Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 348: Man-eating Shark: Oh no, we can’t afford him anymore!

Chapter 348: Man-eating Shark: Oh no, we can’t afford him anymore!
Tiberius looked out the observation window.

In the port area not far away, a tattered small combat barge that was about to fall apart at any second was parked there, out of tune with the surrounding ships.

It looks so eye-catching.

More importantly, that was a ship of the Weepers Chapter, and the unfortunate fellow of the Weepers had a grudge against him!

Many years ago.

When the Great Shark was chasing the enemy and trying to get money, it affected the Weepers, causing casualties on the other side and losing a lot of equipment and vehicles.

It is indeed wrong to accidentally injure a fighting brother.

But the white shark also felt that he was wronged.

Who knew that the unlucky guys would suddenly appear, causing the enemy to run away without getting any money, and also damaging a lot of equipment.

It’s all the fault of those unlucky guys. Nothing good will happen if you meet them!

In short.

That encounter caused heavy losses to the two poor warbands, the Sharks and the Lamenters, making their already poor lives even worse.

From now on.

The two regiments just don't like each other and fights often occur, but fortunately the situation is still under control.

"Everyone, come and have a look..."

Tiberus snorted coldly and said sarcastically:
"Those unlucky guys are getting poorer and poorer. They are so crowded on such a shabby ship to support us. Aren't they afraid of being laughed at?"

As soon as these words were spoken, the surroundings fell silent.

The think tank director fell into a long silence. He really wanted to tell the war captain:
We ourselves are now squeezed in a shabby boat similar to the Weeper's, how can we have the nerve to laugh at others?
But after thinking about it, he held back the words.

Life is hard enough, there is no need to hurt yourself further.

Tiberus didn't care about these things. No matter how poor the White Shark was, it was not as poor as the Weeper.

He could laugh at those unfortunate fellows to his heart's content.

It was them who caused him to lose so many things. He will remember this for a thousand years!


The Shark's small battle barge pushed hard against the Weeper's broken ship, leaving several scratches on the opponent's ship.

The small combat barge came to a stop and the gangway was lowered with a creaking sound.

Tiberus suddenly leaped out and stepped on the ground of the harbor.

He just let out a sigh of relief and was in a good mood. He clapped his hands and called out to the other members:

"Hurry, hurry, boys, get off the boat. We still have to go to dear Dante for supplies!"

The Chapter Master always has special respect for the financial backers who help people in need.


A large group of shark warriors wearing patchwork, incompletely painted armor gathered together.

Those old antique dreadnoughts also came down from the boat, their parts creaking, as if they were afraid that some part would fall out at the next moment.

Tiberus stood with his hands on his hips and watched his warriors gather together, looking very happy.

The same goes for the other shark warriors.

The little revenge they had just taken on the wailers made them all feel happier.

After the gathering, a group of people went to the hall in a mighty manner.

But after walking for a while, the atmosphere became wrong.

"Emperor, what on earth is going on?!"

The think tank director couldn't help but exclaim. The scene before him shocked the usually calm chief think tank.

"What the hell!"

Tiberus also widened his eyes, looking incredulous.

It's only been more than ten years since the Man-eating Sharks came back. Have the Imperial Space Marines changed so much? Have they all made a fortune in silence?

On the other side of the hall, thousands of Space Marines from various chapters were walking towards the port.

These Space Marines were all wearing brand new power armor decorated with adamantium and many holy relics, and the weapons in their hands were also brand new.

The high-grade paint and holy oil on these equipments sparkle under the light, showing their unique power and momentum.

It almost blinded the shark warrior's eyes.

What's even scarier is.

Among these Space Marines, more than half are wearing Terminator armor. This ratio is extremely terrifying!

Even for the richest regiment in the Empire, it would be considered good if one-fifth of the soldiers could wear Terminator armor.

In the square at the port.

Several hundred warriors of the Great Shark stood there alone, the tattered armor on them was too different from everything around them.

Tiberus looked at the other regiments of Space Marines in front of him, then looked at his own warriors.

His eyes were full of envy and a little bit of self-abasement.

We were like a group of poor people who suddenly broke into a noble banquet, feeling so out of place.

He took a deep breath and tremblingly asked the think tank director next to him: "What on earth happened? When did the empire become so rich?"

The chapter leader was confused and felt that what was happening was beyond his imagination.


The think tank director denied the conclusion that the empire had become wealthy: "The tragic situation we have seen along the way is enough to prove the financial situation of the empire. It is impossible for it to have such abundant resources..."

The think tank director tried to mobilize all his wisdom and tried to analyze everything in front of him: "Perhaps this is not Baal, at least not the Baal we want to reach.

Perhaps we are lost in the Warp, and have arrived in another time of Baal.

During this period, Baal and the Empire became very wealthy and were able to supply all Space Marines with brand new equipment, even Terminator armor!"

The director of the think tank manages the finances of the Sharknado and has an inexplicable obsession with Terminator armor.

Their entire regiment would have to search the Outlands for a long time before they could find technological fragments or relics that could be exchanged for Terminator armor.

He suspected that the White Screw had become caught in a temporal turbulence within the Warp, causing the White Shark to arrive at the Imperium at some point in the future.

After all, there are many legends of time travel among Space Marines.

"You mean, we came to the prosperous period of the empire in the turbulence of time?"

Tiberius was shocked, and then he slapped his thigh fiercely:
"Emperor, then we have come to the right place. Let's contact Dante or the Empire and ask them to give the Sharknado some more Terminator armor!"

He doesn't care what period it is, as long as he can make the white shark rich.

not to mention.

It is also a good thing that the human empire can become prosperous.

At least the Space Marines will be adequately equipped to defend themselves against the enemies of humanity.

"This matter has not been confirmed yet, because the monitoring equipment has not detected any unusual fluctuations. We are still not long after the Great Rift. Could it be that the equipment is broken?"

The think tank director fiddled with the psychic instruments on his body and also fell into confusion.

Just as Tiberus and the think tank director were whispering with their heads down, a slightly excited voice came: "Emperor, it's been ten years since we last met. Are you coming to Baal to support us as well?"

He looked up and saw an old acquaintance.

He was the Chapter Master of the Red Wings. More than ten years ago, they had worked together to fight against the Chaos Warband and their relationship was pretty good.


The Red Wing Chapter Captain still has his iconic white hair, and the brand new, luxurious Master-level Redemption Type II Terminator armor makes him look extraordinary and more intimidating.

The comparison between the two captains immediately widened the gap between them.

"More than ten years ago?"

Upon hearing this, Tiberus reacted and realized that there was no so-called time and space turbulence, and he was still in the original time and space.

He looked at the Red Wing Captain, and a strong sense of jealousy welled up in his heart. The gap between the two had not been that big before.

But only a dozen years have passed.

The opponent has already led the Red Wings to rise, and he seems to be out of reach.

It's not just the Red Wings, the same is true for several other chapters he knows.

Damn it, what on earth did these guys do to make a fortune in secret without even bringing the Great White Shark?
Tiberus forced a smile:

"Crade, when did your chapter become so wealthy?"

The Red Wings Chapter Leader's armor clanged against the ground, and he looked pious: "It's just a gift from the great being. It's a pity that you are late..."

What's late?
Tiberus frowned, not understanding why.

He tried to put on a brighter smile, hoping that the other party could bring him, his brother, together to achieve prosperity: "By the way, can you tell me how you guys…"

"Sorry, we have to hurry up and carry out our training mission."

The Red Wing Chapter Leader glanced at the time and said nervously, "We'll have a good chat when we get back."

He turned back and urged the Red Wing Warriors behind him:

"Boys, hurry up, or you won't have time to complete the task!"

after that.

The Red Wing Captain gave him an apologetic look and led his soldiers at a trot to their own ship.


That so-called mission is not an easy task.

"What on earth are they going to do, attack the enemy's lair?"

When Tiberus saw the transport vehicle behind the Red Wings, he gasped.

The ammunition on those transport vehicles was piled up like mountains, almost overflowing the edges of the vehicles. These metal creations, which contained huge destructive power, reflected a cold light under the lights.

You can still smell the faint fragrance of holy oil.

This amount of ammunition is enough to fight a big battle, right?

That was almost the amount of ammunition used by the entire Sharknado Regiment for several years, not to mention that there were many expensive special ammunitions.

He would not be willing to use it unless it was a decisive battle.

The strange scenes before his eyes made the chapter commander feel confused.

We have just arrived in Bar.

His cognition was challenged again and again, and the empire became something he could not understand.


Several boxes of ammunition fell from the transport vehicle, and one box of explosive shells was scattered all over the ground.


The transport vehicle continued to move forward, and the Red Wing warriors who had already walked far away seemed not to notice it.

Tiberus noticed with sharp eyes.

The large box that spilled out contained extremely precious Flame Dome bombs, which have great destructive power and are specifically used to deal with enemies that cannot be defeated by conventional weapons.

It would be great if each soldier could get a few pieces of this special ammunition.

He looked away with difficulty and loudly reminded the Red Wing Chapter Leader in the distance: "Brother Crade, your ammunition box fell to the ground!"

The Red Wing Captain looked back at the ammunition scattered on the ground in the distance, seeming a little embarrassed.

After all, they would have to board the ship soon, and it would take a lot of time to pack up these things.

He thought for a moment and shouted, "Brother, can you help pick up the ammunition on the ground? All the ammunition is for you!"

Tiberus' smile became more sincere: "We are all brothers, I am very happy!"

Wait for the Red Wings to board the ship and leave in a hurry.

He quickly called out to the Man-eating Shark warriors: "Hurry, hurry, what are you all standing there for? Hurry and collect our ammunition!"

These are large ammunition crates.

There are about thirty boxes of ammunition in a box, with more than 1,400 explosive bombs.

After the shark warriors picked up the ammunition that fell on the ground.

Tiberus ran over to see the unexpected harvest. In addition to a box of Flame Dome bombs, there was also a box of Metal Storm bombs for dealing with multiple light units.

And three boxes of melta grenades.

These things are enough to equal the annual output of the Great White Shark.

"What a pleasant surprise..."

Tiberus was cheerful and ordered the soldiers to quickly move the ammunition back to the ship.

Special reminder for them to move it gently.

If these precious ammunition are used properly, they can often achieve better results and save more soldiers' lives.



The sound of collision came from outside the port.

"By the Emperor, our ship!"

Tiberus looked up and his smile suddenly disappeared.

within sight.

A luxurious battle barge that was several times larger than the Great Shark ship squeezed in and almost capsized its own ship!

The Great Shark's shabby little battle barge was like a helpless little thing under the opponent's brutal pushing.

He was quite heartbroken and glared at the battle barge that was painted with high-grade dark gold paint, decorated with exquisite sculptures, and shining in the sun.

I want to know which chapter dares to treat me like this.

Look at it this way.

Tiberus became even angrier, trembling all over. "Damn it! It's those unlucky Weepers!"

The emblem of the Weepers Chapter was clearly painted on the hull of the luxurious battle barge.

Weeper Battle Barge.

The cabin was filled with a joyful atmosphere, and Tiberus's disappeared smile shifted to Malakin's face.

He discovered that his small battle barge had been scraped by the Great Shark's boat.

Just a small revenge.


The Weepers have become more cheerful.

They all wore Terminator armor, which looked particularly imposing against the orange-yellow paint and precious accessories.

All the previous melancholy was swept away.

Normally, not all Space Marines would wear Terminator armor.

Because the full name of the Terminator armor is Tactical Dreadnought Armor, it is a power armor specially optimized for close-range melee combat, with thicker armor and power.

It is often deployed on fierce battlefields that have higher requirements for protection and durability, or as a mobile heavy firepower platform in open areas.

The reason why all the Weepers wore Terminator armor this time was mainly to carry out training missions.

To quickly adapt and master new armor and weapons.

This was proposed by the great savior. He ordered all the regiments to lead their teams out to the wild areas for training and to adapt to the new armor and weapons.

Successfully eliminate the radiation aberrations in the Baal galaxy and burn their corpses.

This would not only purify the environment of the Baal Galaxy, but also prevent these monsters from becoming a source of replenished biomass for the Terrans.

In addition to regular cooperative operations, the chapters also engage in

It is also necessary to conduct training in heavy armored vehicle clusters and Centurion squads to familiarize themselves with and master relevant combat methods.

The war is imminent.

These trainings are necessary, after all, many regiments did not have the relevant equipment before.


All the regiments followed the Savior's orders and pulled out soldiers, equipment, vehicles and large amounts of ammunition for training.

Such live-fire training is undoubtedly a luxury.

The Weepers' warriors felt distressed while training, and were reluctant to waste the precious ammunition in daily training.

During this period, the Savior came to watch the training of the Weepers on a whim.


The Weepers have disappointed the Lord Savior.

Wait until you go back.

The savior immediately convened a meeting and invited all the chapter leaders to attend.

in meeting.

He criticized the Chapters for being conservative in saving ammunition during acclimatization training.

The Lamenters, in particular, were caught by the Saviors and used as an example.

Serious criticism!

The Saviors were grief-stricken, and like the Weepers, they would fire single shots at the enemy, and would not hesitate to throw grenades and fire grenades when facing more than two enemies.

How can we go on like this?
What we are about to face is an overwhelming swarm of Tyranids, which we will have to suppress with endless firepower!

not to mention.

The ammunition currently piles up like a mountain, enough to bomb the Baal galaxy from the inside out four or five times.

Not only that.

Just in case, spare ammunition is on the way.

In other words, Bal has no shortage of ammunition nowadays, so everyone can just shoot as much as they want during training.

The savior made the decision immediately.

Such bad habits must be changed.

If you are worried about a shortage of ammunition in the future, the Savior Territory can supply it, and it can be delivered through special communication links.

after that.

He issued new instructions, ordering all regiments to consume ammunition at a high intensity during training.

The same goes for equipment vehicles.

Try to fully utilize the performance of equipment and vehicles as much as possible and understand their limiting conditions.

Real-person confrontation training is also arranged.

In short, just practice hard.

Each regiment must consume a specified amount of ammunition during a training mission to complete the mission.

According to the words of the Lord Savior, it is to let everyone fully feel the joy of the machine soul during the continuous firing.

How can the machine soul be happy when you are always so stingy?

During the training process, special personnel were arranged to observe and count the training situation. It was not just a simple matter of consuming the ammunition, but also about consuming it at a high level.

In this situation.

All fighters must try their best to perform at their best.

If the mission cannot be completed, not enough ammunition is consumed.

Will be criticized by name!
Even worse.

Chapters that have been severely criticized, such as the Weepers and the Red Wings, need to consume 1.5 times as much ammunition as other chapters in training.

It can be said that the intensity has been increased.

For the weepers, that is a happy trouble.

On the one hand, they have top-notch equipment and endless ammunition, but on the other hand, they want to use up the ammunition in training.

But it’s not that easy!

"too difficult……"

Malakin sighed, but soon smiled: "Fortunately, I completed the task in time, so I don't need to be named by the savior..."

Each chapter is afraid of being named by the Savior.

That is a symbol of shame, and the name and emblem of the regiment will be printed on a laggard list that is more than ten meters high.

As for the regiments that perform well in training missions, they will be listed on the 20-meter-high advanced list and will receive rewards from the Savior.

The first place winner will also receive a special honor and have the opportunity to have dinner with the Savior!
It is said that the great being will observe secretly, and after the entire training mission is completed, a legendary weapon will be given to the best chapter leader!
This undoubtedly increased the training enthusiasm of the regiments.


The Weeper's performance is in the middle and lower levels, so there is no way he can get such an honor.

Today, the task of the Weepers is to conduct target shooting and throwing training, further familiarize themselves with the performance of weapons such as firearms, grenades and so on, and skillfully use heavy firepower to suppress the enemy.

Malakin led his soldiers in firing all day, his hand almost never leaving the trigger.

My whole body was numb and my muscles were sore.

But he also felt the benefits of training. The soldiers were indeed more in harmony with the machine souls of their equipment.

Moreover, the equipment provided by the Savior is even more sacred, and rarely gets stuck, loses accuracy, or freezes.

The more you play, the better it feels. It is much better than the old equipment before.

The chapter master could clearly perceive that the overall strength of the chapter had further increased.

Malakin pinched the sore muscles in his wrists, looking forward to the next recovery procedure.

They were tired after a long day.

You will be able to go for the health recovery arranged by the savior right away. Not only will you have a comfortable medicinal bath, but medical staff will also be arranged to massage your muscles to fully relieve your body's fatigue.

It’s such a great enjoyment!

He received a communication.

The White Shark guys blocked the exit of their battle barge's gangway, apparently wanting to demand an explanation.

of course.

That's just a euphemism.

To be more precise, it's a hearty fight.

In previous fights with the Great Shark, the Weeper was often the loser, and was beaten and screamed in pain.

But now, everything is different.

Malakin smiled brightly and clenched his fists: "Warriors, let's go down and meet those rude guys!"

(End of this chapter)

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