Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 347 Ah, is this still Baal? !

Chapter 347 Ah, is this still Baal? !
Abbey Warehouse Square area.

Ron led the chapter masters to the square, followed by the Space Marines from various chapters.

There are Blood Angels, Lamenters, Blood Swords, Luminous Angels, Corpse Guards, Red Wings, Crusaders and so on, there are tens of thousands of Space Marines in total.

In his words, it is more lively when there are more people to share things.

If you arrange for people to divide it secretly, the effect will be greatly reduced.

Just like the annual meetings of some companies in his previous life, generous bosses always liked to pile up rewards in the form of cash, and employees could take as much as they could count.

It made him feel sour.


Ron can also experience the feeling of being a local tycoon!


If the occasion is not inappropriate.

He even wanted to reward and bless some meritorious warriors with a complete set of master-level equipment and weapons, high-end equipment from top to bottom.

And then build a powerful dark gold centurion armor.

But after thinking about it, I gave up and decided to leave it for the Emperor's Ascension Day in the future.

Now the Mechanical Sage in the Savior's Territory has the ability to make master-level equipment by hand.

Capable of supplying master-level equipment on a small scale to some powerful warriors.

Ron himself owns a number of legendary weapons, some of which he picked up from Brother Guilliman, and some of which he found in the warp.

But as a "melee mage", he either uses psionic powers at a distance or in close combat, and rarely uses weapons.

Those weapons are mainly used for show in grand occasions and are almost like decorations.

Many times he was too lazy to carry equipment and just let seven or eight servants follow him holding legendary weapons. At least he had control over the momentum.

When the warriors from various regiments arrived at the square.

With a buzzing sound, the crowd became agitated, emotions surged, and everyone called out to the emperor.

The reddish sunlight reflected from the holy oil and machinery all over the ground, creating a dazzling light.

It is the color of holiness and wealth.

"Your Majesty the Emperor..."

Malakin, the captain of the Lamenters, opened his eyes wide, and his whole body was shaking: "So many sacred armors, how is this possible?!"

It's not just Malakin, the same is true for other chapter masters.

These elite warriors of the empire were all amazed and shocked at the unfathomable background of the savior.

Even though many of them had lived for hundreds of years, they had never seen so many armed forces at once.

within sight.

The newly built square, which is several kilometers long, is filled with equipment and vehicles.

These equipment and vehicles are stacked according to different areas.

The power armor area occupies about one-fifth of the area. Ordinary power armor equipment boxes are piled up into a small mountain, and Terminator armor is also stacked in boxes, emitting the smell of holy oil and machinery.

The remaining area.

It is filled with various power weapons, bolt weapons, and more than ten kinds of heavy weapons.

It's really a dazzling choice.

Some of them are master-level weapons made from rare materials!

That's just the equipment area.

Next to it is the larger area for heavy vehicles.

More than 2,000 Centurion armored vehicles stood in the square like nearly five-meter-tall steel behemoths, and each armor plate shone with a cold metallic luster.

The precious and extremely sacred armor attracted everyone's attention.

This is inevitable.

Even the Captain of the Blood Angels and even Dante would be stunned when seeing this scene.

In fact, most of the chapters could not even muster enough Centurion armor for a five-man squad. The poorer chapters even had a set of Centurion armor passed down from generation to generation.

A more miserable regiment.

For example, the Weeper, the Great Shark, etc., either did not exist or were destroyed in the war and could not be repaired.

Not to mention large armor.

A company of theirs can be equipped with eight or ten Terminator armors, which is considered to be at its peak.

Most of the time, even ordinary armor is patched up.

Except for the Centurion Armor.

There are also thousands of battle tanks, speeder airships and more used by Space Marines!

Dante watched this scene and swallowed.

These are all brand new, unopened equipment and vehicles, which means that after the Savior made these equipment and vehicles, he just piled them up in the warehouse and left them there!
He knew that the Savior was wealthy, but he didn't know that the Savior was so rich!

Even if they sold the Baal Galaxy and the main group of the Blood Angels, they would not be able to get so many equipment and vehicles.

What's more, the manufacturing technology of these equipment and vehicles is often in the hands of the Mechanicus. They are priceless and cannot be purchased with ordinary money or resources!

The Savior's territory is different. It not only has rich mineral resources, but also one of the best forging worlds in the empire.

It is even gradually replacing Mars as the most core holy place of the Mechanicus.

After all, the Mechanical Goddess is there.

In this case, the Savior Territory can just make whatever equipment it wants by itself, and be self-sufficient, without having to ask the Mechanicus to manufacture it like other chapters.

Not only would it cost several times more than the manufacturing cost, but it would also often take a long time to wait.

Dante took a deep breath and scanned the area.

He could roughly estimate that these equipment and vehicles were enough to arm 70,000 to 80,000 Space Marines.

And the descendants of Sanguinius and the supporting chapter Space Marines added together.

There are less than 40,000 people!

Ron was also a little surprised when he saw the equipment: "Why are there so many equipment? Didn't they say there were 20,000 sets? I think there are more than that."

Hear the words.

Dante looked at the savior with wide eyes, a look of disbelief.

"Don't you watch what you are saying?"

He muttered in his heart: "You ordered these equipment to be shipped here, don't you know?!"

This great Primarch always brings many shocks to his old heart. He doesn't know why, even though the Savior is more than 10,000 years old.

I always feel that he is younger in front of me.

"Lord Savior."

The chief of the Royal Guards, Carter, gave a proper reminder, his voice emotionless: "You mentioned before that it is not convenient to clean and maintain the equipment of the Space Marines with only one set, and you need to rotate multiple sets.

Moreover, you also proposed to implement a spring and autumn armor rotation, but it was not implemented because it was meaningless.

The optimal solution now determined and implemented is two sets of ordinary armor, one set of special environment armor, and one set of terminator armor."

"I see. That's what I said..."

Ron thought.

He seemed to have mentioned this, but then he didn't pay much attention to it.

I guess I didn’t pay attention to the subsequent project reports because I was busy with more important things.

Thus ignored.

This is also one of the side effects of decentralization, but fortunately it is not a big problem.

"Sorry, we made a mistake in our estimate and shipped some extra equipment..."

Ron seemed a little annoyed, but he quickly waved his hand and said, "Well, we've already brought it here, so we can just divide it up right here. It's not a big deal."

With the current production capacity of the Savior Territory, these equipments can be replenished within a few years.

not to mention.

The latest models of armor and weapons have been put into testing, with some performance optimizations, and the old equipment will be fully updated in due course.

These are just inventory clearance.

Dante took a deep breath and moved back a few steps.

Listen, is this human language? !
The wealth of the Savior's territory made him feel jealous. Why was the gap between people so big?

Ron noticed something strange behind him and turned around.

At this moment, all the chapter leaders and warriors were looking at him with anticipation.

"It seems that everyone is waiting anxiously, so I won't say any more nonsense..."

Ron pointed to the supplies and equipment behind him and said with a smile: "Let's divide these things today, everyone will have a share!"

This statement came out.

The square was boiling instantly, and the cheers of the soldiers were deafening: "Praise the great savior!" "Long live the savior!" "Loyalty!"

After the Savior's order was issued.

Logistics officers immediately allocated corresponding equipment quotas according to the number of people and needs of each regiment.

Then a number of logistics personnel were arranged to guide the soldiers to various areas of the square to select equipment.

In each area, there are technical craftsmen who explain the specific values, firepower, advantages and disadvantages of the relevant equipment.

These skilled craftsmen were responsible for repairing equipment during the war, so they naturally knew the condition of the equipment very well.

For a while.

The entire square was like a bustling market, with people enthusiastically selecting weapons and equipment according to the quotas given by the logistics staff.

They compare the pros and cons and get the equipment they need or like.

"That's great. It's been a long time since Bal has been so lively..."

Dante couldn't help but smile as he watched such a joyous scene.

But he reacted quickly.

Aren't we all here to fight? Shouldn't the atmosphere be heavy, tragic, and one from which there will be no return?
Why did the atmosphere suddenly become so cheerful?
If you don’t know, you might think that Baal is holding some kind of celebration.

Dante thought about it and soon felt relieved. Where there is a savior, there is always hope.

This was the case in the Hades Galaxy back then, and it is also the case in Baal now.

His tense heart relaxed temporarily and he gained more confidence in this war.

Ron turned around and patted Malakin on the shoulder:

"Come on, I'll personally take you to choose equipment, you can take whatever you like!"

He promised on the way here that he would give the Weepers the best equipment.

Lifetime warranty and replacement.

If there are any problems or equipment is missing, just use special communications to contact logistics and have it mailed to you.

As long as it is within the empire, there is no place where logistics cannot reach.

of course.

If you are in a war zone, things might be slower and you might have to deploy armed forces to fight your way out.

In short.

These unfortunate crybabies no longer have to worry about logistics.


In view of the Savior's goal of 100,000 Space Marines, the logistics system has prepared the corresponding resources and materials in advance.

Three hundred or so crybabies are not a burden to the Savior's territory. They already have 70,000 Space Marines, so they don't need a few more people.

Even if it doubles several times, it won’t be a problem.

This will also gain you more respect and loyalty and accumulate more prestige.

"How about this, we don't have to choose the armor, just follow the standards!"

Roan led Malakin and other Weepers all the way to the armor area and arranged for them to receive the standard equipment of the Savior Space Marines, that is, four sets of armor per person.

Two sets of normal armor, one set of special armor, and one set of Terminator armor!
"Savior, this... isn't it a bit too much?"

Malakin swallowed, somewhat incredulous. One Weeper... four sets of armor?
What a gift this is!
Although the Savior made a promise before.

But before arriving at the square, the best outcome he could imagine was that each of them would get an ordinary piece of armor.

It would be even better if the savior was merciful and provided another ten or eight pieces of Terminator armor.

After all, even large war groups are unwilling to give these rare equipment to others so easily.

Before coming to Barr.

The armors of the Weepers were all in tatters, and one set was not enough for each person. The new blood warriors even had to share one set of armor for training.

It is estimated that no Space Marine in the Empire is more shabby than them.

But now.

Each of them has four sets of armor, and they are all Terminators!
"Where is the extra one?"

Ron did not give Malakin a chance to refuse. He waved his hand and said, "That is the standard. How can it be changed so easily? That's it!"

after that.

He took the crying people to the weapons area again.

They were carefully equipped with the most suitable weapon sets, the kind that armed them from head to toe.

In addition, there is a set of spare equipment, a set of spare equipment for spare equipment.

Not to mention explosive bombs, grenades, artillery shells, mines and other ammunition, which are supplied in unlimited quantities and you can take as much as you can.

The main character is a tyrant.

Because the ammunition production capacity of the Savior Territory was increased too quickly, too much ammunition reserves were piled up in the arsenal.

Many of the ammunition are from more than ten years ago. If they cannot be fired, they will probably become moldy.

What's more, the newly manufactured ammunition is still waiting to be put into storage.

To clear out inventory.

The logistics department pulled over almost all of its accumulated ammunition stock, which was enough to blow up the entire Bal galaxy inside and out several times.

After the Weepers' armor, weapons, ammunition and other supplies were replenished.

Ron led them to the vehicle area and asked them to choose suitable heavy armor, vehicles, etc.

"What a magnificent and fascinating creation..."

Malakin looked up at the gleaming sacred Centurion Armor, his heart filled with desire.

It's not just him.

The same is true for the entire group of Weepers warriors.

once Upon a time.

The Weepers also dream of forming a five-man Destroyer squad to fight among the enemy.

more than ten years ago.

They took out the resources accumulated for nearly a hundred years and finally bought two second-hand refurbished Destroyer Centurion armors from the Mechanicus.

This greatly excited the entire group.

That was the first time they had such large armor, and it brought them one step closer to forming a Destroyer Squad!

The wailer's excitement did not last long before he met with a tragic fate again.

On their way back from picking up the goods, they unfortunately encountered Chaos Pirates.

He was robbed on the spot.

The Weepers watched helplessly as the two hundred-long armored vehicles, which had been carefully cared for and cleaned and had never been used in the battlefield since they were bought, were driven away roughly by the Chaos Pirates.

that moment.

Their dream of becoming a Destroyer Squad was shattered, leaving everlasting pain in their hearts.

But now.

The weeper's dream seemed to have a chance to come true again.

They, the people who were once heartbroken, once again stood in front of the Holy Armor!


Malakin had already thoroughly understood the great savior's generosity, and boldly put forward his request: "The Lamenters need five... five Centurion Armors!"

But after saying that, he added a little unconfidently:
"Of course, if you are kind enough to grant us two, we will gladly accept them."

Ron frowned, thinking about something, then looked at the other party: "Five is too few, let's start with fifty!"

Hear the words.

Malakin and other Weeper warriors almost fainted from happiness.

But they still told the Savior sadly:
The Weepers only need fifteen Centurion Armors, and that is the limit.

They don't have the capacity to maintain more Centurion armor.


Ron looked at the wailers:

"Then remember it for now. When you need it later, I will ship the other 35 to you."

He seemed to remember something, turned around and took out a few pieces of equipment from the equipment box and stuffed them into the arms of the crying people:

"Oh, and these, take them too..."

When Malakin saw the equipment handed over by the Savior, he called the Emperor again.

Because what the savior randomly stuffed into my hands were several pieces of master-level equipment.

Among the entire Weepers, only Malakin can possess two master-level equipment, which shows how rare master-level equipment is.

As for legendary equipment, it is exclusive to the Primarchs, Galactic Leaders and Chaos Commanders.

Malakin and other warriors held the master-level equipment and turned around to put these precious items away temporarily.

"Wait a moment!"

Ron called out to the other person and opened another equipment box, which contained five or six master-level power gloves.

The manufacturing technology of these gloves was obtained from an ancient STC fragment. The combination of the barbed power blades and serrated knives on the gloves creates greater destructive power.

He pointed at the power gloves and said, "Take these with you too..."

There were several members of Malakin's personal guards who used power fists as their main weapon. These dusty weapons were just right for them, which moved the crying people deeply.

Led by the Savior, the Weepers spent a dreamy day.

Just walked around the square.

All of them received layer upon layer of weapons, and also obtained fifteen Centurion armors and ten master-level equipment.


There are also many battle tanks, high-speed airships, and so on.

They even got a brand new combat barge that was about 2.5 kilometers long!

The Savior was so generous and merciful that the Lamenters were resurrected with full health.

Malakin was deeply moved.

He led the soldiers to kneel on one knee and pledge their loyalty to the great savior.

As time goes by.

The Space Marines in the square all received their own new equipment and vehicles.

After the distribution of supplies and equipment was completed, the Savior’s technical craftsmen provided additional thoughtful services to the soldiers.

They used advanced painting technology to complete the painting modifications of equipment and vehicles according to the needs of each regiment.

This allows those equipment and vehicles to be fully integrated into different battle groups.

three days later.

The Space Marines of various chapters wore brand new equipment anointed with holy oil, paying tribute and even loyalty to the great savior.

This generous being.

It has greatly improved the strength of each regiment and won the love of the soldiers.


The distribution of supplies and equipment has been completed.

The equipment of each regiment has been upgraded to luxurious configuration and looks quite luxurious.

The soldiers dispersed, taking the time to get used to their new equipment.


In the airspace near Bal, inside the cabin of the White Maw.

The Great Shark had just put out the fire starting from the engine, and the billowing smoke had not yet dissipated.

"Will the engine start?"

Tiberus asked the Techmarine rather distressedly.

He knew that this old ship would have problems sooner or later, but he didn't expect it to have problems at such a critical moment.


The chapter master received a negative result, and it would take more time to repair the ship's engine.

And there is no guarantee that it can be repaired, after all, it has been burned into such a terrible state.

The white giant trumpet was completely defeated.


They also had a small battle barge in the belly of their ship.

In order to reach the destination as quickly as possible.

Tiberus had no choice but to lead four companies of soldiers and several old antique dreadnoughts and squeeze into the small combat barge.

People are sticking to each other.

Heading to Baal.

at last.

The Great Shark's small combat barge entered Baal's low-Earth orbit and flew towards the ground as instructed.

"Emperor, is this still Baal?"

Tiberus looked at the scene in front of him with a look of disbelief on his face.

within sight.

A long fleet of transports came flying from afar. The team was so long that the tail flames and the lights at the front looked like a twinkling galaxy.

Gunboats, elevators, and massive transport vehicles brought an endless array of supplies to the monastery.

What's even scarier is.

Several sacred Titans and more large engineering machinery are moving among the mountains in the distance.

"Dante, that old fellow, moved the Mechanicus to Baal?"

Tiberus exclaimed, and looked at the director of the think tank in surprise.

He struggled to move from the narrow space to the observation window to see more clearly.

Everything that was clear in his vision confirmed that he was not mistaken.

Barr is rich now!
Tiberius got such a result.

He was very happy and looked at the think tank director:

"I think 24 sets of Terminator armor are a bit too few. Dante, you have to at least... at least give us 48 sets of Terminator armor!"

The Chapter Master had boldly doubled the supply requirements!

Tiberus seemed to have seen something and said with some disdain: "Tsk, those unfortunate guys from the Weepers are here too?"

(End of this chapter)

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