Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 331: Precise annihilation, the molten iron monster in the thick smoke!

Chapter 331: Precise annihilation, the molten iron monster in the thick smoke!
The sacred music of the Savior became louder and louder amid the roar of artillery fire.

The land is covered with terrifying chitinous creatures with sharp claws.

Under the command of the Tyranid beasts, these executioners crossed the thick defensive walls under artillery fire and rushed towards the trenches everywhere.

Trying to grab that biomass.

to make up for the losses.

In the trench of Defense Zone 1029.

The Cadian Blitzkrieg Army held their battle positions.

For thousands of years.

The warriors of Cadia are well acquainted with warfare, having often faced the terrible enemies that emanate from the Eye of Terror.

They learned to fight when ordered, and to face any human foe without wavering.

Even though they lost their homes, they did not lose the courage to continue fighting.


The wandering warriors who stood firm received new equipment, and almost all of them were equipped with shell armor and helmets inlaid with ceramic steel.

Weapons such as melta guns and heavy plasma guns make them more powerful.

These gifts.

This made the Cadia Blitzkrieg Army feel grateful and honored to the Savior, and they decided to fight to the death in return.

This is true even if the enemy is a terrifying Tyranid alien.

Under the arrangement of the command center, they came to this defense zone for defense.

Defend the area against the Tyranids.


The battle had already begun for a long time, with only the roar of artillery fire and the sacred music of the Savior.

The soldiers never saw any enemy.

This made them a little uncomfortable.

After all, in the past, I have always fought on the front line.


Commander Kadia received something on his communicator and nodded: "Yes, I will follow your orders!"

This scene.

The atmosphere in the war zone suddenly became tense, which meant the battle was coming.

"Sir, have the alien bugs arrived?"

A scarred Cadian warrior couldn't help but ask.

"It's lunch time..."

Commander Kadia had a strange look on his face: "The command center ordered us to quickly replenish our energy within ten minutes to prepare for the next battle. The enemy will arrive in about twenty minutes!"


The scarred Cadian warrior swallowed, a little confused: "Didn't we just eat a few hours ago?"

"By Savior Army standards, we're eating a wartime lunch right now."

Cadia watched several low-altitude aircraft landing in various places in the war zone, and quickly issued an order: "Sentinels continue to be alert, and everyone else hurry up to collect food!"

Hear the words.

The scarred Cadian warrior retracted his hand that was reaching for his waist bag.

It seems that the Delicious Savior Standard CPR that was sent out earlier can be saved.

In general war situation.

All Astra Militarum soldiers receive a certain amount of CPR, which is a combat ration pack.

These include a self-sealing ration or protein bar, and a small amount of nutritional compounds.

Also includes a flameless heating agent for heating food.

Something a little more luxurious.

There will also be canned food, salt, water purification tablets and a small amount of medical supplies.

These CPRs look wonderful, but they are actually dangerous and unpalatable, either tasteless or terrible.

Some are not even as good as corpse starch.

It is not suitable for long-term consumption at all.

There was once a Colonel of the Astra Militarum who was captured by the Orcs as a mutated lucky fart spirit and was fed rotten meat infested with maggots every day.

Later, he was lucky enough to come back alive.

Whenever he talked about this experience, the colonel would curse and say that the rotten meat was worse than field rations.

From this we can know.

These rations are nothing in the eyes of the soldiers.

The canned food in the rations was even worse.

If it is canned ant bull food, it’s okay. It will taste good after some processing.

In critical moments, it can also be thrown out as a weapon to defend against the enemy.

However in reality.

Many canned foods and protein foods contain some mysterious proteins.

Especially in the combat zone with aliens.

Under normal circumstances.

Protein bars are supposed to be made from meats like Grox put into a giant blender.

However, in order to cut costs, many unscrupulous contractors often add some miscellaneous unknown meats, and some simply throw in strange-looking alien corpses.

Such as orcs, barbarians and some unknown poisonous creatures.

Then make into protein bars.

One processor was even so bold as to add Chaos-contaminated corpses directly into its protein blender.

A large number of Star Army soldiers were corrupted after eating the protein bars produced by them, resulting in serious accidents.

Several regiments were executed as a result.

The judge also visited the processing plant and put it on trial from top to bottom.

But this is actually not the fault of the processing plants.

Because of the shortage of raw materials and the empire's preference for backlogs and delayed payments, some materials were subject to strict tithe taxes.

They can't supply that many protein bars as per the standard.

But if the goods are not delivered on time, it will be considered a delay in military affairs and disloyalty, which will result in a visit from the Ministry of Justice.

and so.

In order to reduce costs and deliver successfully,

Protein bar manufacturers have had to take risks and add any protein they can find.

The empire had no choice but to turn a blind eye.

Solve the problem wherever it occurs.

In this situation.

Those Astra Militarum soldiers were unlucky, as the CPR they received was like a blind box.

I don’t know what I’ll eat.

Just be more careful.

The scarred Cadian warrior touched the Savior's standard CPR in his waist bag again, cherishing it very much.

That's good stuff.

A standard life-saving CPR.

Including rations for breakfast, lunch and dinner, fresh meat, canned fruit, vitamin tablets, coffee powder, chewing gum, kettle, water purification tablets, treatment injections, fuel and so on.

Soldiers can eat delicious, nutritious and healthy food on the battlefield at any time.

After eating it, many soldiers' eyes lit up and said it was better than some food served at victory celebrations.

The soldiers of the Astra Militarum could not help but sigh at the wealth of the Savior's territory, and at the same time they were even more envious of the troops under the Savior's command.

Originally they thought this was the limit.

But now.

The Savior's logistics troops actually brought them a hot lunch on the battlefield. The dishes included grilled steaks, bread, fruit and small glasses of juice.

It looks like it was just made not long ago!

Those are pre-prepared dishes that only require simple processing and heating.

The Cadia warriors looked at each other in bewilderment as they saw the hot lunch being distributed to them.

Is this a war? Even in the camp, there are no conditions for this, right?
can only say.

The logistics department is now too excited and has come up with all kinds of problems.

The planned withdrawal time for Higanbana Star this time is half a month.

and so.

In charge of the logistics department of Higanbana Star, preparing a month's worth of food.

of course.

That is calculated according to the standards of the Savior's territory. According to the standards of the Empire, it can last about three months to half a year.

not to mention.

There is also the Sons of Man regiment on the planet Higanbana.

These space marines can transform into the galaxy's top chefs at any time and provide edible food for the army.

In theory.

As long as the ammunition is not exhausted, the army can withstand the pressure of the alien bugs.

Then the food will be endless.

The Son of Man and the Savior Army can keep fighting the bugs until all of them are eaten.

"You have seven minutes!"

Commander Kadia reminded the soldiers: "Quickly replenish your energy to meet the battle!"

At this moment.

The scar-faced Cadian warrior is already showing off beautifully.

He quickly finished the food in the lunch box and wiped the gravy off the lunch box with the last bit of bread.

Then put it in your mouth.

"I've never eaten so much in my life!"

The scarred Cadia warrior patted his belly and said with emotion: "You said, how great it would be if we could always fight with the savior..."

Such words resonated with the soldiers.

Everyone nodded.

With such good equipment and treatment, who wouldn’t want to follow the savior?


After this war, they may be incorporated into the Imperial Astra Militarum again.

The soldiers felt a little uncomfortable when they thought of this.

But there is nothing we can do about it.

After a short lunch.

The Cadian warriors picked up their weapons again and continued to guard their battle positions.

According to the command center's intelligence, the Tyranids are about to arrive...

Gradually, the sound of artillery fire from other surrounding defense zones was heard.

Those places were already engaged in battle with the enemy, and the nearest defense zone was only a hundred meters away from them.


They were unmoved.

Because the mission of these soldiers is to guard their own defense areas.

The rest is none of their business.

After a while.

Commander Kadia received new information and shouted an order: "Everyone, aim at the attack position on the left. Once the enemy arrives, open fire freely!"

He just finished speaking.

The roar of the Tyranid swarm was heard.

Several Tyranid warrior insects led dense swarms of swift bone insects to attack this defense zone.

Boom boom boom——

The moment they appeared, they were bombarded by long-range forces.

There is not much difference in war nowadays, just enough artillery fire!

The Savior Territory used the various defense zones within the defensive walls to divide the battlefield, and filled the areas between the defense zones with various types of artillery at almost any cost.

The command center will coordinate and accurately bomb the Tyranid swarms that enter the defense zone.

This round of bombing caused heavy damage to the Tyranid warrior worms.

"Cadia stands!"

As the Cadian warriors shouted, the Tyranid swarm was met with a saturation barrage of molta and plasma beams.

The smell of burning chitin permeated the entire defense zone.

After countless rounds of shooting, there were no more Tyranids left standing.

The Cadian Blitzkrieg defense zone here successfully resisted a wave of Zerg.

"Sir, there's a big guy!"

The scarred Cadian warrior was a scout, keenly aware of the danger and loudly sounded the warning.

Commander Cadia looked up.

In the gap in the protective wall not far away, he saw a thick poisonous fog and sharp tentacles twisted in the fog, with a lot of poisonous insects following behind them.

That is the Tyranids' large combat unit - the Whipworm.

Its dozen or so Ripper tentacles are coated with poison, capable of tearing through the armor of Space Marines and causing severe toxic damage.

Such a terrifying unit is beyond the reach of mortal troops.

Commander Kadia obviously also realized the seriousness of the problem, not to mention the terrifying size and deterrent power.

If it were allowed to rush into the defense zone, the poisonous fog alone would cause massive damage.

Under normal circumstances.

The warriors of Cadia need to spend more effort to hold these guys back and wait for support from high-level warriors.

Or they could suffer heavy casualties and die together with them.

Commander Kadia immediately reported to the command center as required by the battle manual.

Requesting support. The commander's voice was heavy:

"Reporting to the command center, our 1029th defense zone has encountered a large Tyranid unit and urgently needs the support of the angels!"

In communication equipment.

The person in charge of the command center who was communicating with him responded quickly: "Received... Defense Zone 1029, your support has arrived, please cooperate with the defense..."


Commander Kadia was a little confused. The support had arrived so soon. Didn't they need to delay the enemy?

Most of the high-risk Tyranid units within the war zone have been equipped with positioning devices by snipers and are under the monitoring of the command center.

Their routes and tracks were measured.


The command center will arrange the appropriate Space Marine team to handle it based on priority.

Generally speaking, we arrange firepower support that is twice that of the enemy to eliminate high-risk targets.

This is the command center's strategy, using terrain and artillery fire to cut into the battlefield.


Arrange the offensive forces according to the battlefield situation and gradually strangle the important commanding creatures of the Tyranid swarm.

The scattered swarms of insects were dealt with by the soldiers in each defense zone.


Before Kadia hung up the call, he heard the roar of fighter planes.

He looked up.

A Thunderhawk gunship came speeding over.

Boom boom boom!
The Thunderhawk gunship's automatic cannon temporarily blocked the poisonous whipworms, and then the hatch opened halfway, and six dark green Son of Man Terminators appeared.

One after another, they jumped down from mid-air, their heavy ceramic boots crushing the ground.

Under the cover of heavy firepower from the Sons of Man supporting in mid-air.

The Children of Man Terminators steadily approached the Whipworms.

These veterans who have fought the Tyranids for a thousand years seemed to have rehearsed the battle countless times.

They ignored the poisonous fog and used their power swords to skillfully block and cut the poisonous tentacles of the whipworms.

Disintegrates the enemy's arthropod weapons.

In the meantime, he did not forget to take out the bolt pistol to attack its weak parts.

These Son of Man Terminators launched an inhumane beating on the whipworms amid their stifled screams.

Carry out saturation fire and grenade bombing.


The whipworm fell to the ground with a thud, and lost its sound.

"Good stuff, chicken flavor!"

The captain of the Son of Man Terminator rushed forward, cut off the most delicious parts, then activated the jump back and led the team back to the Thunderhawk gunship.

Then he whooshed to the next defense zone.

Before leaving, the Thunder Eagle gunboat did not forget to fire a few more melta cannons at the corpse of the poisonous whipworm.

The warriors of Cadia watched the angels leave with reverence.

This was the most efficient angel they had ever seen in executing alien enemies.

After the departure of the Children of Men Terminator.

Attracted by the biomass, the poisonous insects were ready to pounce on the defense zone.


They can no longer threaten the warriors of Cadia.

Another round of concentrated fire began.

After killing these poisonous insects, the Cadia warriors felt quite relieved.

"Damn, this battle was so exciting!"

The scarred Cadian warrior cursed: "We were so frustrated before, this is how we should kill the aliens!"

after that.

There were several more rounds of attacks from the Tyranid swarm.

Fortunately, they did not encounter any more high-risk Tyranid alien units.

After dealing with the swarms of insects, War Zone 1029 entered the stage of waiting for the enemy again.

During this period.

Gentle medical nuns came one after another and carried the wounded away for treatment.

"Hey, sir, if we keep waiting like this, it won't be dinner time, right?"

The scarred Cadian warrior turned his eyes away from the back of the medical sister.

He was already looking forward to what would be for dinner.


Defense Zone 672.

bang bang bang-

The roar of heavy guns continued.

The Ogryns fired freely outside the trenches, sweeping away large swarms of Zerg.

Their hands barely left the trigger.

Really enjoyed the noise of gunfire.

"I'm a little tired from fighting..."

Suddenly, one of the Ogryns spoke.

In the past, he would be restricted from firing his gun after only a short time.

Sometimes the Ogryns fired too many bullets and would be scolded by the smaller guys.

But the big dark gold guy's gun had lots of bullets, and there were stupid robot servants who replaced their guns and bullets.

There is enough ammunition.

They can fight however they want.

Often a bug,
It can be shot by several Ogryns until its body is beaten into a pulp.

just now.

It seemed that the Ogryns had too much ammunition and fired excessively, so the fight was a bit tiring.

"Yes, yes, yes, the one in the middle. I'm smart. I know it!"

Smarthead was receiving instructions from the command center, who patiently explained them to him three times using the simplest language.

In this regard.

Smarthead proudly said that he understood.

He hung up the call, walked over, patted a few Ogryns who were still firing, and shouted:
"Boys, listen to the smart guy, everyone, face here, that's right!"

The Ogryns followed the Smart Leader's instructions and pointed their guns at the area in the middle of the defense zone.

Just when they were getting a little impatient.

The ground suddenly shook.


The ruins are broken.

Accompanied by splashing earth and rocks.

A huge sand python suddenly rushed out and roared towards the sky.


The sand python that led the sneak attack froze in the middle of its roar.

His little eyes were wide open.

Because it saw countless gun muzzles pointing at itself.

next moment.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!

After holding back for a while, the Ogryns unleashed a fierce barrage of heavy shells.

The sand python was knocked to the ground and twitched.


Several Ogryns rushed forward holding heavy hammers wrapped with electric arcs.

He hit the sand python hard.

after that.

Smarthead followed the instructions of the command center, took out a big bomb, and stuffed it into the hole dug by the sand python.

boom! ! !
Amid the violent explosion, a large number of insects were shaken out of the ground and fell to the ground.

Then, with a wailing sound, it was torn apart by heavy bullet fire.

"Bugs can't fool a smart head!"

Smarthead shouted triumphantly as he fired the automatic cannon.


In a dilapidated alley.


The mutated warrior insects led a large swarm of insects and rushed into the dark alley with great momentum.


There was a hint of fear in its eyes.

next second.

The melta cannon's beams overwhelmed it.

In this alley alone, there are more than five melta cannons.

Accompanied by the red light of hot melt.

A large number of insects screamed and fled in the direction they came from at an even faster speed, as if the alley was the real predator.

In the defense zone within the defensive wall.

Similar things were happening, with Tyranid command creatures being trapped or captured by Space Marines.

Hunt with precision.

The Tyranid swarm is being gradually strangled, and its numbers continue to decline...
The outer swarm command node.

The Zerg Tyrant fell into rage and panic.

It found that its swarms lost contact one after another after being trapped in the enemy's position.

It's like it disappeared.

Those battlefields were like another devourer, ruthlessly devouring the Zerg!

Even more troublesome is that.

Many reconnaissance bugs were sniped by the enemy, causing them to lose too much vision.

This Tyranid synapse commander creature has led the devouring of too many human planets and even galaxies, but he rarely feels a sense of powerlessness.

The human army here is different from any it has encountered before!


The Zerg Tyrant has settled down again.

Because it received the information from the Zerg and discovered the secret of why humans are so efficient, it just needs to destroy the human command node.

The Zerg will regain the advantage!

more importantly.

The assault force arranged by himself has successfully infiltrated into the enemy's rear area.

That command node will be destroyed soon! ——

The tower was covered with huge scratches, and there seemed to be traces of wild beasts on the ground.


Accompanied by a slight impact and thick smoke, the huge iron claw scratched the wall again.

On the observation deck at the top of the tower.

Ron looked down at the situation on the battlefield and was quite satisfied.

Thanks to the financial resources of the Savior's territory, this battle was fought beautifully, killing the most enemies with the least casualties.

That is a little expensive.


He can still afford it.

I just hope there will be fewer wars like this, otherwise it will be really heartbreaking.

Although the situation was good, Ron still had some concerns.

The Tyranid swarm was a little too quiet. He and Dante had been waiting for so long but hadn't spotted any big ones.

This situation is abnormal.

He wondered if the Tyranids were planning some big move.

Ron sent a communication, asking the command center to increase alert and investigate any abnormalities in the war zone.

We should never let our guard down when it comes to these insects with extremely strong learning abilities.

Otherwise, it is easy to overturn.

Once the Tyranid swarm gains the upper hand, the situation will snowball endlessly.

It is difficult to suppress its momentum.

Many civilized planets and even galaxies fell into destruction in this way.


Thick red smoke rose.

The watchtower was hit again and began to shake slightly.

Ron frowned, took a deep breath and shouted angrily: "Chiyan, be quiet! Don't destroy this place!"

Following the Savior's angry rebuke, the movement from the watchtower suddenly stopped.

The creature seemed to lie back cautiously, not daring to make any more movements for fear of angering its owner.

Dante cast his gaze toward the bottom of the tower.

He saw a terrifying molten iron monster with red flames...

(End of this chapter)

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