Chapter 173 Strikes hard
"Master, our scouts have discovered some traces of nomads thirty miles ahead. I think they are not far from the Xianbei tribe!"

On the wilderness outside the Great Wall, the Yellow Turbans chose a place to set up camp. After a short period of rest, the leading general Huang Long hurried to Xu Chen to report military intelligence.

Xu Chen and Ju Shou were both cheered up. This was undoubtedly great news.

The most difficult problem in fighting nomadic tribes is finding their habitat.

The wilderness is too vast, and the nomadic tribes all live by following water and grass, so it is difficult to determine their exact location.

Since leaving Liaoxi and entering the frontier, the Yellow Turbans have been searching for more than ten days, but have not found any trace of the enemy. This made Xu Chen want to retreat.

If he couldn't find the place, Xu Chen would have to turn eastward to get Xuantu first and then plan for the rest.

Fortunately, after a long time, our scouts finally found the place.

Ju Su quickly looked at Xu Chen and said, "My lord, the Xianbei's whereabouts have been exposed. We should immediately send more scouts to investigate their exact location, and then use cavalry to contain them first. When the infantry arrives in the rear, we can attack together and defeat the enemy in one battle!"

Xu Chen nodded upon hearing this: "That's great, I'll do as Secretary Ju said."

Huang Long glanced at Ju Shou, bowed calmly and turned away.

After he left, Xu Chen started laughing, looking at Ju Shou with a teasing look in his eyes: "It seems that people in my army have a prejudice against Gong Yu, which is really unfair to Gong Yu."

Ju Su laughed and said indifferently: "That's great. It shows that everyone in our army knows the enemy and ourselves. Only in this way can we work together and become stronger."

Hearing this, Xu Chen thought that Ju Su had clearly distinguished between class stance and personal career.

No matter whether Ju Shou, as a member of the noble family, agrees with the Yellow Turbans' path, at least as my lord's secretary, he will still put my lord's career first.

After all, class is just a macro expression. When it comes to individual scholars, how many people would really take class too seriously?

It is not easy for the suffering people below to unite, let alone the rentiers above who are working together.

They only care about themselves and their families, not the class as a whole.

Ju Su was a smart man. If the Yellow Turbans succeeded, as a "loyal minister", even if he came from a noble family and was not liked by the Yellow Turbans, his family would not really fall into poverty.

As for the scholar class as a whole, let them die.

Ju Su pondered and said, "Now all the Xianbei tribes respect Kebi Neng, and Kebi Neng is on good terms with Liu Yu. Sooner or later, he will be our enemy. If we attack this Xianbei tribe today, we can not only eliminate the hidden dangers in the rear, but also take the opportunity to weaken Kebi Neng's strength."

Xu Chen nodded: "That's true, but this expedition is only to stabilize the rear, don't worry about other things."

Ju Su bowed and said, "I understand."

Xu Chen pondered for a while, turned around and started looking at the map.

Ju Shou didn't understand what was going on, so he went over and stood aside. On the simple map, he could only roughly see the locations of several surrounding forces. He didn't know what Xu Chen was looking at.

Xu Chen pointed to a small yellow flag on the map, which represented the location of the Yellow Turbans.

"This place is in a good location. If we go east a short distance, we will reach the intersection of Xuantu, Goguryeo, and Buyeo. I feel that it is not enough to deter the Xianbei tribe quietly outside the Great Wall. Since we have to fight, it will be more effective to fight in front of all of them. If we don't let them see the battle with their own eyes, I am afraid they will not be able to have a clear understanding of the strength of the Yellow Turbans."


Ju Su was startled and immediately understood what Xu Chen meant: "My lord wants to drive the Xianbei eastwards and intimidate them with actual combat demonstrations!"

Xu Chen nodded happily: "Yes, if we are going to fight, we should fight more efficiently. We can solve all the problems in one battle, instead of solving them one by one. What do you think about this?"

Ju Su looked at the map and was silent for a while, as if he was also thinking internally, then he cupped his hands and said, "Although this is a bit radical, I think we can give it a try."

Xu Chen smiled, then stood up and said, "That's it, follow me."

On the wilderness, in the gathering place of the Xianbei tribe, herdsmen shuttle back and forth. Although their gathering point changes over time, being there gives one the feeling of a busy city.

This tribal form may seem chaotic and random, but in fact it has its own planning and structure.

The distribution of tents in the tribe is divided into several areas according to the status of the people. The tribal leader with the highest status naturally occupies the most central position in the tribe.

At this time, the sky was high, the land was vast, the wind was light, the clouds were thin, the herdsmen were driving their cattle and sheep, the warriors were returning from hunting, and everything was peaceful and calm.

But this peaceful atmosphere was soon broken, because a black line suddenly appeared on the distant horizon. When the tourists discovered the black line and exclaimed, the entire tribe was stunned for a moment, and then everyone started shouting in panic.

As a people of the grasslands, they knew what was happening as soon as they saw this situation. "The enemy is coming, the enemy is coming!"

Someone was shouting and blowing a bull horn, and the warning sound instantly spread throughout the tribe. At this time, there was no need for anyone to command. The young tribal warriors spontaneously jumped on their horses, picked up their weapons and prepared to fight.

In the central tent, a strong Xianbei man with obviously more gorgeous clothes and accessories walked out. This was the local tribal leader Jueji.

Jueji looked from afar and saw that the black line in the distance had turned into a black curtain and was rapidly approaching the tribe, which made his heart sink.

There was no chaos during the attack, the speed was kept relatively synchronized, and the distance between each other was controlled extremely appropriately. What came over me was a huge sense of oppression.

Just by looking at the momentum, he knew that the cavalry coming was a very strong one.

"All warriors, mount your horses and fight back! Quick, quick, quick!"

Jueji himself hurriedly took out his bow and sword, put on a set of leather armor, then ran to the side and jumped on his horse. When he took the time to ride to the tribe to reunite, he saw that only about five or six out of ten tribal warriors had arrived.

It takes time to react and organize troops to encounter such a sudden attack. It is already fast to gather 50% to 60% of the troops so quickly, but the enemy will not give us any more chances.

The cavalry's high-speed charge was so fast that in the blink of an eye these enemies that appeared out of nowhere had already run a mile or two.

Jue Ji knew that he could not wait any longer. The cavalry needed to charge to engage in battle, which required running for a certain distance to increase speed. The current distance was already the limit for both sides, and if they did not move, they would only be able to passively take the beating.

"Warriors, follow me to charge and defeat the enemies, and use their skulls to make wine cups!"

Although he only had about half the strength of the tribe, Jue Ji had no choice but to issue orders to start a counterattack. The gathered Xianbei warriors also shouted loudly and attacked the horses' bellies like a tide.

The two groups of cavalry were galloping at high speed and were visibly approaching each other. Both sides were top cavalry and soon they started fighting on the grassland.

In a cavalry duel, both sides have sufficient mobility, and the battle becomes a pure competition of each other's horse fighting skills.

Jueji, as the leader, led the battle, driving his horse sometimes parallel to the enemy and sometimes staggering at high speed, dodging the opponent's attacks while swinging his scimitar at the enemy.

After fighting like this for quite a while, he finally managed to knock down two enemies with great difficulty.

Although his battle situation was still okay, he felt that the pressure he faced was getting greater and greater. Looking around, he saw that his warriors were completely suppressed by the enemy, and the disadvantage of insufficient troops was very fatal.

But there is no other way at the moment. We are all cavalry, and it is not easy to escape. Now that we are entangled in a fight, we can only bite the bullet and continue fighting.

Fortunately, the warriors behind the tribe also prepared for battle one after another and rode to the battlefield on horseback.

As the forces of both sides gradually approached each other, the situation began to develop towards a balance.

Among the cavalry on the other side, a short-haired yellow turban blew a whistle, sending out a short and frequent retreat signal. Their cavalry then withdrew from the battlefield one after another, no longer attacking, but retreating to the rear to wander around and force the enemy.

Seeing that the enemy soldiers had temporarily suspended their attack, Jue Ji finally breathed a sigh of relief and reorganized his own formation.

Not long after, the situation was stabilized by Jue Ji. He first glanced at the other party and his face became very ugly.

Now that he had come to his senses, he already knew the other party's identity. Just by looking at the yellow ribbons on the cavalrymen's heads, he knew that they were the Yellow Turbans of Youzhou.

"Damn it, we've always been the ones to beat them, but now we're being bullied by them." Jueji's face was gloomy, he suddenly spat, and said hatefully: "Come on, tell them that if they want to fight to the death, I don't mind playing with them!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a rider rode hurriedly towards the enemy camp.

However, before this man could shout out to test the enemy, an arrow was shot from the enemy camp and hit this man accurately. The attitude of the Yellow Turbans was self-evident, and Jue Ji's mood was even heavier. He knew that today would be a fight to the death.

The only thing that made him feel at ease was that the enemy had only about two thousand soldiers. If they really fought hard, even if he suffered heavy casualties, he would definitely be able to defeat the enemy.

Today was destined not to end well, but with the support of the tribe and the advantage in military strength, Jueji still felt somewhat confident.

As for the other Yellow Turban cavalry, the leader Wuli raised his lips. It was enough to take advantage of the initiative. There was no need to fight to the death in the future. He just needed to stare at the opponent and wait for the infantry. When the time came, the cooperation between the infantry and the cavalry would be enough to defeat the opponent.

"If the enemy attacks, we don't need to engage them. We can just disperse and fight each other. If they advance, we retreat. If they retreat, we advance. When our infantry brothers arrive, we will win the battle!"

Seeing that the Xianbei cavalry were ready to attack, Wuli raised his right hand and issued an order, and all his cavalry responded.

Sure enough, not long after, the Xianbei cavalry were seen unwilling to remain calm and quickly attacked under the leadership of Jue Ji. However, the Yellow Turbans retreated calmly and orderly, leaving the enemy no chance of catching up with them.

(End of this chapter)

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