Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 351 is over, that is an apocalyptic battlefield!

Chapter 351 is over, that is an apocalyptic battlefield! (7K)

The door at the corner of the corridor is embedded with the Type I emblem with a skull.

That is the emblem of the Imperial State Church.

Behind the door, a passage several meters long extends, and the walls are covered with reliefs of saints suffering and saving the world.

Each relief is lifelike, as if telling a sacred and immortal legend.

One can't help but feel awe.

Walking along the passage, there is a large prayer room that houses the Emperor's shrine. The interior is filled with incense and candlelight, illuminating the white sacred skull tower and the Emperor's statue.

A little bit flashy.

It is somewhat out of tune with the rusty environment outside.


There were quite a few people in the prayer room.

After praying, these veterans of the Astra Militarum sat around the brazier in the hall and recounted their experiences in the service.

See whose military career is more legendary.

The old pastor listened beside him, leaning on his scepter, with a kind smile on his face.

It is undoubtedly a sacred ritual for believers to tell their loyalty and achievements to the great and benevolent Emperor.

He just had to listen quietly.

“Maybe others don’t know, but I have seen those abominations, and they really exist.”

It was a Cadian veteran wearing green carapace armor with white emblems on his shoulders and a rough voice: "If you have been to my hometown of Cadia, of course there is no chance now..."

He stared into the brazier, a hint of sadness in his eyes.

The other veterans remained silent.

They all knew that the old soldier's homeland, Cadia, had been destroyed by the heretics within the Eye of Terror.

The Cadia veteran paused and continued:

"If you have ever been there, you will know what it means to be a real soldier among the people. I was born in the first line of defense against the Chaos heretics, and I was born to fight those heretical demons to the death!
Ever since I can remember, I have followed my father and brothers to hunt humans corrupted by Chaos using laser rifles that I assembled myself.

I joined the Astra Militarum when I was eighteen, and fought in dozens of battles, big and small, in various places according to the orders of the Empire. I have served for thirty Terran years.

My only regret is that I didn’t participate in the final battle of Cadia and didn’t die in my own homeland!”

"We will wipe out those damned heretics sooner or later."

Seeing that the Cadian veteran was in a low mood, Delainin, a stormtrooper from the Conserquet Guards, raised his mechanical hand and patted him on the shoulder. The rest of the Astra Militarum also showed respect to the veteran.

"It's my turn."

A super-muscular Catachan man wearing ordinary military uniform, a red scarf on his head, took a sip of cheap wine.

He said in a sullen voice:

"We are in a hell of a bad place in Catachan. The jungle is full of dangers. Of course, those screaming wheat and biting fruits do taste good."

The Katachan strongman played with his hunting knife: "I lived in the jungle until I became an adult, then I joined the jungle warriors and followed the troops out of the jungle.

It's really safe outside.

Even the battlefield is safer than the jungle, and you can sleep peacefully without worrying about being eaten by a damn tree.

During these ten years of service, I have killed greenskins, faced Chaos demons, and followed the Legion all the way to here..."

Hear the words.

The soldiers couldn't help but exclaim in amazement.

after that.

Several more veterans of the Astra Militarum came forward to talk about their service.

Delainen was a little absent-minded.

He moved the mechanical arm, and it seemed that the mechanical soul of this thing was a little unhappy.

This expensive creation cost him five thousand throne coins, which was almost all his belongings at the time.

He was angry:
"That damn black-hearted oil man must have cut corners and gave me a low-quality mechanical arm. I'm afraid it's a second-hand product taken from a corpse!"

Fortunately, before leaving, Delainin and his brothers secretly picked up a lot of good things from the oil man, so it was not a big loss.

To be more precise, I made a small profit.

no way.

The Consequet Guards were too poor.

It was established in violation of regulations and has a long history of bad deeds.

At one point, the Ministry of Military Affairs only provided them with company-level supplies and then sent them to large-scale battles across the empire that were full of monsters and demons.

An attempt to destroy this violating legion.

But the Consequet Guards still survived under such circumstances. Even at the end of the 42nd millennium, there were still regimental-level troops, about people.

He is considered a legendary figure in the Star Army.

However, this legend has a somewhat derogatory meaning.

They had almost no morale and were simply the kings of survival and the emperor's angels on the run, occasionally doing some sneaky things to replenish military supplies.

The first lesson for new recruits is to teach them how to survive in a battlefield full of dangers.

This includes finding suitable hidden obstacles, lying posture, determining which enemy is the most dangerous, how to hide, etc.

The team leader even said it bluntly.

These life-saving experiences are the most valuable assets of them, Consequet.

The local military affairs department was disgusted with these old foxes and invincible cockroaches, but could do nothing about it.

After all, they did follow orders and fought in the most dangerous battlefield.

"Brother, it's your turn!"

Delainen's shoulders sank suddenly, and the Catachan strongman slapped him with his big hand.

He looked up, and everyone's eyes turned to him.

It seems that I have to say something.

Delainin moved his mechanical arm again and said calmly:
“I am a veteran of the 14th Guards of Conserquet. I have served for fifteen years and participated in more than twenty battles, facing almost all known enemies of the Empire.

Before boarding this ship, we followed the Emperor's Angels to wipe out a group of Chaos pirates that invaded the Imperial planet. I was lucky enough to kill a Chaos warrior using a hot melt weapon..."

A buzzing sound.

There was a commotion among the crowd, with surprise written all over their faces and exclamations of admiration rising one after another.

To kill a Chaos Space Marine as a mortal is a legendary feat for the Astra Militarum.

"Praise the Emperor, your soul will return to the throne!"

The old pastor couldn't help but exclaim in admiration and bless this stormtrooper from the Consequet Regiment who had made great achievements in battle.

Everyone agreed that Conserquette's Stormtrooper career was the most legendary.

Deserves everyone's respect.

Delainen didn't have much of a reaction.

He would never tell.

The molten ray accidentally missed the target and destroyed the head of the Chaos Space Marine who was about to fall to the ground, thus stealing the credit from the Emperor's Angel.

not to mention.

The people of the Consequitt Group don't care much about these honors.

The competition within the Guards Regiment is about who can survive longer and who can stay alive longer. A veteran like him who has only experienced more than 20 battles cannot even be ranked within the group.


It was also by chance that Draening boarded this ship to participate in an unknown battle.

After their company finished the battle, they all went to the local planet to recuperate and treat their injuries, and to see if they could get some military supplies.


He and his brothers were lying in hospital beds.

Suddenly, a commander from the Military Affairs Department came and forcibly conscripted them all and stuffed them onto the ship.

Not only that.

The commanders of the Military Affairs Department even took away the local security forces.

Based on his own experience, Delainin judged that there might be special military situation somewhere that required quick military support.

This group of soldiers was urgently recruited.

They didn't even bother to pick and choose, just shoved everyone in.

Now he only hoped that he could survive, get through the war, leave this damn place with his brothers, and return to the Guards.

Just when everyone was praising Delainen.

"Brother, you haven't spoken yet, have you?"

The tough guy Katachang suddenly noticed a short figure sitting in the corner, who had never made a sound.

The warrior was wearing a thick coat, holding an intricately crafted spear in his arms, and his face was tightly covered by a helmet and gas mask.

Always remain silent.

He suggested: "Tell everyone about your military service..."

"Yes, tell everyone about it!"

The veterans started to make a fuss, wanting to know about the soldier's service experience.


The soldier seemed a little uncomfortable and still didn't speak.

The Catachan warrior walked over, put his arm around the warrior's shoulders warmly, and invited him to drink his liquor.

The liquor seemed to have had an effect.

The soldier finally spoke, his tone somewhat stiffly:

"I... I'm a new recruit with a very short service experience. I previously participated in actual combat training in the radioactive fallout of Krieg, and I've only officially served for two years.

Only fought one battle..."

"It's okay. We all grew up slowly from rookies!"

The Catachan hunk tried to comfort the Krieg soldier, taking good care of the shy warrior.

In order not to make the atmosphere dull.

He continued, "I heard that you Kriegs are quite powerful. Tell us about the battle you fought. Did you kill any enemies?"

The Krieg soldier tried to organize his words: "I can't remember... The commander said it was an apocalyptic-level battle..."

Hear the words.

The atmosphere in the hall became silent.

Everyone stared with their eyes wide open, looking shocked.

These veterans who have fought for many years have almost all heard of apocalyptic wars from certain legends or rumors.

That was almost the most difficult and highest-level war the empire had ever faced. Those who could survive an apocalypse-level war were the most glorious warriors.

This is true whether you are a mortal legionnaire, a space marine, an imperial knight or a Titan pilot!
If life is the Emperor's currency, then Apocalypse-level wars are the money-shredding factories.

Under normal circumstances.

When the mortal troops enter the apocalypse-level battlefield, each person will receive a battery, a laser rifle, and a melta grenade.

There is no need for any tactics, no intelligence, no instructions, and no need to know what the enemy is.

No need to aim.

For the sky and the earth are filled with enemies.

If they can empty the battery, they will be considered a first-class merit; if they can throw a hot melt grenade, they will be a combat hero; if they can survive for half a day, they will be considered a veteran of many battles.

Those regimental units will fight bloody battles with the enemy in positions filled with nuclear radiation and biological and chemical gases, with destructive missiles bombarding the battlefield indiscriminately.

The life expectancy of each regimental unit is six hours.

However, in battle.

The order they received was to hold off the enemy for fifteen minutes, after which a new regiment would arrive to relieve them.

But in fact.

These soldiers often died before the new regiment arrived.

The new regiment that arrived could only continue fighting on the charred corpses that had been washed clean by the nuclear bomb, and those charred corpses had already piled up into several layers.

They will become the newest layer.

The mortal legions in the trenches could see something like this:
in space.

The fleets' exchange of fire never stopped, the light of macro cannons and light rays lit up the void, and every minute one could see warships turning into dazzling fireworks.

When the fighting between those fleets became intense, they had no chance to replenish their ammunition and could only drive their ships into the enemy and perish together with them.

In the atmosphere.

Various fighter planes and enemy flying forces were engaged in combat. Lasers, missiles, and artillery shells filled the sky, forming new clouds of smoke. Fighter planes rained down every moment.

on the ground.

Clusters of super-heavy tanks were everywhere, and one could even see mountains of Emperor-class Titans and multiple-level Titan formations in the distance. That was the combined power of more than a dozen Titan orders.

But even divine machines like the Titan could not hold out for long and fell one after another.


Many Imperial knights were fighting, several knight families had been killed, and more were on their way. The Emperor's angels, the most powerful genetically modified bodies of mankind - Space Marines were killed in batches, and several regiments were sent to the battlefield, but no news was brought back.

The fighting sisters threw in temple after temple without causing any splash.

Even the great living saints fell from mid-air.

Then he was resurrected and thrown into the battlefield.

No one knows what exactly happened on the core battlefield.

As the battle continues.

The armored units of the Astra Militarum were reduced to scrap metal at a rate of thousands, and the roar of artillery filled all space, causing the mortals on the battlefield to lose their hearing.

The previously precious Scorpion Tailed Missiles were launched in large numbers, and the Death Strike Missiles had their safety removed, bombing any possible area without hesitation.

The Astra Militarum is counted in 100 million.

The casualties of each wave of defense were counted in the millions, and countless mortals turned into insignificant dust on the battlefield.

When the war reaches a fierce moment.

No one responded to the request for orbital bombardment, and there was no need for it, because the explosions caused by the wreckage of falling warships and fighter planes were more frequent than orbital bombardment.

The sages of the Mechanicus have begun to use any possible illegal or even heretical technology, poison gas, radiation, black holes in space, and no one cares about these.

No one even knew what was going on.

not to mention.

These wise men will not live to see the coming of judgment.

On the battlefield.

Those veterans who were lucky enough to survive for more than three hours would even see any possible scene.

Brutal killing metal men, chaos demigods, screaming demons, demon engines, and endless aliens.

The massive influx of war machines and the wreckage of fallen ships has caused the planet's mass to increase. The planet's topography has been changed in the endless bombardment, the mountains have been wiped out, and the oceans have evaporated.

Even the climate has changed.

The winter, snow-covered hemisphere turned red, and the temperature rose sharply, making the armored soldiers who had just arrived and were wearing thick cotton jackets curse with heat.

When the war reached the middle and late stages, both the enemy and us had no idea what to do. They just mechanically attacked any enemy and then died.

Everyone just attacked numbly.

With any luck.

Some Astra Militarum veterans are able to see the bigger picture.

The core battlefield has spread here.

The ancient, sacred legends of Imperial lore - Grand Masters of the Grey Knights, Star Wars Chapter Masters, Champions of the Emperor, Chosen Ones, and even the great Primarchs - are fighting for their lives against equal enemies.

Those veterans may even find themselves less than ten meters away from those great beings, and can clearly see the sacred runes on their armor and their resolute faces stained with blood.

This is the closest they have come to the legend.

Then, veterans often go insane after seeing too abominable Chaos entities, or die in the aftermath of battles between great entities.

Even so, they played their due value and lived a legendary life.

At least he was not like those unlucky guys who died without knowing what the enemy looked like as soon as they arrived at the battlefield, and their souls were pulled into the terrible subspace.

The battle of the great existence continues, more troops are coming in, no one knows the outcome of this war, and can only pray for the Emperor's protection.

This is an apocalyptic war that will determine the fate of a star zone, a star field, and even an empire!

Any warrior who survives an apocalyptic war will undoubtedly be a walking legend of the empire, gaining praise and respect from everyone.

Inside the prayer room hall.

After several minutes of shock and silence, the Astra Militarum veterans gave a deafening cheer and warm applause and praise to the Krieg warrior.

He is undoubtedly the most legendary person here.

They walked up one by one and performed the Sky Eagle salute to the warrior who survived the Apocalypse-level war.

Then hug it.

The Krieg warrior was somewhat at a loss, and stood there somewhat stiffly.

In his eyes, all wars are the same.

The Kriegs were born for war, never retreating or surrendering, fearless of death, and disregarding their own lives. They were merely weapons of the Emperor's will.

And self-sacrifice is the highest ideal.

To this Krieg warrior, he was simply participating in a war in obedience to the Emperor's will.

He will participate in more wars in the future until he falls on the battlefield one day.

Realize the ultimate value of life.

All this is not glory, but destiny.

The company commander, who had been listening silently at the door, walked in, saluted the soldier, and personally lit a precious Terran cigarette for him.

Other veterans of the Astra Militarum also presented gifts.

The old priest came over, piously recited blessing scriptures for the Krieg warrior, and handed him a plasma pistol that had been blessed by the state religion.

Delainin, who was always stingy, also came forward and gave Krieg a jeweled pocket watch.

He got it from the concubine of a certain planet's governor.

For this matter.

It almost led to a fight between their company and local security forces.

Suddenly, Delainen thought of something, and his expression became serious, even a little pale.

He looked at the Krieg soldier and asked, "Brother, why are you here?"

Under normal circumstances.

A veteran like this who had experienced an apocalyptic war would not easily be in the same place with them.

As the honored and elite veterans of the Astra Militarum, they would often only appear on the most dangerous battlefields or battlefields of equal level.

This is the same thing.

Everyone in the hall fell silent.

The Krieg warrior was unaware of the change in atmosphere and responded simply and directly, as if responding to an order: "The commander's order says that we are going to follow a great being and fight a more difficult battle!"

There was no fear in his words, as if he was talking about something normal.

A harder war?

After he finished speaking, the veterans of the Astra Militarum realized something and their faces turned pale.

The hall was as silent as death, the only sound that could be heard was the crackling of the special fragrant wood burning in the brazier.


The company commander tremblingly picked up a Terran cigarette, lit it, and took a deep puff without even exhaling the smoke.

The Cadian veteran sat back and silently wiped the laser rifle he had assembled; the Catachan warrior drank up the liquor in the kettle, took out the sanding cloth, and sharpened the hunting knife over and over again.

The old priest grasped his staff tightly, supported his body, walked to the shrine, knelt down, and prayed devoutly to the Emperor.

Seeing that no one was talking, the Krieg warrior finally breathed a sigh of relief and sat back down.

Continue to keep quiet.

"It's over, this is an apocalyptic war!"

Delainin almost slid to the ground, his eyes dull: "Why am I so unlucky?"

He felt that he would not be able to survive this time. Being able to survive for an hour or two on such a battlefield was already a blessing from the Emperor.

After all, according to the historical documents of the Consequet Guards, three regiments had participated in apocalyptic-level wars at different times.

No one came back alive!

He doesn't think he is better than his more experienced predecessors.

Delainen's guess was correct.

The Empire defines the War of Baal as an apocalyptic-level war, and the most dangerous kind.

After all, Baal has to face the most powerful Tyranid Hive Fleet in the galaxy, and there is no room for maneuver.

They retreated.

The Leviathan Hive Fleet will threaten the lives of entire star regions, and may even develop to the point where the Empire will be completely unable to resist.

The fate of mankind is sliding into an even darker abyss.

In this situation.

The two Primarchs, Regent Guilliman and Savior Roan, had to face the Tyranid Swarm together to deal with this terrifying threat.

It can be said.

This is one of the most important wars the empire has seen in recent years.

Even more troublesome is that.

The empire had no way to provide more support and could only forcibly conscript hundreds of millions of soldiers and send them over.

In order to quickly recruit enough soldiers.

The Ministry of Military Affairs even executed a group of inefficient conscripts and then issued death orders to the remaining conscripts.

Under layers of pressure and time constraints, the recruiting officers had to do everything they could to summon any troops that could reach Baal in order to save their lives.

This is why there is now a chaotic scene with several legions crowded on the same ship.

Moreover, these troop transports carried not only soldiers, but also a large number of confused imperial citizens.

They were forcibly conscripted in various ways, and some unlucky ones were even dragged away in their sleep.

For those conscripts, the mission can be completed as long as they gather enough people.

The Ministry of Military Affairs also turned a blind eye.

Whether it is the Astra Militarum or the Imperial citizens, there is not much difference on a battlefield like that. It is enough for those Imperial citizens to be able to pull the trigger and throw out the melta grenade.

Killing one or two aliens is a huge profit.

Even with flesh and blood, he could slow down the Zerg's pace a little and allow the bombing troops to arrive.

It also played its due role.

The atmosphere in the hall became increasingly solemn.

Suddenly, the company commander's serious voice sounded:
"I remind you all that no one here is allowed to disclose this matter, otherwise you may be judged..."

He warned the veterans to keep the secret and prevent the news from being spread in advance.

Causing panic within the army.


Many of the Empire's troops participating in the Apocalypse-level war knew nothing before arriving on the battlefield.

They didn't even know what battle they were participating in until they died.

Only victory can be achieved.

It was only when the survivors of these troops participated in the celebration ceremony and received commendations that they realized how great their achievements were.

Trillions of humans survive because of their bravery.

The veterans nodded silently. This was the right thing to do. Now that they were on the ship, they had no choice but to keep going.

not to mention.

During their years of service, they had long been prepared for death, and it was an honor for them to die on such a battlefield.


Company commanders and veterans left one after another.

Delainin stamped his numb legs, moved with difficulty to the side of the old pastor and knelt down.

He turned to look at the old priest, his voice trembling: "Can you...can you help me pray to the Emperor, saying that the loyal believers pray for His blessing..."

The stormtrooper felt that the priest's prayers were more effective.

I have a black heart, and the great and benevolent emperor may ignore me.



The atmosphere on the entire troop transport ship became increasingly tense.

The quartermaster led the troops to distribute weapons to the soldiers, imperial citizens, and slaves. Even the old madman near the church was given a laser rifle.

In the lower cabin on the bottom deck, fleas were rampant and there was only one toilet for dozens of people.

Those former imperial citizens who were dragged onto the ship in a daze, now recruits, became increasingly terrified.

They can only hold their laser rifles and pray for the Emperor's blessing...

Inside the bridge.

The young commander sat in his seat, thinking quietly. An unbearable tense atmosphere had already spread on the ship.


The communicator received a message from the fleet under the command of the Great Savior, Primarch of Hope.

They warned of possible Tyranid risks nearby and said a fleet would be coming to support them.


Shortly after the communication ended.

This small transport fleet was completely covered by a huge shadow...

(End of this chapter)

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