Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 343 Wow, the awesome Luo Ge on the combat satellite!

Chapter 343 Wow, the awesome Luo Ge on the combat satellite!

Webway airspace.

The construction base was filled with the sound of steel clanging.

Ron stood on the deck of the green ship, overlooking the steel fortress and combat satellite in the void - Rogue Fortress.

In the airspace.

Hundreds of transport ships shuttled back and forth, delivering the necessary construction supplies to the fortress.

He approached the Rogue Fortress on a green ship and swooped down.

It crashed into the fortress's port.

After the ship falls apart.

Ron followed the gap and stepped onto the fortress's ground, and only then did he truly feel the enormity of the fortress.

The foundation of this fortress is a hollowed-out asteroid with a diameter of about one hundred kilometers. The greenskins stuffed a star core and many nuclear fusion reactors inside it for energy, and built many mechanical creations on the surface.

It has become a large aerial fortress that can accommodate hundreds of millions of green-skinned orcs.

of course.

The main function of the Rogue Fortress is not for living, but for warfare.

and so.

As far as he could see with his naked eyes, ferocious turrets rose from the ground, filled with various types of super-large heavy artillery. In addition, there were many weapon arrays and defense arrays intertwined.

Even the smartest master doesn't know how many weapons there are here.

Because the technical masters are in a good mood, they might install a very Waaagh cannon in some corner.

"My goodness, I still underestimated the artistic talent of the greenskins..."

Ron looked at the core area of ​​the fortress and took a deep breath.

this time.

He had been preoccupied with the Hades Galaxy and the upcoming Battle of Baal, and had not paid attention to the construction of the fortress for a long time.

I didn’t expect the greenskins were so good at making things happen and could create such a big guy.

"God is above!"

Datong's voice came from behind, and he was obviously also shocked by the thing: "This... such a wild creation, how did they do it?"

within sight.

A huge mechanical structure, about ten kilometers high and occupying one-fifth of the fortress, stands proudly.

It was a mighty and powerful steel bust of Luo Ge, like a giant mountain on the fortress.


This bust of Rogo, a muscular figure, is not simply an ornamental object, but a terrifying war machine.

Its eyes were equipped with numerous arrays of light spears, and its hands were two kilometers long, core cannons of the fortress. One could fire giant shells larger than meteorites, and the other was some kind of energy cannon.

What’s even more shocking is that a long, huge, drill-like horn extends from the lower body of Luo Ge’s bust.

It looks like it's used for collision.

"The great, powerful and cunning Luo Ge..."

A certain greenskin came with an exaggerated and flattering tone, greeting this side: "It is our honor to have you here, all greenskins pay tribute to you!"

Ron looked in the direction of the voice and saw Crowbar, wearing a wrinkled green dress and walking with what he thought was an "elegant" step.

He smiled gently and asked:

"Crowbar, have you completed your mission?"

Crowbar bowed his head and performed a gesture of loyalty: "We have picked up half of the things in those iron-shell cemeteries and handed them over to the little guy of the Mechanicus!"

Ron nodded with satisfaction.

The fact that Crowbar was able to lead the greenskin fleet to move half of the technological creations from the Tomb World of the Undead Overlord was already an immeasurable huge gain.

Those items should be in the hands of the Necronomicon Research Institute by now.

After they have done their research and statistics, we will be able to get more accurate profit data, but it should take some time.

He expressed his appreciation for the greenskin's special talent: "Yes, you are a cunning and despicable greenskin!"

Hear the words.

Tiechuang smiled happily and puffed out his chest:
"Thank you, Cunning Luo Ge, for your exaggeration. I am so honored. My brain...my brain is all over the floor!"

For the green-skinned orcs, words like cunning, despicable, and ferocious are extremely high praise, and not every green-skin is qualified to receive such praise.

Even these words are used for their gods.

For example, Brother Gao and Brother Mao, but Brother Luo, in addition to being cunning and ferocious, has another explosive compliment.


Crowbar felt like he was floating up, and his eyes turned arrogant when he looked at the other greenskins.

He felt that he was so "Waaagh!". In the Steel Fang tribe, only the boss of the Steel Fang tribe was stronger than him, mainly because the other party, like Luo Ge, had the ability to eat him who was disobedient.

This smart green-skinned man turned his eyes around and noticed that everyone was looking at the statue.

He adjusted his dress and quietly threw away the piece of cloth he had accidentally torn off, without noticing that his buttocks had been exposed.

Tieqiao looked over with eyes full of expectation: "What do you think of this big Luoge King Kong?"

"Well, you made a pretty good one."

Ron coughed and praised the slightly powerful, green-skinned mechanical statue of Rogo.


He didn't like it that much, but he couldn't discourage the greenskins' enthusiasm.

not to mention.

If I say I don't like it, the greenskins may tear it down and rebuild it, which will inevitably increase the budget for building Rogue Fortress.

What a waste.

For Ron, resources and wealth should be saved where necessary and spent where necessary.

It was enough for these details to be acceptable, and he didn't think that the greenskins could come up with normal stuff after dismantling and rebuilding it.

Maybe it will be even more "exciting".

After hearing Luo Ge's praise for Luo Ge King Kong, Tie Qiao became even more excited and patted his chest loudly: "I proposed to Da Ji Ba to build that!"

He pointed at the thick and long weapon that looked like a ram under Luo Ge Kong's body and said, "The big Luo Ge Kong drill is also my suggestion. The green boys all praised it for its might and power!"

"Okay, okay, so it was you who did it, right?"

Ron finally knew where this thing came from. No wonder it had such an artistic shape. It was actually created by Crowbar, the green-skinned genius.

Crowbar praised Luo Ge and Luo Ge King Kong quite complacently, and even claimed that the King Kong Diamond had even more powerful power!
"Please wait a moment, I'll show you!"

As he spoke, he took out a communication device and shouted to the greenskins who were controlling Rogo's Diamond to start the machine and demonstrate its power.


Accompanied by thick black smoke.

The huge drill head of the nearly ten-kilometer-long Rogo diamond drill began to spin violently, and the violent rotation caused sparks to fly.

This scene shocked everyone.

Ron took another breath and said, "Hiss~ Can it spin at high speed?"

But it has to be said that this not only looks powerful, but also greatly enhances the attack power.

This allows the rotating ram, which has a diameter of nearly one kilometer, to cause greater damage in close combat.

Ron could imagine it.

When the combat satellite, the Rogue Fortress, launched a collision attack, the large drill under the Rogue King Kong would directly strike up and blow up the opponent's battleship or air fortress. How fierce and powerful was the scene.

Especially when fighting with Leviathan Hive Fleet soon after.

That scene is a bit unbearable to watch.

"Otherwise, let the greenskins change it?"

Ron thought about it.

That kind of scene could certainly intimidate the enemy, but he always felt it was a bit lustful and might cause adverse effects.

Seeing everyone's shocked expressions, Crowbar became more confident and proud of it.

He is indeed the wisest among the greenskins!
"I have also designed a more powerful attack method for Luo Ge's diamond drill. Just wait, I will let the boys launch the big drill for you to see!"

Crowbar said this proudly, and was about to give the order to launch.

"Can it still be launched?"

Ron didn't expect there was actually an expert, but he reacted immediately and was so nervous: "Stop the operation of the diamond drill immediately!"

He stopped the operation and launch of the Rogo Diamond. Then, Ron learned from the crowbar about the power of the weapon. The Rogo Diamond could easily crash and destroy most warships and some fortresses that were one or two hundred kilometers long.

Once the drill is launched, its terrifying rotation and impact force can even destroy a planet!
Fortunately, he stopped the drill from firing in time, otherwise it might have collapsed the nearby webway barriers and caused more trouble.

"Let's stop here for now for the display of Luo Ge King Kong." Ron wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and ended the exhibition.

Then he gave the greenskins several binding instructions.

Have them use any weapons on the Rogo Kong with caution during non-wartime.

So as not to cause too much damage.

The incident finally ended without any major incident, and he did not criticize Tieqiao or feel dissatisfied with Luo Ge Jingang because of it.


It is always a good thing for the greenskins to be able to give full play to their imagination, but we should not impose too many restrictions on them and curb the development of their intelligence.

of course.

This incident is not without aftermath.

Ron has planned to have the Greenskin Academy of Zhongsi College develop some art courses suitable for greenskins, and further strengthen the disciplinary courses.

After the course is updated, all the green-skinned graduates, including Tieqiao, will go back to continue their studies for a period of time.

Strive to be a cunning green-skinned person with all-round development in morality, intelligence, physique and aesthetics.

When Ron and others left the port, the broken green ship behind them had already caught fire.

Several green engineering ships rushed in hastily and recklessly to carry out fire-fighting and repair work.

Under the leadership of the green-skinned master, everyone reached the interior of the Rogue Fortress through the elevator, and then followed the complex and tortuous passages to reach the energy area.

They had to place the Star God Fragment Burner Nyadra Zasa into the energy mechanism to make it the energy core of the main gun, which was another energy cannon in Rogo Kong's hands.


The great master lifted the black stone cage and placed it into another larger mechanical cage. The machine started to operate with a humming sound, continuously extracting the Burner's special flame energy.

The blazing flames spread along the energy pipelines all the way to the top of the head and were injected into the energy pool.

Waiting for the main gun to be used.

Ron could feel that the circuitry of the energy gun was running smoothly and could be put into use.

He gave the order:

"Time is running out, start test shooting now!"

Indeed, the greenskins' skills are beyond doubt.

Especially the green-skinned master trained by Ron, the mechanical creations he made rarely exploded.

There are some guarantees in terms of safety and power.

Therefore, the purpose of this shooting test is mainly to study the true power of the energy main gun to facilitate future combat arrangements.


Everyone left from underground and arrived at the control panel of the giant cannon.

far away.

An abandoned cruiser was towed over, with the void shield around the hull flickering.

The ship still retains a certain degree of defensive capabilities and will be used as a shooting target to test the power of the energy main gun.


The giant energy cannon in Luo Ge Jin Gang's left hand moved slowly, aiming the deep muzzle at the abandoned cruiser.

at the same time.

The energy cannon began to accumulate energy, and the flames at the muzzle gradually deepened and turned into a deep red.

Control room.

Ron watched the green-skinned master control the giant cannon. In fact, he only used three operating devices, which was very simple and crude.

But this is also in line with the style of the greenskins.

They don't like or can't operate things that are too complicated.

As the energy increases.

The entire control room began to vibrate violently, parts kept falling, and even the energy cannon became unstable, emitting a low buzzing sound.

It seemed like it would explode in the next second.

But Ron didn't worry too much. As long as the greenskins were controlling these machines, there would be no major problems.

The green-skinned orcs' magical psychic field can correct and strengthen all of this.

Make it more powerful.

A beam of blazing energy about one kilometer in diameter burst out from the muzzle and shot towards the abandoned cruiser.

The cruiser's void shield collapsed instantly under the impact of the energy beam, and then the energy beam melted and penetrated the ship's armor, triggering a series of explosions.

The cruiser turned into a huge fireball.

After the energy beam destroyed the cruiser, the offensive continued unabated, penetrating into the ruins of the webway not far away, causing even greater damage.

Soon many buildings were melted and destroyed, leaving behind large areas of deep pits and charred marks.

Fortunately, the material of the web's foundation had strong enough defense against energy, so no further damage was caused.


Seeing this scene, the greenskins in various parts of the fortress roared with excitement.

"It's so powerful that it's enough to deal with those living biological ships!" Ron also breathed a sigh of relief.


This is just a test and the full power of the energy cannon has not been mobilized.

The energy of that Star God fragment has been strengthened and can form a more violent beam of fiery energy. Although it is not as powerful as the Grand Prism, it is also terrifying enough.

If used properly.

Rogue Fortress is even capable of destroying some small galaxies.


With his combat satellite, Ron has been able to replicate the way the Grand Prism destroyed the galaxy.

That is to find a suitable gaseous planet, then use the energy beam of the main gun to ignite the core of the gaseous planet, and use the terrifying impact force of its explosion to cause fatal attacks on nearby planets.

There is a gas planet in the Baal system.

If the situation becomes irreversible, he can set the planet on fire, destroy the Baal system, deal another heavy blow to Leviathan, or even destroy it directly.

But that's just a hypothesis.

If Ron really made this request, the Blood Angels would definitely not agree.

They would rather live and die with their mother planet and fight to the last moment.

After Ron inspected the construction status of the combat satellite, Rogue Fortress, he ordered the greenskins to speed up the finishing work and reach the airspace near Baal as quickly as possible.

Waiting for the fight.

After giving the order, he returned to the Dream.


Ron also had to rush to Baal to organize a stronger defense to strike hard at the Leviathan Hive Fleet.

The war in the Hades Galaxy was fought in a hurry, and many defense systems did not have time to be built.

But this time.

He was confident that he could fight better and scare the Tyranids!
Dream, the sanctuary of the savior.

Ron sat at his desk and listened to the report from his assistant Taco.

He got a new piece of news:
In addition to Regent Guilliman, many warbands from the Empire will come to support Baal to fight against the Zerg tide.

Ron thought for a moment and said:

"These brothers have come from afar to help us, we must entertain them well!"

Nowadays, wars in the galaxy are becoming more frequent, the Empire’s financial resources are scarce, and many chapters are not in good condition and lack equipment.

Some chapters have even perished or are on the verge of extinction.

Struggling to hold on.

Since these regiments are willing to come to help, he can't let these brothers suffer.

Ron looked at Taco:

"Please make a count and take out all the Space Marine-related equipment and vehicles we have in stock..."

(End of this chapter)

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