Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 350 Tyranid Nightmare, Green Worm Boss?!

Chapter 350 Tyranid Nightmare, Green Worm Boss?! (7.5k)

The floating green mist was not a cloud or poisonous gas, but the spores of the green-skinned orcs.

The Savior ordered the Greenskin Research Institute to place several Greenskin spore torpedoes here. After the explosion, the spores spread out polluted the land and atmosphere of the entire planet.

This is used to study whether the super-enhanced version of the green-skinned spores can affect the Zerg.

The overwhelming green spores brought back unpleasant memories for Leviathan, and the swarms of insects on the planet's surface looked disgusted.

They were so disgusting to Tyranid.

Because Leviathan once had a fierce battle with the greenskins.

It was the Battle of Octares at the end of the 41st Millennium.

At that time, branches of the Leviathan Hive Fleet continued to penetrate deeper into the Empire's territory, causing huge losses to the Empire.

Former Inquisitor Fedus is determined to resist the Zerg tide on his own, claiming that he can not only defeat Leviathan, but also take this opportunity to eliminate other enemies of humanity in the galaxy.

But his theories were not believed, and he was called a radical and a fool by his colleagues.

In order to prove that his theory was correct, Fedus began to do his own things.

He destroyed several planets in a brutal, cold-blooded manner, creating a large quarantine zone, then managed to capture the Genestealers and lead the Leviathan towards the Greenskin Empire of Octares.

Let these two alien races kill each other.

In this way, two races that can grow and prosper quickly in war, the Tyranids and the Greenskins, met each other.

After discovering the new feeding grounds, the Leviathan Hive Fleet quickly invaded the Greenskin Empire.

Then the Tyranids were hit head-on by the greenskins. It was the first time that they were outnumbered by their own prey.

No matter how many Zerg swarms Leviathan sends out, they will be surrounded and crushed by more Greenskins, and more and more Greenskins are gathering and coming to support from a distance of light years.

This put Tyron into a slump.

Fortunately, Leviathan was smarter than the greenskins. It quickly changed its strategy and no longer crushed the enemy as before, but instead adopted guerrilla warfare.

Only greenskins can force the Tyranids to fight guerrilla warfare.

However, this strategy still could not defeat the greenskins.

Because the greenskins used larger numbers to search and hunt the Tyranids on a large scale, Leviathan was once on the verge of destruction.

It discovered with horror.

Even if he desperately devoured biomass and produced swarms of insects all the time, he could not catch up with the killing speed of the greenskins.

What's even scarier is.

Those ugly greenskins became stronger and stronger in the war. Even the lowest-level greenskin guys could kill insects at will and devour their flesh and blood.

If this continues, I will surely perish!
Leviathan was in a desperate situation and had to change its strategy again. It was keenly aware of the greenskins' weaknesses.

That's the power structure.

The greenskin army is not as monolithic as the Zerg, but is composed of many tribes, and the relationships between them are not harmonious.

The only reason they were able to unite was due to the suppression of the greenskin leader.

Therefore, Leviathan began to train more powerful green-skinned Likarts specifically for assassination in order to implement decapitation tactics.

Eliminate the leader of the Greenskin Empire - Scarface.

It set a perfect trap, used Licart to launch a sneak attack and eliminate Scarface, completely laying the foundation for victory in the war.

The situation was just as Leviathan had expected.

Shortly after the death of the greenskin leader Scarface, the power vacuum caused the greenskin bosses to start killing each other in order to decide the new leader.

In an instant.

The entire greenskin empire was torn apart, internal strife became increasingly fierce, and a large number of greenskins died in the civil war.

Before the new leader came out, no greenskins paid any attention to those bugs.

These divided orc tribes easily became prey to the unified Zerg swarm and were defeated one by one.

Soon, all the greenskins in the Octares region were slaughtered like cattle.

Leviathan devoured vast amounts of biomass and became the largest hive fleet in the galaxy, becoming a greater threat to the human empire.

no doubt.

The plan of former Inquisitor Fedus failed, making Tyron even more powerful, and he received the judgment he deserved.

After this battle, the Human Empire became even more afraid of the Tyranids, believing that the Greenskins could not be compared with them.

The Tyranids are the strongest aliens humans have ever encountered and are difficult to defeat.

At present, all human resistance can only slow down the pace of the Zerg fleet if no effective response strategy is found.

The galaxy will eventually be devoured by the hive.

But that's just human perception.


The greenskins cast a deep shadow on Leviathan.

It didn't feel like a big victory, but rather a counterattack in desperation.

If there had been any mistakes in the original decapitation strategy, he would have been destroyed.

Leviathan considers the Greenskins to be equal opponents, and believes that if their intelligence evolves further, they will become a greater threat to the Tyranids.

In order to resist the threat of greenskins in the future, it decided to use the genes in the greenskin spores to cultivate new swarms.

By absorbing the greenskins' advantageous genes, the hive fleet becomes more powerful.

After a period of research, Leviathan finally cultivated a swarm of Zerg based on greenskin genes.

These light green bugs that combine the dominant genes of the Tyranids and the Orcs are so powerful and have great growth potential.

But the end result not only disappointed it, but also caused more confusion.

Because this group of green-skinned bugs are "mentally retarded". They will drool even if they are cured. Every day they just devour biomass, then sleep soundly, and fight everywhere after waking up.

Not only did they refuse to obey orders, but they also attacked each other.

These guys even attacked node creatures under the leadership of the green worm boss.

to gain command.

But after gaining command, these guys had no tactics at all and found it difficult to understand the orders given by their superiors.

These chaotic behaviors are very disgusting to the hive mind that advocates order.

But it still remained patient. Although a little confused, the green worms were at least under control.

Maybe these guys can become a special force for the Zerg.

However, the hesitation of the Hive Will caused the situation of the entire Hive Fleet to deteriorate rapidly.

The green worm boss is becoming increasingly powerful, challenging the more powerful node commanding creatures, and is gradually becoming the overlord of the hive fleet.

They even occupied and forced certain biological ships to produce new green worms.

If we let it go up one or two levels.

Then he can become the strongest node commanding creature under the will of the hive. Moreover, due to the interference of this guy, a large number of Zergs have also been infected with the bad habits of the greenskins and have led the Zerg astray.

Led by many green worm node commanders, they challenge more node creatures.

In just a few months.

Almost one-fifth of the Tyranid swarm was subdued by the green worm boss, and the entire swarm became increasingly chaotic, with most of the biomass being snatched away by these barbaric guys.

Large numbers of insects began to starve.

Moreover, these green insects are very brutal to the insects under their command. When they wake up, they beat them until they cry out. When they are hungry, they just grab the insects around them and eat them.

This series of situations made Leviathan a little panicked. It felt that it had created the terrible insect demon with its own hands.

Some of these green insects are out of control. If the situation is not curbed immediately, they will be eliminated.

Then these guys will eventually challenge themselves.

Because the hive mind discovered.

The green worm boss looked at him a little differently, with a hint of challenge in his eyes.

This is an extremely incredible thing among the Tyranids.

It's a matter of fact.

The Tyranids were unable to control the chaos within their Greenskin genes, causing the Greenskin Boss to challenge the Tyranids' Gestalt power structure and threaten the Hive Mind.

To address the threat.

The Leviathan Hive Mind sent out several Hive Overlords to eliminate the Greenworm Boss.

The green-skinned worm boss, who had combined the superior genes of the Tyranids and the Greenskins, was extremely terrifying. The hive overlords suffered more than half casualties before they killed it.

Afterwards, Leviathan ordered the Zerg to attack all of the Greenworms, killing them all and melting their corpses.

It was even unwilling to devour the hybrid's biomass.

So as not to leave any impact.

This failed research on green spore genetic biology caused the hive fleet to lose about one-third of its swarm.

It can be said to be a heavy loss.

For Leviathan, once the threat is resolved, the swarm can be replenished quickly.

But this chaos still left a deep impression in the memory of this hive fleet.

Now, Leviathan encountered green-skinned spores again on a desolate planet in the outer airspace of Baal, and those spores seemed to have undergone some kind of transformation.

It is more tenacious and has extremely stubborn genetic pollution properties.

If it is allowed to pollute the biological pond, it will cause more trouble.

Leviathan urgently issued new instructions, asking the swarms on the planet's surface to stop eating and destroy the reproductive cysts.

Then everyone retreated.

It's not that it's afraid of the greenskins.

Even if it encounters greenskins stronger than the previous greenskin empire, it has the confidence to defeat the opponent.

But it doesn't want to have anything to do with these green-skinned spore genes, so as to avoid being affected by these stupid things and affecting the intelligence of the Zerg.

On the surface of the planet.

Those Tyranid swarms also have some disgusting and disgusting emotions.

Many of the insects here have been abused by the green worms, and the genetically modified green spores released by the Savior make them feel a familiar breath.

The insects were almost stressed out.

After all, those green worms were so ruthless in bullying that they almost engraved the bullying into the worms' genes.

After receiving the retreat order from the Hive Mind, these Tyranid swarms immediately destroyed all biological buildings and evacuated the planet along the biological pipelines.

After all the insects have evacuated.

The Leviathan Hive Fleet left this disgusting bug planet without hesitation, and the entire fleet disappeared in the airspace.

But what it didn't notice was.

When the Tyranids returned from the planet, they still brought back a lot of special green-skinned spores.

Over time.

Inside some of the biological ships that received the returning Zerg, small green mushrooms quietly grew. These green mushrooms seemed to be absorbing the Tyranid genes...

Temporary Sanctuary of the Savior.

Tens of thousands of senior executives come and go, extremely busy, coordinating the operations of the entire Baal galaxy.


Many Space Marine chapters, their auxiliary fleets, servants, as well as the armed forces, administrative personnel, logistics personnel, engineering personnel, etc. of the Savior Territory, gathered here.

And hundreds of millions of Star Troopers are coming soon.

At the same time, supplies provided by dozens of galaxies in the Savior's territory have also arrived.

all of these.

This brought the most lively and prosperous period to this barren galaxy.

Under the transformation of the huge engineering team, the various planets have undergone earth-shaking changes and are gradually becoming indestructible fortress planets.

"Oh, it's not that difficult..."

Ron sat at his desk, using a mechanical computer to play the Minesweeper game that the Data Sage had made for him.

With a ding, the document transmission reminder sounded.

Come live.

He casually clicked on the game page and flipped through the file that had just been sent to him, which was the training information of the Space Marines.

"That kid Tiberus has a very positive attitude..."

Ron looked at the name of the Great Shark at the top of the advanced list and couldn't help but admire him.

After Tiberius obtained the new equipment through the Loyal Slide, he immediately led the Sharks into training and achieved good results.

They quickly changed their previous bad habit of saving ammunition, perfectly completed the training tasks set by the Savior, and achieved excellent results in multiple confrontation trainings.

This surprised the other chapters.


Every night, Tiberus couldn't sleep because of the wealth of ammunition he had consumed.

But he still gave a death order, asking the Great Shark to participate in the training with a desperate attitude.

Let the great Savior see their worth.

Not only that.

Tiberus also quickly set up shrines of the Golden Sun and the Savior within the chapter. The Sharknado warriors prayed morning and night, worshiping the Emperor and the Savior at the same time.

That is extreme loyalty.

The Chapter Master had his wish come true.

His faithful faith and positive attitude attracted the attention of the Savior.

Roan included the Carcharodon in the list of advanced collectives and gave its chapters the honorary banners they longed for.

Of course, it's not just honor, there will also be valuable material rewards.

Ron has discovered that using loyalty and honor to motivate the Space Marines has a better effect.

Even if it is just training, they hope to be stronger than other warriors and gain more honors.

Ron also made a secret decision.

If Tiberus can maintain his positive attitude, the legendary weapon he promised will be given to this kid.

After all, who doesn't like loyal, capable and capable subordinates? The other chapter leaders still have a lot to learn.

When he finished processing the Space Marines' files, he pressed the communicator on the table.

He signaled the guards to bring in the people waiting for an audience.

"Lord Savior!"

A biological sage wearing a red mechanical robe walked in. He was a little anxious: "After further research by the Institute of Biology, those genetically modified green spores are highly adaptable to the environment and difficult to eradicate.

Moreover, these green-skinned spores are very likely to be used by Tyrannosaurus to cause more impact.

I suggest you use it with caution. Perhaps we need to remove those greenskin spore torpedoes in the outer airspace of Baal..."

"That's too late."

Ron frowned and shook his head.

"According to the latest wave of signals, those greenskin spore torpedoes have been released.

Now the Greenskin Research Institute is waiting for information about Tyranid's movements and preparing to go to that planet for research. Perhaps you can come along..."

Today, biologists in the Savior Territory have different opinions on the research of alien genetic technology.

They are roughly divided into radicals and conservatives.

Fortunately, the differences between the two are only in the degree of use and attitude, and neither is like the Imperial Mechanicus, which has an almost complete ban.

Ron himself has no preference. He will use whichever plan is appropriate, whether radical or conservative.

He was the one who nodded in agreement to this green spore experiment.

He was not worried that the Tyranids would exploit the genes of the greenskins. As far as he could remember, there seemed to be no such incident. If the Tyranids could exploit the genes of the greenskins, they would have done so long ago.

No need to wait until now.

Those special green-skinned spores came from the Steel Tooth Tribe. They had Rogo's mark engraved deep in their genes, so they were not too worried about being taken away by the Leviathan Hive Mind.

Leviathan does not yet have the ability to forcibly seize control of another race from the Little Sun.

Ron might not be able to stop the true will of the hive outside the galaxy.

But it’s no problem to block Leviathan.

not to mention.

He wanted to get some high-level genes of the Tyrannosaurus and create some new types of greenskins or insects through biological experiments.

For example, create some greenskins that have merged the genes of the Tyranids so that they have the excellent genes of both sides.

Isn't that pretty fierce?
Perhaps my bug clones can be further optimized?

More than forty years ago.

The great biological sage Moss made a bug clone for him in the biological laboratory deep in the Spire Mansion.

Moss had said at the beginning that further optimization could only be achieved by capturing high-level Tyranids for experiments.

I didn’t have that ability before.

There should be no problem now. Perhaps this time we will have a chance to obtain Leviathan's genes for research.

As Ron thought about it.

The biological sage bowed and hurried out of the office.

He had to find his old rival in the Greenskin Research Institute and study those greenskin spores with him.

After Ron sent the optimization instructions for the bug clones to Moss, he received new communication.

After coming to Bar, his workload increased a lot.

If it weren't for the complete management system, I would have been overwhelmed and would have been nailed to my desk like Brother Guilliman.

The new transmission is from the Tau Empire.

The Tau Empire's Ether Commander respectfully stated that their fleet had arrived at the edge of the Baal system and was ready to join the battle at any time.

Ron did not give any further instructions and handed over the command to Taco and the main strategy room.


Soon, new projection communication came.

As soon as he opened the communication, he heard the greenskins' screams and howls. In the projection, Steel Fang stood there like a heavy tank.

Steel Teeth bowed his head and said in a rough voice:

"Brother Luo, our big guy is here!"

The leader's words were concise, but lacked some specific information.

"Great, despicable and cunning Luo Ge!"

The "elegant" figure of Crowbar squeezed in, his ugly face filled with smiles.

He carefully reported the specific situation of the greenskins:
"Our Rogue Fortress has been built and has arrived at the edge of the Baal Galaxy. We are here to say hello to you. The little guy Taco has already told us the situation and we will follow his instructions.

Go beat those stinking bugs!"

This top student from the Greenskin Academy of Zhongsi College has already become the military advisor of the Steelfang Tribe.

Fortunately, the Steel Fang Tribe still has wise greenskins, otherwise communication would be difficult, at least it would not be easy to communicate with people other than themselves.

Ron roughly understood the situation and praised Crowbar's despicable cunning.

He was not overly worried about the fighting capability of the Steel Teeth Tribe.

He has studied the records of the Battle of Octares and believes that the Greenskins are a warlike race that is no less powerful than the Tyranids.

It's just that he is a little bit lacking in intelligence.

Today, the Steel Teeth Tribe has trained several smart green-skinned people, and this shortcoming has been slightly compensated.

And he is the absolute leader behind these greenskins.

As long as they don't die, the greenskins will not have any big problems in uniting.

I believe these greenskins will achieve better results.

After learning about the greenskin's situation, Ron ended the communication.

The main space forces for this war are basically ready, including the Redemption Fleet, the auxiliary fleets of various chapters, the Tau Empire fleet, and the green-skinned combat satellites.

As for the small fleets of the Astra Militarum that transport troops, they can play no role in space warfare.

It was good enough that they were able to transport those Astra Militarum troops to Baal successfully.

Fortunately, the Savior Territory has sent out super-large troop transports and the Redemption Fleet to pick them up.

Ron took stock of Barr's situation.

Now the construction of Baal's defensive fortress line has reached completion. The Storm Army, many Space Marine Chapters, the Redemption Fleet, the Tau Empire Fleet, and the Steelfang Greenskin Tribe are all in place.

Those Astra Militarum troops will also arrive in a few days.

Now all he needs is his half-brother in the warp, the blood-sucking demon Kabanha.

But that person himself couldn't urge him.

The think tanks have already constructed the Warp summoning ritual on Baal's satellite, waiting for the bloodthirsty demon to arrive.

At that time, Kabanha will be teleported to the satellite to resist the swarm.

Fight for the Empire!

Ron suddenly remembered that there seemed to be a reinforcement that had not arrived yet.

That was the fleet of Regent Lord Guilliman.

But the other party is still floating in the subspace, and there is no news of its possible arrival.

He no longer had any hope for this.

After all, Brother Guilliman is a person who can never catch up, it’s good enough that he can arrive in time to clean up the mess…

Ron looked up slightly.

Looking at the huge star map projection in the air, it marked the locations of various fleets and the known Leviathan Hive Fleet.

Suddenly, the pattern of the Leviathan Hive Fleet slowly disappeared from the outer airspace of the Baal Galaxy.

They lost track of it again.

After the Battle of Hades, Leviathan seemed to have learned his lesson.

Not only has it divided into many tentacle fleets, it has also developed stronger concealment methods, which means that Leviathan is even more difficult to deal with.

A surprise attack could be launched from any area at any time.

Difficult to defend in advance.

Ron was a little worried about the small fleets of the Astra Militarum and hoped that they would not be attacked by Leviathan.

That's hundreds of millions of lives, and also a relatively important defensive force.

He could feel that the shadow of war was approaching.

The war is about to begin.

The Leviathan Hive Fleet has devoured so many planets in the Empire and killed trillions of humans, committing numerous crimes.

This wave.

Humans, the Tau Empire, greenskins, and demons join forces to fight.

Such a loyal camp.

He will never be satisfied until he crushes the shit out of Leviathan!
The airspace of the Baal galaxy.

A small fleet of Astra Militarum transports was travelling at top speed.

Heading towards Baal.

The shadow of the Tyranids falls across the Baal system.

Ordinary troop transport fleets like theirs had no conditions for subspace navigation and could only transport troops to Baal in the most primitive way.

This fleet was organized on an ad hoc basis.

The Empire has done its best to search for all possible reinforcements and then stuffed them into troop transports and sent them over.

Whether these people can arrive on time and whether they will encounter attacks.

It's not something anyone can control.

The top brass of the Astra Militarum even believed that in such a horrific war, if only one third of these hundreds of millions of people could reach Baal alive, it would be a victory.

As for whether they can come back alive, they can only rely on the emperor's blessing.

Inside the command ship's cabin, special accommodation.

This is a more luxurious area with a bedroom, office, dressing room, bathroom, etc.

It is also equipped with special servants.

This time in the past.

The owner of this residence would taste red wine from all over the empire in the living room area.

But now.

But he didn't have any thoughts.

The young commander of the Astra Militarum, the elite of the Imperium, was now kneeling before the Emperor's shrine:
"Before the stars bear witness, I, a loyal citizen of the Empire, offer my sincere prayer to you, the Emperor, Master of Mankind.

Emperor, guide me across the stars, may your light illuminate my path and help me reach my destination on time.

May your will be with me until the mission is accomplished.

For the Emperor, for the Empire!"

Through some clues, the young commander has realized what a terrible fate he will face.

But he accepted it with pleasure.

I only hope that I and my soldiers can reach the battlefield alive, and play our due value as the Emperor's currency.


This young commander had already asked someone to send a letter back to Holy Terra through his connections.

It was a suicide note.

He knew that from the moment he accepted the order to participate in this horrific war, there was no hope of survival.


Mid-level barracks area.

Armed sailor Ellie patrols the rusty corridors with a laser rifle.

He must always be alert and resolve any conflicts and threats that may arise.

There is an armed sailor unit stationed on every ship of the Imperial Fleet.

To defend against possible threats inside the ship.

Once an armed sailor is assigned to a ship, there is no turning back.

since that day.

They are part of the ship and the ship is part of them.

Armed sailors shared the ship's fluids in a solemn ceremony, drinking engine oil laced with spices so that the essence of the ship flowed through their blood.

It was as if they were moving through the corridors and passages that were like blood vessels within the ship.

At the same time, they swore to kill any enemy who threatened the ship and its commander.

In general.

Once an armed sailor serves, he will never leave the ship until he retires or dies.

Only a few people can survive to retire.

The dangers on a ship are no less than those on the ground.

Long-term warp voyages expose ships to many deadly dangers, such as deformed monsters and gene stealers hidden in the lower decks, pipes, and machinery rooms.

Even some dangerous stowaways, or even demons.

"Have you heard the rumor?"

Eli suddenly asked his fellow sailor:
“Once we arrived at our destination, we all had to disembark and there was no order to return. They said the order would be issued tomorrow.

It's not just us.

Even the slaves responsible for cleaning the decks will be given laser rifles.

Come down with us..."

He had thought he would be discharged from the ship in peace, or die in some conflict on board.

I never thought that one day I would get off the ship halfway.

So what's going on?
This slightly strange news made Ellie a little confused.

"Listen less to some messy news."

The fellow sailor didn't take it seriously: "That crazy old guy near the chapel said there was a monster with red skin, long tongue and horns on the bottom of the ship.

Where in the world can there be such a monster? "

Soon, the footsteps of the two armed sailors disappeared into the distance.

"Tsk, that kid isn't talking about a blood-letting demon kid, is he?" A rough voice came from the door of the passage...

(End of this chapter)

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