Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 353 Kabanha: I will definitely inflict heavy damage on humanity

Chapter 353 Kabanha: I will definitely inflict heavy damage on humanity (Roar!)
Savior troop transport.

living room.

Delainin and others briefly learned about the combat armor. Before they could discuss further, the melodious and gentle hymn of the Savior was heard in the room.

An electronic voice gave the soldiers instructions that the lights would be turned off in fifteen minutes and asked them to take care of their personal affairs as soon as possible.

Go to bed on time.

Upon hearing this, everyone hurried to clean up.

After all, according to the laws of the Holy Code of the Savior on the wall, all soldiers must keep themselves clean in the camp.

These ten laws and regulations are subject to special military inspections, and the implementation of the regulations in each barracks and cabin is scored and evaluated, and soldiers who violate the regulations are punished.

Of course, groups that perform well will receive honorary flags and commendations.

These scores will be combined with training performance, combat exploits and other indicators to form a comprehensive evaluation system for the collective and individual soldiers, and will occupy a corresponding proportion in the system.

The most outstanding soldiers will have the opportunity to participate in the parade during the Emperor's Ascension Day and receive commendation from the Savior.

Although newly arrived veterans of the Astra Militarum such as Delainin did not understand the reasons for doing this, they understood the honor they could get by doing this well.

Everything is transparent and there is feedback for everything they do well.

These laws inevitably aroused their competitive mentality.

As a veteran of many battles, I can't be worse than the other roommates or the new recruits in this aspect, right?
Moreover, these scores are tied to the collective. If they cause the dormitory or even the company to be punished because of themselves, they will probably not be able to hold their heads up.

Moreover, these are laws.

The Empire implemented strict laws and punishments. Although they did not know what the punishment for the Savior Army was, as veterans of the Astra Militarum, they knew the consequences of violating the law in the army.

Most of them end up losing their lives.

"Hurry up, let's hurry up!"

"Let's go together!"

In order to save time, the Cadia veteran and the Catachan tough guy immediately stripped off their already smelly clothes and rushed to the shower room.

The Catachan man yelled:
"What the hell, such good water for bathing, I didn't expect that I could enjoy the treatment of a noble!"

"High-quality purified water can be sold for a lot of credits in our place!"

"What are these? They have bubbles and smell weird."

"Bastard, wash quickly!" The voice of the Cadia veteran came out:
"The legendary Krieger boy is still waiting!"

Seeing that the Krieg warrior was a little uncomfortable, they did not pull him in to take a shower together.

after awhile.

The old soldiers from Cardia and the tough guys from Catachan came out wrapped in bath towels, their bodies were covered with scars of varying depths, some of which were clearly fatal.

But to them, it is a proof of courage and a symbol of honor.

The Krieg warrior hesitated for a moment, then took off his gas mask and respirator, and took off his waterproof coat.

Everyone looked over.

The soldier's body was covered with red scars caused by radiation, including many deep scars. One side of his face was almost disfigured, and his ear was missing.

He noticed those gazes, turned around and looked over, somewhat confused.

No one said anything, just smiled at him.

Krieger walked in silently, washed up very quickly, and came out soon.

for them.

Any orders must be strictly followed.

After Delainin and others changed into the dark green Storm Army uniforms with a skull eagle printed on the chest, the order to turn off the lights came.

They all lay down on the bed.

"Damn it, this bed and quilt are so soft and comfortable!"

The Catachan strongman's loud voice sounded again: "Oh, if only our Catachan brothers could enjoy these..."

"The Lord Savior's treatment of us soldiers is really beyond reproach."

The Cadia veteran said.

Delainin smelled the special incense on the quilt and thought to himself, "If I can get back alive this time, I will tell the captain everything and ask him to bring the brothers of Conserquet to fight for the Savior!"

Anyway, we are all fighting for the Human Empire. Not only does the Military Affairs Department not provide us with supplies, but they also want to send the Conserquet Guards to death.

It would be better to seek refuge with a merciful Primarch.

For some reason, he was no longer as nervous as before.

Perhaps with the protection of the savior, he could survive the apocalypse-level battlefield.

The soothing and sleep-inducing Savior's sacred music was heard, which was the signal to turn off the lights and go to bed.

Wait until the sacred music is over.

The lights in the room also went out, leaving the room in darkness.

"I say, brothers..." The tough guy Katachang wanted to say something.

The Krieg warrior interrupted the other party in a rare move, and the low reminder sounded stiff: "You must remain quiet after lights out..."

He had just carefully read the rules and regulations on the wall, and Rule 2, Article 9, stipulated that one must go to bed and keep quiet after turning off the lights.

After saying this, the soldier fell silent again.

The Katachan tough guy reacted, but he just let out a louder exclamation: "Damn it, I almost forgot!"

At this moment, the serious voice of the military officer suddenly came from outside:

"Dormitory 1313, keep quiet. If you make noise after lights out, you will be deducted one point!"

In an instant.

The dormitory fell into dead silence.

The Katachang tough guy covered his mouth tightly, seeming a little scared and guilty.

Until a long time later.

He made an imperceptible sound, full of guilt: "Brothers, it's my fault..."

"We're all brothers."

Another barely perceptible voice answered him.


The night passed.

Delainin was awakened by the holy music of the Savior, and immediately began to fold the bedding into "tofu blocks" as mentioned in the code of laws.

At this moment, the same thing happened to the other three warriors.

When he folded it.

The Krieg warriors had already folded their clothes neatly as required and were tidying up their outfits.

The Catachan man tossed and turned, making a mess of the quilt, sweating profusely: "Damn, this thing is too difficult!"

He turned to look at the Krieg warrior: "Brother, help me with this."

The Krieg warrior hesitated for a moment, then quickly went up and folded the bedding for the tough guy.

After all, there's nothing in the legal code that says we can't help.

After folding their bedding and washing up, the four soldiers in dormitory 1313 went to the designated location to gather. Along the way, they found that the other soldiers had already changed into brand new equipment.

It was a dark green carapace armor that almost fully covered the entire body and was embedded with ceramic steel plates. Only a few veterans like them still wore ordinary military uniforms.


The regular troops have all received new equipment, including carapace armor, various rifles, heavy weapons, etc., and have been assigned battle zones.

They will undergo high-intensity relevant training and become familiar with the defense situation and instructions of their respective theaters of operations.

So that they can immediately engage in battle after arriving in Baal.

After a brief gathering and lecture.

The hungry Delainin and others were finally able to eat. They learned that the Storm Army could provide three meals a day!
When they arrived at the cafeteria, they were even more deeply shocked.

It was an extremely spacious cafeteria hall, with row after row of windows filled with steaming food of all kinds, including Poro bread, amino oatmeal porridge, eggs, Steg beast milk, Pro karma, and so on.

Delainin walked along the path in the hall, the aroma of food kept drilling into his nostrils.

It makes your saliva secrete uncontrollably.

"My goodness, even a noble can't eat this much, right?"

The Catachan hunk wiped his saliva.

If the breakfast is so rich, then what about lunch and dinner? This is not a war, it’s a vacation!

They finally understood the wealth of the Savior's territory. The Astra Militarum really could not compare to this place!

after that.

Delainin and others arrived at the restaurant belonging to the combat armored unit, where the food was more abundant and included extra Sgro beast steaks.

It also comes with a few vitamin tablets and nerve-soothing medicine.

As everyone was wolfing down their food, enjoying the best meal of their lives.

The Cadia veteran suddenly said: "In this battle, even if we die, we must achieve the best results!"

Hearing this, everyone nodded heavily.

These veterans have seen too much suffering and know that all this is hard-won and must be protected with more sacrifices.


The army and even the citizens of the Savior's territory also know this.

They had seen the cruel truth outside the territory in various propaganda newspapers, documents and while on missions.

This makes the people more protective of the Savior and strive to contribute their own value.

No one wants to lose it all, and let themselves and their families fall into the abyss again, wailing in despair under the rampage of heretics and aliens.


Combat Armor Armoring Area.

The sage of the Armored Research Institute looked at the virtual projection of the savior in front of him and said respectfully:
"Savior, we are ready to conduct large-scale armor-granting combat experiments."

Ron nodded with satisfaction: "Good, you should take this opportunity to improve the combat armor as soon as possible!"

This wave of equipment update for the Storm Army is thanks to the generous gift from the Tau Empire.

The Mortal Universal Battle Armor was developed based on Tau battle suit technology and Imperial power armor technology.

Under the guidance of the Savior.

The angular shape of the battle armor has been optimized, making it more like the fifty-piece brothers in StarCraft.

These combat armors can greatly enhance the individual combat effectiveness of mortals, making it achieve an effect similar to that of power armor.

Of course, there is still a gap in performance.

Based on current data.

A squad of 12 veterans equipped with combat armor can barely fight against ordinary Space Marines.

But for legendary space warriors like Carter, Barrel and even Tai Ritian, there is no such thing.

The strength of those tough guys is almost unlimited, and they can even kill through huge armies and fight against big demons by themselves.

Fortunately, these performance deficiencies can be compensated by quantity. After all, not everyone has the ability to wear power armor, and the Space Marines cannot expand rapidly due to the limitations of their gene seeds.

But there are almost no conditions for the equipment of combat armor, and any mortal who wears it will see a significant improvement.

As long as there are enough resources, you can create an endless number of fifty good brothers.

Overwhelm your enemies with a tide of steel.

Unfortunately, these equipment are still in the research and development experimental stage, and the cost has not been reduced.

Currently, the manufacturing cost of these combat armors is approximately one-third of that of power armor, which is extremely expensive.

Ron gritted his teeth and approved a military budget for the Combat Armor Research Institute equivalent to half of the entire Storm Army.

Finally, 100,000 sets of mortal-type universal combat armor were produced.

There is no way to equip the entire army, and it can only be supplied to a group of veterans first.

A long time to come.

The Savior Territory will probably have to try hard to obtain more resources to build more combat armored forces.

Fortunately, the development plan of the network is already moving forward.

In the future, the Internet will become the trade hub and logistics channel of the entire galaxy, grabbing an endless supply of resources.

Let the civilized world throughout the empire benefit.


The combat armor also has a fatal flaw, which is that it does not have much defense against chaos.

Even if those mortals put on combat armor, it would be difficult for them to face the demon army due to their weak mental will and low resistance.

However, the Armored Research Institute has proposed a possible solution.

That is to use Blackstone technology to create a defense device against the chaos of the subspace and improve the resistance of combat armor.

But these require huge amounts of black stone.

But the Blackrock ore veins are mainly concentrated in the alert system.

In the future, I'm afraid I'll have to go to the Alert System and fight with Chaos Warmaster Abaddon and many other races such as the Tyranids, Eldar, Necrons, Greenskins, etc., and finally win the war in the Alert System.

Only then will we have a chance to resolve the shortcomings of combat armor and build combat armored forces that can adapt to all battlefields.

Ron briefly learned about the relevant situation and then turned off the communication.

After the virtual projection of the savior dissipated, the mechanical sage of the Armored Research Institute became busy again, preparing to award armor to all the veterans.

For the Armored Research Institute, no matter how much training and experimental data there is, it is difficult to compare with the harsh forging of war itself.

This time, one hundred thousand combat armored soldiers will be deployed to the war and participate in brutal battles. This will be rare data that can promote technological advancement faster.

Accompanied by electronic voice instructions.

Row after row of veterans began to enter the armor-granting room in an orderly manner.

Outside the armor-awarding room.

"Praise be to the Savior!"

Delainen was standing in the line with his muscular upper body bare, and he couldn't help but exclaim in admiration.

The training and teaching over the past few days have already made him understand what combat armor is.

That is a gift from the great, merciful Savior.

Let these mortal troops have the opportunity to touch the power that the Emperor's Angels can possess.

Even a slight touch is an unimaginable gift.

Now, he is about to put on that sacred armor and go to the apocalypse-level battlefield to resist the Zerg.

The stormtrooper walked steadily down the long corridor filled with incense and binary hymns towards the armor-granting room.

Under the binary's hymns, Delainin walked to the door of the armor-granting room, and steam rose from the mechanical door.

In front of him was a cabin engraved with Mechanicus scriptures. In the middle was a mechanical platform, surrounded by six mechanical arms. The aroma of machine oil became stronger.

An electronic voice sounded: "Soldier, move forward onto the platform."

Delainin took a deep breath, stepped into the armor-training room, and the hatch slammed shut.

The mechanical screen displayed his portrait, identity, past, and current unit.

He followed the instructions and walked onto the mechanical platform, then stepped onto the ceramic steel boots on the platform. The mechanical parts on the boots then closed and wrapped around his feet.

The entire mechanical platform hummed and rose up, and the mechanical arms gently pulled up his arms.

The mechanical arms grabbed the various parts of the armor and put them on Delainin. One by one, the armor parts were covered on him, electrodes were attached, promethium was injected, screws were tightened, and welded to seal.

When all this was over, an electronic voice sounded: "Combat armor is ready..."

Flames spewed out from several power ports on the back of the armor.

At the same time.

Delainin raised his hands and grabbed a large bolter that was lowered from above, then suddenly pulled down the red visor.

When the door of the armor-granting room opened again, a warrior in dark gold armor with red goggles walked out.

Delainin was trembling with excitement as he took in all this.

He could feel the power contained in the armor and believed that it would be enough for him to kill more bugs.

Combat armor area.

One after another, combat armored warriors stepped out.

In addition to the normal models of Delainin, there are several special models, such as a larger heavy firepower model, a defensive model equipped with a shield, and a long-range sniper model with a short cannon on the shoulder.

These different types of combat armor can be formed into combat teams of 12 people, or they can attack in groups of tens of thousands.

Give the enemy intensive fire suppression.

The combat armored warriors marched towards the training ground. They had to hurry to adapt to the armor.

bang bang bang-

Delainin used a bolter to smash a flying target in mid-air, then suddenly activated his jump pack and leaped forward, smashing a concrete wall.

Then, he took out his chainsword and fought against the attacking training machine.

This veteran of many battles quickly mastered the basic operation of the combat armor and skillfully put his rich combat experience to use.

After training.

Delainen moved his hands and drank another bottle of energy drink. He suddenly looked forward to the coming of war...
A few days later.

Super-large troop transports arrived one after another over Baal, and one landing ship after another sent tens of millions of Star Troops to the surface of the planet.

Today, the surface of Baal is covered with defensive lines stretching for hundreds of kilometers.

One after another, defensive walls and steel fortresses rose from the ground, dividing the entire war zone into different areas, and millions of heavy artillery filled many areas.

Each unit built a line in its own defense zone.

peripheral area.

The Redemption Titan Cluster, the Imperial Knight Cluster and the Super Heavy Tank Cluster are ready.

The steel in all areas reflects a cold red light under the illumination of the supergiant star.

And within the Baal galaxy.

Nearly a thousand large warships and even more affiliated battle groups have been deployed in various areas, and the shadows they formed almost blocked out the starlight.

Some airspace.

The Tau Empire's defender fleet slowly came to a stop, surrounded by more battle groups of subordinate species.

Kroot's space war balls were densely distributed, interspersed with many Nikasar sloops.

They are ready to fight for the Savior.

The piercing roar of the drill was heard.

The nearly one-kilometer-long drill at the end of the giant cannon in the lower body of the explosive Luoge half-body battle fortress was spinning wildly, showing its immense power.

That is the greenskins' combat satellite, Rogue Fortress, which has arrived at the battlefield.

The excited roars of the green orcs rang out throughout the fortress. They will follow Rogo and beat those bugs to death!
The readiness of these armies means that this apocalyptic war with Leviathan is imminent.

at the same time.

The terrifying army in another area was also making its final pre-war mobilization.



The realm of Khorne.

The blood-red sky seemed to be burning with flames, rivers of lava flowed on the ground, and corpses piled up into mountains.

Ferocious horns sounded, and red-black shadows covered the ground. Bloodletters, blood knights, vengeance beasts, bronze bulls, and more demon engines, these terrifying demon armies that were enough to submerge any planet, spread to the endless horizon.

That is the demon army of Kabanha, the favorite of Khorne, the first supreme bloodthirster, and the lifelong enemy of the Demon Eater!
On the towering skull throne.

There sat a demonic body that was over ten meters tall and burning with blazing flames.

The long and curved giant devil horns, the brutal killing runes, the eight great demons guarding it, and the aura that shocked the demon world were enough to prove that it was Kabanha himself.

Kabanha looked at the demon army under his command with satisfaction.

Waited for hundreds of years.

He finally had the chance to wipe out all the Sons of Sanguinius at once.

Through some sorcery, the Supreme Bloodthirster learned that the Sons of Sanguinius had gathered on Baal from all over the galaxy.

That is an unprecedented opportunity!

"Hmph, wait until I finish off the Son of Sanguinius, then I'll look for an opportunity to kill the Demon Eater!"

Cabanha sneered.

He felt like he was okay again.

He just didn't notice that his demonic body trembled unconsciously when that name was mentioned.

after awhile.

Kabanha calmed down a little and thought that he could put the next idea on hold.

Then kill the Son of Sanguinius first!

The supreme bloodthirsty demon suddenly stood up and roared towards the sky, making the flames of the blood curtain burn even more fiercely.

This time he sent out the largest army of demons, which would destroy all of Baal and kill all life.

Deal a heavy blow to the human empire!

By then, his reputation as the supreme bloodthirsty devil Kabanha will be even greater!



Temporary Sanctuary of the Savior.

"What, Lao Ka... No, Brother Ka not only sent all the demon armies under his command, but also borrowed troops from other bloodthirsty demons and sent them here?"

Ron was surprised when he received the information about the traitor Baal.

He couldn't help but sigh: "Loyalty!"

(End of this chapter)

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