Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 352 Ah, are we going to war?

Chapter 352 Ah, are we going to war?

late at night.

Troop transport, inside the veteran's living room.

The living room of this six-person room was rusty and smelled of sweat.

The veterans' snoring was deafening, with an occasional long fart sound. It was obvious that they slept quite well.

For these veterans, such a residence is already an extremely high-quality and safe sleeping environment.

At least they don't have to sleep in a place filled with roaring artillery fire, roaring aliens, and whispering chaos, and they have to worry all the time that their lives will be taken away in their sleep.

Experienced veterans will take every opportunity to rest on their way to the battlefield.

Because after the troops arrive at the battlefield, they have very few opportunities to rest, and this may be their last chance to get a good night's sleep.


Someone in the living room couldn't fall asleep.

Delainen stared at the rotten, creaking iron plate on the upper bunk with his eyes open, a little worried that it wouldn't be able to support the strong man on it.

In the past, he would be able to fall asleep at this time.

But ever since he learned that he was about to go to an apocalypse-level battlefield, he began to suffer from insomnia.

It was not out of fear, but out of regret that his wish to live to eighty years old and be included in the longevity list of the Conserquet Guards could not be realized.

"If the captain was here, I would have lived longer. Unfortunately, we were unlucky enough to be caught by the conscripts..."

The stormtrooper tossed and turned, gritting his teeth and saying, "If I can come back alive, I will make that bastard who recruited me suffer from eye problems!"

According to the normal procedures of the empire.

These soldiers who have just finished a battle and whose injuries have not yet been fully healed will not be sent to a new battlefield so soon.

But it was his bad luck to run into an apocalyptic war and be found by the conscripts.

Delainen was just complaining.

He knew that his hope of returning was slim, and there was a high probability that he would sacrifice his life for the Emperor.

I hope He will be merciful and allow my soul to return to the throne, rather than drifting into the chaos void to suffer...

Delainin moved the robotic arm again, but the machine soul still did not get better. The joints were stiff and there was a slight pain in the interface.

Such a problem is likely to reduce your chances of survival on the battlefield.

But now I can’t find anyone to repair it.

The soldiers on the entire ship were crammed in randomly, with no logistics at all, and food was only distributed once today, so many people are already starving.

"It's good to have something to eat..."

Delainen sighed.

He clearly felt that the logistical supplies of the Astra Militarum were becoming increasingly scarce.

The food sometimes turns green or purple, mixed with some strange bones and minced meat, which is disgusting.

The veterans could sense the increasingly difficult plight of the Empire through the logistical supplies of the Astra Militarum.

He didn't think any further. These were not issues a warrior should consider.

Delainen couldn't sleep anyway, so he got up and went to the chemical toilet to take care of some personal problems.


He had just walked out of the smelly chemical toilet when something strange happened.

The cabin shook violently, causing him to slam into the wall. The other people on the beds were also twisted all over the place, and many of them fell directly from the beds.

"Emperor, what on earth happened?"

"Damn it, have we reached the battlefield yet?"

The veterans quickly got up, found their weapons and held them tightly in their hands, ready to fight the next battle at any time.

Delainen also found his heat ray volley gun and quickly put all his personal equipment in order.

"Our ship has stopped!"

He could sense that the ship showed no signs of moving forward.


Sharp alarms sounded, warning lights flashed, and the cold red light occasionally swept across the solemn faces of every veteran.

Before anyone could react, the sound generator sounded, and the commander issued an order to the entire ship:
“All attention, all attention!

I am Commander Raul. The following is an urgent order. All soldiers must follow your commander to assemble on the deck immediately. I repeat, all soldiers must follow your commander to assemble on the deck immediately. Action immediately!
May the Emperor be with us!"


The thin iron door was kicked open.

The company commander shouted at this side at the door: "All soldiers, take your weapons and follow me to the deck, otherwise you will be court-martialed!"

As he spoke, he kicked open another door and repeated the same words.

It seems that the situation is indeed a bit urgent.

Delainin, like the other veterans in the room, followed the temporary commander without any hesitation.


At least one-third of the soldiers on this ship did not have a complete organization and were temporarily put together.

Fortunately, the Military Affairs Department still worked hard to organize the soldiers and formed a basic command system, which at least prevented the soldiers from acting like headless flies.


The corridors of the ship gradually became crowded, and more and more soldiers followed the flow of people to the area nearest the landing deck.

Delainen held the gun tightly and moved forward with the crowd.

He knew he had to walk at least another kilometer before reaching the landing deck.

In the tense atmosphere, the stormtrooper thought quietly.

Are these people about to be thrown into that terrible battlefield?

Delainen saw a familiar figure, and an angry look appeared on his face. The mechanical arm grabbed his shoulder:

"Asshole, I finally caught you this time. Do you still recognize me, your grandpa?!"

He would never forget this face.

It was this guy who led the armed conscription troops and recruited himself and his brothers in the company from the hospital beds and boarded this ship.

"Who are you and what do you want to do?"

The former recruiter looked flustered and bewildered, and obviously had forgotten the stormtrooper in front of him.

The mechanical arms gradually tightened, making his bones crackle.

But he also thought of something, and he endured the pain and said with a bitter face: "If you are here to take revenge on me, then you have found the wrong person, I am just following orders.

Look at me, I am also on this ship, what else do you want..."

After the conscription by the Ministry of Military Affairs was completed, they were also stuffed into the ship along with the conscripted troops.

Such abnormal behavior.

This made the former recruit, now a new recruit, realize the seriousness of the matter. The horror of the upcoming war was probably far beyond his imagination.

Delainin pinched her hard, then let go, without any thought of revenge.

After all, the order came from the Military Affairs Department.

These people had no better way to complete the task.

As for blaming the Military Affairs Department?

The enemy of humanity is intent on destroying the empire's borders. If we don't call up the army to resist, are we going to watch those worlds perish?
The war between humans and chaos and the alien races of humans is a life-and-death war. There is no room for compromise and no one can stay out of it.

He had witnessed the suffering of planets being destroyed by the enemies of humanity, and he also hoped that his hometown would be invaded.

Can get support from the empire.

This is why veterans are still fighting.

They are following orders from the Munitions Department, but their loyalty is to the Emperor and they are fighting for the entire Imperium of Man.

If anyone is to blame, it's those damn aliens and heretics!
not to mention.

The guy in front of him was about to step onto an apocalyptic-level battlefield just like himself, and his death was also near.

Delainen patted the other person's shoulder heavily:

"Asshole, you'd better take down at least one enemy before you die. Don't waste this equipment!"

He didn't think this guy could survive more than ten minutes on the battlefield, and just hoped that the other party would not waste his equipment.

Even the cheapest equipment of the Astra Militarum is condensed with the blood and tears of many citizens of the Empire, and those are the bloody tithes.

After saying that, he grabbed the gun and continued walking forward without looking back.


Delainin followed the team to the landing deck, which was already brightly lit and noisy.

At the landing entrance.

There were small landing ships parked one after another. The logos on the hulls were somewhat unfamiliar, but one could vaguely see a golden sun and a golden warrior with wings on his back.

He can be sure.

These landing ships were not from this ship, nor from any legion that he knew of.

Maybe the local army?
The empire's territory is so vast.

Even if a scholar who specializes in studying the composition of the imperial army spends his entire life, he will not be able to be familiar with all the military emblems.

After the landing ship was fully loaded, it immediately drove away through the landing port, and the tail flames of the engine created a strong wind.

"Get on board!"

The officers held down their military caps and shouted at the top of their lungs, ordering their soldiers to get on board as quickly as possible.

Delainin did not have much time to think, and at the urging of his superiors, he jogged onto the landing ship in the strong wind.

after awhile.

The landing ship took off and headed towards an unknown area.

Like other veterans, he squeezed into the cabin, holding a gun in his arms, and calmly faced the impending fate.

Landing on deck.

The boarding operation of the Astra Militarum soldiers is still proceeding in an orderly manner. Nearly one million soldiers on this troop transport ship will travel to an unknown destination in this way.

If a soldier with good eyesight looked up at the dome above, he would be able to see a huge creature in the void above the troop transport ship.

The shadow it created completely covered the several troop transports below.

It can be seen.

It was a huge ship more than ten miles long, and its appearance seemed a bit bloated. What was even stranger was that it did not have any shipboard weapons.


Arriving above the small troop transport fleet of the Empire was the super-large troop transport ship of the Savior Territory.

The Ship Research Institute of the Mechanicus of Ers specially modified this type of special transport ship based on the requirements provided by the Savior.

Its ships do not contain any weapon systems that take up space, and the hull is covered with many space modules to obtain more loading space.

This is a ship without any offensive power, a target in space.

Its only advantages are its large space, fast speed and strong defense. The double void shields installed inside are enough to deal with most attacks.

The optimal number of people that a ship like this can carry is 30 million, and under extreme conditions it can accommodate 100 million people.

It's almost like a space city.

Under normal circumstances.

When a super-large troop transport sets sail, a fleet will be arranged to escort it.

With the help of its strong defensive capabilities, it generally won't encounter any major problems until the fleet is destroyed.

In order to get the Astra Militarum to Baal as quickly as possible.

The Savior sent more than 20 large troop transport ships to pick up the soldiers on the small troop transport fleet in advance. That's why the atmosphere was so tense.

This was because the Tyranids had already attacked and destroyed several of the Empire's small troop transport fleets, and they had to transfer people quickly to avoid possible deadly threats.

In the endless starry sky.

The densely packed landing ships flew into the landing port of the super-large troop transport ship like a swarm of bees...
Very large troop transport.

Login lobby.

The landing cabin landed on the apron and the cabin shook slightly.

Delainin's body swayed along with the ship's hull, and he immediately came to his senses, holding on to his weapon tightly.

He didn't know what a terrible battlefield was waiting for him next.

But the strange thing is that until now he has not heard any sound of artillery fire, and can only occasionally hear some electronic sounds.


The hatch opened and he walked down with the other veterans.

In an instant.

Delainin breathed extremely fresh air, instead of the turbid air filled with oil, dust and various stinky gases that had been circulated millions of times.


He was shocked by everything he saw.

It was a huge square about two kilometers in size. In the center stood a huge gold-plated statue more than 20 meters high, and huge flags of honor and military merit were hung around it.

Bright built-in light strips illuminate this new, clean area like daylight.

The sudden brightness made him squint his eyes.

Draven tried to read the words on the more than ten-meter-high honor flag. He saw some words intermittently and read them out softly:

"Savior, Storm Army..."

The stormtrooper reacted and arrived at the area ruled by the savior.

The newly returned savior and Primarch of Hope, although not as famous as the Regent and Primarch of the Ultramarines, is still a powerful figure in the Empire.

But stories about that existence still swept the empire.

Many veterans have heard of his legend.

The savior returns in times of crisis for the human empire to save the world.

His achievements include:

Assisted the Regent to save Macragge and expel the abominable and powerful demon Kahaban.

He joined forces with the Regent to expel the traitor Primarch Magnus during the Battle of Luna.

The latest news is that he defeated a powerful demon demigod and saved the Chaladon area.

The return of the savior brought more hope to the human empire.

He finally knew.

The great being that the Krieg warrior had mentioned before, that they wanted to follow, turned out to be the savior.

Delainin looked at another military merit banner, and the content on it made him a little dumbfounded: "Commander Yarui of the Storm Army drove the Knight Mech to destroy the Chaos Titan?"

He couldn't imagine it.

What kind of legendary warrior can control the knight mecha to defeat the legendary terrifying abomination machine as tall as a mountain.

"What are you standing there for? Gather quickly!"

Just as Dredin wanted to continue watching, the officer pushed him from behind.

New assembly orders have arrived.

He had no choice but to follow the veterans to the square to gather.

When the Astra Militarum soldiers had assembled, sacred hymns rang out and a gigantic shadow of the Savior, tens of meters tall, appeared in the square.

The Savior's voice echoed in the square like thunder. His short and powerful speech was full of respect for the soldiers and praised their bravery and loyalty.

Every word was as powerful as metal and stone, inspiring everyone present.

He promised to be with the soldiers.

The appearance and encouragement of the Emperor's own son and the Primarch of Hope were like the morning light that penetrated the darkness and illuminated the hearts of the soldiers.

They had witnessed a great legend with their own eyes, and the tension gradually dissipated, replaced by an unprecedented excitement and power.

"For the Emperor, for the Saviour, for the Glory of the Empire!"

The shouts of the Astra Militarum soldiers shook the sky.

Delainin's depression was swept away, and he excitedly performed the Sky Eagle Salute with everyone, praising the great savior.

Fight to the death!

What they don't know is that.

That was just a virtual projection video. There are too many related videos in the database of the Ministry of National Education and Propaganda to cope with different occasions.

The Savior had too many things to deal with and it was difficult for him to take care of a small troop transport ship.

After the Savior's figure disappeared, the person in charge of the troop transport came out to speak and told the soldiers present.

Due to combat needs.

All the soldiers here must be reorganized and incorporated into the new command system.

after that.

Many drones similar to servoskulls flew down from the sky.


Those are the servo skulls of the Savior Territory. Their internal structures are similar to those of the Empire's servo skulls, but their appearance is more beautiful and comfortable, and the manufacturing materials have also changed.

Some kind of lightweight material, like ivory, was used, after all, the Savior's Territory couldn't get so many skulls.

The servoskull scanned the nameplate and face of each soldier, entering their identities.

Then give them new cards.

That was their new ID, with their number, name, and portrait on it. The chip built into the card contained their identity data, including relevant information about their new unit.

These data were directly entered into the population database of the Savior’s territory, which means that these soldiers were issued identity cards and household registrations on the spot.

Unless they resolutely betray the Savior, they will become the population of the Savior's territory.

There are many elite warriors among these Astra Militarum, especially the Cadian Blitzkrieg, Catachan Jungle Warriors, Krieg Death Corps, etc.

The Saviors don't want to miss these fighters, these high-quality fighter populations, especially those veterans.

It will be able to further enhance the combat effectiveness of the Storm Army.


The Military Affairs Department forced these soldiers onto the ship and transported them here, but they never expected that they would be able to return alive.

There is no return procedure at all.

not to mention.

The Savior Territory is extremely hungry for population.

Whether it is the logistics system, engineering troops, mining department, mechanical maintenance department, and all the large and small civil institutions in the territory, a large population is needed to maintain operations.

The number of personnel required for the logistics system alone is more than ten times the number of military personnel.

And it is still developing rapidly.

If one thinks about achieving the logistical logistics that the Savior hopes to achieve and that can meet the Empire's support needs, the number of personnel required will be extremely terrifying.

Delainen also got his own ID card, according to staff.

That is his ID card.

After the entry process is completed.

Under guidance, he and other soldiers boarded the rail transportation vehicle called subway inside the ship and went to the camp where the troops were located to rest.

Sitting in the bright and clean subway, Delainen felt overwhelmed for the first time.

He was amazed by what had just happened.

He had realized that he was on a ship, but everything before him was so familiar yet so strange.

Everywhere he looked were the familiar imperial eagles and sacred sculptures.

But the overall decoration and architectural style are different from the dark and bloody tone of the empire, making people feel comfortable and full of vitality.

That was the architectural and decorative style that the Savior's territory had explored for a long time and finally determined.

The rail transportation called subway is very fast.

Delainen had just sat down when he heard the destination announcement, so he quickly stood up and got off the bus.

Many people got off the bus like him.

But more soldiers remain in the subway, and their camp is still at the next destination.

Finally, Drainen reached the camp and found his living room.

Different from the accommodation provided by the Empire.

The room was so clean and bright. The four beds had full sets of green bedding, and the cool breeze proved that a temperature control system was installed here.

The army's ten rules are posted on the wall, and everyone must abide by them.

One of them is.

After waking up, the first thing to do is to fold the bedding according to the requirements.

There will be special military officers to inspect.

On the desk was a thin paper instruction manual, which carefully explained in Low Gothic how to use and what to pay attention to for each facility in the room.

“There’s even a shower room here?”

Delainen was somewhat surprised and somewhat happy.

He hadn't done any body cleansing in over three months.

Only on some planets with good conditions, or colonies with unspoiled environments and rivers, would he have the chance to take a good bath.

The stormtrooper removed his gear and went into the bathroom for a good bath.

I just felt a little sad while washing.

Because the water coming out of the shower is of high purity and has no odor. Even as drinking water on ships, it is of high grade.

The abundance of resources in the Savior's territory shocked Delainin.

When he came out wrapped in a bath towel, he was surprised to see three other familiar figures.

He had seen these warriors before in the prayer room: the Cadian veteran, the Catachan tough guy, and the silent Krieg warrior.

It seemed that they were assigned to the same unit and, more coincidentally, lived together.

This situation puzzled everyone.

Their fighting styles are somewhat different, and under normal circumstances it is impossible for them to be in the same formation.

But everyone also had a vague guess.

Perhaps because they are veterans of many battles, they were singled out to form some kind of new assault force.

The Military Affairs Department would occasionally do this when the war was intense, and the commander would organize a mixed group of veteran suicide squads to complete a difficult mission.

after that.

The servoskull sent new data.

These veterans of hundreds of battles were told.

They will have the honor of becoming a new type of savior force and participate in battle using personal combat suits called power armor.


The new equipment that is in the experimental stage is called Universal Mortal Combat Armor...

(End of this chapter)

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