Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 320 The Insect Swarm Has Arrived!!!

Chapter 320 The Insect Swarm... has arrived!!!
Tegonian Desert.

The air seemed to be scorched by invisible flames, the hot steam was rising and twisted into heat waves.

Many succulent-like plants swayed gently in the heat wave.



A fiery red flower suddenly turned hideous. It extended its tentacles and pierced the sand lizard, then pulled it into its mouth to chew.

next second.

This deadly fleshy life was crushed by the thick steel tracks amid the roar of the engine.

Dark red juice splashed out.

The Danus people's unique sand vehicles are running in the desert.

The movement of these vehicles would occasionally attract attacks from swift bone insects.

But these insects with sharp bone claws were quickly killed by the Tyranid hunters in the convoy.

Even the bodies were collected.

For the Danus.

These are extremely valuable proteins.

Ron sat in the cockpit, admiring the exotic scenery outside.

Different than imagined.

There is more life in this dry land than expected.

The arrival of the Tyranids completely changed the ecology of this desert planet.

More abundant, and more deadly.


These Tyranids went back around the millennium. Because they had lost contact with their mothership and were on a desert planet, they were unable to obtain much biomass.

It is why we did not expand on a larger scale and return to the starry sky.

Ron looked away.

He flipped through the collected information on the data pad to understand the history of the Danus.

The historical materials that can be found at present can only be traced back to 1,500 years ago.

At that time they lived a very primitive life.

As for how the Danus came to this desert planet, there is no trace of it.

Perhaps it was a warp-space disaster, or perhaps it was the remnant of a colonial exploration team.

In short.

The Danus came to this planet and settled down.

They live in tribes on this barren planet and the population is sparse.

Rely on the meager resources in the oasis to survive.

But all this.

That changed over a thousand years ago.

An alien creature called Tyrannosaurus descended on this planet and brought terrible disaster to the people.

Fortunately, the Savior sent a holy angel.

Under the leadership of the Archangel, Lord Otsuka.

The Danus fought the Tyranids for nearly a thousand years before they were able to completely suppress the threat.

To some extent.

They achieved a certain ecological coexistence with the Tyranids.

Although the Tyranids brought more fatal damage to the indigenous people, they also provided abundant protein, feeding a larger population for this desert planet.


There are already hundreds of millions of people living in the oasis settlements on this planet.

It transformed from a tribal form into a national form and developed and prospered.

of course.

None of this happened in a vacuum.

At the beginning.

The acid and venom contained in the Tyranid flesh caused a lot of pain to the indigenous people here.

Many people even turned into monsters because of this.

But the Danus did not give up the protein of Tyranid meat.

Because the Tyranids, a terrifying alien creature, reproduce at an astonishing rate and devour resources greedily.

Devouring the already meager vegetation and protein on the planet.

The death knell has tolled.

Facing the relentless Tyranid swarms, the Danus stand at the crossroads of history, facing unprecedented challenges.

However, under the guidance and help of the holy angels.

The Danus found a way to survive - hunting the swarms of insects that once terrified them.

Then eat them!

that's it.

Some of the bravest Danus gave up their normal food to their tribesmen.

They themselves followed the holy angels to hunt insects, processed the insect meat according to the skills taught by the angels, and ate it.

Survive on the protein provided by the insect meat.

These brave people were respected and worshipped by the Danus.

Not only because of their generosity and sacrifice, but also because they are able to kill insects and devour their flesh like the holy angels.

They possess angelic qualities and are revered as Tyranid Hunters.

During this process, many people died from the toxins in the insect meat.

But there are more people who miraculously survived and gained a certain resistance.

Those Danus who were resistant survived and reproduced better.

Spread the resistance gene.

After a thousand years of growth and evolution, almost all Danus are able to eat insect flesh.


The higher the quality of the insect meat one eats, the stronger the toxin.

The more you gain respect from people.

It's an honor.

Some Tyranid hunter families even feed their newborn babies insect botulinum toxin to make them more adapted to and like the taste of insects, thus gaining a keener sense of smell.

Able to find bugs faster.

of course.

This action needs to be carried out under the witness of a sacrifice, and not everyone is eligible for such an opportunity.

"Hey, these Danus are pretty fierce!"

See here.

Ron gasped.

These guys are so tough, with strong physique and combat capabilities, and are good candidates to become Space Marines.

He has decided to take Danus under his command, use the planet as the home planet, and establish a new regiment against the alien Zerg.


The current number of gene seeds is not enough, and we cannot expand on a large scale.

There was a gentle knock on the hatch.

"Lord Savior."

Salo was a little reserved. After getting permission, he walked in with a food tray:

"The hunters killed a predatory insect, and its meat is very delicious."

The prince bowed his head and respectfully presented the dish: "I baked this myself, please taste it..."

"That's great. I also want to taste what Tyranid bugs taste like..."

Ron opened the lid and looked at the steaming skewers of insect meat.

Quite emotional.

Decades ago, there was a disturbance on the planet Ers, which almost summoned a swarm of insects, and scared the hell out of itself.

I didn't expect that times have changed and now people are eating insect meat.

Ron picked up the insect meat skewers and smelled them, and found that this thing was not only slightly corrosive, but also contained multiple toxins.

Normal humans simply can't eat this stuff.

This made him give up half of the idea of ​​setting up a worm meat food production line. He decided to wait until Da Tong came back and then let him cooperate in the research and development.

Maybe there will be a breakthrough.

Ron stuffed the bug meat skewer into his mouth and began to chew.

A normal person can't eat this, but he is not a normal person.

not to mention.

Even the characteristics of Datong's genetic offspring came from this savior.

Not to mention the Tyranid meat, even some Chaos Demons.

Ron could even grab a bite.

Do you really think that his title of Demon Eater was earned for nothing?


Ron swallowed the worm meat and encouraged Salo: "Not bad, you have some skills of making a big barrel now!"

have to say.

After special processing, this thing tastes really good and has a special fragrance.

The prerequisite is that it can resist the toxins in the insect meat.

Hearing the praise from the Savior, Salo's excitement was beyond words.

Tyranid hunters must not only have superb insect-killing skills, but also be proficient in the techniques of cooking insects, which also require assessment.

For this prince.

It is the highest honor to praise his craftsmanship as that of Archangel Datong-sama.

Ron looked at the prince and continued to make promises: "I will watch your trial battle later. If you are strong enough, I will give you the opportunity to become an angel..."

Through the information just now.

He knew what it meant to be an angel for the Danus.

That is an opportunity they are willing to fight for at all costs, even at the cost of their lives.

Salo controlled his trembling body, so as not to lose composure in front of the great being. He solemnly performed a warrior's etiquette:

"I will hunt for you the most powerful and delicious bug in the Trial Field!"


He turned and went out to prepare.

After the prince left, Ron continued to enjoy the Tyranid worm meat kebabs.

After taking two bites, he suddenly thought of a question.

Over the past thousand years, the Sons of Man, led by Big Barrel, has been recruiting the best Tyranid hunters as new members.

To replenish fresh blood.

As an independent regiment, the Sons of Man have many technical sergeants within them, and some maintenance production lines for related equipment have been set up in the mothership.

It also has complete genetic seed cultivation and surgical equipment.

That means.

The number of Sons of Man has continued to expand over the past thousand years!
Moreover, you can continue to accumulate gene seeds.

The gene seeds produced were based on the Danusian physique, and would most likely have characteristics targeting the Tyranids.

It is a high-end genetic seed!

Unfortunately, the internal situation of the Children of Man Chapter.

It was kept strictly secret from the Danus.

Those Tyranid hunters who were absorbed also followed the regiment's discipline after becoming Space Marines, did not reveal any information, and did not leave any relevant records.

Ron flipped through the documents.

He found that the information about this part was incomplete and had been intentionally erased.

It is impossible to guess the specific situation.

Ron had no way of knowing.

To what extent have Da Tong and his team expanded and how much gene seeds have they accumulated.

But in any case, the number will definitely not be too small.

That’s a thousand years!

"It's a huge profit..."

Ron ate the insect meat with great satisfaction.

He suddenly missed the barrel a little.

This child, Datong, is really adorable. It's worth it that I gave so many good things to the son of mankind.

Ron was already looking forward to the journey to the temple after the trial.

The so-called temple is the monastery built by the Sons of Man on the planet, but I don’t know about it.

Any stock left?

Holy Land of Trial.

Ron followed the trial team and came to this huge building that looked like an ancient Colosseum.

The building covers an area of ​​several square kilometers and is made of solid rock, which houses many types of Tyranids.

These horrible bugs were all captured by Tyranid hunters.

Specially used to test new blood warriors.

Allowing them to be promoted to new Tyranid Hunters.

Ron learned.

Since the number of wild insects is now smaller, catching them has become much more difficult. The priests in charge of the trial field are already considering whether to raise the insects in captivity.

At the same time, a hunting ban was issued.

Let the Tyranid hunters reduce the time and frequency of hunting to ensure the orderly growth of the swarm.

Moreover, there are some restrictions on the trade of insect meat.

We call on people to eat less insect meat to avoid the complete destruction of the insect ecology and protect the future of the Danus people.

So that future generations can continue to have insects to eat.

In this regard.

Ron could only say that this was quite scientific.

Let’s look at it more rigorously.

Isn’t this a comprehensive and integrated approach?

We should focus on improving the self-repairing ability of natural ecosystems, enhancing the stability of ecosystems and ecosystem service functions, so as to form a pattern of harmonious coexistence between man and nature?
It can be said that the planet Danus has fully inherited the development ideas of the Savior's territory.

As soon as Ron sat down in the stands, the trial began.


The insect bone horn sounded.

The gate to the trial field opened.

Nearly a thousand new blood warriors grasped their weapons and poured into the trial field.

These men wore little or no armor.

They need to rely on their flesh and blood and the weapons in their hands just like their ancestors did.

Kill the Tyranids!
Along with these noises, the Tyranids in various areas also let out terrible roars.

Ron sensed it.

Although there are many Tyranid bugs in this trial field, most of them are still within the range that humans can deal with.

There are no such big guys as Hive Overlords, Hive Tyrants, or Tyrant Guards that require powerful Space Marines or large vehicles to kill.

Those are huge creatures that cannot be penetrated by light weapons and cannot be dealt with by individual humans.


The new blood warriors rushed to various areas and began to hunt the Tyranids.

Once they hunt their target.

Then return to the designated altar with the spoils, and the trial will be passed.

Ron used a telescope to observe the warriors' battle with the Tyranids.

He could see that these warriors were indeed much stronger physically than ordinary humans.

Some warriors grappled with the Tyranid warriors expertly, dodging their swift attacks and then constantly inflicting wounds on their enemies.

Until the enemy is completely killed.

There was even one warrior who, having lost his weapon, killed a seriously injured Tyranid warrior with his bare hands.

He himself was also corroded by the insect blood, there was not a single piece of healthy flesh on his body, and he even lost an eye.

However, he did not care, but seemed extremely excited.

Howling up to the sky.

The people watching the battle in the trial field also cheered enthusiastically for the warrior.


Ron applauded, praising the soldier's bravery.

Taco, who was standing by, silently memorized the name and appearance of the warrior.

Ron then turned his attention to the prince named Salo.


The new blood warrior was still lurking forward carefully, going deeper into more dangerous areas.

Salo's actions attracted the attention of the priests and the people, and they talked about it a lot.

The sacrifice tells people:

"God is above, according to the route taken by His Royal Highness the Prince, his target is the sand python!"

It was one of the most powerful bugs in the trial field.

This statement came out.

This made the crowd even more enthusiastic and they cheered.

Karen XVII also showed an expression of relief on her face.

This is his son!
The king believed that his beloved son would be able to hunt and kill a sand python like himself.

Gain the worship of all Neobloods.


In the proving ground.

A several-meter-long sand python broke out of the ground.

Sand and stones flew everywhere.

Insects of this size cannot be easily dealt with by light weapons.

Salo dodged the fatal blow.

He showed no fear at all.

For the Tyranid Hunter, it is important to stay calm at all times and not let yourself panic.

A Tyranid can withstand many attacks, but a single mistake by a Tyranid Hunter could kill him.

Salo took a deep breath, feeling the movement of the sand python.

Then he suddenly launched a charge.

Ding ding ding ding ding.

The sand python's six sharp front claws kept attacking, but all of them missed and were nailed into the sand.

The prince took this opportunity to move closer and stabbed the sand python in its weak spot.


He moved a little distance to avoid the attack, and while the sand python was in pain, he took out his large pistol and shot the other's eye.

In Ron's eyes.

The speed of both sides is quite slow.

After all, it was a battle between giant bugs and mortals.

But being able to fight such a battle with the help of a mortal body is already amazing.

He saw more things in his sight.

That's the rhythm.

Salo has mastered the rhythm of fighting the sand python, and if nothing unexpected happens, he will win this battle.


The battle lasted for about ten minutes.

The prince killed the exhausted sand python with only minor injuries.

He also won everyone's cheers and admiration.

Salo dragged the sand python's head back towards the altar.

Unfortunately, he encountered a swarm of swiftbone insects on the way.

It can be seen that the prince no longer has the ability to continue fighting.

The atmosphere in the trial field suddenly became tense.

However, when the two sides were in a stalemate, the swift bone insects actually chose to retreat!

Ron even found out.

A feeling of fear appeared on the bodies of those swift bone insects.

He doubted it.

The new blood warriors have been eating insect flesh for years and have insect pheromones on their bodies, especially since Salo had just killed a higher-level insect.

This makes the swift bone worms feel like they are facing a natural enemy, and they retreat.

Watch this battle.

Ron is convinced that the Danus are the best specialized warriors currently available to deal with the Tyranids!
Those new blood warriors have rich fighting skills.

That is the most effective way to deal with insects that has been concluded by Tyranid hunters over thousands of years.

of course.

The Tyranids are constantly evolving.

The Tyranid hunters are also constantly updating their skills.

The struggle lasted for thousands of years.

The Tyranids here are probably stronger than those in other places.

As the trial progresses.

Casualties were inevitable. Some warriors died in the battle with the insects, while others were exhausted and accidentally attacked on the way to the altar.

The proportion of these casualties is almost one-third.

However, the people of Danus did not show any strange emotions, as if they were used to it.

This is the path to becoming a Tyranid Hunter.

This is also the way of survival of the Danus people for thousands of years. They are born with only two choices: either eat insects or be eaten by insects.

This is especially true if you want to become a Tyranid Hunter.

If one is not skilled enough and not strong enough, it is natural that one will be eaten by insects during hunting.

If you don't want to become food for insects, you can only become stronger.

Those Tyranid hunters would even spend several generations searching for a powerful bug.

Until you succeed.

Gain supreme glory.

If anyone dares to deliberately snatch the insect head during this period, he will become the enemy for life.

It is precisely because of this resolute spirit and attitude that the Danus people were able to survive under the siege of Tyran and continue to grow stronger.

Until the insect swarm is completely suppressed.

Ron could only express respect for these cultures or customs, as this was their way of survival.

It’s not just the Danus.

The same is true of the human race itself.

People can always fight and adapt in harsh environments until they find a way to survive.

This is also human.

One of the reasons why we can survive in the Purgatory Galaxy.

of course.

After officially accepting Danus Star.

Ron will try his best to improve the lives of the Danus people and provide more powerful weapons to those brave warriors.

So that they can survive better.

What's the point of just killing bugs in your hometown? There are more powerful bugs in the galaxy.

Waiting for these Tyranid hunters to hunt and gain more glory.

Another half day passed.

This trial is over.

The surviving new blood warriors, carrying their spoils, went to the temple for the promotion ceremony.

Ron also went over to take a look.

The temple was built not far from the entrance of the Monastery of the Sons of Man.

As for the monastery.

It is a forbidden place mentioned by the people of Danus. No one dares to approach it, except the Tyranid hunters who have been given the opportunity to become angels.

Only then were they allowed to set foot.

Ron as savior.

Of course he could enter however he wanted, and even the access control system didn't stop him.

The access control of almost all important areas of the territory is unprotected against the Savior.

This is also an important rule in the Book of Salvation.

He went in, took a look around, and then walked out.


Before leaving, the guy with the barrel took away everything that could be taken away, and it was impossible for him to leave behind precious materials such as genetic seeds.

After Ron walked out of the monastery, he accepted the worship from Karen XVII and the high priest and others.

Since then.

He also took the opportunity to take the planet back under his control.

Then he notified the relevant agencies to come and handle the affairs of the planet.

But it is just the most basic docking and communication.

Before the vat returned.

Ron won't make many adjustments to the planet.

Datong has been running Danus Planet for nearly a thousand years, so he should at least ask that kid's opinion.


starry night.


Sanctuary of the Redeemer, miniature garden.

The breeze blows and the sound of insects chirps one after another.

Ron lay in the rocking chair, looking up at the starry sky.

He sighed and said, "Big Bucket, when will you come back?"

More than two hundred years ago, Big Barrel and the Son of Man left the planet Danus. No one knows where they went or whether they can return safely.

The savior scratched his head, feeling that he had overlooked some information...
Hades Galaxy.


The stars are as red as blood.


A merchant ship jumped out of the warp channel and stopped outside the planet's atmosphere.

Inside the bridge.

"Finally escaped from those chaotic bastards..."

The Rogue Trader breathed a sigh of relief.

A few days ago, while he was conducting a shady smuggling operation, he was intercepted by Chaos forces, who wanted to plunder the cargo on the ship.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly and continued to escape.

The governor of this planet has a good relationship with me, so it can be considered one of my safe havens.

When you come here, your safety is guaranteed.


Before the wandering trader could relax, his heart suddenly contracted again.

"Emperor, what... just happened!?"

The Rogue Trader was stunned.

An indescribable fear gripped his heart and made it impossible for him to breathe.

in view.

The once blue planet has disappeared, leaving only a bare ball of dirt.

There is no sign of any life...

(End of this chapter)

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