Chapter 17 Practicing the Teachings
"Master, after questioning, we know that this wealthy family has committed numerous crimes, including killing civilians, raping young girls, seizing people's land, and using torture. The number of times they have committed such crimes is hard to count.

The villagers in the village can all serve as witnesses for the above crimes. Now that the facts are clear, what do you think should be done?"

Under the gaze of many villagers and Yellow Turbans, Wang Dang announced the Fatty's crimes to Xu Chen. Kneeling with the Fatty were also a large number of his family members.

These people used to be the local emperors of this village, and they could ride on the heads of many common people and shit and piss on them.

But when Xu Chen, an even more evil villain, came to torture them, they became as obedient as little lambs, and trembled in fear under Xu Chen's cold gaze.

Until Wang Dang just read out their crimes, their faces became paler with every additional word.

Such a result was not unexpected to Xu Chen. A person's upper limit can be very high, but their lower limit can also be terribly low.

In the eyes of these people kneeling in front of them, the villagers whose fate they controlled might not be considered human beings at all, but their tools and property.

In this case, no matter what kind of evil behavior is committed, it is not strange.

In the past, no one could change this situation, and no one could judge their crimes.

Now, let yourself do these things!

"They violated other people's basic rights to life, freedom, property, etc., which is a great crime recognized by our religion.

In this way, the same punishment should be given to those who torture, and those who kill should be killed. All ill-gotten gains should be confiscated..."

When making such a judgment, Xu Chen's heart was as hard as iron, because the other party deserved such a result.

And he gradually got used to things like judging other people's life and death.

In an era where human life is worthless, he has seen too many cruel and bloody things, which inevitably made him less sensitive to life. Those who deserve to die should die.

This light-hearted verdict was like a bolt from the blue to the ears of these wealthy people. They never imagined that they, who had exploited the common people, would one day become their own victims.

The fat man's body twisted wildly and his face turned red, but because there was a rag stuffed in his mouth, no matter how hard he tried, he could only make "Mmm" sounds.

The others were no different. They used to be respectable but now looked hideous. Some even had yellow fluid leaking from their bodies. The foul smell made the Yellow Turbans frown.

Xu Chen had no intention of watching the next execution, so he just turned around and left.

"The food we confiscated this time is enough for us to eat for a while. As for the land and houses that we can't take away, we will distribute them to the villagers.

You need to tell the soldiers from time to time that what we are going to do is just like what we are doing today, punishing those who oppress and enslave us, and taking back what belongs to ordinary people.

When we defeat all the aristocratic families and even the emperor in the world, then the common people will be able to live a good life.

We are a sect that responds to divine revelation. All of this is our great mission. Every follower of our Natural Dao is a person that God has expected of us, and we are all acting on behalf of God!"

As Xu Chen walked, he explained to Wang Dang beside him.

What the Yellow Turbans are doing in the manor now is, to some extent, a practice of the "Natural Way" doctrine. Xu Chen will certainly not miss such an opportunity to preach.

We should not only feed them physically, but also spiritually.

When people begin to have a sense of mission, when they do something corresponding to it, the spiritual satisfaction is far more pleasant than anything else. Wang Dang quickly agreed. After being with Xu Chen for a long time, he gradually accepted Xu Chen's ideas.

It was not because of obedience to doctrine as before, but he seemed to have really begun to agree with it in his heart.

Most of the Yellow Turbans came from poor backgrounds, so they could better understand the appeal of Xu Chen's stuff.

Hearing Xu Chen's words at this time, he couldn't help but have some fantasies in his heart. Is it really possible for him to create the world that the leader said, where everyone can live a good life?
Wang Dang doesn’t have the answer now, but he is very motivated to try.

For some reason, although following Xu Chen's "Natural Way" and following the Great Sage Master's "Tianshi Way" were both on the road to resisting the Han Dynasty, he felt that the "Natural Way" was more in line with his wishes.


Over the next two days, the Yellow Turbans rested in the manor and slaughtered a number of pigs, allowing the soldiers, who were living a hard life, to have some meat and spend two days in peace.

During this time, they not only cleared up all the crimes of the manor owner and punished him completely, but also distributed all the property of the manor.

Of course Xu Chen also knew that this kind of distribution was not guaranteed. The original powerful man was gone, and his property would not be inherited by ordinary people.

Normally, they would either be confiscated by the government or swallowed up by other aristocratic families.

But Xu Chen can only do so much now. He really has no way to control what will happen in the future. Only when he becomes strong enough can he make and safeguard the rules.

The next morning, when the Yellow Turbans gathered again, following Xu Chen's order, they marched northward in a mighty force.

For the Yellow Turbans, although this manor was good, it was not a place to live for a long time. It could not support thousands of people, and it was too close to Jizhou. Being next to Huangfu Song made Xu Chen feel very insecure.

The villagers who stayed here watched the group of Yellow Turbans leave with very complicated expressions.

It was difficult for them to connect these Yellow Turbans with the Yellow Turbans they had heard of who burned, killed and looted.

In fact, apart from the inevitable conflict between the two sides during the initial siege, these Yellow Turbans did not do anything bad to them until later on.

They even administered justice and distributed land to everyone on the manor.

Many villagers felt like they were dreaming. How could these be bandits? Even if they were government soldiers, they wouldn't go to such lengths...

Although they only spent two days with the Yellow Turbans, they were full of gratitude towards them.

In fact, what happened in the manor this time not only changed the villagers' views on the Yellow Turbans, but even the Yellow Turban soldiers themselves were quietly undergoing a change in their mentality.

No teaching by words is as intuitive as an actual example.

When Xu Chen brought them to the manor and openly tried the owner of the manor, and then distributed land to the villagers, they personally practiced the teachings of "Natural Way".

The crime of oppressing and enslaving others was punished in their own hands, and the ordinary people who suffered regained dignity and fairness with their help, which had a huge impact on their spirits.

For many people, the doctrine is no longer just empty words, but has become a real existence, and they have a feeling that they can really achieve it all.

Something called "faith" truly began to sprout in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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