Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 330: Informationized warfare, a bloody insect wash!

Chapter 330: Informationized warfare, a bloody insect wash!
Helos Starport.

Outer defense line, watchtower.

Ron looked down at the steel defense line that had been built.

The outermost Titan cluster, Imperial Knights, and super-heavy poison blade tanks are already in place.

Behind the vehicle cluster are three defense walls that are more than ten meters high and four or five meters thick, filled with densely packed heavy artillery and force field defense devices.

The deep trenches more than ten meters wide on both sides of the defense wall were filled with promethium super-high temperature fuel.

Between the defensive walls.

It is divided into more than a dozen defense zones, filled with heavy armor, sentinels and other vehicles, and various troops will cooperate with these vehicles in combat.

At the very end is a group of super heavy artillery.

at the same time.

The Blood Angels and the Sons of Man are also ready.

Eight hundred Centurion armored warriors, hundreds of Dreadnoughts, and many soldiers all successfully arrived at their defense zones.

About one-third of the elite Space Marine veterans are ready to go on the Thunderhawk gunship.

Be ready to provide support in various defense zones at any time, and be responsible for attacking and handling node creatures.

"The Vanguard Hive has invested a huge amount of money this time. The number of them is enough to flood the Heros Starport several times..."

Ron used a telescope to look at the insect swarm in the distance and couldn't help but gasp.

within sight.

The Tyranid swarm was a huge black mass that almost blocked out all light in the area.

Like a huge shadow blocking out the sun.

It's slowly coming.

Even though he was dozens of kilometers away, he could sense the screams of the insect swarm.


Dante looked down at the battle zone and the layout inside it, which was like an iron barrel. "This is one of the strongest fortresses I have ever seen. Even if it is only temporary, I believe it can resist the swarm of insects."


Many arrangements in the war zone.

The chapter leader was a little confused as it was far beyond his previous experience.


He doesn't need to worry about the command this time.

Dante turned his head to look at the tall figure of the Savior not far away, and his worries dissipated a lot.

This was the first time he felt so relaxed on the eve of war.

Because the savior is right in front of the warriors.

You are no longer the most important one, you don’t have to bear all the burdens, and you don’t have to be people’s only support.

"It's great to have the guidance of a great being..."

Dante thought so.

He suddenly envied the Ultramarines and the regiments under the command of the Savior, who had the guidance of the Father of Genes.

If only my genetic father could come back.

That would be great.

The Blood Angels have always believed that the great Sanguinius is not completely dead.

There's just no way to come back for now.

"Do we really not have to go to the front lines to command?" Dante still had some doubts and concerns about the combat methods of the Savior's armed forces.

Ron turned around and patted the old soldier on the shoulder:

“No need, we’ll just wait here and listen to orders, especially from the commanders who came out of Zhongsi Academy.

Much more professional than me.”

He doesn't need to go to the battlefield in person to command the overall situation like the Regent or other chapter leaders.

That would be too tiring and difficult to balance.

If he has to do everything himself, why should he spend so much effort to cultivate talents?

To know.

The education expenditure in the Savior Territory accounts for 7% of the total income, which is higher than any country in the previous life.

That’s the total income of hundreds or thousands of planets!


Below the watchtower stands a steel fortress about five meters high.

The fortress was surrounded by a heavy force field defense, and even two teams of Thunder Guards were deployed to guard it.

It can be said to be heavily guarded.

Because this is the heart of the entire Helos Star Port war zone - the information command center.

Inside the command center.

Inside the hall, dozens of virtual projections occupied most of the space.

These virtual projections receive signals from countless monitoring devices throughout the war zone and beyond. With the support of the Mechanical Goddess, the signals can even be blocked by the shadow of Tyranids.

Transmitted to dozens of kilometers away.

Almost all the information from the entire war zone was transmitted to the command center.

Through these virtual projections, one can clearly observe the situation of the insect swarms inside and outside the war zone.


There are about sixty commanders working here, responsible for coordinating and commanding the entire battlefield.

They are all outstanding graduates of the Information Warfare College of Zhongsi College.

On the podium.

Commander-in-Chief Derksen stood straight, his eyes fixed on the changes in data on the virtual projection.

Don't dare to slack off at all.

This was the first time that the informationized warfare department participated in a war.

Derksen was the son of a worker, and with the grace of the Savior he was able to study at Zhongsi College.

But the academy he joined and what he learned.

Something is different.

He studied subjects related to information warfare proposed by the Savior.

Due to the interference of the warp, alien psionic energy and chaos forces.

It is very difficult to transmit information on the battlefield, and it is often accompanied by many errors or even complete mistakes.

So in many cases.

Commanders would issue orders to operate freely and then act based on very little information.

To command his troops.


In the end, the war depends on the will and courage of the soldiers.

There isn't much strategy.

In most cases, it's either defending or charging.

Only the Primarch, the Chapter Master, or the legendary commander can give accurate commands based on their rich experience and keen nerves.

To achieve amazing results.

But that is a very small number after all, and there will always be omissions when judging based on experience.


Many years ago, the Savior proposed the concept of information warfare and set about establishing relevant colleges to train talents.

Let the army rely on the physical domain, subspace domain, and electromagnetic information domain to seek to "see far, react quickly, and strike accurately."

The combat is formed by the individual cutting-edge combat force strike system, the troop and vehicle cluster strike system and the heavy long-range artillery strike system.

This is an outstanding advancement in combat philosophy.


the reality is cruel.

Before the Mechanical Goddess fully appeared.

These graduates of the Information Warfare Academy have never had a place to use their skills.

We can only carry out extreme simulation training over and over again on the virtual sandbox.


They were finally able to step onto the battlefield and command an entire battle, provide soldiers with specific and detailed information, and coordinate support mobilization from all defense zones.

Show your worth to the great Savior.

This is for the information warfare department.

Very important.

The success or failure of this battle will determine their future.

"Report to the commander-in-chief, the Tyranid swarm has entered the range of missile fire!"

The report came.

Derksen called up the relevant virtual projection screen and looked at the dark swarm of Tyranids on it.

Those endless torrents of fangs and tearing claws.

It's so horrible.

He calmly issued an order: "Mark important targets and have the long-range strike force launch a super-heavy missile strike!"

Derksen's eyes were firm.

This battle.

He wants to let the alien bugs know the horror of the information warfare department and achieve irrefutable glorious results!

After the commander-in-chief's order was issued, the relevant person in charge immediately marked the relevant strike area and passed the information to the long-range strike force in the rear.


Area for long-range strike forces.

On the more than ten-meter-long super-heavy platform, the Apocalypse missile launcher was slowly raised.

Entered transmit mode.

This weapon consists of multiple missile tubes capable of carrying twenty rocket missiles and is equipped with a highly automated automatic loading and aiming system.

Amid the incense of the technical priests and the hymns of the Mechanical Goddess, the operators input the data sent from the command center.


He yanked the valve.

at the same time.

The same is true for several other heavy platforms.

Accompanied by thick smoke.

Dozens of super-heavy rocket missiles about five meters long took off, swaying their wakes and whistling towards the area of ​​the Tyranid insect swarm.

On the watchtower.

"The war has begun..."

Ron whispered as he looked at the super-heavy missile flying away.

This time.

The Savior Territory will fight the alien swarm in an informationized warfare mode.

Although in his opinion, the current information warfare methods in the territory are still relatively crude.

But everything has a first step.

Any field.

Even small improvements can lead to huge results.

What's more, this is in this dark, barbaric and superstitious dark age of mankind.

Ron believed it.

This battle will inflict heavy damage to the Tyranid swarm!

dozens of kilometers away.

Under the protection of a huge swarm of insects.

The nearly ten-meter-tall swarm tyrant moved, its sharp limbs constantly leaving deep scars on the ground, and its cavities throughout its body continuously produced tearing worms.

Continue to breed larger swarms of insects.

This tyrant is an extremely powerful mutant. As the top synaptic biological commander, he firmly implements the will of the hive.

Although limited by the Gestalt thinking of the hive mind, the Tyrant has a complete self-awareness.

It is given more autonomy and is able to make tactical command adjustments to the battle situation.

Even be able to learn from your mistakes.

The Zerg Tyrant had a cunning look in his eyes, and his sight spanned a distance of dozens of kilometers.

Keep your eyes on the fortress rising from the ground.


Its swarms will flood the place, grabbing all the biomass!

The Zerg Tyrant sensed the threat and a hint of fear appeared in his eyes.

Dozens of human weapons are coming this way!

"Why were the humans on this planet able to develop such a long-range strike force in such a short period of time?"

The synaptic creature commander was a little confused.

But it reacted quickly, and immediately screamed and issued a defensive order to the swarm.


Many guard insects surrounded it and encircled it tightly with their thick chitinous shells.

At the same time.

The entire Tyranid swarm also took defensive measures.

Boom boom boom——

Dozens of super-heavy rocket missiles came at high speed and hit the predetermined target area.

The plasma missile split before impact, forming six pulsating plasma clusters that filled a large area with deadly plasma.

Large numbers of low-level insects were burned into charcoal by the high temperature.

The radiation missiles released a large amount of fragments containing highly toxic radiation, sweeping away all carbon-based life in the surrounding area. The subsequent strong radiation contaminated all land in the area.

further causing casualties.

Even more terrifying is the vortex missile, whose warhead is filled with raw subspace energy.

It exploded at low altitude, creating a vortex field nearly half a kilometer in size that tore through space.

Continuously sucking large numbers of Tyranid aerial creatures into the subspace!

The guard insects around the Swarm Tyrant let out shrill howls. The area was hit by several missiles almost at the same time, causing a lot of damage.

Their special chitinous shells are penetrated by high temperatures and radiation.

covered in wounds.

The huge suction force that followed pulled them in and sucked them into the subspace void.


The Swarm Tyrant was able to resist these attacks with the help of the chitin shield of the guard insects and the psychic shields near its body surface.

It was almost unscathed.

hiss! ! !
The Zerg Tyrant propped up his body and roared towards the sky, with invisible psychic energy spreading outward.

Inspiring the swarm of insects that were somewhat panicked under the fierce artillery attack.

The Tyranid swarm changed their formation, becoming more dispersed, and then launched a full-scale charge towards the fortress.

They will reach the fortress as quickly as possible!

The Tyranid swarm was like a high-speed chitin flood, heading towards the defense line of the Heros Starport.

after that.

The Swarm Tyrant changed its position under the cover of the swarm.

Become more hidden.

There's no way a human commander could find it at this far of a distance!

However, the synaptic commander creature had just charged forward for a short while when it suddenly stopped.

Because new attacks have arrived, and several of them are targeting himself.

The tyrant of the swarm roared in his heart:
"How could humans find me so quickly?!"

next second.

The explosion of the melta missile released a violent molten jet that covered it.



"Tsk, it's still more fun to wash the ground with artillery fire..."

Ron was in a very good mood as he looked at the roaring and violent explosion in the distance.

Thanks to the existence of the Mechanical Goddess and the Little Cotton-padded Jacket Spirit, these rocket missiles can be interfered with by the shadow of Tyrannosaurus.

Hit the target with precision.

He opened a bottle of iced Cola and took a sip.


He handed Dante another can:
"Try it. This is our territory's specialty drink. Let's relax now. We'll be busy later..."

The chapter master hesitated for a moment, then took it and drank it.

In an instant.

The coolness that penetrated his heart made his eyes light up and he let out a long breath.

This is a super minty and icy special version provided exclusively by the Savior, at temperatures of more than ten degrees below zero.

It's good for refreshing.


The roar was heard again, and a new round of bombing began.

Ron's gaze shifted back to the bombing area in the distance.

It has to be said that the Tyranid swarm is indeed very powerful. Even with artillery fire, they were not able to be completely wiped out.

Many Tyranid swarms are already under the cover of psionic creatures.

A high-speed charge passed the bombing zone.

Even though the missile bombardment had drastically reduced the number of Tyranids, their overall strength was still far greater than ours.

There is still a significant threat.

Visible to the naked eye.

Shadows appeared on the earth. Tyranid's air forces blocked the light, and below were dense swarms of various insects.


The Tyranid swarm arrived at the dense minefield outside the war zone, followed by rounds of mine bombings.

Hiss! ! !
"Damn primitive apes!"

The Lord of the Swarm was completely furious under the bombardment.

Before it even saw what the enemy looked like, the swarm had already lost most of its members!
This synaptic commander creature once obeyed the will of the Great Devourer and devoured countless weak human planets with success.

I have never been hit so hard!


The remaining swarm of insects is enough to overwhelm the fortress.


The swarm master is still optimistic.

Because what awaits it next is an iron defense line built by Titan clusters, Imperial Knights and super heavy tanks.


Different from the noisy swarm.

Here, the towering war machine stood quietly, and the red and gold flag representing honor was spread out between the shoulders and legs of the Titan.

Flying in the wind.

It exudes a strong aura of oppression as it faces the attacking swarm of insects head-on.

Titan clusters, Imperial Knights, and super-heavy tank arrays are waiting for orders from the command center.

Wait until the Tyranid swarm enters the best attack area.

These war machines received their respective attack orders and poured firepower into the sky and the earth.

They built a tight fire network defense line with fierce artillery fire, high-temperature flamethrowers, and plasma weapons.

They harvested the alien insects in their respective areas accurately, efficiently and coldly.

The Tyranid swarm seemed to have hit an indestructible wall of steel, and its offensive instantly became sluggish.

In a disadvantageous position.


The swarm fought back.

Horrific living shells and acid bombs rained down, and spore mines exploded between the tanks, spraying stings and lingering poisonous mists.

But most of the attacks.

They were all blocked by the void shield of the Titan cluster.


The Tyranid swarms faced even more intense artillery attacks, and some small groups of swarms even collapsed.

On the watchtower.

Ron watched quietly the slaughter of steel against chitin.

He discovered something and frowned:
"Sure enough, the first line of defense is still unstoppable..."

The Tyranid Swarm's offensive strategy has changed, and they are no longer obsessed with attacking the Iron Line.

Instead, he rushed directly towards the defensive wall under the artillery fire.

Dante looked at this scene and became even more worried: "Savior, there are still too many insects. I am a little worried about the morale of the soldiers..."

The terrifying screams of the Tyranid swarm can be clearly heard, with such surging sound waves and psychic pressure.

It will deal a huge blow to our morale.

It can even render some weak-willed mortal troops incapable of combat.

In the previous battle.

The imperial support forces were severely affected and suffered heavy losses.

It also made the battle more difficult for the Blood Angels.

But the next second.

The chapter master heard passionate and inspiring music.

That is the Savior's sacred music.

The sacred music projected by the hymn projection device completely suppressed the terrifying screams of the Tyranid swarm!

In this regard.

Ron didn't have many surprises, just classic tracks.

"Mr. Dante, the sacred music is good, isn't it?"

He looked at the Chapter Master and said in a gentle voice, "I'll get you a set of hymns and related equipment later. They're very useful."

The savior has already decided.

After the war with Leviathan ended, the Blood Angels were listed as strategic partners for further cooperation.

Provide the territory with resources and assistance to comprehensively transform the Blood Angels and the Baal Galaxy.

Now, the brothers are rich.

It's time to let other battle brothers live a better life.


A blazing flame ignited in the vast trench.

Many swarms of insects rushed into the promethium trenches, howling miserably under the burning of the high temperature flames.

But these flames could not make the swarm of insects retreat.

More insects stepped in, using their bodies to pave the way for other insects.

Defensive wall.

Lasers and bolts blocked off the sky and the area in front of the wall.

Tearing apart countless Tyranids.

Destroyer Centurion Squads and Heavy Weapons Teams use autocannons and heavy bolters to take down smaller creatures.

The armor-piercing missiles, laser beams, and melta cannons turned those big guys into meat paste.

Snipers marked high-risk targets one after another and injected tracking devices into their bodies.

Let the command center get information about these high-risk Tyranid units.

On top of the city wall.

Two dreadnought mechas, one red and one dark green, fought side by side. The good brothers covered each other and poured out fierce artillery fire.

Inside Tyranid's command node.

The Zerg Tyrant concealed his figure and carefully observed the battlefield through the reconnaissance units, with a hint of viciousness in his eyes.

Its sharp mouthparts twitched as it sensed the large amount of biomass gathering behind the defense line!

The synaptic commander creature decided not to get entangled with the defense line at all, but to directly cross the defense line and devour the biomass.

Moreover, he also found a way to launch a devastating attack behind the defense line!


Batch after batch of Tyranid swarms rushed out from the firepower network of the first defense wall and pounced backwards.

That means the war has entered a higher intensity, and both sides will engage in close-range brutal street fighting!

That is the advantage of information warfare...

(End of this chapter)

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