Chapter 16 Trial
With the flashing of swords and the screaming and howling, a battle of attack and defense broke out outside the small manor.

The manor in front of us is not a manor in the literal sense, but is more like a fortress.

Not only does it have a city wall more than two meters high, there are also passages on the wall for people to walk and defend, and a fortress is built on the gate of the manor to store weapons and equipment.

When the Yellow Turbans began to charge and attack, the manor quickly organized a defense. Warriors holding swords walked back and forth on the top of the city wall to give orders, while the family soldiers below followed the orders and picked up spears and swords to defend the city walls.

Whenever a Yellow Turban set up a simple ladder or tree trunk and rushed up, he would immediately be attacked by these family soldiers.

For a moment, the sound of metal was heard everywhere, and the flash of swords and sabers were seen everywhere.

These family soldiers were surprisingly brave, and with their defensive skills, they managed to fend off several attacks from the Yellow Turbans. Many Yellow Turban corpses were left under the city wall.

"Hold on, everyone. If the Yellow Turbans rush in, none of us will survive. As long as we drive them away, the head of the family will reward everyone afterwards!"

The warrior led his soldiers to fight while shouting loudly.

His words were very effective. When they heard about the reward, the family soldiers became like chickens with their blood pumped up, and fought the Yellow Turbans with all their strength.

After a long while, the Yellow Turbans, despite their large numbers, were unable to attack.

But Xu Chen was not worried. This was just the beginning. Relying on his military advantage, he could wear down these family soldiers.

Sure enough, after the two sides fought back and forth for a few quarters of an hour, the family soldiers gradually became exhausted. Fighting is a strenuous thing, and it is normal for them to be unable to hold on after fighting continuously at such a high intensity.

After all, the Yellow Turbans were no pushovers. They were able to survive and break through the Han army's suppression. They were all strong and capable soldiers.

Not to mention that they later seized a thousand Han soldiers with excellent equipment, which further replenished their strength. Dealing with a manor was a piece of cake.

The initial attack was unfavorable only because the attacking side was naturally at a disadvantage, but this could not change the outcome.

Sure enough, when Wang Dang led the way and killed two villagers and climbed onto the top of the city wall, the morale of all the Yellow Turbans was boosted at once, and they all rushed up to gain a foothold.

Although Wang Dang is not a top-level military general, his muscular body is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

He swung the two swords left and right, killing several people with a few slashes on the narrow city wall, which seemed like he was guarding the pass alone.

The Yellow Turbans behind followed closely and began to fight with the villagers for the top of the city. Although the two sides were still in a tug of war for the time being, the defense line was torn open and the situation naturally began to develop in a one-sided direction.

It was not until Wang Dang spotted his target, rushed to the warrior, and after several rounds of fighting finally chopped off the other's head with one knife that the villagers who had lost their command gave up resistance, dropped their weapons, and knelt down in surrender.

After a not-too-intense battle, the Yellow Turbans lost dozens of lives. While Xu Chen felt the pain, he also had to sigh that the powerful people these days were not easy to mess with.

From the villagers' quick response at the beginning and their brave performance in the battle, it can be seen that they have received a lot of training in their daily lives.

But no matter what, it was taken down after all.

The door of the manor was pushed open from the inside, and Wang Dang, covered in blood and wearing a yellow scarf, came out with a proud look on his face: "Master, how did I fight this battle?"

"Very good, very good."

Xu Chen chuckled and walked inside, but just as he stepped in, he turned back and gave another reminder.

"Remember to warn the soldiers not to kill innocent people indiscriminately. Even if you want to deal with the powerful, you need to conduct a trial before you can act!"

After that, he continued to walk inside. This manor or fortress covers a huge area. After walking in, Xu Chen found that there is a different world inside. Here you can see the houses of the people, pigs, cattle and sheep pens, and even the existence of streets and training grounds.

This made Xu Chen shocked. This was not a manor at all, but rather a small society.

He could imagine that in such a fortress manor with military attributes, the people inside could live a completely self-sufficient life, and the local tyrant who was the head of the family was actually the local emperor.

As he walked forward, he saw villagers kneeling on the ground in fear along the way, including men, women, young and old.

Xu Chen took a quick look and saw that there were at least seven or eight hundred people. Including the two or three hundred people who had just died in the battle, there were about a thousand people in this manor alone.

All of a sudden, he understood why the late Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms period was actually the era of aristocratic families.

The reason why the Han Dynasty perished was due to its weak trunk and strong branches, and the reason why Wei, Shu and Wu were able to lead the world was also inseparable from the support of local aristocratic families.

Anyone with a name in this era must have a family background.

If any ordinary local tyrant is so difficult to deal with now, it is hard to imagine how powerful the aristocratic families are.

Aristocratic families and powerful clans mean not only the family itself, but also the farmland they control, the private armed forces they maintain, and the large number of slaves and tenants who depend on them.

Whoever can gain more support from the aristocratic families will be able to mobilize and utilize more population, military forces, land and food.

Those who cannot gain the support of the aristocratic families are destined to be unable to participate in the competition of the times.

At this time, Xu Chen truly realized how difficult the path he had chosen was.

He naturally stood on the opposite side of the world's aristocratic families. To some extent, this was more terrible than offending the Emperor of the Han Dynasty. what!
The order of the world is set by the strong. You just need to work hard to become the strongest. Don’t worry about the noble families. Those who cannot convert to my religion will only be punished by God!

"Is this manor yours?"

When a fat, fair, middle-aged man was escorted by the Yellow Turbans and knelt on the ground, Xu Chen looked down.

From the appearance of this man with a bloated head and intestines, it can be seen that he must have a wealthy life. It is quite difficult for ordinary people to gain weight these days.

"It's mine... No, no, no, it belongs to you now, Taoist. Everything here is yours, whether it's the fields, women or anything else, all are yours!"

This man's face was extremely pale, and it was unclear whether he was naturally pale like that or if he was frightened by the Yellow Turbans.

When he saw Xu Chen at this time, he looked so frightened and begging pitifully that he almost hugged Xu Chen's thighs and cried.

"As long as you can spare my life, I don't need anything else. Please be merciful and let me go!"

Xu Chen looked at him calmly, with no emotion in his eyes. But the lack of emotion made the fat man even more scared.

It seemed that the young Taoist in front of him had turned into a cold-blooded god who was about to judge him.

"If you are guilty, you will die. If you are innocent, you will live. Whether you can live or not is not decided by me, but by you."

(End of this chapter)

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