
Therefore, the Ministry of Military Affairs attached great importance to this matter and appointed the commander of the Third Fleet, Voladi, to stop the Tau Empire fleet.

This cautious and hard-working young commander.

Is the best candidate.

He was even given a death order that he must not allow the Tau Empire's fleet to set foot into our territory at any cost!
Voladi accepted the mission and hurriedly led his fleet to intercept.

However, during monitoring, the Tau Empire's fleet temporarily disappeared.

After re-monitoring the other party, it was discovered that the Tau Empire fleet had deviated from its course and was heading towards a human planet called Carlo.

What's more troublesome is that Carlo Star has been blessed by the Savior.

This has brought about a new change in the situation. The Redemption Fleet must protect Carlo Planet at all costs to prevent the glory of the savior from being tarnished!

and so.

Voladi led the Third Fleet to rush to the Carlo star space area to ambush, and he was ready to fight an ambush.

Test the true strength of the Tau Empire.

In fact, Voladi’s way of fighting is not that insidious.

Under various extreme pressure trainings, the commanders of the Redemption Fleet became more ruthless and cunning than each other in order to survive and win.

This young commander is considered to be one of the more honest ones among them.


"Where on earth did the main force of the Tau Empire's fleet go?"

Voladi looked out the porthole into outer space and saw the Tau Empire fleet's counterattack artillery hitting the void shield, emitting brilliant colors.


Under the absolute firepower suppression, such a counterattack is so powerless.

In his opinion, it was impossible for the Tau Empire to send such a fleet to attack our territory.

What’s the difference between that and giving it away for free?
Unless their fleet commander is crazy, he would make such a stupid decision.

no doubt.

This race with advanced concealed technology hid their main force and tried to launch a sneak attack!

The Tau Empire's fleet was about to be destroyed by the massive artillery attack.

Voladi changed his mind: "We need to leave some ships and people alive to find clues about the main force of the Tau Empire..."

He issued new instructions.

Let the War Angel brothers carry out boarding operations and be sure to capture the enemy commander alive!
After the order is issued.

The Redemption Fleet immediately changed its combat style, and a large number of interference macrocannons fired at the main ship of the Tau Empire, emitting highly charged ionized deuterium atoms.

The internal systems of the enemy's main ship were overloaded.

Following behind were a large number of boarding torpedoes.

These special torpedoes, equipped with anti-tracking devices, passed the remaining artillery defenses of the Tau Empire and hit the hull of the main ship.

after that.

The torpedo's melt-type warhead melted holes in the ship's hull at high temperatures.

Drop a teleport beacon into the enemy ship.

Those spider-like transmission beacons were nailed firmly to the metal floor using their leg devices.

Its abdomen was slowly gleaming with light.

The transmission beacon has been activated.

Several teams of War Angels arrived at the enemy's main ship via teleportation.

In an instant.

The bolt gun roared.

Those ugly, human-shaped, crow-like beasts that roared and pounced on them fell to the ground one after another under the bombardment of the bombs.

Flesh and blood flew everywhere.

These strong aliens that like to devour the flesh of living things cannot withstand armor-piercing bombs at all.

The war angels cooperated with each other to clear out the Kroot who came to stop them, almost never releasing their guns.

Bullet casings were scattered all over the floor.

They advanced gradually towards the direction of the Tau headquarters.


Aether Command, Meditation Room.

The ship was swaying violently, garbled characters appeared on the electronic screens in the meditation room, and sparks were emitted from almost all the circuits.


The enemy's jamming attack affected the energy system inside the ship.

Sitting on the seat, the rosary in the hand of the Ether Commander fell to the ground, no longer as elegant and heavy as before.


Such behavior is for him, a noble Ether.

It was very embarrassing.

Ether is naturally authoritative and is a quiet master of strategy and politics.

She is adept at using her beauty and inspiring words to motivate the Tau to achieve amazing feats on the battlefield.

He is proud of his excellence.

Moreover, this Ether has never encountered failure since he became a commander.

He always managed to manipulate the enemy with clever tactical maneuvers and fire suppression.

But today.

The Ether Commander was precisely intercepted on his way to attack the Savior's territory.

Even the advantages he was proud of were completely crushed.

Not only were they suppressed in terms of the number of warships and firepower, but they were also suppressed in terms of tactics.

Every time he mobilized firepower, it was perfectly defended. The enemy seemed to have predicted the future and he had no chance to fight back!
"There is no doubt that the enemy's fleet commander is a true tactical master..."

The Ether Commander thought so.

He felt somewhat relieved.

In order to deal with himself, the Human Empire actually sent out such a large main fleet and an extremely powerful tactical master.

He smiled bitterly:
"Being defeated by such a being may not be so bad."

Bang bang bang!
Outside the meditation room, there was an explosion.

Faintly one could hear the sound of gunfire, the screams of the Kroot, and the roar of chainswords.


The warning device recovered from the interference overload and sounded a piercing alarm.

The Aether Commander took a deep breath.

"It seems that the enemy has already invaded the headquarters. Do they want to capture me alive?!"

There was hope in his eyes again.

There was even a hint of expectation.

Perhaps he would live to see the enemy commander, the one who had defeated him.

The Tau Empire believes in the Greater Good and devotes everything to its cause.

When defeated in battle, the Tau from other clans would choose to die with the enemy, or even commit suicide, in order to avoid being captured.

But not ether.

They are born noble and are the ruling class of the Tau Empire. Each one of them is extremely precious.

Given the chance, the Ethers would choose to survive.

Only in this way can they have the opportunity to continue to contribute to the Greater Good, or in other words, they are the Greater Good itself.

In general.

Given the human empire's attitude towards alien races, most of them would not choose to keep captives.

However, this time seems to be different.

That meant that he had a chance to be captured alive, and a better chance to be captured in some exchange of interests.

Return to the Tau Empire.

After thinking about this clearly.

The Ether Commander was no longer too flustered and he sat down in his seat again.

Restored to grace as ether.


The door to the meditation room was destroyed.

In the thick smoke.

dong dong dong.

Several war angels in red armor stepped in, their tall bodies exuding unparalleled deterrence. "You alien, you have nowhere to escape..."

The captain raised his hand and pointed at the Ether Commander on the platform, and the electronic eyepiece emitted a cold red light.

That was the goal of his mission!
Sitting on the high platform, the Ether Commander formed a triangle with his hands, appearing extremely calm, with even a hint of a smile on his lips.


A deadly blue light flashed.

The guards, dressed in invisible combat uniforms, attacked with blades of honor.

"Enemy attack!"

The captain's counterattack was extremely fast, and he dodged the fatal blow by turning his face sideways.

He immediately fought back, reaching out his big hands to grab the air beside him, as if he had grabbed something.

next second.

The powered short blade slashed across, and blue blood splattered.

There was a dull sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, and a tall guard in combat uniform slowly appeared on the ground, almost cut in half.

Blood was flowing on the ground.

Although the captain dodged the attack, the other team members did not react as quickly.

Under the sudden attack, there were injuries of varying degrees.

After a successful attack.

The figures of those invisible guards disappeared again, like poisonous snakes lurking in the shadows, ready to use their fangs to deliver a fatal blow at any time.

Commander Ether sat in his seat with a slight sneer on his face.

Do you think you can capture a noble Ether with just these warriors?

Not that easy!
With the invisible guards hiding, silence returned to the meditation room.

The War Angels Ultimates began to gather together and maintain a defensive posture, while the captain remained alert in front of the team.

See this.

The Ether Commander remained silent, having already sentenced the guy to death in his heart.

He was familiar with the tactics of the invisible guards.

Their next joint attack will make that guy unable to resist and make him fall under the sharp edge of the Blade of Honor.

Toward death.

In the silence, the attack came again.

However, the captain did not panic at all. A stun bomb quickly slipped from his hand and exploded the moment it hit the ground.


This self-destructive attack came suddenly.

A violent shock wave erupted beneath his feet, covering the surrounding area.

All objects within the area were blown away, debris flew everywhere, and even the Ether Commander on the platform was affected.

But the flying debris was blocked by the energy shield.

The smoke cleared.

cough cough.

The captain climbed up, his internal organs damaged by such a close-range impact.

But for the Space Marines, it's nothing.

It will be restored soon.

More importantly, he achieved his goal.

in view.

The stun bomb destroyed the body of the invisible guard on the ground, causing the blue blood to splatter everywhere.

Some even float in the air.

"I saw you guys..."

The captain's voice was gloomy and hoarse.

Before he could finish his words, a fierce attack broke out.

Almost instantly, the war angels poured all their firepower on the invisible guards who were exposed because of the blood!

After a round of concentrated fire.

Only debris was left on the ground.

The invisible guards of the Ether Commander were completely wiped out!
In the silent meditation room, the dull sound of footsteps was heard again.

Those were the footsteps of the war angel.

Holding bolters in hand, they slowly moved in a fan formation toward the Ether Commander on the platform.

"What a wonderful battle..."

The Ether Commander clapped his hands and looked at the War Angels calmly: "Congratulations, you have successfully captured an Ether."

He maintained an elegant posture, indicating that he would surrender and would not resist at all.

Then, under the gaze of the war angels, he slowly took off the balance staff on his body.

Gently toss it aside.

This is a ceremonial scepter carried by the Ethereal Clan.

It is not only a symbol of official position and identity, but also a powerful weapon, which is equipped with an energy defense force field device and a powerful disintegration force field.

Can easily shatter armor and bones.

The Ether Commander knew clearly that he had no way to escape.

There are too many enemy fighters on this ship, and the balance staff will not have any effect. On the contrary, any resistance may intensify the anger of the enemy fighters.

That would cause even more unpredictable consequences and threaten his safety.

As for why those invisible guards attacked.

Because he didn't want those low-class surnames to live and see his miserable appearance as a captive.

After removing all the equipment that might cause misunderstanding, the Ether Commander walked down the stairs gracefully, as if he was just walking to another place.

There is no captive gesture.

If possible, the Ether Clan is always so peaceful and elegant.

The war angels looked at this strange-looking alien.

fell into silence.

"I won't resist."

The Ether Commander looked down at the War Angels and said softly, "Go, take me to see your commander. He should want to see an Ether..."

The words have not yet fallen.

The captain raised his hand suddenly and shot out a high-intensity electric current capture net.

The thin net suddenly extended in mid-air and wrapped around the Ether Commander. With a crackling sound, a strong electric current burst out, causing him to howl miserably.

Then he lost his balance and tumbled down the steps.

He fell to the ground and got a bruise on his face.

"No, you can't treat an Ether like this..."

The Aether Commander groaned.

Then an even stronger humiliation hit his heart, because under the strong electric current, his body lost control and he became incontinent.

The body was covered with disgusting filth.

The captain pressed the button again to shock the pretentious alien idiot and shut him up.


He was a little impatient and waved his hand: "Someone come and drag him away!"

Another war angel came up, threw a force field protection device on the Ether Commander with some disgust, and then dragged him out.

that's it.

The Ether commander was almost paraded through the streets.

Dragging back.

Those Tau warriors felt extremely angry and ashamed when they saw the Ether being treated like this.

They tried desperately to rescue them, but they were unable to break through the War Angels' defenses.

Almost wiped out.

As for the Ether commander, faced with such a humiliating scene, he trembled all over and could only close his eyes and pretend to be dead.

The captain and his team escorted Commander Ether back to the Redemption Fleet.

Submit the prisoners to Fleet Admiral Voladi.

The rest of the war angels continued to clean out and capture the Tau warriors on the ship so that the subsequent crew members could take over the ship.


This battleship of the Tau Empire was completely controlled by the Redemption Fleet.


Conqueror-class battleship.

Detention room.

After a simple cleaning and disinfection, the Ether Commander was sent into this room.

His mood recovered and he became calm again.

Wodila hurried over to check on the Tau Empire commander, hoping to obtain important information from him.

He had taken on an important mission and promised the Ministry of Military Affairs that he would stop the invasion of the Tau Empire fleet.

In case of delay.

The hidden main fleet of the Tau Empire evaded their detection and invaded the territory.

It affected the development plan of the Savior.

That’s trouble!

After all, the Savior had just announced to the Chaladon region and the Empire that he would bless this place.

If it is at this critical juncture, it would be a time of celebration.

Was attacked.

How embarrassing that is.

What's more, those bastards in the upper echelons of the empire would love to see something like this happen and publicize it.

To undermine the prestige of the new Primarch.

Voladi walked towards the holding room in a serious tone: "No matter what, we must get the key information out of this guy!"

"Are you the commander who defeated me?"

When the Ether Commander saw Voladi coming in, he was shocked, because the person in front of him was younger than him!
It seems that this person is a rare tactical genius in the human empire.

he thought so.

The Aether Commander remained classy.

He tried to negotiate terms to see if he could convince the other party to let him go by offering benefits.

Even in the Ether Clan, he has a noble status and believes that the Ether Clan will be willing to exchange him back.

Even if it means giving up a humble human colony planet.

"Your Excellency the Commander..."

The Ether Commander smiled slightly.

The next second, he was punched in the eye.

Voladi stared at the other party fiercely:
"Stop talking nonsense and tell me the truth. Where is your main fleet hiding?"

"What main fleet?"

Commander Ether covered his eyes, looking confused:
"You must have misunderstood something. I am the commander-in-chief of the fleet and the main force of this attack!"

Voladi sneered:
"You are pretending to be a fool, trying to buy time for the main fleet!"

Afterwards, he asked the interrogator to take over and severely interrogate the Aether Commander until he was willing to reveal the whereabouts of the main fleet...

(End of this chapter)

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