Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 321: The Big Barrel Chapter Returns, the Third Tyranid War!

Chapter 321: The Return of the Barrel, the Third Tyranid War!

The wandering merchant stared at the bare ball of earth, almost stunned.

I don't want to believe that all this is true.

He looked at the star map again to confirm that the position was correct.

The destruction of a prosperous civilized world dealt a huge blow to the wandering trader.

He remembered a terrible legend circulating throughout the galaxy.

The Tyranids, aliens from outside the galaxy, will destroy every planet they encounter and devour all life.

Everywhere you go.

Even bacteria are not spared.

Even more terrifying.

These Tyranids can also create a kind of shadow, making it difficult for passing ships to escape!

There was silence on the bridge.

Everyone was stunned by fear.

"Hurry up and start the subspace engine and leave this damn place!"

The Rogue Trader screamed, his vocal cords nearly torn.

He just wanted to escape from this nightmarish area and never come back!

The subspace drive failed to start.

When the navigator on the ship tried to contact the warp, he suddenly fell into madness because of some psychic whispers, and blood kept flowing out of his torn ear canal.

Under the influence of the Swarm's shadow, the Navigator went mad.

This news came.

This caused the people on the merchant ships to become more and more panicked.

An astropath on board tried to send an astropathic communication to seek rescue from the Imperial army, but just as she was absorbing the energy of the Warp and preparing to project the message into the distant void.

She then saw huge, shadowy tentacles in the void.

This psychic, whose will was far stronger than that of ordinary psychics, seemed to have seen something that he could not look directly at.

Let out an extremely shrill scream.


The Astropath's head suddenly exploded due to the backlash of psychic energy, and blood and brains splattered all over the surrounding crew members.

The crew was further frightened and grew more terrified.

"Merciful Emperor, please save us, save us poor believers!"

These guys who have been wandering on the gray edge for years knelt on the ground and prayed for the forgiveness and salvation of the God-Emperor.

They had never been so pious.

The Rogue Merchant wiped the white blood stains off his face.

Just as he was about to say something, his pupils suddenly shrank and a gray color appeared on his face.

It was deep despair.

Within sight.

The terrifying shadow spread across the endless galaxy.

Those... are the swarm!

He could even clearly see the disgusting and twisted tentacles, the disgusting bugs simply filled the entire starry sky!

after awhile.

The Rogue Trader was freed from his fear.

The large bolt pistol roared.

Draw everyone's attention to the captain.

The Rogue Trader suppressed the trembling of his body and spoke with difficulty through his hoarse throat:
"Boys, the stinking alien bugs are coming. If you don't want to die in humiliation, return to your posts..."

His voice became more determined:

"Get ready for battle. Only by killing a few more aliens can we have a chance to return to the throne. Even if we die, we must die happily!"

"For the Emperor!!!"

The wandering merchant raised his weapon and roared, and the crew members' emotions were aroused and they roared along with him.

The crew returned to their posts.

They don't want to die in despair and vow to fight the Zerg to the death!

In the void.

The shadow came towards the ship.

Boom boom boom——

The cannons on the merchant ships roared.


Just after it fired a few shots, it was wrapped up and torn apart by huge tentacles.

The fire from the exploding ship was in a shadow that almost covered the galaxy.

Seems so insignificant.

Like an ant trying to hold back a huge wave.

After the shadow.

No trace was left in this starry sky. The people and ships that once resisted were devoured by the swarm of insects.

This is the swarm.

They not only devour living things, but also take away messages for help that represent hope. People can only wait for death to come in endless darkness and despair.

The Tyranid swarm was unstoppable, and the Vitria galaxy behind them was already empty.

And the Zerg's next target... is the Hades Galaxy!
Hades Galaxy.



A dark green, tattered large cruiser stumbled out of the subspace channel.

Several decks of the ship were torn apart in the violent turbulence and slowly floated in the starry sky.

One of them.

A symbol of a skull and stars intertwined can be clearly seen.

The moment the dark green cruiser arrived.

Countless cheers and roars came from inside the ship.

The mothership of the Sons of Man, after decades of sailing in the warp channel.

Finally back to the galaxy!
However, due to the influence of turbulence, the arrival time was two hundred years later.


It has only been a few years since they disappeared.

Inside the bridge.

The bridge was littered with Tyranid bones, and many of the Son of Man warriors were adorned with various insect leathers and bones.

It seems quite fascinating.

dong dong dong-

Heavy footsteps sounded.

A tall warrior as strong as an iron barrel came over.

His eyepieces were scarlet, his body was covered in insect armor, and the skull of a hive tyrant was embedded on his back. He exuded a violent aura.

This being is the commander of the Sons of Man, the Holy Angel, and the favorite of the Great Savior - Big Barrel!
"Contact the Savior..."

The barrel said so.

Under the operation of the technical sergeant, a private communication was sent and projected to the distant stars.

at the same time.

Charaton area.

Inside the miniature garden of the Dream.

Ron was lying in the rocking chair, staring at the starry sky in a daze. He was wondering what information he had overlooked.


The communication system rang.

"Children of Man's channel?"

He looked down, was startled, and reached out to answer the call.

The communication system casts virtual influences into the air.

on the screen.

"Lord Savior?"

An electronic sound came from the helmet.

The Space Marine wearing hideous insect bone ornaments was standing in front of the camera, looking very imposing.

"Big Tong, how come you've lost so much weight?"

Ron could tell at a glance that it was the kid from Big Tong, and it looked like he had suffered a lot.

Judging from the momentum, the strength has improved a lot.

"Savior, I finally see you. I missed you so much!"

Da Tong took off his helmet tremblingly and almost stuck it to the camera device, causing his entire fat face to fill the screen.

"Do you know?"

He burst into tears and cried loudly:
"I have been eating insect flesh for nearly a thousand years, and the kitchen utensils you gave me are broken. I am so miserable..."

"Big barrel, you've suffered a lot!"

Ron patted Da Tong's head and comforted him:

"I have a lot more food in my warehouse. I'll have the logistics department deliver it to you when the time comes..."

Hear the words.

Datong was very touched: "I knew you were the best to me!"

There is a strong bond between the Primarchs and their gene-children, and Roon treats the gene-children more kindly than other Primarchs, so the relationship is closer.

To the first generation of genetic offspring, the savior is both a leader and an old father.

It’s just that due to different personalities, the way of getting along with the Savior is also different.

Especially the big barrel, which is the focus of the savior, is more emotional.

To put it simply, this kid named Datong is very popular.

Just as Big Bucket was wiping away tears.

Ron suddenly thought of something and slapped his head:
"I almost forgot. I still have a pair of demon wings of a demigod in my warehouse. I'll get you half of them so you can recover. I'll use the remaining half to make soup when you come back, and we can drink it together!"

This kid is extremely talented, so it should be no problem for him to eat some demon demigod flesh.

Such care touched Datong even more.

Speechless and choked.

after that.

The vat tells the story of those years.

After being stranded on the planet Danus, he operated there for nearly eight hundred years.

All the while waiting for that rift in the warp flux that would throw them back into the future.

Until two hundred years ago.

They finally waited until the crack formed again, and then led everyone on board the ship to leave Danus.

Into the crack.


Datong and his companions underestimated the time required to cross the rift and stayed in the subspace for decades, almost dying in it.

Fortunately, I returned safely.

Datong said weakly that it was due to the hardships he had experienced over the years.

The Humanity's Mothership and many of its equipment have aged and been damaged, making it difficult for them to continue serving.

Not only that.

The Space Marines' power armor also needs to be replenished.

"Hey, little things..."

Ron was in a good mood: "Your ship should have been replaced long ago."

He waved his hand.

A large battleship of the battleship class was allocated to Datong.

The ship was a high-end cargo salvaged from the subspace. It had just been repaired and was waiting to be put into use in the airport.

"You should also replace all your power armor, weapons, and vehicles with new ones. It just so happens that a batch of new ones have been produced at the Lunar Foundry Base in recent years, and the quality is much better than before."

Ron continued.

"Lord Savior."

Datong scratched his head and said, "I'm afraid the amount of equipment we need is a bit too much..."

Ron realized that the Children of Man had been continuing to expand over the years.

I’m afraid the number of people will not be small.

He looked at the barrel and asked excitedly, "Barrel, how many Space Marines do you have now?" "About 20,000, 21,303 to be exact, but most of them don't have power armor..."

replied the big bucket proudly.

This is the family fortune he has spent a thousand years accumulating!

For nearly a thousand years, the Sons of Man have continuously selected the best Tyranid hunters to join the warband and performed genetic modification surgery on those Tyranid hunters.

Implantation of gene seeds.

However, due to the limitations of the mothership's equipment manufacturing equipment, it was difficult for them to produce real power armor and they could only create some simple power armor.

The only one thousand sets of power armor were also repaired.

A group must be left for the soldiers to train in turns.

Even though fresh blood is constantly being absorbed, the number of humans on the planet Danus is still too small.

and so.

More gene-seed was stockpiled.


The gene bank of the Sons of Humanity mothership still holds about 60,000 gene seeds.

this news.

Ron was very excited: "Big Bucket, you really helped me a lot!"

That's 20,000 Space Marines. Even the many parent and daughter chapters of the Empire combined don't have that many people.

It is a very powerful force.

Moreover, they are 20,000 Space Marines transformed from the Danus humans.

The strength will be much stronger than ordinary Space Marines.

They are also specialized warriors against the Tyranid aliens, and will play a significant role in future wars against the Tyranid hives!
more importantly.

Those more than 60,000 gene seeds.

The territory was in great shortage of gene seeds, which seriously slowed down the expansion of the chapter.

Thus, there are more than 50,000 Space Marines in the territory, and with the Sons of Man, there are more than 70,000.

Plus that batch of high-quality gene seeds.

Soon the number of Space Marines will be expanded to more than 100,000.

Once the base number of Space Marines increases, the expansion speed will be even faster, like a snowball.

Millions of space warriors are not a dream!

Ron was happy.

The latest batch of one thousand Centurion armors were allocated to the Sons of Man.

The other regiments will have to wait for the next batch.

Who asked Datong to make such a great contribution?

At the command of the Savior.

The relevant departments immediately took action.

The approximately ten-kilometer-long battleship parked at the airport was renamed in the system and officially became the mothership of the Sons of Mankind.

An engineering team of hundreds of thousands of people.

We began to paint, adjust and transform the Humanity's Mothership according to the plan.


The supplies allocated to the Children of Mankind were also packed and waiting at the port.

Once the initial modification of the Sons of Humanity mothership is completed, it will be loaded onto the ship and sent to them together with the mothership.

As for how the ship should be further modified and used in the future, that is the internal matter of the Children of Man.

There is also the treatment of the planet Danus.

After the return of the vat.

This planet officially becomes the home planet of the Sons of Mankind, and a new sub-group called "Alien Hunters" will also be created.

The Children of Men and their Fellows.

It will become the first warband in the territory to have a home planet.

Of course, to be more precise, war angels and void angels also have home planets.

That is the planet Ers.

But owning an independent home planet like Datong still makes the other two brotherhoods envious.

As soon as that guy goes out, the brothers can no longer afford to date him.

Not only did they get a mother planet, but they also snatched away the first batch of Centurion armor that was about to be installed in advance.

Duke and Prue even threatened that they would have a good fight with Big Barrel when he came back.

But envy is envy.

They knew that the barrel's merits deserved such a reward.

Isn't it just a mother planet?

The two chapter leaders are ready to fight. Once they have gained more military merits, they will ask the savior for one!
The affairs concerning Danus are progressing rapidly.

The newly born sub-group named Alien Hunters was officially included in the territory's armed forces.

The Alien Hunter uses hunting knives and insect skulls as their flags, the color of their power armor is dark red camouflage, and their fighting style is more like that of a savage hunter.

Or rather, the Predator.

Battle cry: "Hunting!"

That was the Lord Savior’s suggestion, and it was approved by everyone.

By then.

The Sons of Man will assign a number of their warriors to join the Alien Hunters.


Continuously absorb the Danus people as fresh blood of the sub-group.

It will become a large-scale regiment with high-intensity and alien combat capabilities.

Bring the bloody hunt for the aliens!

The Alien Hunter Sub-Group is jointly managed by the Sons of Mankind and the Military Affairs Department, but will receive more combat orders from the Military Affairs Department to hunt relevant aliens.

As for the vats of them.

I would rather continue floating among the stars.

As time goes by, many related matters are progressing.

The brand new Sons of Humanity mothership set sail from the Star Tower Airport, loaded with supplies and equipment, heading for the area where the Sons of Humanity are located.

The War Angels' armed ships followed closely behind.

Once they arrive, they will transport back the gene seeds from the gene bank of the Son of Man that the Savior has been waiting for.



Inside the Sanctuary of the Savior.

Ron drank iced cola quite comfortably and enjoyed the latest dance rehearsal of the dance troupe.

The return of the big barrel brought him too many gains.

This made him feel good during this period and he couldn't help but enjoy it.

not to mention.

I've been fighting for so many years, can't I just enjoy myself?
Ron looked at the dancers' soft waists and graceful postures, and thought of the continued growth of the territory's population, economy, and armaments.

I will be even happier.

Part of the mining area in Charaton is already in operation, which disgusts the high lords who want to see the joke.


After continuing to strip the human worlds controlled by the Tau Empire, the population of the territory has grown further.


Still not enough.

After two consecutive Chaos invasions, the population of Charadon was reduced by at least 90%.

Even with the replenishment from the Goli Star Sector, the population and labor force are still in short supply, and many areas are empty.

but no matter.

The territory continues to develop.

It can be said that all things are competing to flourish and are full of vitality.


Ron's good mood as the savior did not last long before it was shattered by the news from the Military Affairs Department.

The intelligence department of the Ministry of Military Affairs has been analyzing the incomplete data sent back after the return of the barrel.

Since there is too much interference from the subspace and Tyranid psychic information remaining in the data, the data is full of garbled characters.

The decryption work is progressing with difficulty.

Fortunately, with Xiao Ling's help, the data was deciphered and analyzed.

Then, I got bad news.

Inferred based on data information.

The hive mothership that Da Tong encountered at that time was just one of the tentacles of that hive fleet.

more importantly.

Their navigation route points to the Chalaton area.

If the route of the Tyranid Hive Fleet has not changed, based on their approximate speed of travel, they have most likely passed the Vitria system.

About to approach the Hades galaxy.

The Ministry of Military Affairs declared.

If no one can stop it.

That Tyranid Hive Fleet would devastate several star systems, grow even more powerful, and reach the Charadon Sector a decade later.

"What the hell?!"

After seeing the file information, Ron sat up abruptly and was no longer in the mood to watch the show.

Some information in his memory emerged, and his expression became more serious.

That Tyranid Hive Fleet was extremely terrifying.

According to the official statistics of the Empire, this will be the Third Tyrannic War!
This hive fleet named "Leviathan" is larger and more powerful than previous hive fleets.

That will be the most powerful hive fleet that humanity currently faces!
Ron looked at the star map in the sky.

According to speculation, Leviathan is very likely to have reached the edge of the Hades galaxy.

Even more terrifying.

After an investigation by the Military Affairs Department, the Vitria system has not sent out any information for many years.

That means that the Vitria galaxy is very likely to have been destroyed.

Leviathan has captured the biomass of the entire galaxy and has become even more powerful!
A galaxy was destroyed silently for several years, and Holy Terra had never discovered it. This really fits his stereotype of the relevant departments of Holy Terra.

Ron looked at the star map made by the Military Affairs Department in the air.

The area representing the Vetria System has turned grey, and the icon of the Tyranid Hive Fleet is approaching the Hades System.

If the Hades Galaxy is destroyed, the next one will be the Baal Galaxy.

There is Baal, the descendant of Sanguinius and the home planet of the Blood Angels Chapter.

Today, the Blood Angels are estimated to have thirty to fifty thousand Space Marines, making them a veteran and powerful Chapter, and the most likely entity to resist the Leviathan Hive Fleet along the way.

Once they can't resist it.

Then Leviathan continued to wreak havoc until it reached Charaton.

by that time.

Leviathan, which has devoured the biomass of several galaxies, will become extremely powerful, and the territory will definitely not be able to withstand it!

Based on the advice of the Ministry of Military Affairs.

The best way for the territory to resolve this disaster is to cooperate with the Blood Angels and the Imperial Army.

We must destroy the Tyranid Hive Fleet in the Hades System, otherwise this war will become increasingly difficult.

Ron accepted the advice of the Military Affairs Department, and then sent the news to Holy Terra as soon as possible in the name of the Primarch.

Allow the Supreme Lords more time to react.

The chorus has retreated.

Ron sat alone in the chair and sighed:
"Alas, this damn Milky Way, there is no peace for a moment..."

After a moment of lamentation.

With a heavy heart, he declared the territory to be in a state of all-out war in response to the Third Tyranid War.

From this moment on.

The territory will draw out all the troops that can be mobilized and send them to the Hades Galaxy.

Fight against Leviathan together with the Blood Angels and the Imperial Army!

While the Military Affairs Department was formulating war plans and organizing the army, Ron set off for Barr on the Dream.

He had to communicate personally with Dante, the leader of the Blood Angels.

At the same time, bring a gift they have always longed for...

(End of this chapter)

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