Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 342 The Emperor’s Mutation, Combat Satellite!

Chapter 342 The Emperor’s Mutation, Combat Satellite!


Ron shook his head, his attitude gentle:

"This is not something you would say. A dignified Fallen Phoenix actually begged for mercy..."

Fugen raised his head, his eyes full of resentment: "I am willing to negotiate with you, what else do you want?
If you destroy this record, I am willing to reconcile with you and maintain peace!"

Even in such a situation, the Fallen Phoenix was still unwilling to let go of his pride.

Ron sneered and said, "I will send this record to Guilliman later so that he can enjoy it. I will also build the most magnificent theaters in the galaxy and the subspace to play this classic play non-stop.

You will be the only clown in the eternal comedy repertoire."

"Demon Eater, why are you so vicious!?"

Fugen clenched his fists, veins bulging, as if he had already imagined that sad and shameful scene.

"Pay attention to your attitude. If you still have a shred of common sense, you should understand that you are begging for my forgiveness!"

Ron shouted.

He enlarged the projection record again, as if he would project it to the outside world in the next second.

Fugen uttered a word weakly:

"How can you reconcile with me and put an end to this?"

Ron looked down at Fulgrim from above:

"Fallen Phoenix, lower your proud head and admit in person that you are inferior to me in both appearance and ability.

Confess to me and try your best to get my forgiveness!
immediately! "

The Demon Eater's tone was so firm that it did not allow for any argument.

Fugen had realized that if he hesitated in any way, the terrible record would be projected out.

It would cause him to fall into eternal torture, and he would rather die than see that happen!
Fugen's sharp nails had pierced his palms. He closed his eyes tightly, leaned forward and lowered his head in a gesture of submission:
"Sir Demon Eater, I confess to you everything I have done. I admit..."

During the long torture, the fallen phoenix said the words that he was most reluctant to say in his life.

He became depressed and just hoped that this nightmare could end soon.

"I am satisfied with your confession and prayers."

The Demon Eater's gentle voice made Fugen feel a little happy in his heart, as if he had survived a disaster.

That's a glimmer of hope.


The other party's next words made him fall into an even colder abyss.

"Thanks for your cooperation, which allowed me to record a more precious record and greatly increased the value of this record!"

Ron looked at the Fallen Phoenix and projected a new picture: "I suggest you not to appear in my field of vision or within the territory of the empire again, otherwise there will be consequences that you cannot bear..."

Fugen's eyes widened in disbelief, and he hated his own stupidity.

He raised his head, trembling all over.

In that picture.

The Fallen Phoenix voluntarily surrendered to the Demon Eater almost on its knees, admitted that it was inferior to the other party, humbly begged for forgiveness, and shamefully praised the other party.

Even more cruel.

The Demon Eater also took a close-up of his own disheveled face, and one could clearly see the tears sliding down the corners of his eyes.

Any viewer who sees this scene can give such an evaluation:
"A clown, a complete clown."

If the Necron overlord, collector, and figure king Tara Xing knew about this, he would definitely buy or steal this precious original record at all costs.

It was then collected in the museum’s main exhibition hall.

For Ron.

This is a perfect handle that can firmly grasp the Fallen Phoenix, a guy who cares about his own image to the point of distortion and perversion.


For the Fallen Phoenix, this was an extreme nightmare that it would never forget.

"No, you can't do this, you horrible devil..."

Fugen fell into complete despair, burst into tears and nearly collapsed: "Kill me, kill me quickly, let me fall into eternal sleep and never wake up again!"

At this moment, he felt that this Demon Eater was more like an evil god.

But this is also the creed that Ron has always adhered to.

Humanity has always been on the defensive, and has only managed to drive out Chaos through a large number of tragic sacrifices.

It's so miserable.

This did not cause much damage to the immortal chaotic being, it was nothing more than a failure.

It didn’t take long for them to make a comeback.

and so.

For these heretics and chaos of the opposite sex, we must strike hard, be more ruthless than them, and make them afraid.

Let them know what pain and despair are.

"Go back, you!"

Ron complied with Fulgrim's request.

He unleashed a fiery burst of psychic energy, destroying this part of the Fallen Phoenix's essence with a single powerful blow.

Make it disappear from this area completely and roll back to the Palace of Slaanesh.

He sighed slightly:
"Alas, this is the first time I've seen such a request..."

Anyway, the goal has been achieved by getting the evidence, and there is no point in keeping this part of Fugen's soul that is on the verge of collapse.

The other party probably won't dare to jump around in front of me for a long time.

"Old man..."

After Ron dealt with the matter of the fallen phoenix Fulgrim, he turned around and wanted to talk to the God-Emperor.


The moment he turned around, the hairs on his body stood up and his psychic senses were frantically sending out warnings, as if he had encountered an irresistible and fatal threat.

The threat comes from the Divine Emperor!

The tall golden figure of the Divine Emperor still stood there, without any change.

But in Ron's eyes, the other party's nature had undergone a drastic change.


The Divine Emperor exudes an extremely terrifying negative aura.

He seemed to have condensed all the pain and malice in the universe; even the void was wailing.

This moment.

Ron felt like he was facing the most terrifying evil god in the universe. The aura alone made him dare not move.

He even doubted it.

Did this God-Emperor really rise from the Golden Throne and then completely ascend to demon status?

He might be torn to pieces in the next second!

All this happened in just a moment.

The negative aura dissipated in an instant and returned to its incomparable sacredness.

The Divine Emperor's body moved slightly and he walked towards this side.

But He is still so strange.


The God-Emperor is not a human entity, but a powerful and extremely cold collective of beliefs.

He has no emotion at all, only absolute rationality.

It's like some kind of running program.

"Old man, what's wrong with you?"

Ron took a deep breath and tried to communicate, but got no response.

He just walked towards this side at a fixed pace.

The God-Emperor's aura changed with his footsteps, transforming into different personalities, as if he was struggling with something.

When He came to him.

Only then did Ron feel that familiar breath. The familiar God-Emperor had returned.

This made him feel relieved.

The Emperor raised his hand and gently patted Ron's shoulder, sending him several psychic messages.

He was very pleased with the way Ron handled Fulgrim.

At the same time he informed of the increasingly intense dangers in the Warp and that the evil gods were becoming stronger.

He hopes that the Savior can remember to keep his promise and join forces with the two brothers Guilliman to fight the enemy and eliminate the aliens and chaos.

Allow humans to dominate the galaxy.


He seemed to be exhausted, and his body filled with concentrated energy completely dissipated.

"Hiss~ This is trouble!"

Ron looked at the empty area and couldn't help but take a breath.

Now, he finally reacted.

The huge subspace fluctuations that he had felt before were not caused by the God-Emperor beating Fulgrim, but by changes in the golden sun itself.

simply put.

The Golden Sun's faith energy has exceeded the limit again, and it is even more serious, exposing its dark side.

Under the influence of human beliefs, the God-Emperor split into many personalities and took on many destructive emotions about human suffering.

This undoubtedly accumulates too much negative energy, and it is not impossible that a dark personality will split out from it.

Ron even thought.

Even the personality of the God-Emperor that he was familiar with was not necessarily the true God-Emperor himself, but merely the kind side condensed from human faith.

This is the horror of faith.

Not to mention the God Emperor, even Ron himself is the same.

It's just that he has been consuming faith and controlling the negative effects very well, so nothing strange has been created as a result.

"This really could give rise to the fifth evil god..."

Ron was deeply worried.

Fortunately, he already has a solution.

The current situation is simply that the energy consumed by the Holy Tower cannot keep up with the speed at which the Golden Sun absorbs faith energy, causing its faith energy to reach a critical point.


The mines in the Chalaton area are recovering rapidly, and he already has the resources to build more sacred towers, which will soon relieve further pressure on the Golden Sun.

Reduce the concentration of its faith energy to a safe area.

Moreover, this is a win-win approach.

In the latest plan of the Savior's territory, not only will sacred towers be built on various planets in the territory, but sacred towers will also be built on the webway.

Fully consume the energy of the golden sun to light up important areas of the webway and protect its safety.

Only then can we further develop the network.

Ron's body constructed of energy dissipated, and his consciousness returned to the little sun.

He glanced at the golden sun.


The golden sun had become calm, but he could still feel the God-Emperor's fatigue and depression.

"Just hold on for now. I'll be able to fix this problem soon."

Ron said silently in his heart.

He wanted to use the little sun to help the Emperor of God share some of the energy of faith, but he was not sure if he could withstand it.

What if, instead of helping the God-Emperor to share the pressure, he got himself involved and created a new personality? That would be the end of him.

He couldn't guarantee that his new personality would not go and play with Slaanesh.

The savior is still aware of himself.

Therefore, it is better to use the Sacred Tower first, and when there is really no other way, let the Little Sun take action.

After thinking about these issues clearly.

Ron's consciousness left the little sun and returned to the real universe...

The Palace of Slaanesh, Fulgrim's chambers.

The luxurious and twisted residence, covered with velvet and human skin, was filled with broken mirrors.

These tens of thousands of mirrors were laid by the servants ordered by the Fallen Phoenix, and the angle of each mirror was carefully adjusted with consideration of light.

So that Fugen can see his perfect appearance in any area of ​​the bedroom.

But now.

He shattered all the mirrors he could see.

"Damn it, damn it!"

Fulgrim's snake body curled up, his face alternating between resentment and fear.


He touched his face and realized that he needed to touch up his makeup.

But after seeing his own face in the mirror fragments, he couldn't help but recall those shameful and deadly projection images.


More chaotic power erupted, crushing the mirror into residue that could no longer reflect anything.

"Demon Eater!"

Fugen gritted his teeth, but did not dare to make too much noise for fear of being discovered by other beings.

There were tears in his eyes.

His morbid histrionic personality made him unable to help but play the role of a perfect victim.


A dull and hoarse electronic sound was heard, and then the shadow of a Chaos Primarch wearing heavy armor, with mechanical pipes plugging into the back of his head and holding a storm hammer, appeared.

That was Perturabo.

The Lord of Steel came to the Fallen Phoenix this time to join forces to deal with the Demon Eater.

The intelligence network he established, composed of technology fanatics, obtained important intelligence that could deal a heavy blow to the rising star of the empire.

"I have good news for you. You will thank me."

Perturabo's electronic voice said coldly: "I have obtained information about the mobilization of the Empire's forces. You have a chance to deal with the Demon Eater..."


He just asked the question.

Fugen's body couldn't help but tremble, and his sharp voice suddenly burst out:


Dark pink chaotic energy poured out.

The link established by Perturabo was instantly severed, plunging the communication into darkness.

The Lord of Steel stood blankly in the void, somewhat unable to react.

Why did that guy go crazy again? Why didn't he even want to listen to the enemy's intelligence?

Perturabo could never understand his brother's perverted ideas.

He gained nothing and could only leave in disappointment, and postponed his plan to attack the Demon Eater.

Wait until Perturabo's consciousness completely leaves.

Fugen lost the graceful demeanor he had forced himself to maintain and fell to the ground, sobbing and complaining.

A new round of performances began.


Fugen thought again of the terrible record.

"Your Excellency the Demon Eater..."

He organized his words as friendly as possible and tremblingly sent a message to the Demon Eater, hoping that the other party would not leak the secret.


web channel.

Green ship.

The messy cabin rumbled inside, with iron sheets and spare parts falling from time to time, as if it would fall apart in the next second.

"Are you calling again?"

Ron slapped away the unknown engine that was hitting him, and then hung up Fulgrim's "communication" again.

This is the third time the other party has sent a message.

It is because this is the Internet that the other party has the opportunity to exert influence and contact oneself.


Once the sacred tower is built, the energy of the golden sun will block most of the influence of the warp.

Maintain the safety of network traffic more.

Through the gap under the ship, Ron could see the construction team pouring the foundations of the sacred towers below. By then, these towers would be like street lights.

Illuminates important areas of the Webway.

after that.

Fulgrim sent another message.

Ron received the message from the other party, but got an unexpected news:

The Savior's territory that the Lord of Steel has set his sights on.

no doubt.

The Fallen Phoenix betrayed Perturabo with great sincerity in order to ask the Demon Eater to keep the secret.

In this regard.

Ron was not too surprised. There were always intrigues among the Chaos, not to mention that these two guys hooked up from time to time.

But in fact, the relationship was not that good, and they were enemies before.

“Thank you for the message.”

He said to the Fallen Phoenix: "Fulgrim, if you have any important information about Slaanesh in the future, please remember to inform me. You can also visit Slaanesh's dormitory more often in the future. Be more proactive..."

He wanted an extra spy in the Palace of Slaanesh.

As the Primarch, the Fallen Phoenix has more autonomy and can obtain more closely the movements of Slaanesh.

The Chaos Warmaster Abaddon is closer to freedom, and his relationship with the evil god is more like a cooperation. They each get what they need, and he can even challenge the evil god in the galaxy.

"Isn't this not good?"

Fugen couldn't help but resist in his heart and was unwilling to betray Prince Joy.

"What's wrong with that? You'll get used to it in the future. Do you want to object to my opinion?"

Ron was not polite at all:
"It's settled now. Please don't bother me unless there is important information in the future. Otherwise, you will bear the consequences at your own risk!"


He cut off contact.

Sure enough, the Fallen Phoenix didn't dare to continue contacting.

But Ron knew that the guy would spend a long time in fear and torment.

of course.

He would not easily spread the record.

After all, this thing is a powerful weapon, just like a nuclear bomb. It is most deterrent when you hold it in your hand.

Once thrown out.

That means it's a fight to the death.

Fugen is a mentally abnormal guy. Who knows if he will give up after the record is thrown out.

Go crazy directly.

Then it gets even more perverted.

A twisted, malicious, and relentless enemy of the Corrupted Primarch.

It's not easy to deal with.

After Ron sent the Lord of Steel's message to the Military Affairs Department, he walked straight into the depths of the cabin.

He pushed open the clanging broken door and was greeted by a wave of heat.

Inside this special cabin, things were bustling with activity.

"Hurry, hurry, give me Akonberry sauce!"

Big Barrel and the big mechanic wearing green armor were squatting on the ground, tinkering with something.

"Lord Savior."

"Waaagh! (Rogo!)"

Seeing the savior coming, Da Jiba was a little flustered. He jumped up and saluted, and Da Tong also stood up.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Ron nodded and unceremoniously reached out and took the barbecue that they had spent a lot of time tinkering with and grilled over a special flame.

He walked inside while eating: "It tastes good, grill me another skewer later..."

As he went deeper, the temperature in the cabin became increasingly hot.

not far away.

A mechanical cage made of black stone stood on the ground. Inside it was a human-shaped ball of fire that was colliding and making a thudding sound, but it could not be broken through.

See this.

Ron's eyes lit up.

Because the Black Stone Cage contains the fragment of the Traveler's Star God - the Burner Nyadra Zasa.

To catch this guy.

He dispatched a small fleet, including Barrel, Greenskin Big Mech, and many Space Marines and Greenskin Boys.

They built numerous black stone traps and finally captured it.

to this end.

A greenskin ship and a large amount of black stone were also lost.

But being able to get such precious war weapons and energy cores is definitely a huge profit!

The Burner blasted out flames again, causing the Black Stone Prison to shake violently.

"This thing looks a little fragile, doesn't it?"

Ron took a look and felt a little worried.

But after Da Jiba's detailed introduction, he finally understood that it would be better not to ask if he did not understand the technology.

Ron swallowed the last bite of barbecue and got down to business: "Now that we have captured the Burner, let's install it quickly. We need that war machine to deal with the Leviathan bugs that are about to arrive in Baal..."

The technical team of the Greenskin Big Tech is preparing to embed the Burner into the combat satellite as one of the core energy sources.

after that.

The greenskin ship sailed into an extremely wide webway area.

That's the greenskins' construction base.


A huge mechanical structure nearly 100 kilometers long was suspended in mid-air...

(End of this chapter)

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