Chapter 174 Drive away
The Xianbei and Wuhuan were all born on horseback and were naturally powerful cavalrymen.

Even though there were many Han cavalry among the Yellow Turban Cavalry, after long-term training, the Han cavalry had mastered riding and horse combat skills very well and would not be at a disadvantage in battle.

On the vast and flat grassland, the cavalry of both sides fought back and forth like a game.

Although the game of chasing between the two sides was very intense, the Yellow Turban cavalry simply retreated in all directions and had no intention of engaging in battle with the Xianbei cavalry. Given that there was already a safe distance between them, as long as one side wanted to avoid fighting, the other side really would not be able to catch up.

After a while, Jue Ji realized the trick and gathered his warriors again with an order.

"They came but didn't fight. What do they want to do?"

Jue Ji looked puzzled and started thinking in front of the formation. Not long after, he seemed to have thought of a possibility. When he looked at the calm appearance of the Yellow Turban cavalry, his face suddenly became even uglier.

When people think of a bad thing, that bad thing will always happen, and Jueji's bad premonition will immediately come true.

Not long after the cavalry of both sides confronted each other again, they saw a new black line appearing on the distant skyline. This time the black line was longer, which also meant more troops.

The moment this black line appeared, all the Xianbei cavalry had a very bad feeling.

They did not need to guess for long, as they soon saw clearly what was coming. Three thousand infantrymen and two thousand baggage trains were marching in a tight direction, neither fast nor slow. A tall yellow flag of the Natural Road fluttered in the wind, which was extremely conspicuous.

Things turned out exactly as Jue Ji had thought. The strange behavior of the Yellow Turban cavalry, harassing but not engaging in battle, was just to wait for the army in the rear.

Although the 3,000 infantry in the rear were not a large number, they were enough to fight against their own 3,000 cavalry if combined with the cavalry.

Moreover, he was not completely ignorant of the fighting power of the Yellow Turbans. The Yellow Turbans in Youzhou were fighting fiercely with the Wuhuan government troops, and the news would spread to the outside of the Great Wall. Jue Ji was well aware that this newly emerging force in Youzhou was very powerful.

Not to mention that he had once led warriors into Youzhou to plunder, and had fought against the Yellow Turbans.

Even though most of the previous confrontations were just minor fights, they were enough to make him realize the power of the Yellow Turbans.

While Jue Ji was still confused and didn't know what to do, the Yellow Turbans had already made a decision for him. As the distance got closer, the Yellow Turban infantry phalanx suddenly accelerated its charge and attack. The cold and murderous aura of the elite legion swept over in an instant, and the feeling of oppression was much greater than that of the cavalry.

Just seeing the enemy's fully armed and armed spears like a forest, Jueji felt frightened.

The advantage of cavalry lies in its strong mobility, initiative on the battlefield, and greater tactical flexibility. It can indeed restrain infantry very well, but when facing a truly elite corps, the role of cavalry will be greatly reduced. If you fight hard, you will definitely not get any good results. It can only be said that neither side can do anything to the other.

But there were two thousand cavalrymen standing beside him, waiting covetously for his victory. Even with the coordinated attack, Jue Ji felt no hope of winning.

He wanted to order a retreat, but Wuli had already led the cavalry to force an interception, which forced the Xianbei cavalry to face the pressure of the Yellow Turban infantry. The two sides immediately began a battlefield game.

The confrontation between cavalry and cavalry, and the fighting between infantry and cavalry were extremely exciting, and the situation on the battlefield suddenly became difficult to distinguish.

The Xianbei cavalry, who had just been fighting back and forth with the Yellow Turban cavalry, were suddenly hit hard after the Yellow Turban infantry joined the battlefield. They had to face the tight formation and powerful attack of the infantry in the rear, and the Yellow Turban cavalry were lingering and pressing on them from the front and sides. They were in an awkward situation where they could not advance or retreat.

On the grassland, shouts of killing were deafening, blood began to spurt everywhere, and screams were incessant, but most of them came from the Xianbei side.

Jue Ji was in despair. Having suffered so much, he could only face the cruel reality. He could not fight this battle, or else the whole army would be wiped out.

Now we can only abandon the tribe and make every effort to break through and retain our combat power!
"All the troops, follow me to break through. We will unite with other tribes and fight back!"

Jueji could only issue military orders in frustration, pinning his hopes on regaining his position with the help of greater force after breaking out.

Of course, he had already anticipated that breaking out was not an easy task. Even if he succeeded, he would suffer heavy losses. But in the current situation, he could only run as far as he could and could not care less.

Afterwards, the Xianbei warriors slowly gathered around Jue Ji and began to charge outward, while the Yellow Turban cavalry also quickly mobilized to block them in front.

Jueji pointed his scimitar forward, and all the Xianbei warriors followed suit. They charged forward with great force and their indomitable momentum was quite frightening.

They concentrated their most powerful force to break through one point, and after a fierce battle, they actually broke through the blockade of the Yellow Turban Cavalry.

Jue Ji was overjoyed, as he had never expected that breaking through would be so easy. He immediately encouraged morale even louder and led all the brave warriors in the army to break through faster through the gap in the enemy's defense.

Seeing that he could not stop them, Wuli gave up trying to block them and instead ordered all his cavalry to pursue them. They soon followed the Xianbei cavalry and left in a cloud of dust.

The cavalry of both sides began to chase and flee. At this time, the Yellow Turban infantry could not intervene and could only give up the attack and rest on the spot to prepare for the next march. Xu Chen walked out of the infantry position, took a look at the tribesmen abandoned by the Xianbei cavalry, and issued an order: "Collect all weapons, assign 500 infantrymen to guard the tribes here, and wait for Lu Ping to come and take over the prisoners and spoils."

This time, it was a sneak attack on the Xianbei tribe, and a huge gain was obtained at a very small cost. This result made Xu Chen couldn't help but smile.

This Xianbei tribe near Liaodong was actually quite large, with a population of at least 40,000 to 50,000, otherwise it would not have been able to support 3,000 cavalry.

Although the battle with the Xianbei cavalry has not yet ended, this wave of prisoners and spoils has already been captured.

There is a shortage of population in the border areas of Youzhou. Even the population of the Xianbei tribe is an extremely important resource after transformation. Xu Chen naturally cannot give up.

Ju Su came over, also in a good mood: "My lord, just looking at the captives we have captured, this expedition is already worth it."

"It's not a loss, but we have to continue to expand the results." Xu Chen smiled slightly, then looked in the direction where the cavalry disappeared, and waved his hand to give an order to the people beside him: "General Huang, rest for half a minute and then march immediately. We have to chase them closely so that we can drive them away quickly."

Huang Long immediately agreed and then made arrangements for the officers in the rear.

Although Ju Shou was also looking at the direction where the cavalry disappeared, he also glanced at his lord Xu Chen from time to time, and muttered to himself.

Although my lord has a very cautious and thoughtful character, he is decisive and confident in doing things as long as he thinks things through. In general, he is very opinionated. Otherwise, I would have definitely advised him against this matter.

The action of driving out the Xianbei may seem simple, but it is actually full of variables, and there is no need to be so radical.

This place looks very close to Buyeo, Goguryeo, and Xuantu on the map, but the closeness on the map and the actual distance are two different things. If you really want to run there, even with a normal march, it will take four or five days.

Not to mention that we are still in the stage of driving out the enemy. If we continue in this direction, it will take at least half a month.

Moreover, doing so is extremely risky. If something unexpected happens, it is not impossible for the other party to turn defeat into victory.

It can only be said that the lord had enough confidence in his own strength, which ultimately supported him to make this decision. It was also because he felt the lord's strong desire that he did not choose to come out and stop him.

How subordinates do things is determined by the personality of their superiors.

If the boss is indecisive and good at making plans, the subordinates will inevitably have to speak more and guide the development of things. If the boss is confident, decisive and bold, the subordinates will be at a disadvantage.

As a smart man, Ju Shou naturally knew how to recognize his position and assist a lord like Xu Chen, and he only needed to do a good job of identifying and filling in the gaps.

Ju Su's judgment was very accurate. The Xianbei people were not little mice that could be manipulated completely. Although Wuli led the cavalry to drive away the Xianbei people very deliberately, the other side would not follow Wuli's ideas. Wuli could only spend more effort to force them, and thus achieved the purpose of driving them away, but the speed was very slow.

Xu Chen had certainly foreseen this situation, but the army itself had to move in this direction, and now it would just take a dozen more days to travel.

As long as the best deterrent effect can be achieved, subsequent goals will be easier to achieve. If you want to kill a chicken to scare the monkey, you have to let the monkey see the process of killing the chicken to have a deterrent effect.

In the following days, although the Xianbei tried to shake off the Yellow Turban cavalry, Wuli pursued them relentlessly. No matter whether the Xianbei divided their troops to escape or launched a counterattack, they were eventually resolved by Wuli.

Faced with the threat from the infantry formation in the rear, the Xianbei finally changed the direction of their escape under Wuli's deliberate coercion and could only head eastward.

The two sides fought on and off for several days, and Jue Ji slowly realized that something was wrong. In fact, because the Yellow Turbans had infantry to support them, the Yellow Turban cavalry completely controlled the initiative. If they were really determined to fight, they could still forcibly delay the Xianbei cavalry, and when the infantry arrived, they could cooperate in the battle to consume the Xianbei's manpower.

This process does not need to happen many times. Just three or four times will cause the Xianbei cavalry to completely collapse.

But from beginning to end, the Yellow Turban Cavalry did not use any brutal force, but just maintained a fixed rhythm of driving away. This strange action slowly made Jue Ji realize that the direction of his escape was actually the direction that the other party wanted.

What are they trying to do!
Jueji felt humiliated because the enemy did this and did not take him seriously at all.

But he also saw an opportunity. He was getting closer and closer to Goguryeo, Buyeo and Xuantu, and these places would probably not welcome the Yellow Turbans. Xuantu was still under the name of the Han Dynasty and was completely hostile to the Yellow Turbans.

Since you want me to go east, then let me go quickly. No matter what you want to do, I will make sure you end up losing more than you gain!

Jueji also became fierce: "The entire army should march eastward with all their strength to lure the Yellow Turbans over there, and we will go and ask for help!"

(End of this chapter)

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