Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 319: Danus, the brave Tyranid hunter?

Chapter 319: Danus, the brave Tyranid hunter?

Sanctuary of the Savior.


Ron used the data pad to look through the files sent by the search team regarding the whereabouts of the Sons of Man Chapter.

He clicked on a picture in the file and projected it into the air.

In the picture, there is a mottled, ancient stone slab with many years of history, but the holy image carved on it is clearly visible.

Around the statue, a group of indigenous people holding stone weapons are kneeling on the ground in worship.

It seemed like some kind of worship ceremony was being performed.

Technicians in the search team conducted spectral analysis on the stone slab and were able to determine that it was carved by some life form thousands of years ago.

Ron looked at the statue on the stone slab and took a breath. "Isn't this me? How come I appeared thousands of years ago and was worshipped on a certain planet..."

The appearance of the holy image.

It was carved according to the rules of the Book of Redemption, with almost no difference.

He was curious and looked at another picture.

That's another slate.

A new scene was carved on the stone slab, with several space marine-like beings standing in front of the icon, awarding swords to the kneeling natives.

See here.

Ron could probably guess what was going on.

But he still patiently read the detailed records of the search team's local search, which gave a very complete description of what happened.

The ones who found these things were Search Team No. 55.

After accepting the mission, they searched for several years around the area where the Sons of Man disappeared.

After searching several galaxies along the way, there was no signal response.

Until recently.

The 55th search team finally had their only gain in years: they found a faint signal.

The location of the signal is a neighboring desolate desert planet.

Sent by the positioning system inside the territory vehicle.

This discovery made the 55th search team extremely excited.

They immediately went to the planet and found the locator embedded in a stone slab in an ancient colosseum.

At the same time, several special stone slabs were discovered.

Those slabs recorded not only the worship ceremonies of the Savior and the Space Marines, but also the scenes of humans fighting against the Tyranids.

It even recorded some scenes of indigenous people sharing insect meat while dining.


Before Search Team 55 could launch further investigations, they were attacked by a small group of Tyranids bound in chains.

He could only hurried back to space and report the news to the Military Affairs Department.

Seek further support.

Ron stared at the large wok in the ancient stone relief that was cooking insect meat, and suddenly felt a strong sense of familiarity.

That is definitely the territory's unique kitchenware.

It was a high-end product that he had designed personally for Datong and others, using extremely rare alloys.

"It seems that there is only one truth..."

Ron pinched his chin and thought: "The barrel was in the subspace channel and for some reason it drifted to a desert planet a thousand years ago."

This is very likely to happen.

Subspace is a spiritual existence, an almost completely idealistic realm. There are not many physical rules at all, and time and space are in an extremely chaotic state.

After the Great Rift occurred, the real universe was affected by the energy of the subspace, and some areas also experienced temporal chaos.

This causes the time zones of various star regions to be misaligned.

Due to the uncertainty of time in the warp, in some rare cases, some ships will arrive at their destination earlier or later than scheduled.

For example, some ships only spend a few months in the Warp.

But after arriving at the destination, they found that several years or even dozens or hundreds of years had passed in the real universe.

In extremely rare cases, some ships may even pass through the warp and reach their destination the moment they set out.

News of these bizarre and terrible accidents spread widely among the fleet.

This is also one of the risks that must be faced when traveling in subspace.

In extreme cases.

Some ships can travel through time and space, back into the past.

There are many suspected cases of time travel in the existing records of the empire.

For example, there was a Dark Technology Age ship called the Eternal Soul that entered the Warp during M24.

But the ship encountered a severe storm in the Warp, causing them to miraculously travel through time and space to a period during the Horus Heresy.

In the process of contact with the Empire.

The crew of the Eternal Soul insisted that they had traveled forward through the Warp and reached the end of time.

They witnessed the formation of the galaxy and its ultimate destruction by Chaos.

These poor crew members alerted the Empire.

However, these humans in the dark technology age.

How could they understand the ignorance and superstition of the people of the 40K Empire? They were quickly arrested on charges of blasphemy.

Burned to death.

The Inquisition even has a special order called the "Court of Time".

This mysterious order specializes in studying and recording time in different regions, combating temporal anomalies caused by the use of the Warp, and investigating the potential consequences of time travel.

The empire also made certain achievements in the study of time.

Many scholars who study time have left behind works about time.

Among them, the most famous is the book by August Hayden VII: "Avoid Becoming Your Own Grandfather and Other Paradoxes That Led to the Need for the Interior Ministry to Create Unnecessary Documents".

After Ron roughly determined what happened, he turned off the data board.

Now that we have found the traces of the Son of Man and the barrel, the next things will be much easier.

He had some emotion:
"After a thousand years, I don't know what Datong and his people have become. They shouldn't be getting worse and worse, right?"

In this regard.

Ron held a glimmer of expectation, hoping that the barrel could give him some surprises.

He planned to go to the planet himself and bring back the Sons of Man and the barrel.


half a month later.

Distant stars.

Space fluctuations.

The Dream jumped out of the subspace channel and slowly stopped.

Inside the bridge.

"Savior, we have arrived at our destination safely."

The captain reminded respectfully.

"Well, it's still quite far..."

Ron took off his blindfold, stood up from his seat, stretched, and walked to the front of the observation dome.

In his field of vision.

It is a brown desert planet.

According to the translation of the text on the stone tablet, its name is Danus.

This is a semi-desert planet with only a few oases for human survival. The 55th Search Team discovered the ancient Colosseum in the desert.

No signs of humans were found in the vicinity.

"Lord Savior."

Taco from the intelligence department came over and reported:

"According to the latest intelligence, the 55th search team has found a human regime on the planet Danus and is in the process of contacting it.

These indigenous people entered the feudal dynasty era and established a kingdom called Karen, which had a certain level of technology and good combat effectiveness.

But most of these technologies are inherited from our territory and are quite crude..."

According to Taco's description.

This feudal kingdom called Karen advocates the use of force, and the technological differences in various fields are very serious.

It should be that after Datong came to this planet, he indirectly influenced the development path of the indigenous people here, excessively elevated the technology in a certain field, and caused it to become biased.

But in faith.

The kingdom has a high degree of overlap with the territory in terms of beliefs, and both kingdoms worship the savior.

Needless to say.

That must be the work of Da Tong.

"Such a pure faith..."

One came here.

Ron received some kind of connection and felt the high level of admiration for him on this planet.

The strength of faith of many individuals has reached a level that can be blessed.

Some individuals are even capable of being blessed a second time.

That means.

As long as he wants, he can take this planet under his control at any time.

Ron looked at Danus and frowned slightly.

He couldn't sense the presence of the Sons of Man and the Vat here, which meant they had left the planet at some point in time.

Missing again.

Fortunately, they at least left some relevant clues.

Ron looked at Taco and said, "Let's go down and take a look first..."

Soon after.

Under Taco's arrangement.

Ron boarded the landing ship heading to the surface.

He will go directly to the Karen Kingdom to find out what has happened to the barrel over the years and see if they have left any messages.


Karen Kingdom.

Holy Land of the Savior.

Amid the dust, the towering golden sun and the statue of the Savior stand on the ochre-colored rock square.


The square was packed with tens of thousands of devout believers.

Under the chairmanship of King Karen XVII, they held a grand ceremony to worship the great savior.

The great savior sent a holy angel - Mr. Bucket.

Lord Barrel led the angels to resist the terrible alien Zerg, saved the people of Danus from danger, and taught people weapons and skills to fight against the Zerg.

And the art of cooking Zerg.

This enabled the people of Danus to survive in this desert with stronger bodies. Today, the alien Zerg can no longer threaten people, but the tradition of hunting Zerg has been preserved.

That is the only way to hone warriors!
After the worship ceremony is completed.

Row after row of tall, muscular, strong young men in rough linen shorts.

Climbed up to the platform.

These are the new blood warriors who are about to undergo the test.

The new blood warriors will go to the trial holy land in the desert, hunt down the Tyranids, and bring back their bones and blood to dedicate to the Savior.

They would cook and eat their own spoils, then grind and wear the best bones from the bugs.

Wait until after this ceremony.

These new blood warriors will be given the title of Tyranid Hunters.

For the people on this planet.

Able to hunt Zerg personally, take down their skeletons and wear them, becoming a Tyranid Hunter.

Is the supreme glory!

Prince Salo stood at the front of the team. He turned and looked at his father, Karen XVII.

The king and his guards were all wearing solid insect armor and insect bones that represented the honor of warriors.

Salo looked at his father with envy.

Because of his father, he hunted a sand python alone.

The sand python is a nearly eight-meter-long Tyranid insect. It is huge in size and has amazing attack power, which is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

But my father hunted it down alone.

That was something that no new blood warrior had been able to do in decades.

"I want to hunt a sand python like my father did!"

Salo's face was determined and he swore secretly in his heart.

He practiced hard for more than ten years for this day's trial.

In addition to honing the body and practicing combat skills, he also learned a lot of knowledge about the actions and weaknesses of various Zerg species.

Know well.

Unfortunately, the angels left.

It's a pity for this prince.

If the angels had not left, the most courageous Zerg hunters would even be able to receive further trials.

Become a holy angel!
That is what everyone on the planet Danus dreams of.

"New Bloods, the Holy Trial is Coming"

A priest wearing insect bone ornaments came forward and smeared dark green paint on Salo's face, which represented the color of the angel at that time.

"Wish ya'll good luck……"

The priest said so.

Hunting those Tyranid insects from outer space has always been an extremely dangerous thing.

But the people of Danus flocked to it and scrambled frantically for these trial spots.

This has been their way of survival for thousands of years and is one of the reasons why the Danus have been able to survive.

Only by fighting can you survive, the weak are only fit to be food for insects!

After the new blood warriors' faces were covered with paint, they came to the weapon rack and received their respective alloy weapons.

In addition to some conventional firearms, there are also electric spears, chainsaw swords, etc.

In holy trial.

They are not allowed to wear armor and can only use their flesh and blood and the weapons in their hands.

Go hunt the Zerg.

Although these weapons are crude, they are all technological products and are very powerful.

As for more powerful weapons, they are the relics left behind by the angels, such as bolt guns, power swords, etc., which are extremely rare.

It is usually worshipped in temples.

If a crisis occurs and the holy relic needs to be used, only the king and the strongest Terran hunter can wear it.

Just when the new blood warriors were receiving their weapons.

The crowd suddenly became commotion.

Many people looked up at the sky, pointing and talking, as if they had seen something shocking.

Then, a large shadow moved over and covered the Square of the Saviour.

It was as if some huge monster blocked the sun.

Salo looked up.

He saw a huge ship in the sky, slowly approaching the planet.

However, the young prince had no fear.

He seemed to have thought of something, his whole body was trembling, and a hint of excitement appeared on his face:
"Then... could it be the prophesied holy ship?"

Before the angel left Danus, he left a prophecy:

One day in the future, the holy ship will arrive at this planet, and then the people of Danus will return to the arms of the great savior.

Not only will they be able to see the angels again, but they will also be able to see the great savior!
more importantly.

That means the start of further trials, and he has a chance to become an angel!
Before Salo could react.

The priests knelt on the ground enthusiastically, announcing loudly: "Dear believers, the holy ship has arrived, and the great savior will come to Danus!"

Accompanied by the priests' announcement.

The people in the square all knelt down.

Karen XVII and his guards also half-knelt on the ground, welcoming the arrival of the holy ship with warrior etiquette.

at the same time.

Throughout the settlements of the Danus Oasis, the frenzied prayers of sacrifice were heard everywhere.

Everyone who saw the huge ship knelt down.

Welcoming the Holy Boat.

Welcome that great being!
after awhile.

In the sight of the believers in the Savior Square, a small ship slowly approached and landed on the square.


The gangway to the landing ship's hatch came down.

Ron stepped down, wearing a dark golden robe, looking sacred and majestic.

As soon as he walked down, he saw people kneeling on the ground.

Still a little surprised.

Although I know that this planet believes in the savior and will not have any ill will towards me.

But such a warm welcome still surprised him.

Presumably, this was left by Da Tong.

As a professional god...charlatan, he is very familiar with these methods, or the methods used to control faith in the territory.

They all came from the hands of Him, the Savior.

"The savior has arrived!"

The high priest shouted devoutly at the top of his voice, and then performed some kind of ritual gesture.

Bang bang bang kowtow.

Because the force of the knock was so great, Ron could even hear the sound of the stone slab vibrating.

"Hiss~Isn't this too pious?"

He looked at the people kneeling on the ground and suddenly thought of something.

Then, the Dream used the hymn projector to project the Savior's sacred music into the atmosphere of the entire planet.

The Savior's first appearance.

Can't be vague.

Basically there is a standard process.

Amid melodious chants, Ron addressed the entire Danus.

He blessed these devout believers with words and asked them to stand up and resume their daily lives, so as to avoid kneeling for too long which would have a great impact.

"That boy Datong is quite reliable. It's worth it that I love him so much..."

Ron was quite emotional.

after that.

He received an audience with the local king, Karen XVII, and the high priest.

From their stories and related documentary records, we learned what has happened on this planet over the past thousand years.

Through this information.

Ron roughly reconstructed what had happened to the barrel over the years.

millennia ago.

The barrel was swept back to the past by the chaotic time storm of the subspace and drifted to this desert planet.

Who came to this planet with the Children of Men.

There are also frigates of the Tyranid Hive Fleet chasing them, which is the source of the alien Zerg.

The Tyranids quickly spread across Danus, threatening the ecology of the entire planet.


This is a desert planet, which limits the expansion speed of Tyranids and prevents them from causing larger-scale destruction.

After that, they continued to fight the Tyranids of Danus for hundreds and thousands of years.

Only then did they completely suppress the threat of Tyron.

During this period.

Da Tong also supported the local indigenous people, spread the belief in the Savior, and taught them how to deal with the Tyranids.

Due to the shortage of meat in the area.

He also taught people how to cook insect meat, which is a bit sour but very delicious.

He left behind classics such as "One Hundred Ways to Stir-Fry Tyranid Meat", "Boiled Tyranids are the Most Delicious", "How to Kill Tyranids Easily", and "What to Do When Encountering a Tyranid Tide".

Not only that.

The barrel also provided the indigenous people with relevant technologies to help them build a country.

He became a holy angel sent by the Savior, worshipped by the Danus.


The Danus also became a powerful race after nearly a thousand years of fighting against the Tyranids.

Until more than two hundred years ago.

A strange crack appeared in the sky, and Datong and his crew found a way to drive the mother ship away.

"Two hundred years ago, a space rift?"

Ron pondered: "So, Datong and the others have been waiting for the crack that distorts time, and then they all left. I guess they want to return to the original time as soon as possible..."

"Lord Savior."

King Karen XVII looked pious and full of expectation:

"The Holy Trial is about to begin. Would you like to stop and watch the battle between our warriors and the Tyranids..."

(End of this chapter)

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