Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 354 Savior: We must make arrangements for Brother Ka!

Chapter 354 Savior: We must make arrangements for Brother Ka!

Temporary Sanctuary of the Savior.

Ron cut off the connection with the traitor Baal, took a big gulp of iced cola, and felt refreshed.

According to the demon troop strength data reported by Baal, Kabanha had been working hard for many years, and this time he had emptied out all his assets and not only that, he also borrowed money from other supreme bloodthirsty demons.

The total number of demon armies is enough to completely overwhelm Baal, making it the third most powerful force between the Human Empire and Terran Leviathan!

Lao Ka... No, my good brother is being too chivalrous this time.

"I can't help but repay Brother Ka's kindness. I have to make arrangements for him!"

Ron was somewhat touched: "We must let this brother take the lead as the main force and shine for the empire in the most difficult battlefield..."

He immediately sent a message to the main strategy room.

Let Taco adjust the fleet's deployment according to Plan 13 and make Bal Satellite No. the main battlefield as much as possible.

The full name of Plan 13 is the 13th Plan for Demonic Prevention in the Battle of Baal, and the code name of the operation is Loyalty.

The plan aims to lure the Leviathan Hive Fleet and the demon army to Baal through fleet deployment and witchcraft arrays, let them fight each other and weaken the strength of both sides.

In order to achieve the strategic goal of reducing our casualties.

After Ron sent the message, he continued to look through the defense situation of the Bal Galaxy war zone.

Due to the arrival of Cabanha, the number of fleets in the Basilisk region can be appropriately reduced and filled in other space defense zones to strengthen the defense capabilities of those defense zones.

However, the fleet alone cannot completely defend against the invasion of the ground by the Leviathan Hive Fleet.

Tyranid's biological attacks are very intensive.

Those difficult-to-intercept Tyranid spore sacs will eventually fall to the surface of the planet, forming an overwhelming swarm of insects.

Therefore, the defense of the planet's surface is also crucial.

At present, almost all human ground forces are concentrated in Baal.

These troops will be stationed in strong fortress areas, defending against the hive in the form of one defense zone after another.

Among them, the Storm Army's Titans, Imperial Knights, tank armored units, artillery units, combat armored squads and a larger number of mortal ordinary troops are the main defensive forces.

As elite troops, the Space Marines will work together to behead any node creatures that appear.

The entire combat method is coordinated in the manner of modern information warfare.

Baal's two moons, Baal I and Baal II, are defended by the Steelfang Greenskin Tribe, the Tau Empire Battlesuit Squadron, and the Kabanha Demon Army respectively.

The entire defense camp is quite loyal.

Of course, due to the adjustment of the fleet's defense line, the core force of the entire war has become the Kabanha demon army on Baal II.

In this way, the pressure on our side will be greatly reduced.

"Laoka, you must arrive on time. Don't be like my other good brother Guilliman who is always late..."

Now Ron's only worry is that Lao Ka might not arrive in time due to traffic jam in the subspace, or that he might not come suddenly.

Once this happens, it will be troublesome.

The fleet has to redeploy its defenses on Baal II again. If the defenses are not deployed in time, a large number of Tyranid forces will invade from this direction.

The only option is to activate the emergency plan in Plan 13 to destroy Baal, preventing Leviathan from obtaining any biomass replenishment.

After he understood the general situation in the war zone, he got up and left the office.

After a while.

A small assault ship took off from the helipad of the temporary Savior Sanctuary and headed towards a tower of the Angel Castle.


Holy Day Treasure House.

This terrible Blood Angels library is locked behind six thick iron rock doors.

Now, the heavy doors opened loudly to welcome new guests.

Ron walked along the long passage. The statues along the way looked a little hideous, yet exuded a hint of antiquity.

This treasure house holds many secrets and horrors, not only does it contain archives of ten thousand years of war, but it also holds all the cursed artifacts the Blood Angels have ever collected.

And the remains of all the powerful enemies they had ever defeated.

Moreover, this is a prison.

As he went deeper, the candlelight on both sides began to twist and flicker wildly, and the twisted monsters in the prison roared and murmured meaninglessly.

Many chaotic, amazing, and terrifying objects were locked up in deep prisons and slowly died.

“Hiss, new here, fresh meat, come here and let me take a bite, hahahahaha!”

Suddenly, a long, barbed tongue stretched out from one of the cells.

A half-demon with a twisted body and a demon wing let out an extremely harsh and mind-distracting roar, as if trying to intimidate or attract the approaching party so as to attack.

He has intimidated and successfully torn off the flesh of many think tank apprentices many times.

According to the information on the prison wall, this monster has been imprisoned for more than three hundred years, and neither simple physical nor psychic methods can kill him.

At the same time, there is a danger sign attached to the information, which clearly shows that this is a high-risk life form.

Ron turned his head and glanced curiously.


After meeting his gaze, the half-demon screamed as if he had seen something extremely terrifying, and hid in the corner, trembling.

The monster realized in an instant that the terrifying human in front of him could easily kill him.

That is the inevitable result. The savior and the demon eater are the existences that can make the little devil stop crying. After all, not every chaotic creature is Kabanha, and not every creature has the courage and ability to challenge the demon eater.

The aura emanating from this being calmed down all the chaotic things in the prison area.

Didn't dare to say a word.

Ron just glanced at it, ignored it, and continued walking forward.

The prison area is not dangerous because deeper inside, there are more horrors and secrets.

His destination was deeper inside, a secret place known only to the highest echelons of the Chapter - the Tomb of Malefes.

If the Hall of Bloody Caskets is the resting place and place of life for the Blood Angels, then the Tomb of Malefes is a place of death.

The Tomb of Malephis connects to a special area that is unknown and violates all known laws, both physical and in the subspace. Its actual space is much larger than it should be.

The Blood Angels' Chief Librarian often studies his sorcery there, or simply meditates.

"Savior, the ceremony is ready. I will guide you in..."

Mephiston hurried to greet the Savior, directing the being to the Tomb of Malephis, or rather the crypt of all the Chief Librarians of the Blood Angels.

Ron followed Mephiston inside and vaguely felt some psychic reactions.

This tomb is a very deep vertical shaft, almost bottomless, with the bottom hidden in eternal darkness.

Most of its area is occupied by mobile mechanical platforms, and many ruby ​​blood coffins are placed individually on the platforms, moving in irregular trajectories.

Folding mechanical ladders connect the platforms and overlap as the platforms move, like a huge and deadly gear structure.

When these mechanical ladders cross each other, they make a sound of metal hitting stone.

Ron followed the predetermined trajectory and stepped onto the mechanical ladder, where he could see the blood coffins.

He discovered that the psychic reactions were emanating from the blood coffin.

Upon inquiry, it was learned that the Blood Angels would regularly transfuse blood into the Blood Coffin to keep the body of the Chief Think Tank in the Blood Coffin fresh.

In this way, even if these chief think tanks have long died and their gene seeds have been removed, the fragments of consciousness and psychic energy can still linger in their corpses.

Some high-level Blood Angels think tanks can use psychic powers to communicate with their ancestors and seek guidance.


He arrived at his destination, a large moving platform, or rather a room without walls, containing bookshelves, tables, chairs, and thick carpets inlaid with fine gold.

Even more eye-catching is a blood coffin on the platform. Between the abstract and profound Blood Angel runes is a relief of Mephiston's white eyes. There are also a dozen copper rods with silver skulls hanging on them standing around it.


That is the bloody coffin of the current chief think tank Mephiston.

The Blood Angels prefer to lie in coffins, whether living or dead.

Mephiston lay down in the blood coffin, which soon emitted a hazy light. The etched lines flashed red, and the silver skull hit the copper rod, making a dense buzzing sound.

It resonated with other blood coffins around it, mobilizing more spiritual energy.

The chief think tank did not go in to rest, but tried to use witchcraft to touch the subspace and find the movements of the Supreme Bloodthirsty Demon.

Such a huge demon army will definitely cause trouble in the subspace.

They had to confirm the approximate time of Kabanha's arrival so that they could start their subsequent plans.

And the Savior came.

The main purpose is to protect him and prevent any accidents from happening in the subspace. Even if he is a powerful chief think tank, his soul essence is weak in the subspace.

Can't withstand much impact.


Mephiston suddenly mobilized his psychic energy and activated the sorcery circle embedded inside. An involuntary illusion invaded him, tearing half of his soul out of his body and throwing it into the torrent of the warp.

In an instant.

Blurred colors of gray and green streaked through the darkness, quickly becoming colorful and reflecting in the pool where the surface of the water had been broken.

That is not a physical reflection, but a spiritual reflection of the subspace.

Ron followed the soul of the Chief Librarian into the subspace and captured many images in the kaleidoscopic chaos.

There is no concept of time in the subspace.

They quickly traveled through the whirlpool of thoughts, the vision burst into countless fragments, and they could even see some fragmented future.

But the two of them didn't have much interest in this and quickly passed by.

after that.

They arrived at a red desert that looked very much like Baal.

The Blood Angels' tower fortresses collapsed, the crimson sky twitched with increasing anticipation, and a voice no one could hear roared.


More towers collapsed and flames burned the sky.

"Destruction!" More sounds made up this sentence, like helpless screams and wails.

The blood filled the air with the smell of brass and iron.

The scene before him was clearly a foreshadowing of some kind of Warp, where those brutal Khorne demons would invade Baal.

The endless hell of the warp is rolling.

Mephiston's soul trembled, as if it had received some kind of mental blow.

Soon, he left there.

But when heading to another area, an accident occurred.

A burst of laughter appeared, and the flash of the silver mask came with the breath of the Eldar, and a musical female voice appeared:

"Blood Angels, what a pleasure to meet you!"

The Eldar witch was a natural and skilled spirit walker, and she quickly attacked the soul of the Chief Librarian.

However, before her attack came.

"Golden Fist!"

The golden figure of the savior flashed, and a huge golden fist wrapped in spiritual energy suddenly blasted out, hitting the white bean sprout witch hard and sending her flying, causing her to scream and spin into the depths of the sea of ​​souls.

"Praise the Savior..."

Morpheus looked at this scene and was shocked by the power of the savior.

He didn't understand the words shouted in Chinese, he just felt that it was some kind of ancient and powerful spell, which was inexplicably powerful.

After this unexpected encounter.

Mephiston's soul arrives at a vast mountain of skulls, filled with empty eye sockets and foul filth, with many savage, winged creatures fighting for the soul fragment.

Suddenly, a cloud of rapidly burning volcanic smoke appeared on the distant plain, and a river of blood and fire was spreading.

The black and red legion is advancing rapidly, that is the army of Khorne demons!

The demon wings of the great demons stirred up a strong wind, and the bloodthirsty ones at the core of the vanguard formed groups of eight. These groups of eight formed a larger demon army.

In this way, the armies went up in groups of eight, until they reached the eight bloodthirsty demons at the top.

Amid the soul-stirring sound of trumpets, the huge, flaming brass chariot rolled forward, and its sword-like rollers crushed the demons' flesh and blood into paste.

"That is the angel's disaster..."

Mephiston said tremblingly as he looked at the terrifying Supreme Bloodthirsty Demon wearing heavy armor with killing runes on the brass chariot.

He didn't dare to say the other person's name here.

But it is obvious that the supreme bloodthirsty demon is Kabanha.


"Destruction, death!"

The Supreme Bloodthirsty Demon roared angrily yet excitedly, and led his army of demons to rush to Baal.

"Here comes the prisoner!"

Ron hid his body and became more and more excited because he got the result he wanted.

Judging from the current situation, Kabanha will definitely be able to lead the demon army to the battlefield on time.

I have to say, this good brother's speed is really good.

Then, he pulled back suddenly, pulling the Chief Librarian's soul out of the subspace, satisfied.

On the brass chariot.

“Which believer is chanting the name of the deity?”

Kabanha suddenly felt a connection, as if someone called his name and paid attention to him.

That is the emotion of gratitude.

But this feeling soon disappeared.

The supreme bloodthirsty demon shook his head and ignored the matter. He suddenly accelerated the brass chariot, forcing the demon army to speed up.

He will attack Baal at a speed that no one expects!


Buried in the ruins are complex magic arrays carved from mercury and brass.

Mephiston led the Blood Angels, War Angels, Void Angels and the Think Tank of the Sons of Man to prepare for the upcoming Kabanha demon army.

This was a trap they had carefully set for the Supreme Bloodthirster.

Behind the huge magic circle are various discarded construction materials, radioactive materials, high-energy fuels, and domestic garbage several kilometers high.

"Won't these things confuse those damn insects?"

Ron covered his nose, looked up at the impact in front of him, with a hint of satisfaction in his eyes.

To attract the Tyranid swarm.

The transport ships transferred all the waste containing biomass from Bal and Baal to here, forming a mountain-like biomass feast.

To ensure that Leviathan will not bypass Baal and attack Baal directly.

He believed that the Hive Mind would not miss Baal, after all, it had the richest biomass among the three planets and had an excellent strategic location.

After it occupies Basilisk, it can use it as a production base to continuously produce more swarms.

Then go attack the other two planets.

Suddenly, Ron noticed something and looked up at the reddish void.

The light of the red scar of the Baal Galaxy dimmed, and a black outline like a cloud spread out, gradually covering the starry sky.

"The war has begun..."

He frowned and looked in other directions, and there were dark clouds in every direction.

If I guess correctly.

Those are the Leviathan and its tentacle fleets, the number of living biological ships is so unimaginable that it is impossible to count them.

These Tyranids assaulted Baal from all directions.

If these Tyranid creatures were allowed to succeed, this galaxy would be devoured without leaving any residue.


Due to the evacuation of the Saviors and the scorched earth strategy, Leviathan was extremely hungry. It even chewed the meteorites in the difficult-to-clear asteroid belt near the Baal galaxy.

The hungry Tyranid hive was so terrifying, but fortunately the Savior's fleet could barely cover the sky.

"Savior, the Leviathan Hive Fleet has arrived, and the battle in space has begun..."

Taco sent a communication and briefly reported the current situation.

"Well, you let the Bal II fleet control the defense line."

Ron simply replied and cut off the communication. At this time, it is better to let the commanders concentrate on the battlefield.

In fact, even without Taco's report, he would have known about the outbreak of the war.

Looking out into space.

Ron could clearly see the colorful flashes from the various ship-borne artillery fire, and from time to time he could see the huge sparks caused by the destruction of ships.

Ruins area.

The think tanks sped up the speed of engraving runes and input more spiritual energy to fully activate the formation.

After they completed their final work, they boarded the landing ship and left Baal.

At this moment, there are only two living people on Baal-2: Ron and Mephiston.

The space war became increasingly intense. The huge debris produced by the previous explosion turned into dense meteors that passed by the planet, but there were still a lot of debris burning with flames and falling to the ground.

This is not like Baal, which has a complete air defense array that can destroy the wreckage captured by the planet's gravity.


The huge shipwreck of more than ten meters high fell down, stirring up waves of dust that towered into the sky, like the roar of the earth, shaking everything around it.

Ron steadied himself, took a deep breath, and activated the defensive force field again.

He had to finish his work quickly and return to a safe area, otherwise if such a large piece of debris fell on him, wouldn't he be seriously injured?


In the void in the direction of Baal II, the black clouds became thicker.

The Leviathan Hive Mind discovered the weakness of this area's defenses, and more importantly, it was deeply attracted by the fascinating biomass here.

It mobilized more main living biological ships to advance here, trying to release more swarms of insects here.

"Savior, has the angel of disaster arrived?"

Mephiston inquired.

He felt a little nervous as he looked at the Tyranid creature that was getting closer.

The chief think tank believed that the Savior's keen psychic perception would enable him to discover some signs more quickly.

"Already here..."

Ron raised his hand and pointed to the airspace in the direction of Bal and spoke softly.

Mephiston looked in the direction indicated and saw a spectral-like crack in the airspace that looked like it was burning with flames.

Followed by.

He felt a vicious thought penetrate the barrier of reality, and a bloody mental storm was coming.

That is the wrath of Kabanha, the angel of disaster and the supreme bloodthirsty devil!

The gap between the subspace and reality was tearing apart, and more chaotic energy spread towards the area of ​​Baal like colorful lightning.

There is no doubt that Baal is the destination of the demon army.

Blue psychic arcs flashed on Ron's body, and amazing psychic power emerged.

"Mephiston, let's get started."

He smiled gently and said, "Change the route for Kabanha and the demon army coming to support them..."

(End of this chapter)

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