Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 314: The Pride of the Tau Empire Shattered

Chapter 314: The Pride of the Tau Empire Shattered

in the sun.

The Savior Mission's ship slowly landed on the apron.

This work of art-like messenger ship made Yingliu and other people in charge of the reception feel a little surprised.

Such a grand, smooth and sacred artistic style is different from the exaggerated, skeleton-filled human imperial ships they had seen before.

Aesthetically, it seems to be better than the ships of the Tau Empire.

This first impression made Shadow Stream and the others feel a little uncomfortable, especially the human assistant Lesven.

His face looked even uglier.

How can human civilization and art compare to the Tau Empire?

It seems that the Savior's Mission sent out the best and most precious ship, but it was just for show!

in fact.

This is a new type of ship manufactured by the Moon Forge World in response to the Savior's proposal to comprehensively promote cultural development, and it has made further progress in its design concept.

Although the skull and icon elements are still retained, they have been optimized and are not as exaggerated, scary, and gloomy as before.

While retaining a certain deterrent effect, it actually has a more sacred meaning.

Now, many similar ships have landed.

Once the style exploration is completed and thoroughly confirmed, large-scale production will be carried out.

It's not just ships, it's also true in other areas.

Especially the planet Ers.

After decades of development and a large supply of resources, it has been completely renovated.


The hatch of the Savior Messenger ship slowly fell, and a soft beam of light shone through the cabin, illuminating the gangway.

The melodious and gentle sacred music of the Savior sounded faintly.

dong dong dong.

A squad of War Angel Terminators came out with heavy steps, carrying the banner of the Savior, and lined up in two rows to stand guard.

Their power armors are all specially made guard models, decorated with many emblems, scriptures, etc.

A huge body with thick and tall shoulder armor.

Make them more deterrent.

These warriors are the guard of honor representing the face of the Savior.

Well known.

Those who are qualified to carry the flag among the Space Marines have all gone through fierce competition and are first-class super warriors.

These war angels carry the banner of the Savior and have all experienced the second blessing.

Each one is more fierce than the other.

If there is a conflict or even a fight, the damage they will cause inside the city will be unimaginable.

After all, we are on a mission to an alien planet, and we cannot let down the savior.

The proper ceremony must be maintained.

The aura emanating from these warriors made Shadow Stream and the others feel their hearts tighten. There were very few warriors in the Tau Empire who had such a large size and deterrent power.

What's more, the people in front of them are just guards of the Savior's Mission.

The first contact caused a sense of crisis in the hearts of the Tau Empire's diplomatic team.


A team of official members of the Savior Mission walked down from the ship.

They were dressed in formal robes and walked calmly, and their figures appeared particularly solemn in the light and shadow.

The head of the Messianic Mission and the diplomat was Aleman.

She used to work in a cultural and tourism unit under the Ministry of the Interior. After more than ten years of work, she was promoted due to her good performance and joined the diplomatic department.

Mainly responsible for contact with alien civilizations.

This mission is somewhat dangerous, but she believes that she can complete the mission well.

Aleman maintained a good etiquette posture. She looked at Shadow Stream with a smile on her face:

"Mr. Shadow.

I am diplomat Aleman. I am extremely honored to come to Titanium on behalf of our savior. I hope our communication can be harmonious and pleasant.

Seeking harmonious coexistence between our two races..."

Shadow gathered his thoughts and smiled politely:

"Welcome to you. I believe that the great and great good will allow us to find more possibilities for harmony with each other..."


The two sides are in the stage of tentative contact, and the atmosphere between the Savior Mission and the reception staff of the Tau Empire is relatively harmonious.

After a brief exchange.

Shadow Stream and other reception staff led the Savior's delegation into the city.

On a hovercraft.

Aleman looked around this exotic city.

This is a highly civilized city with tall and modern buildings, and the surface is covered with smooth alloy.

The streets are clean and orderly, the transportation system operates efficiently, vehicles are coming and going everywhere, and people are doing their own things with smiles on their faces.

All this is rare.

But for some reason, she felt vaguely uncomfortable in her heart, but she couldn't tell why.

After a while.

Aleman and others arrived at a banquet hall and attended the banquet.

Taste the local delicacies of Titanium.

When the banquet began, the drones brought out a dazzling array of dishes, including vegetables, fruits, rice, and hard-baked butter cakes.

And a small amount of some kind of animal meat.

At the same time, everyone was served a cup of hot fish sauce, which the Titan people loved to drink.

Aleman tasted it and although the taste was not as good as the food in the territory, it was still pretty good.

It seems that the physiological system of the Titans is not much different from that of humans.

After that, she took another sip of the hot fish juice and fell into deep thought.

“Nice and delicious...”

Aleman maintained his decorum and gave a compliment against his will.

Shadow naturally turned the topic to local food, discussing the food culture of their respective civilizations.

She knew very well that the human empire was in a state of scarcity in this area.

On most of the human planets that the Tau Empire came into contact with, except for a very small number of nobles, very few humans could eat normal food.

This ignorant, barbaric and ignorant race would even eat food made from the corpses of their own kind.

The conversation was mainly led by the human assistant Lesven.

He enthusiastically introduced the material conditions, food culture, etc. of the Tau Empire.

As Lesven spoke, he tried hard to taste the food, and even exaggeratedly drank a mouthful of hot fish sauce, saying as if he was enjoying it:

"What a rare delicacy! You in the human empire don't have such good food!"

He unconsciously felt a little superior.

He even forgot that if there wasn't a banquet, as a human assistant, he would not be qualified to eat these.

The Tau Empire is a completely collectivist society where everything is distributed according to need and there is almost no personal property.

As a human assistant, he even received his clothes on time, and his food rations consisted of some rice and toast.

There was almost no meat.

But in Lesvin's opinion, this is already a very generous condition.

Before his world joined the Tau Empire, like many worlds of the Imperium of Man, it had been in a state of utter deprivation for many years, with large numbers of humans starving.

For ordinary people, it would be good enough to have corpse starch to eat, let alone food products.

This is one of the reasons why Lesven feels so superior.

He joined a highly developed civilization that was able to give normal people normal food.

Compared to the human empire, it is far ahead.

This is also the reason why the Shadow Stream needs Lesven, a human assistant. Only with comparison can the high civilization of the Tau Empire be reflected and these savior missions can know it.

What can they gain by accepting the great Greater Good and joining the Tau Empire.

What do ordinary humans get?

Lesven looked at Aleman with a rather disdainful tone:
"You wouldn't believe it, but even the most ordinary workers in our T'au Empire can eat hard bread and beans twice a day!"

Aleman's expression did not change much, he nodded and said:
"The material conditions of the Tau Empire are really good, surpassing many civilized worlds..."

Lesven looked at the Savior's delegation opposite him and said, "Aren't you shocked by this?"

Before, every time he mentioned this matter, the envoys from the civilized world would show expressions of surprise and shock.

This time the expected effect was not achieved.

It made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Lesven paused for a moment, and asked Aleman in an exaggerated tone:
"What do ordinary workers under your Savior's rule usually eat? They don't eat the so-called corpse starch, do they?"

The Tau Empire receptionist heard this.

There was a hint of pity in their eyes as they looked towards the Savior's delegation.

Shadow Stream sighed:

"We have studied it and found that the corpse starch of your human empire is toxic to a certain extent and can cause damage to the physiological system..."

She looked at Aleman and spoke earnestly:
"If the Savior Territory joins the Tau Empire, we will not interfere too much with your beliefs, and we will provide enough food, help you build your territory and provide protection."

Aleman frowned slightly.

She took out some cakes she had brought with her and handed them to Lesven: "Or, you can try our food first..."

Lesven took the exquisitely packaged pastries printed with the Savior's emblem.

The moment he tore open the package.

An indescribable aroma of grain emanated, making my mouth water.

The other Tau people also smelled the aroma.

Lesven swallowed, took a tentative bite, and immediately his eyes widened, and he stuffed the whole thing into his mouth.

This was the most delicious food he had ever tasted, much better than the food on Titanium Star!

Shadow Stream and other Tau people looked at Lesven with a little dissatisfaction.

Is it possible that the food in their Tau Empire is not as good as that of humans?
But after the Titans tried them, they had to admit that those pastries did taste much better than theirs.

Shadow Stream analyzed it.

The main difference is in the raw materials of food. The wheat, rice, etc. used to make food in the Savior's Territory seem to be purer and have a particularly natural grain aroma.

"At present, there are many kinds of food for ordinary workers in our territory..."

Aleman's soft voice sounded.

She used projection.

In the projection image in mid-air, the data system called up some pictures of rice, wheat, buttered bread, noodles, fruits, vegetables and some meat.

At the same time, there are lively farmers' markets, exquisite pastry shops, daily necessities supermarkets, etc.

Because it is a cultural exchange.

The Savior Mission prepared some information before setting off.

"As you can see, the food in the picture is basically what ordinary workers eat."

Aleman continued, "Even the cakes you just ate, the workers can afford them with their wages. Of course, they usually only eat some during festivals..."


Lesven almost lost his composure. He pointed at the projection with an incredulous look:

“Are these foods what the workers are qualified to eat? Regardless of whether it is true or not, even if the food in your territory is really that abundant, the rulers of the human empire would never give these to the lower-level workers.

Absolutely impossible! "

"I'm sorry, these are all true..."

Aleman looked at Lesven and said calmly: "This is what our merciful savior did. This is one of the reasons why we support him so much."

These are indeed true.

Nowadays, even the most ordinary workers in the Savior Territory can eat clean and delicious green organic food. There is no other way.

The agricultural system developed by the great savior Ron can only produce food of this quality, and those polluting starch factories have been closed during the territory's infrastructure renovation project.

There was no other inferior food to offer.

of course.

The reason for this situation is simple.

The territory's agricultural base was almost zero before. After Ron moved back to the Green Wave Farm in the golden age of mankind, the entire agricultural system was developed around the technology of the Green Wave Farm.

In this way, the agricultural-related technology tree is equivalent to taking off on the spot.

In the subsequent agricultural construction, those agricultural planets were basically all converted into Green Wave Farms, using seeds from the Golden Age, which were pollution-free and of top quality.

All the food grown is high-quality, pollution-free, green organic food.

And the output is horrific.

To put it bluntly, there is now a surplus of food in the territory.

In order to avoid too much old grain piling up in warehouses, the agricultural department sent letters many times asking the merchant department to transport the grain and sell it as soon as possible.

Even if it is free support to some civilized planets with food shortages, it would be fine.

They even went to great lengths and invested a lot of transportation resources to send a large batch of them to the Regent's resource supply planet.

Improve the food for the expeditionary soldiers on the front line.

The fragrance made the soldiers on the front line dizzy.

to this end.

The Regent also sent a special star message to thank the Savior and requested that the Savior's territory continue to supply and ship more goods over.

In this situation.

Even if Ron wanted to save some, he couldn't come up with any inferior food to feed his workers.

Unless he wanted to spend a lot of resources to rebuild a low-quality food production system and production line that could supply the entire territory.

Isn't that crazy?
not to mention.

Improving the living standards of the people in the territory is also one of the core governance concepts of the Royal Court.

In the banquet hall.

Lesven was in a daze, and the human assistant's previous cognition was hit hard.

But he still questioned all of this, believing it to be a scam woven by the Savior's Mission.

Aleman did not argue with him, but said calmly: "The Tau Empire has also sent an envoy to our territory. When they come back, you will know whether it is true or not..."



The Tau Empire's envoy spacecraft slowly flew into the atmosphere of the planet Ormus.

This is the last stop of the Tau Empire delegation arranged by the territory's diplomatic department.

They will visit a new civilized world that has joined the savior's territory and is being rebuilt. If they are lucky, they will also be able to meet the legendary savior.

Inside the mission spacecraft.

Xiyu, the head of the Tau Empire delegation, was in chaos. She felt that everything was so unreal.

After Xiyu accepted the diplomatic mission, he immediately went to the Charaton galaxy as an envoy to communicate with the Savior Territory.

of course.

For the Tau Empire, these exchanges are opportunities to demonstrate the superiority of its civilization.

Xiyu went there with a condescending attitude.

However, after arriving at the Charadon galaxy.

The messenger spacecraft was loaded into a huge transport ship and then entered a special passage.

It was only less than half a day.

They arrived in a distant, unknown galaxy, so far away that the messenger ship could not identify where they were.

Even more terrifying.

The detection equipment cannot even find the star cluster representing home in the galaxy.

In just half a day, how many galaxies did they cross? !
Everything they saw made them feel terrified.

Xiyu could understand what such navigation efficiency meant and how terrifying it was.

That means.

The speed of military mobilization and the war logistics system that their Tau Empire was proud of were completely crushed!

We were at a disadvantage before the war even started.

But Xiyu still retained a glimmer of hope.

She believed in the greater good and believed that the warriors of the Fire Caste could deal with these threats and defeat any enemy.

The Tau Empire possesses an astonishingly large fleet and will never be defeated by the forces of a human empire!

However, after Xiyu arrived at the target airspace.

She became even more desperate.

Not just her, but the entire delegation.

At the bustling airport.

They saw huge fleets that almost blocked out the starlight, a constant stream of merchant ships and transport ships, and a war factory planet in the distance with thick smoke rising out of it.

I even caught a glimpse of rows and rows of terrifying war titans as tall as tall buildings.

The creek language can be recognized.

Those were the terrifying war machines of the Human Empire, which had inflicted considerable damage on the Tau Empire. But why were those War Titans larger than before, and so many of them?
no doubt.

The savior's territory possesses extremely terrifying war capabilities.

She even doubted that the Tau Empire could resist.

Perhaps, the Savior's territory is relatively powerful, and the Human Empire is a barbaric existence, so it is normal to exhaust its military strength.

However, in terms of civilization, the Tau Empire will never lose!

With the last bit of hope in mind, Xiyu arrived at the surface of the planet Ers, which is known as the holy land by humans.

Then she saw a dreamlike world.

It's so beautiful here.

A garden-like world with extremely abundant material resources and more developed civilization.

Due to the resource supply from more than a thousand planets.

The holy world of Ers has been completely renovated. The environmental system throughout the entire planet provides the most comfortable temperature and air, as well as an entire biological ecosystem.

At least 80% greenery.

Including mountains, forests, rivers, oceans and so on.

That's right, the engineering department created an ocean with a complete ecosystem on the long-dried planet Ers.

The hive cities were also completely demolished and rebuilt to form more practical and civilized cities.

As soon as Xiyu came to this world, he knew that the other side’s civilization was far more advanced than that of Titanium, both in terms of construction technology and the richness of materials.

What made her even more desperate was.

The people here have a very good life. Under the system established by the Savior, humans seem to live better than the Tau people!
Crush them from multiple aspects in terms of material, military and system!
Inside the messenger spacecraft.

Xiyu recalled everything that had happened not long ago.

Even though she firmly believed that the Greater Good was supreme and perfect, and that the Tau Empire was the most civilized existence in the galaxy and would become the common masters of the galaxy.

But everything she had seen before still made her feel confused.

Even a hint of doubt arose.

Is the Greater Good really perfect and able to overcome everything?
Xiyu couldn't help but tremble and suppressed the thought.

Under the guidance of the Greater Good, the Fire Caste warriors will surely be able to defeat the powerful enemy.

The Tau have overcome so many difficulties, and the Savior's territory before them is no exception!

"Perhaps, I will need further education when I return..."

Xiyu sighed, feeling ashamed and guilty for her previous doubts about the Greater Good.

The Tau Empire's emissary spacecraft landed.

After Xiyu and other messengers got off the boat, they received a message that the savior happened to have time and was willing to meet them.

In fact, Ron was just a little curious and wanted to see with his own eyes what the Titanium people looked like.


Under the guidance of the maid, Xiyu met the legendary savior.

The moment she saw the other person, she was a little dazed.

This savior of mankind unexpectedly fits her aesthetic, and she is even a little attracted to him.

of course.

Xiyu just simply appreciates it.

The Titans have no concept of love, and marriages are arranged by arrangement.

The Earth Caste would assign partners to the Tau based on genetic information to ensure that the genetic makeup of their offspring was biologically optimal.

The beautiful Titanium lady was only surprised at her accelerated heartbeat.

Ron looked at Xiyu and greeted her gently: "Sir Xiyu, welcome to your visit..."

After actually seeing the Tau people.

He just felt that this race was not as ugly as he had imagined, nor was it too good looking.

But at least it is within the scope of human aesthetics.

Some people with special XP may like it more.

The voice just fell.

The entire building began to shake slightly, as if an earthquake had occurred.

This sudden abnormality made Xiyu look worried:

"What's going on here?"

Ron apologized: "Sorry, there is construction going on nearby recently, so the noise is a bit loud..."

Xiyu looked out onto the balcony.

He screamed suddenly.

She saw a horrifying scene: several terrifying war titans were walking towards this side, and those horrible vibrations were caused by them.

Xiyu looked at Ron, a little terrified: "Sir Savior, why are these war machines..."

Seeing those horrific war machines up close made her tremble with fear.

It seemed as if the machines would open fire in the next moment.

Flood this place!
Ron consoled and corrected him:

"Don't worry, these are engineering machines, they are very safe..."

As there has been too much large-scale reconstruction work in the territory recently, large-scale engineering machines with faster speed and stronger power are needed, but the assembly line of new engineering machinery has not yet been put into place.

no way.

The engineering department then set its sights on the Redemption Titans and Knights and modified a batch of them to give it a try.

The result is quite useful.

It is large enough, powerful, and has sufficient energy. It can also be equipped with many engineering components at will, and its efficiency is very high.

Even being a porter can greatly improve efficiency.

Seeing that it worked well, Ron waved his hand and approved a batch of Titans and Knights for the engineering department.

So, we have the scene of the Holy Titan plastering at the construction site, which is seen by some old stubborn mechanical priests.

I guess he would faint on the spot.

"Savior, I'm sorry..."

Xiyu almost collapsed, tears welled up in her eyes: "I...I might have to go back to Titanium!"

After obtaining the Savior's consent, she bowed and hurried away.

Xiyu was very frightened.

Such a terrifying War Titan is actually only used as a construction machine. This is enough to prove that they have more War Titans than imagined!
The Tau diplomat had only one thought in his mind.

That is, the Tau Empire must never go to war with the Saviors.

Otherwise it's over!
She must rush back to stop this from happening...

(End of this chapter)

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