Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 313 The Mysterious Titanium Planet and the Savior Mission

Chapter 313 The Mysterious Titanium Planet and the Savior Mission

As our understanding of the Tau Empire deepens.

The Ministry of Military Affairs and other departments believed that the contradictions between the two sides were deepening and a larger-scale war was very likely to break out.

The reason for this is simple.

The ambitious Tau Empire is embarking on a new round of expansion, accelerating its encroachment on many planets, including the human civilization world.

That was a collective decision involving the entire race.

Unless they encounter a major obstacle that threatens the survival of their own race, they will not stop.

Another analysis by the Military Affairs Department believes that the Tau Empire has set its sights on the Charadon region and is issuing probing and threats.

Once we show weakness, the enemy will speed up the pace of encroachment.

After reading the report on the Tau Empire.

Ron got a general idea of ​​the current situation.

The territory and the Tau Empire are in a stage of mutual testing, and there have been small-scale frictions. If the situation continues to deteriorate, a full-scale war is very likely to break out.

At that point, the territory will have to open a new front.

The Tau Empire is indeed a relatively weak force in the galaxy, compared to the entire human empire.

But for a regional power like the Savior Territory, the size of the Tau Empire is still quite large, and it would cost a huge price to completely destroy it.

"I hope it won't come to that..."

Ron didn't want to fight.

The current development speed of the territory is obviously much higher than that of the Titanium Empire.

Waging a full-scale war at this time would only significantly slow down one's own development.

A bit of a loss.

He just wanted to digest the Charaton area peacefully.

Reactivate those coveted mining areas and keep the Forge World's factories busy and churning out more war machines.

This will further enhance the territory's strength.

By the time.

Ron can fight however he wants, and can take down the entire Tau Empire at a lower cost, capturing their scientists and technology.

Come and research combat uniforms suitable for mortals for us.

It can also further improve the overall technological level of the territory.


The current situation is no longer under his control.

The Charadon region is right in the way of the Tau Empire's expansion. Can we still make concessions and withdraw from these areas?
Then I'll have to keep you company.

The Military Affairs Department is already formulating combat plans and mobilizing more troops to meet the next challenges.

These are things Ron just needs to know about.

There are a lot of people in the Military Affairs Department who are concerned about this matter, so there is no need for him, the savior, to worry too much about it.

What happened to the Tau Empire was actually not the biggest threat facing the territory.

Currently, the territories under his jurisdiction include the Goli Star Sector, the Charaton Region, and several small enclaves under development.

These places border many regions.

That means more risk.

As the reconnaissance of the surrounding areas deepened, more traces of the enemy were discovered.

The traces of the Tyranids are becoming more and more obvious, along with the expanding Greenskin Orc clans, the slave-hunting teams of the Dark Eldar raiders, and so on.

It also encountered attacks from some non-imperial human technological federations.

Even deadly threats were discovered.

A silent place spanning several regions, a huge strange area in the galaxy.

It is like a strange, silent shadow that weakens the soul of the real universe and can suppress the will of humans, aliens and even all living things.

Even more troublesome is that.

Traces of the Necrons were found there, and it was an awakened Necron dynasty.

Compared to the Tyranids, who have merely extended a few tentacles into the galaxy, the Necrons are more likely to become the race that destroys humanity.

In ancient times, these guys fought with ancient saints and killed star gods.

Today, this ancient race is gradually awakening.

Want to dominate the galaxy again.

When Ron saw the report, he had only one feeling: the human empire was probably going to be doomed again.

of course.

The human empire is like a country with too many lice but no fear of itching.

Dying but not yet dead.

It's like a broken house that seems like it will fall down with just a kick.

If someone really kicked it.

I guarantee that a bunch of strong men will jump out and beat up the guy who kicked.

Therefore, he was more worried about his own territory.

If the Necrons in the anomaly zone come out and wander around, the territory will be in great crisis and may even be destroyed.

Fortunately, the Necrons inside seemed to be fighting and couldn't take care of the outside for the time being.

But we also need to be vigilant.

Now, Ron had some understanding of the troubles of the empire.

That is, when the territory becomes larger, the military forces will be dispersed and multiple fronts will be needed.

Except for the Tau Empire.

Fighting has already started in other places, withdrawing troops from several fleets. Fortunately, we can still hold on for the time being.

But it's only temporary.

It is foreseeable that the situation in the galaxy will be more intense and dangerous in the future.

The territory is eager to develop more military strength.

Otherwise, when a large-scale battle occurs in the future, he, the savior, will have to lead the entire army.

Play poker with your enemies.

Ron had made his decision.

In the future, the territory will not expand further. We will first improve the existing land, farm the land, and build more infrastructure and armed forces.

Wait until we get some big guys and our strength is about the same.

Go out and have some fun again.

After reading those documents.

Ron turned off the datapad and continued with his work for the day.

He needed to go to a core area in the local area to set up a psychic anchor point, and use the psychic power of the little sun to light up the machine soul host there.

Bringing the Psionic Web here.

Various institutions in the Royal Court District will also establish branches around the psychic anchor area.

Get this planet back on track as quickly as possible.

While he was busy, the delegation sent to the territory of the Tau Empire had already arrived at the Tau Planet...
T'au star cluster.

Titanium Star.

The Elemental Council Hall is floating in the planet's orbit.

This huge building is like a spherical theater with an open space in the middle.

Its transparent dome allows you to see the stars in the distance.

Below are rows and rows of command thrones, lined up in order and within reach.

Shadow came to her seat and sat down. She saw the huge, ring-shaped Star Tide Node hexahedron above her. The window of the conference hall framed it completely.

There is a huge, dark wormhole, without even a trace of light.

This is a deadly danger, and it also warns the Tau people to protect their homes and not let any enemies invade here.

If they all fail to do their job, their homes will be attacked.

That would lead to a bigger crisis.

If the wormhole is impacted and collapses during this process, the galactic rift will swallow up the home world.

Let it all slowly die in the cracks.

At this moment, Yingliu was a little nervous.

Because this was a meeting about war, and she had a certain responsibility in it.

next to.

A low, soothing hum was heard.

Xiyu, a representative of the Water Caste, is using sound to remind and ease the tension of the Shadow Stream.

"All is well, diplomat."

Xiyu smiled: "With the wisdom of each clan, we can defeat all threats..."

Shadow Stream responded:
"I have no doubt about it. It's all for the greater good."

In fact, she was still a little worried.

The Ether Elder sent a fleet to attack the territory of the Human Empire without going through the Elemental Council.

This meeting.

It was more of a notification than a discussion.

Shadow looked towards the inner circle of royal seats, where the last royal seat was occupied by an elder of Krut.

According to the holographic projection image floating in the air, the elder is called Opik and is one of the leaders of the Kroot.

The Kroots are able to sit here and hold the sixth seat.

That represented the Kinsoul of the Council, a symbolic honor given to the five true Clans of Air, Water, Fire, Earth, and Ether, offering a spectator's perspective.

It is also to demonstrate the civilization and superiority of the Tau Empire.

At this moment, the bird-shaped beastman was curled up in the royal seat, with his limbs covering his chest, and his claws twitching constantly.

He looked listless and evidently not feeling particularly happy.

Now, the elder Klute has lost any right to speak.

His role is to sit here and listen to the speeches and teachings of Ether and other clans.

Shadow looked at Elder Kroot's back, thinking about something.

When did the change begin?
Nowadays, her human assistants are not allowed to enter some important areas.

They are secretly hostile to the five major clans, and even the Kroot, Wasp, and Nicasar.

of course.

Not only humans, the attitudes of the five major clans towards their relatives have also changed.

It’s just that the human clans suffered the most severe hostility.

“This is a bad phenomenon…”

Shadow thought secretly.

All this seemed to have started after the fourth expansion of the sky.

At that time, the Ethereal Clan used a dangerous plan to continue the expansion of the Tau Empire.

They studied the Imperium of Man's warp drive and developed the AL-38 Undercurrent Module, which allowed the Tau Empire to travel across the stars at much greater speeds. Fleet commanders used this technology to spread the Greater Good to greater distances.

However, an accident occurred in one of the fleets.

The huge fleet used undercurrent modules at the same time, causing a huge disaster: a large amount of antimatter fields formed a chain reaction, tearing a huge crack in the real space.

The rift quickly widened and swept the entire fleet, dragging it into a nightmarish and unknown realm.

The fleet was not completely destroyed, but was attacked by some terrible demons.

Fortunately, the remaining fleet was rescued and appeared in another distant area. The survivors claimed that it was a hateful, multi-armed entity.

Salvaged them from an unknown dimension.

But what is strange is that the auxiliary troops and all the relatives in that fleet disappeared mysteriously.

Fortunately, the Ether Clan quickly passed on the knowledge and information of this disaster.

Completely erased.

The reason why Shadow Stream knew all this was because Shadow Sun told her. It was a secret that tormented her and would never reveal.

According to the remaining data before being erased, those surviving fleets carried out large-scale expulsion and execution of all non-Tau races within the fleet.

This abnormal action began after they encountered unimaginable trauma in an unknown dimension.

Those Tau who survived believed that the horrific disaster was caused by alien auxiliaries in the fleet.

The survivors of the entire fleet showed a brutality and xenophobia not possessed by other Tau people. They believed that the aliens' thinking about the Greater Good led to the disaster and gave birth to the abominable entity.

Only by eliminating alien races can the purity of the highest good be guaranteed.

In the subsequent expansion wars, those survivors not only massacred human captives, but also deliberately sacrificed other relatives and auxiliary troops.

Caused a greater impact.

To this end, General Shadowsun and the Ether Council had to use some kind of ritual to punish the commanders of these survivor troops and then conduct a thorough re-education.

Then send them back to the troops or their homeland.

General Yingyang originally thought that this matter would be over, but as the expansion continued, this phenomenon seemed to be slowly spreading.

Even the Ether clans were affected.

The Ethers' attitude towards other relatives, and even the Tau clan, is changing, and they seem to be increasingly distrustful of them.

Not only has it further strengthened the intensity of control.

In foreign wars, they were also more radical and brutal.

General Yingyang was somewhat helpless about this.

Because the Ethers are the supreme rulers, no clan can oppose them.

She needed someone to talk to, so she told everything to her close Shadow Stream.

But this secret also made Yingliu feel tormented.

She also wanted to find someone to talk to, but she had already promised to keep the secret, and that would be dangerous.

If you find someone to talk to, you may end up being reported by that person.

That’s trouble!
Shadow was lost in thought, and suddenly felt that his behavior was a bit selfish.

This goes against the great Greater Good.

She wanted to tell the elders of Ether this secret, as well as General Shadowsun's dissatisfaction with Ether.

Also, maybe my mind is a little polluted and I need to be re-educated by ether.

Only then can we better serve the Greater Good.


When Yingliu thought about this, his body shook unconsciously for some reason.

She was inexplicably resistant to this word.

"Re-education" is an important ceremony that all clans except the Ether must participate in.


All other clans, as well as the kinship, underwent re-education.

Because only by participating in re-education can one cleanse the soul and concentrate on serving the great Supreme Good.

In the past, Shadow Stream didn’t think it was a big deal.

Because she had also participated in it and felt that the whole process was very comfortable, and her soul was sublimated, and she had a deeper understanding of the highest good.

But now.

Tormented by that secret, she sensed something was wrong.


Re-education is a good experience.

But she suddenly discovered that those tribesmen who had received re-education seemed to have become different people, even their previous habits and personalities had changed.

Simply put, it is anything that is contrary to the Greater Good.

All gone.

The more times one receives re-education, the more obvious this phenomenon becomes.

If a Tau is re-educated multiple times, they still cannot fully accept the Greater Good.

That will make you despised by everyone and then expel yourself.

"Where did those expelled tribesmen go? It seems that they all disappeared without a trace."

Shadow thought.

Isn't that a terrible thing?
She looked up at the Aether in the inner circle and suddenly felt that their peaceful faces were somewhat hateful.

"what's wrong with me?"

Shadow was almost going crazy, feeling that he had gone against the Greater Good, hiding a secret, and doubting the noble Aether.

She was screaming in her heart:

"I must tell this secret. I must give everything I have to the Greater Good without reservation!"

"Yingliu, what's wrong with you?" Xiyu looked over and asked with some concern.

"I, maybe there are some things I have to do!"

Shadow's tone was a little confused.

She couldn't help but stand up and walk towards an etheric elder to tell him everything.

Then receive re-education hosted by Ether.

This will put an end to this torture.

However, just as she took a step forward.

A voice from not far away interrupted her, causing her to regain her composure.

"The Supreme Ether is coming."

An Ether Guard said loudly from behind the seats: "Please be quiet, and know that the Supreme Ether is with you!"


The Ether Guard looked at Shadow Stream and reprimanded:
"Sit down, don't be rude!"

In an instant, many eyes turned over here. Ying showed an apologetic expression and sat down almost subconsciously.

My mood recovered and I gave up my previous thoughts.

In the society of the Tau Empire.

Everyone consciously and carefully follows social rules, especially when dealing with Ether.

Disrespectful behavior will lead to dissatisfaction and rejection from the group.

An ether elder looked over and wrinkled his sunken nose slightly.

He took note of the diplomat's behavior.

When the next re-education ceremony begins, she will be included.

At this moment, every being in the conference hall, whether they were Tau or the very few relatives, stood up.

Many of them also straightened their work clothes.

After a while.

The membrane-like, work-of-art room opened.

A noble being just floated in, and his tranquility and implicit absolute authority instantly filled the entire venue.

The Supreme Ether accepted the respect from the crowd and scanned the room. "It is a rare sight to see so many distinguished people here. Please take a seat. We have to start the meeting..."

In the subsequent meeting.

The Ether Supreme spoke of many things.

But Yingliu didn't remember much, she just knew that a war was about to begin.

Ether told the delegates.

A fleet has already gone to the Charadon galaxy in advance to conduct corresponding tests, and more fleets are being prepared.

He has made his final decision.

If the so-called savior does not accept the proposal of the Tau Empire and accepts the great Greater Good.

Then the opponent will suffer a fierce attack from all sides.

And it allows the fleet to carry out some more intense deterrent actions.

In a daze, the meeting ended.

in the venue.

The representatives left one after another to carry out their respective tasks.

As Yingliu stood up, he was gently pulled back by someone.

Xiyu looked at her, a little surprised: "What did you want to do just now, can you tell me?"


Yingliu shook her head. She had decided to keep the secret forever and not participate in re-education if possible.

She seemed to like her condition somewhat.

It was... a feeling of freedom.

Soon, Shadow Stream accepted a mission arranged by the Water Clan.

She needed to go and entertain the delegation sent by the Savior.

This is the way the Tau Empire often uses to spread the Greater Good, allowing the other side's delegation to come and truly experience the Greater Good.


Witness the high level of civilization and power of the Tau Empire.

After visiting Titanium, many human delegations are often shocked by the high level of civilization and development here.

Yearn for it.

This allows them to join the collective of the Tau Empire more quickly.

Shadow led two assistants, the Kroot Hoxha and the human Lesven.

Go to receive.

She looked to the sky.

Outside the gorgeous atmosphere of Titanium.

A small ship, emitting faint light and looking like a noble work of art, slowly descended under the guidance of the rail transit department.

That is the Savior's Mission...

(End of this chapter)

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