Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 317 Hit the Titanium King's aorta? ! The barrel is gone? !

Chapter 317 Hit the Titanium King's aorta? ! The barrel is gone? !

T'au star cluster.



Space fluctuations.

The airspace at the exit of the Naimya Atoll channel.

There was a thunderous roar.

One after another, space monsters made of plastic steel and adamantium rushed out and poured artillery fire on the airport defense line at the exit.

Such a sudden and fierce attack turned the airport into a sea of ​​fire.

The Redemption Third Fleet led by Voladi.

Arrived at the homeland of the Tau Empire!

Conqueror battleship.


"No...what did I do!?"

Aether Commander Vaan looked at the sea of ​​fire in front of him and fell into endless regret.

"We're finally here. Your navigation channel is quite fast..."

Voladi was extremely excited.

The Naimya Atoll Passage is a naturally formed area of ​​spatial compression, which the Tau Empire used to establish a passage connecting their homeland with the home world of Keltu.

This enables the local fleet to reach the periphery faster, making it easier to launch foreign expeditions.

There are pros and cons to this approach.

When you don't encounter a strong enemy, the existence of a fast channel is very convenient.

But once they encounter a strong enemy that can break through their defense line, like the current situation.

The fast lane becomes a deadly hazard.

It can very effectively send the enemy into the core of its homeland very quickly.

Voladi looked at the dot on the star map that represented the Titanium Star, full of anticipation.

He turned to look at Vaan beside him, and was quite moved: "It is a great achievement to be able to raid the Titanium Star. I couldn't have done it without you, and you... my friend, you are the real hero!"

This statement came out.

Waan seemed to be wearing a mask of pain. He slowly closed his eyes and tears flowed down.

It hurts, it hurts too much!
The ambitious Ether commander was shocked at the thought that he was the one who caused all this.

My heart couldn't help but twitch.

The feeling of regret completely overwhelmed him.

At the same time, there was a hint of despair.

He couldn't imagine what would happen to his pampered fellow tribesmen when they faced this devil.

What a stupid move.

Vaan couldn't even muster a grudge against Voladi.

With the existence of those useless Ether brethren, the defeat of the Tau Empire was not unfair.

He had come to understand that the command system and power structure of the Tau Empire had led to the empire's decline.

The corrupted Aethers were simply unable to guide the Tau Empire any further.

Even if the Tau Empire is not defeated by this devil, it will be defeated by other beings in the future.

There is still a glimmer of hope for Vaan.


After this failure, the Tau Empire was able to wake up and begin to correct this mistake.

Voladi patted Vaan on the shoulder and continued:
"Don't worry, I'm a man of my words. I'll release you as soon as we reach Titanium Planet..."

Hear this.

Waan fell into deeper despair. It would be better to kill him than to do this!
In this case, just put him back with a swagger.

Wouldn't that tell the T'au Empire that it was him, the Ether genius Vaan, who brought the enemy to the T'au Planet?
That way.

He would become the greatest traitor the Tau Empire has ever seen.

Be nailed to the pillar of shame forever!

Waan made a bitter face and asked almost pleadingly: "Can you... find a secluded place to release me after we get out?"

"That's okay"

Voladi thought about it and agreed to the other party's request: "Anyway, the video recording, transcript, fingerprints and so on of your interrogation are all there..."

Vaan is also the upper class in the ether.

With such an insider, the subsequent war against the Tau Empire will be easier.

Hear the words.

Waan's face, which had just shown a hint of joy, was then covered with a layer of deathly gray.

he realized.

I can't get out of this situation anymore.

Even if he returned to the Tau Empire with a clean record, he would become a puppet of the enemy.


Vaan had a determined look on his face.

He has no way out, and the only way he can regain his last dignity is to commit suicide.

Prevent the Tau Empire from suffering further losses.

The genius of Ether, Vaan, must not become a puppet of humans!
Just as Waan was brewing his emotions and was moved to tears by his decision.

A sigh sounded.


Voladi seemed to have noticed something, and he sighed deeply, looking at Vaan with admiration:

"Would you rather die than become our puppet?"


He handed the Bolt Pistol in his hand to the Ether Commander: "I respect your choice and am willing to give you a chance to end it all in a warrior's way!"

"Die! Only death can wash away the humiliation and maintain the dignity of a noble Ether!"

Waan thought silently in his heart.

He held the bolt pistol tremblingly and pressed it against his temple.

However, when the cold muzzle of the gun touched his skin, an unprecedented fear gripped his heart.

Waan was trembling, but he couldn't pull the trigger.

"I...I can't do it..."


The bolt pistol slipped from his hand.

The Ether commander sadly discovered that he did not have the courage to commit suicide.

He wants to live!
"Let me help you..."

However, in Waan's terrified eyes.

Voladi gently picked up the bolt pistol, pointed it at the Aether commander, and pulled the trigger.


The bolt pistol fired with a bang.

"Do not!!!"

Waan desperately raised his hands to try to block it.


He felt the preciousness of life and longed to survive.

After the gunshot, there was a brief silence.

He reacted and hurriedly touched his body, but found nothing was wrong.

That bullet missed...

Waan felt lost and his body softened as he fell to the ground.

he knows.

I can never get rid of all this.

Voladi put away his bolt pistol and smiled more cordially: "Brother Vaan, it seems you have made your choice."

In the previous trial.

The psychological analysis team had already figured out the personality traits of this Ether Commander.

The Ether Clan has been living in a high-handed and pampered environment for a long time, which has made them lose the ability to fight to the death in a cruel environment.

Such a ruling class.

Perhaps in times of peace or superior strength, there would be no problems.

But once they are caught up in a brutal struggle, they prioritize their own safety and interests and do not have the courage to fight to the death.

There is simply no ability to lead the race to victory.

Unlike their great savior, and many heroes of humanity.

They always lead the charge in every major battle and fight on the most dangerous front lines!
Human beings are never afraid of sacrifice.

This is one of the reasons why humans can persist in the cruel galaxy!

of course.

This is just an analysis based on Vaan's character.

If all the Ether Clan are like this, then the next war will be much easier.

Voladi squatted down.

He looked at Waan, whose psychological defenses were completely broken, and continued, "Now you are our friend. Believe me, you can get more..."

After saying this, Voladi stood up to command the fleet.

He had confirmed that the Aether Commander would make a good puppet.

In the airspace.

The fire at the airport became more and more intense.

Amid the sirens.

A guard fleet hurried out to resist.

However, this pitifully small number of warships was simply not enough to stop the Redemption Third Fleet.

not to mention.

Voladi had no intention of getting entangled with these guard fleets.

Directly order the Redemption Third Fleet to break out violently and quickly head towards Titanium.

He must rush to Titanium Star and destroy the surrounding facilities before the local defense fleet and support fleet arrive.

Cause as much damage as possible, then lead the fleet to break out and escape.

of course.

As the capital of the Tau Empire, Tau Star is covered with air defense arrays and shield systems on its surface, making it difficult to break through.

But Voladi has a secret weapon that doesn't require that much effort.

He swiped through the information panels.

A large special dark green torpedo engraved with the danger symbol of green-skinned orcs appeared on the panel.

It was a special, high-risk weapon produced by the Weapons Research Institute, loaded with a massive amount of rapidly growing green spores.

This green torpedo.

Specially used to deal with some difficult-to-conquer planets.

Since it is difficult to break through anyway, it is better to plant some green skins on them first, cause a lot of damage, and slowly wear down the opponent's strength.

After arriving at Titanium Star.

He would use the cover of artillery fire to launch this expensive green torpedo into the atmosphere of the Titanium Star.

The green spores spread across the entire surface of Titanium.

As a result, Tau Planet, the capital planet of the Tau Empire, will fall into endless greenskin invasions.

I guess I can’t have it.

Having achieved this strategic goal, he will be able to leave.

Then, find an opportunity to release Waan.

After Voladi finalized the battle plan, he ordered the fleet to advance at full speed and break through the defense lines along the way as quickly as possible.

Arrived at Titanium!

The Redemption Third Fleet had just left.

Yingyang's fleet hurried out of the Naimya Atoll channel and followed the traces of the enemy fleet, trying to catch up and intercept it.

On the road to pursuit.

She saw only the remains of the defenses.

The enemy fleet violently broke through several lines of defense and was getting closer and closer to Titanium!
Yingyang fell into deep despair.

She only hoped to intercept the enemy before they reached Titanium.

Avoid being discovered by the other party.

The most fatal weakness of the Tau Empire!

Since the enemy fleet simply broke through violently, the defending fleet did not suffer much loss in strength.

The legendary general organized those fleets.


The number of fleets she possessed was already several times greater than the enemy's invading fleet.

Yingyang chased after him desperately.

No matter what the cost, she must annihilate this fleet on her homeland!

Otherwise, the Tau Empire will fall into a state of collapse and will no longer have the courage to resist the Human Empire.


Titanium Star.

Equatorial capital.

This large and heavily fortified city on the equator is the heart and sanctuary of the Tau Empire.

Serves as the political and cultural center of the Tau Empire.

The vast majority of Ether lives here.

Under the leadership of the Supreme Etheric Council, orders were transmitted through this city to the entire Tau Empire and were executed without question.

Few dared to question the wisdom and command of the Ether.

Inside the embassy.

In the area where the Savior's Mission is staying, the War Angel Terminators stand guard day and night to guard this place.

Prevent the mission members from being attacked.

The head of the mission, Aleman, was worried.

A few days ago, she noticed that something was wrong in the atmosphere.

Even more troublesome is that.

Her request to return was also rejected.

The Tau Empire deliberately left behind the Savior Mission.

To be more precise, the Tau Empire was stalling for time and putting them under house arrest in disguise.

Such treatment of the visiting delegation meant that the conflict between the two sides had reached an irreconcilable point.


The Tau Empire has declared war on the Saviors!

Aleman realized that this Savior mission would face a greater crisis, but she was not afraid at all.

The diplomat checked the gun silently.

She is a graduate of Zhongsi College.

In addition to learning professional knowledge from a young age, they also have to receive rigorous military training and become familiar with the use of some firearms and weapons.

There are even practical classes where they need to face some aliens or chaotic creatures.

Any student coming out of Zhongsi College is in danger.

Everyone can become a warrior!

The same was true for the other members of the delegation around Aleman.

They are always ready for battle...

In total silence, outside the embassy gate.

"Enemy attack!"

The War Angel Terminator sensed the danger and suddenly pulled out his force field shield.


The force field shield blocked the enemy's artillery fire.

In an instant.

Several combat uniform teams bombarded the embassy where the Savior was located, almost destroying the building.

The place was engulfed in flames and filled with thick smoke.

far away.

An Ether commander hid behind the battlesuit squad.

Quite proud.

After hearing the news that the Savior army attacked our fleet, he volunteered to lead a team to eliminate the Savior delegation.

He could not tolerate these ignorant and lowly humans who tarnished the highest good.

Keep living in this sacred city!
However, in the thick smoke, a beam of heat-melting light shot out and killed a combat suit soldier.

Followed by.

The flames seemed to be quickly extinguished by some device and the smoke dispersed.

A light blue semicircular force field shield appeared in people's sight.

The tall and heavy Terminators stood on the ruins.

Behind them were the members of the mission and a combined force field generator, which saved the lives of the mission members.

On top of the ruins.

The Savior's flag is flying.

"Died Alien!"

A Terminator held the flag steady in one hand and looked over with a captivating red gaze.

Followed by.

The heavy bombs in his hands poured out, sweeping the combat suit teams.

at the same time.

Other Terminators and members of the mission also launched attacks.

Explosive bombs, hot melts, heavy flamethrowers, and laser beams were fired like raindrops, and many combat suit soldiers fell to the ground on the spot.

The firepower of this Savior Mission.

Even more ferocious than the average Space Marine squad!
Commander Ether realized that he had underestimated the combat capabilities of this mission.

Originally, in order to avoid a major conflict, he chose a surprise attack and did not arrange for large vehicles to enter this sacred area.

But I didn't expect that the enemy had hidden a shield device.

This led to the failure of the raid.

A trace of fear appeared in the eyes of the Ether Commander.

He roared:

"Quick, for the sake of the Greater Good, stop them and send in the armored forces!"

In the commander's field of vision.

The soldiers of the Savior Mission were carrying the blocking fire of the battle uniform team.

Moving forward.

Not only did they resist the attack, but they also began to suppress and push back!

Watching the battle suit teams fall one after another.

The Ether commander gritted his teeth, turned around and ran back, thinking his own safety was more important.


This delegation is located in the Holy City and has no chance of survival.

A few more minutes.

The armored forces will be able to arrive and kill all these damn humans!

As soon as the Ether Commander turned around, several armor-piercing bombs hit him accurately, penetrating his shield and breaking his legs.

He fell to the ground wailing:

"You bunch of rubbish, stop the bullets!"

The combat uniform soldiers just surrounded us.


A tall, red figure rushed out from the force field shield and crashed down.

Amid the roar of chainsaw swords.

Several combat suit warriors were dismembered, and the splattered blood covered the Ether Commander.

Before he could react, he was enveloped by a red shadow.

"No, please let me go, I am willing..."

The Aether Commander tried to beg for mercy.

But it was too late.

The heavy combat boots stepped down, crushing its head and splattering purple blood everywhere.

Boom boom boom——

The armored forces of the Holy City arrived, surrounded the Savior Mission, and launched a round of artillery bombardment.

Just one wave of attacks overloaded the mission's force field generator.

Aleman looked at the crumbling force field shield.

She knew that this expensive equipment would not protect her for long from the next round of attacks.

Will destroy the shield.

The diplomat did not have much fear of his impending death.


The time has come to sacrifice everything for the Savior.

But before that.

She wants to kill more enemies!

Aleman ignored the force field shield and continued to attack the enemies within his field of vision.

There was a louder explosion.

It attracted almost everyone's attention.

Because the explosion did not come from the ground, but from above their heads!
Everyone looked upwards.

I don't know when it started, but the shield system of the city's sky has been activated, and the fierce artillery fire has created brilliant fireworks on the surface of the shield.

The Terminator captain used an eyepiece to observe the situation in the sky, and there was a hint of joy in his calm voice:
"Praise the Savior, our fleet has arrived!"


Titanium Star.

In the airspace.

Boom boom boom——

The Third Redemption Fleet was exchanging fire with the Guard Fleet, and from time to time they fired a few naval guns at the surface of Titanium to deter it.

The Redemption Third Fleet still has some time to operate before the Tau Empire's true homeland defense forces arrive.

Not much though.

Conqueror-class battleship.


"I didn't expect that Titanium Star still had such a perfect weapon hidden..."

Voladi looked at the huge, dark wormhole that absorbed light not far away and showed an extremely excited expression.

When the reconnaissance radar detected the wormhole, he knew about the war.

You will definitely win!
Who would have thought that next to the capital planet of the Tau Empire, there is an extremely dangerous wormhole.

Once this wormhole is impacted, it collapses.

The galactic rift will engulf Titanium and several surrounding planets, and even spread to further places, causing everything to perish in the chaotic energy!

As for why the Tau Empire insisted on building its capital next to a wormhole.

On the one hand, there is no choice.

This is their home planet, and throughout their development, they have never been pushed to their homeland.

Even the previous attack of the Human Empire could only advance to the gate of a certain home world at most.

on the other hand.

It is such a dangerous place, it is safest to have the capital guard it, otherwise if the wormhole is destroyed, the entire galaxy will be in trouble.

Where can they find a galaxy that suits them?
In fact, the human empire is similar.

There is also a big thunder sitting under the butt of Holy Terra, and it is even more dangerous, enough to threaten the entire galaxy.

Voladi didn't think too much about it.

The moment he saw the wormhole, he changed his battle plan. Launching greenskin spore torpedoes was not satisfying enough.

It’s more exciting to attack the wormhole.

After Voladi made the decision, he immediately ordered the entire fleet to attack the wormhole.

After several rounds of concentrated fire.

The defense system near the wormhole was destroyed, and a torpedo suddenly flew into the dark wormhole.

Then it exploded.

The explosion of the torpedo did not emit any light or sound.

But it is visible to the naked eye that the wormhole has changed.

This shot hit the main artery of the Tau Empire.

The black ball-like wormhole was vibrating, and a chaotic space crack was spreading.

Sweeping towards Titanium Star...
Charaton area.


Temporary Sanctuary of the Savior.

Ron sat in front of the computer, looking at the documents, feeling a little worried.

In view of the increasingly tense situation in the galaxy recently, he has become more aware of the crisis and is thinking about developing more military strength.

In addition to the combat suit technology that is being planned and making the Military Affairs Department drool, the fleet is being mobilized to seize the relevant technology.

High-end military forces such as the Space Marine Chapter.

Can not fall.

Today, the three regiments together have only about 50,000 people.

Such a number is not enough to deal with the impending crisis in the galaxy.

After all, the Empire once had a million Space Marines, and now so many years have passed, it can't just get worse and worse.

In fact, the Empire has hundreds of millions of planets.

Even if there is one Space Marine per planet, it is not enough when encountering a high-intensity war, such as against a race like the Tyranids.

No amount of Space Marines is too many.

of course.

Ron's goal is to double the number first and then reach 100,000 people in the short term.

Unfortunately, due to factors such as the quality of new blood and the number of gene seeds, the expansion speed is relatively slow.

Sometimes he wondered if he could give himself a few hundred years, or if he could find and rob a non-imperial gene seed bank.

This way the problem is solved immediately.

With quantity limited, Ron thought of improving quality.

several years ago.

The Weapons Research Institute cracked an STC fragment and obtained a technology for manufacturing heavy combat exoskeleton equipment that can be used by Space Marines.

The official name is: "Centurion Armor"

It is a big guy that is not much different in size from the Dreadnought, but more flexible.


The first batch of experimental products has come out and is being prepared to be deployed to various regiments.

Further improve their strength.

However, problems arose during the installation process.

It is the Children of Man that have problems.

Because they disappeared, there has been no news until now!

Of course, the Children of Man have been missing for some time.

The last record shows.

They encountered the Tyranid Hive Fleet in a desolate star region and engaged in a battle.

Ron had listened to the recording left by the Sons of Man, and he heard the guy with the big barrel yelling that he wanted to get some insect meat and run away.

In response, he could only call him good guy.

The Military Affairs Department analyzed their situation based on the data sent back by the Children of Man.

Most likely, they hastily entered the subspace channel during a battle with the Tyranid Hive Fleet frigates, causing the accident.

Resulting in failure to return to the real universe in time.

The search team sent out by the Ministry of Military Affairs has been searching for them in the relevant areas for a long time, not only in reality but also in the subspace, but they cannot find any trace of them.

In fact, Ron hasn't been too worried during the days when the Sons of Man had been missing.

Because he could faintly sense the presence of these genetic offspring.

They are all still alive.

But not long ago, this connection was broken for some reason, and we completely lost any connection with them!

Even more troublesome is that.

There was nothing he could do about it.

He had used the little sun to search in the subspace several times before, but had not found any trace.

just now.

Ron could only hope that these guys had lost contact due to some interference, rather than being completely wiped out.

Otherwise, it would be a very serious trauma for him.

"Big Bucket, where on earth have you been?"

Ron was quite worried: "I'm still waiting to eat the insect meat you brought back..."

But he had a vague feeling that this guy would return safely somehow.

Although it's a bit metaphysical.

But he is a god after all, so his prediction cannot be wrong.

Ron pushed away the negative emotions a little.

Such a large territory is waiting for him, the savior, to manage it, and worrying about it will not solve any problems.


New files arrived.

That's the battle report from the front line.

Ron looked at the battle report, a little confused: "The Tau Empire...surrendered unconditionally?!"

(End of this chapter)

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