Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 318: Traces of Tyranid, relics from years ago?

Chapter 318: Traces of Tyranid, relics from a thousand years ago?

The sacred giant ship, like a star, slowly sailed out of the Naimya Atoll Channel, exuding a strong sense of oppression.

The savior's vehicle, the Dream, led a huge fleet to the homeland of the Tau Empire!

The fleet came here not to participate in the war, but more like a victory review.

The Savior's fleet swaggered through one defense line after another and headed towards the capital of the Tau Empire, the supreme holy place in the hearts of the Tau people.

Under the order of the Supreme Ether Council, the garrison fleets along the way did not dare to obstruct in the slightest, but instead took the initiative to make way, as if to welcome the arrival of the Savior Fleet.

For many Tau fleet commanders, it felt like the sky was falling.

not long ago.

A powerful human imperial fleet invaded the homeland of the Tau Empire.

Although they were defeated, they still tried their best to stop it.

Soon, under the command of General Yingyang.

They surrounded the fleet with several times their number, ready to destroy it at all costs.

These brave commanders, without any fear, rushed towards the enemy with the idea of ​​dying with honor, vowing to give the enemy the most violent attack.


At such a critical moment.

The Ether Supreme Council issued a ceasefire order and asked them to retreat and not to take any offensive actions.

This was incomprehensible and shameful to the commanders, but they still strictly carried out the order.

However, the news that came afterwards made them even more painful.

The Supreme Etheric Council, for the sake of the Greater Good, the Tau Empire is willing to negotiate peace with its enemies on certain terms!
Everybody knows.

That was naked surrender. The Tau Empire was defeated and surrendered!

However, that was the command of the Supreme Ether, and people could do nothing about it.

Inside the bridge.

The commanders looked at the human fleet sailing past them with great arrogance, and it seemed as if something in their hearts broke, and tears flowed down their faces uncontrollably.

Some commanders even knelt down and wailed, or even committed suicide...


Sanctuary of the Savior.

Ron sat at his desk, flipping through more detailed battle reports.

This war was won in a muddled way, and he needed more detailed information to understand what exactly happened.

After all, using normal combat methods, it is not so easy to take over the Tau Empire.

Even the more optimistic war forecast of the Ministry of Military Affairs would take several years to gradually erode the situation.

If you want to take down the Tau Empire in a short period of time.

Unless the territory is willing to stop fighting on other fronts at all costs and mobilize all troops for a general offensive.

But that would not be worth it.

But now.

Before the war officially started, the Voladi Redemption Third Fleet conquered the Tau Empire, and forced the other side to surrender unconditionally at a negligible cost?
Looking at the battle report.

Ron couldn't help but gasp: "Is Voladi that boy so fierce?"

According to subsequent battle reports.

The number of fleets remaining in the Tau Empire is at least five times that of the Voladi Savior's Third Fleet, and more fleets are on their way back.

If that guy failed to stabilize the situation in time, he would most likely be defeated.


Voladi was a very aggressive guy. With the advantage in intelligence, he didn't care about the number of fleets or encirclement and just charged forward.

Moreover, they advanced to the Tau Planet before the Tau Empire's garrison fleet formed an encirclement.

An attack was launched on the wormhole.

That is equivalent to a fight of mutual destruction. Once the wormhole collapses completely, the Redemption Third Fleet will not be able to escape.

But Voladi did just that.

of course.

The wormhole is not so easy to collapse. It requires a large number of attacks to completely destabilize it. Can the Redemption Fleet break through the wormhole within the encirclement of the Tau Empire fleet?

Still an unknown.

According to Voladi, he was just trying to see if he could intimidate those timid Ether clans.

Even if the attempt fails, he has the confidence to lead the breakout.


Voladi fired a shot at the wormhole, and the Ether Clan was frightened.

The Supreme Ether came out to negotiate with him.

Express willingness to negotiate.

At this time, the Supreme Ether was still somewhat respectable and superior.

But after Voladi fired a few more shots, the Supreme Ether completely softened and almost begged for unconditional peace and to withdraw its troops.

From then on, the victory of this war was completely established.

See here.

Ron roughly understood the causes and consequences of the victory in this war.

Voladi relied on his intelligence advantage, high knowledge of ether, extraordinary ability to judge the situation, and bold operations, and he encountered the right opportunity.

With the combination of multiple conditions, and with the right time, right place and right people, we won the war.

Achieved immeasurable and rich results.

"Voladi is a fierce warrior..."

Ron was quite emotional.

Then, it was included in the sequence of key training.


Voladi's fighting method was a bit risky, but he was skilled and bold, and he achieved irrefutable results.

This proves his ability.

For Ron.

The commanders under him all have their own combat styles and cannot be viewed with common sense.

For example, Commander Ariel of the Storm Army, this guy dared to attack the Demon Engine naked and drive a knight to charge the Chaos Titan.

How does this make sense?
All he could do was give these commanders the rewards and resources they deserved and delegate power to them fully.

Allow them to fully develop their talents.

If they try to control everything, it will only limit the abilities of these commanders.

In this case, isn't he, the savior, almost the same as that inexperienced and playful micro-manipulation master?

When the report came that the Dream had arrived at its destination.

Ron closed the file and put on a gorgeous dark gold robe with the help of the maid.

The war is over.

Now it's time for the Savior to go to work and accept the surrender of the Tau Empire.


Titanium Star.

Equatorial capital.

Several Redemption Titans stand in the holy area of ​​the Tau people, intimidating the Tau people here. At the same time, more War Angels are patrolling to prevent chaos from occurring.

Aleman was leading an envoy to negotiate with the Ether Clan and arrange the details of the surrender ceremony. Although it was called a discussion, it was actually almost like an order.

In this case, the Ether Clan had almost no room for refusal.

They are willing to accept anything to survive.

Under normal circumstances.

The Tau Empire has great war potential.

Even if some planets are destroyed and armies are annihilated, it will not affect their fighting spirit.

Inspired by the Aether, the Tau forces will fight to the death for the Greater Good, fearless of death.

Until you give everything.

But all of this is based on the premise that the safety of the Ether Clan itself is guaranteed.

For the Ethers.

Losing some planets and Tau troops is no big deal, as long as their own safety is guaranteed, the army can continue to fight.

Until victory is achieved.

Many difficult wars were fought in this way.

The Ether Clan is supreme, and so is their own safety.

They are willing to sacrifice anything for their own safety.

Including the interests of the Tau Empire.

Long-term pampered life has made them lose the courage to fight desperately in the cruel struggle.

Even if the rebellion might succeed, they dared not gamble.

Aleman looked at these Ether officials who had lost their arrogant attitude, and he still felt a little bit of disbelief in his heart.

too fast.

It all seemed like a dream.

Half a day ago.

The Savior Mission is still surrounded by the Tau Empire's armored forces and is ready to sacrifice.

After the arrival of the Redeemable Fleet.

The Tau troops laid down their weapons and surrendered where they were.


She accepted the new task and was responsible for the surrender ceremony.

Shadow Stream and Creek Language of the Shui Clan were also released. The job of the two diplomats now is to assist Aleman in completing the surrender ceremony.

It's a humiliating job.

But they seem to have accepted the current result.

The two diplomats were well aware of the horror of the savior.


This is the best result the Tau Empire can get.

When Aleman and others were finishing their work.

Accompanied by the melodious sacred music that spread all over the Titanium Star, the great savior set foot here...


The Council of Elements Hall.

Above the sky, the huge, dark wormhole is still eye-catching, but there is an additional crack in it that extends towards the Titanium Star.

Along the route of the crack, one can see the remains of an airport, which was separated by chaotic space cracks.

Ruthlessly torn apart.

In the hall.

The War Angel Terminators replaced the Ether Guards here, guarding various key positions, holding the Savior flag in their hands.

Exudes deterrence.

Row after row of thrones were filled with delegates attending the conference.

Half of them were representatives of the various clans of the Titanium Clan, and half were representatives of the Savior. Senior officials from the Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Military Affairs and other departments followed the Savior to attend the meeting.

In order to carry out subsequent work.

Accompanied by solemn ceremonies and hymns, all the representatives stood up to welcome the arrival of the great being.


There were indelible traces of humiliation on the faces of those Titanium representatives, and tears welled up in their eyes.

The Supreme Ether also stood up.

In the past, this scene was to welcome him, but now everything has changed, and he has become the one who welcomes him.

The ruler of the Tau Empire no longer had the tranquility he once had, and having lost his power, his short stature looked a little funny.

The Supreme Ether did not show much resistance, and his attitude became more respectful.

he knows.

His attitude is crucial, and it determines whether he can survive the subsequent changes in events.

The magnificent conference door slid open.

dong dong dong-

The sound of heavy boots hitting the ground was resounding.

Under the protection of the guards, Ron slowly walked into the hall.

All eyes were on this great being, the one who conquered the Greater Good and the Tau Empire.

Ron made no unnecessary moves.

He walked straight to a small table and looked down at the Supreme Ether:

"Sign it..."

In silence.

"I will follow your instructions, Lord Savior..."

The Supreme Aether finally spoke.

He signed the surrender and related treaties tremblingly, then bowed ninety degrees and handed the surrender and documents to the Savior with both hands.

After waiting for a few breaths.

Ron took the letter of surrender and handed it to the Ministry of the Interior official next to him.

That means the surrender ceremony is completed.


He glanced around the venue and left under the protection of the guards.

Ron's job was to show up and accept the letter of surrender, and the rest of the work would be handled by the Ministry of the Interior and other departments.

On his way out of the meeting room.

Some Tau representatives could no longer suppress their emotions and began to sob or even cry loudly.

The Tau Empire's dream of dominating the galaxy has been shattered!

Ron listened to the sobbing voices and understood them in his heart, but surrendering in this way to avoid a large-scale war was the best outcome for both sides.

Suddenly, he heard some rather loud howling.

After sensing, it was discovered that they were human representatives who surrendered to the Tau Empire.


This was their first time coming to this elemental conference hall.

If it weren't for this surrender meeting, these human relatives of the Tau Empire would not have been qualified to come in at all.


Ron's face was full of question marks.

How come these human traitors howl even more sadly than Mr. Titanium?
It's really puzzling.

But he was too lazy to care about it, his work was already done anyway.


Ron walked out of the conference hall and returned to the Dream.

Officials from the Ministry of the Interior and other agencies took over the subsequent work and delivered speeches at the surrender meeting.

They will further control and deal with the Tau Empire.

at the same time.

The outer airspace of the Tau Empire.

A fleet of the Tau Empire broke through the defenders' defenses and went far away. It was General Shadowsun's personal guard fleet.

Shadowsun killed the Aether Elder who was overseeing the fleet, then led the fleet in a defection.

Inside the bridge.

"Goodbye, my homeland..."

Yingyang looked at the world of home that was receding into the distance, and a tear rolled down his eye.

Under the interference of the Aether, the Tau Empire surrendered at an extremely fast speed, and it will gradually die at the hands of mankind.

"It is the Ether Clan and the Tau Empire they controlled that were defeated!"

Yingyang gently wiped away his tears, his expression becoming resolute: "The pure Tau people are still here, the Greater Good is still here, and we Tau can continue to survive and prosper in the galaxy..."

The fleet was heading towards the restricted area of ​​the Tau Empire.

That's the Vision Enclave...


One month later.

Titanium Star.

The Dream led the fleet back to the Charaton area.

Compared to when they arrived, this fleet was loaded with spoils taken from the Tau Empire.

For example, the technology of the Tau Empire, especially combat suit technology and related manufacturing equipment, the children of the Ether Clan, some rare metal materials, etc.

Behind the fleet.

Large engineering ships are working around the wormhole, building new fortifications.

It's different from before.

A large number of high-energy bombs are placed inside these fortifications. The power of these bombs is enough to destroy the wormhole in one go, flooding the entire Titanium Star and the surrounding areas.

Wait until these fortifications are completed.

The Saviour Territory controls the lifeline of the Tau Empire, and can be used as a celestial weapon with great destructive power when an enemy invades from an area that cannot be reached.



Sanctuary of the Savior.

Ron sat in front of the computer, looking through the solutions for the Titanium Empire.


After the surrender was completed, he had two choices.

One is to slowly dismember the Tau Empire and destroy it completely.

The other is to keep the Tau Empire firmly under control and preserved.


Ron chose to take control of the Tau Empire and preserved it intact.

It would be a pity to destroy such a powerful force directly.

What's more, the Tau Empire plays a very important role.

That is to serve as a buffer zone to help humanity defend against various threats on the eastern edge of the galaxy.

For example, the green-skinned orcs, the Tyranid Hive Squadron, the Chaos forces, and various alien forces that the Empire has never encountered or has lost the records of having encountered.

In fact, the Human Empire has allowed more dangerous alien forces to prosper in the East.

Use them as human shields to reach more deadly threats.

Some dangers are imminent.

For example, the Orc Empire near the Chaladon region would launch one or two "Waaagh!" expeditions every thousand years without fail.

Currently, the green-skinned orcs under Ron's command, the Steelfang Clan, have not yet developed into a complete form and cannot spare the resources to go on conquests.

We can only rely on the alien forces to hold on.

In this way, the Tau Empire is the perfect meat shield.

not to mention.

With humanity's great enemy imminent, Ron urgently needs more power.

He planned to completely control the Tau Empire, and then use the Greater Good to absorb more alien power.

For one's own use.

Ron opened the document and read the plan given by the Ministry of the Interior to control the Tau Empire.


The Ministry of Militia has stationed troops throughout the Tau Empire and controls nearly all of the Ethereal Clans.

And continue to strip away all human worlds that are vassal states of the Tau Empire.


The Ministry of the Interior supported a member of the Ether nobility named Vaan, allowing him to smoothly take over the power of the Supreme Ether.

Under the arrangement of the Ministry of the Interior.

The new Supreme Ether, Vaan, will set up an Ether Elders Council, allowing some high-ranking Ether officials to step down and retire there.

Then, support a group of new members to enter the senior level.

As the biggest titanium rapist in history.

For his own safety, the Supreme Ether Van will certainly cooperate with humans without reservation.

Eliminate all opposition.

Not only that.

Vhan is also working with the Inquisition and the Demon Hunters of the Angels of War to identify members of the various classes of the Tau who have been influenced by the Chaos Gods.

Cleanse those affected members.

To avoid future troubles.

In terms of system.

The Ether Clan still maintains its control, but will appropriately break down the barriers between the clans.

For example, there are restrictions on career choices and marriage between clans.

Then, give other clans more channels for advancement and opportunities for choice.

So that the people of the Tau Empire can have a better life.

This can be considered a trace of mercy left by the savior.

"Unfortunately, Yingyang defected..."

Ron felt a little regretful.

After losing the legendary General Shadowsun, the strength of the Tau Empire will decline significantly.

But there is nothing we can do about it.

Heroes like Yingyang and Yuanjian don't give in so easily.

Leaving them here might cause more trouble.

For now, these measures are only temporary.

If he wants to go further and completely control the Tau Empire, it will take him more than ten or twenty years.

At present, Ron has selected a group of etheric children and transported them back to receive special training at Zhongsi Academy.

Make them loyal to the Savior.

When the time is right, they will be blessed.

Wait a few years later.

These children who are loyal to the Savior will grow up, graduate from Zhongsi College, and return to the Tau Empire to completely control everything there.

By the time.

Ron now had a Tau Empire that was completely loyal to him and was able to continue absorbing more alien power.

of course.

The Tau Empire's loyalty is only to the Saviour.

Being in a state of separation from the territory, there will be a certain degree of cooperation at most.

This will preserve the purity of humanity.

After Ron sorted out the Tau Empire's solution, he focused his attention on the spoils that could be used on the ground.

this time.

The territory took away almost all the science and technology of the Tau Empire, especially the technology of combat suits, as well as the related Earth clan scientists and technicians.

Wait for the territories to absorb these technologies.

The overall technical level is bound to be greatly improved.

At the same time, the research project of mortal model combat uniforms is already being arranged.

This technology is quite difficult.

It may take more time to assimilate it and develop combat suits suitable for humans.

but no matter.

This project has been launched. I believe that once the finished product is developed and put into service, the strength of the Storm Army will have a qualitative leap...

"With almost no cost, we have achieved a great harvest..."

Ron closed the file with considerable satisfaction.

As for Voladi, the great contributor, he also did not forget him.

The Military Affairs Department is already arranging a reward for the commander who redeemed the Third Fleet.

after this war.

Voladi will be awarded the honor of a second-class intermediate citizen and will be further promoted in the sequence of the Military Affairs Department, becoming one of the few powerful figures there.

After Ron finished dealing with the documents of the Tau Empire, he got up and went to the restaurant in the sanctuary.

He has to take good care of Voladi, the hero.

have dinner together.


The Sanctuary of the Redeemer Restaurant.

The maids used special cleaning utensils to wipe the dark star wood table.

After wiping.

The surface of the solid wood long table is formed with deep, slowly moving starry spots, which is light and restrained yet has a touch of luxury without attracting excessive attention.

The Savior will be here, dining with the war heroes.


The long table was filled with special dishes from various galaxies, fully satisfying the commanders' tastes.

When Ron arrived at the restaurant and sat down.

The maids invited the commanders in at the right time and arranged for the guests to sit down.

After the luncheon begins.

Ron didn't say much, just raised his glass to celebrate the victory of these heroes.

During dinner.

With a gentle smile, he talked about some interesting things in fleet life and some special scenery of their hometown.

Ron was quite happy.

He waved his hand.

A week-long travel vacation was arranged for the entire Redemption Third Fleet, from top to bottom, from commanders to crew members.

The kind that can bring family members.

The destination is the garden world of the territory - Reda.

There are thousands of pleasant islands scattered across the warm turquoise shallow sea.

The climate and environment are extremely comfortable, making it one of the top holiday destinations in the galaxy.

Best for relaxing and resting.

There are also many delicious foods and wines, sunshine, beaches and coconut trees.

In this Purgatory Galaxy, such a natural resting place is extremely rare.

This made the commanders quite excited.

I can't wait to share this good news with my crew members and soldiers.

after that.

Ron talked to Voladi next to him, asking about his family situation and whether he was married.

Urge him to find a partner or something.

via chat.

Ron heard a familiar name - Alila, the mother of Voladi and the first representative of the workers on Ers.
This brought back memories.

He remembered that he had rewarded the other party at that time.

That was all more than fifty years ago. At that time, the planet Ers was in a precarious situation and was on the verge of destruction at any time.


The territory has developed into an existence spanning many galaxies, and Alila's son has also become an excellent fleet commander.

"Boy, what do you want to say?"

Ron saw that Voladi wanted to say something: "Just ask if you need anything..."


Voladi took a sip of wine to cover it up.

He changed the subject and didn't dare to make that request.

Seeing this, Ron did not force it.


Voladi wanted to pray to the Savior to see his mother Alila, but he felt that such a request was too abrupt and blasphemous.



When I have more achievements, I will have the courage to bring it up.

Voladi thought so.


The dinner ended with both the guests and the hosts enjoying themselves.

Ron also left the restaurant and returned to the bedroom area of ​​the sanctuary.
He suddenly thought of something:
“I haven’t had a vacation in a long time.

Why not take this opportunity to go with Voladi and the others and enjoy the island beach there?"

Ron was a little restless.


An email notification.

It interrupted his thoughts and also interrupted his fantasy of vacation.

That's a high-level file reminder.

Ron shuddered.

It’s bad, I hope it’s not bad news!

He took a deep breath and opened the email.

Fortunately, it is not a danger alert, but good news.

The search team sent by the Ministry of Military Affairs to find the Sons of Man found their traces and discovered some strange phenomena.

"Did you find the vat?"

Ron continued to look through the documents with great excitement.



The following content, however, left him confused: "A human world that raises Tyranids, the remains of the savior?"

(End of this chapter)

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