Chapter 317 Silver Dragon
"I didn't expect Yuan Shao to be prepared. We spent a lot of time on the surprise attack but achieved nothing. This is not good."

On a small path in the wilderness, a troop of nearly 10,000 people was resting on the spot. Xiahou Lan got off his horse, covered in dust. When he saw Zhao Yun, who was also in a state of distress, he immediately muttered something.

Zhao Yun was also sitting on the side. Although he looked a little depressed, he was much calmer than Xiahou Lan.

He originally thought that his roundabout surprise attack could catch the enemy off guard. As long as he could successfully capture the villages and towns in the rear, this thorn would be enough to put Yuan Shao's army in a dilemma.

If Yuan Shao's army does not take care of it at that time, its logistics lines will be threatened at all times, and it will have no confidence to fight the Yellow Turbans for a long time.

However, if they divided their forces to attack the enemy, it would inevitably involve a large number of troops, and the Yellow Turbans would be unable to cope with the frontal battlefield, which was already very difficult, and would have no chance of winning.

Zhao Yun felt it was a pity. If this plan had succeeded, the battle would have been almost won.

However, perhaps it was precisely because this place was too important that Yuan Shao took precautions early.

Zhao Yun led his troops to attack, and originally planned to capture the town successfully by surprise. However, he did not expect that Yuan's army cunningly disguised themselves as villagers to confuse Zhao Yun, and there were ambushes in the mountains and forests outside. Not long after Zhao Yun occupied the city, he was suddenly attacked from both inside and outside. If the Yellow Turbans had not been strong enough, he would have been completely wiped out.

Although the process was dangerous, Zhao Yun eventually led his army to break out, but it was inevitable that many brothers would be lost.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yun felt guilty. If he had been more vigilant and careful, he might have been able to see through the enemy's ambush and avoid this failure.

"I still underestimated the enemy. Yuan Shao has many talented people under his command. They can think of what I can think of. This is not surprising. But even so, it is still my fault that I was ambushed by the enemy. After this battle, I will take the initiative to reflect on myself in the army."

Zhao Yun looked calm. Although he felt remorseful, he was not overly affected by it. The war was more important at the moment.

In this battle, our side lost hundreds of soldiers, which is actually a very large number, but fortunately their sacrifice was worth it, and in the end the army escaped safely.

Xiahou Lan said, "The enemy pursued us from behind, but our army turned around to attack them but then retreated. It's clear that they are not confident of fighting head-on and just want to tie us down along the way."

Zhao Yun nodded: "They set up an ambush to gain some advantage. They will definitely not be our opponent in a head-on battle. This is actually a smart move."

Xiahou Lan thought for a moment and said, "It's not a good idea to always be followed by others. Why don't we try to lure them out and eat them first? As long as we get rid of this group of pursuers, our army can still do a lot in the rear and create opportunities for the front battlefield."

Hearing this, Zhao Yun shook his head.

Xiahou Lan was stunned and asked, "Does Zilong have another clever plan?"

Zhao Yun stood up and looked not at the town where he had suffered setback, but at the base of Yuan Shao's army.

"The leader has already given me a secret order. Regardless of whether we take the town or not, he will launch a general offensive on the 15th day of the war. If we fail in the first attack, we can coordinate with this general offensive and attack the enemy from behind on the same day."

At this point, Zhao Yun pointed to something on Xiahou Lan's waist and said, "Our army has been hiding its sharp weapon for a long time, and now it's time to use it."

Upon hearing this, Xiahou Lan's eyes lit up and his expression became excited: "It turns out that the leader has already made unfavorable plans. In this case, we should just follow his orders!"

Zhao Yun nodded and said, "There are still two or three days before the agreed time for the general attack. Our army does not need to make any big moves in the next few days. We just need to take good care of the pursuing troops behind us."

In the next two days, Zhao Yun and Xiahou Lan led the army to wander around behind Yuan Shao. There was no major movement, as if they were being held back by the pursuers behind.

The troops that came to pursue this time were the 20,000-strong army led by Wen Chou, a general under Yuan Shao.

Wen Chou was naturally happy to see the Yellow Turbans settle down. He followed the Yellow Turbans when they marched and stopped when they stopped. If the Yellow Turbans showed signs of attacking, he would withdraw immediately.

He didn't have the confidence to fight head-on, but he still had the courage to follow and contain the enemy.

As long as the Yellow Turbans' actions in the rear can be restricted and they don't cause trouble on the front battlefield, Wen Chou's mission will be accomplished.

It was just that Wen Chou thought that he had effectively restrained the Yellow Turbans, but if he had seen the state of Zhao Yun's Yellow Turbans from a close distance, he would have discovered that the morale of this army, which had just suffered an ambush and a small defeat, actually remained quite stable and was not affected by the previous small defeat.

Every soldier of the Yellow Turbans has not only undergone long-term training in physical fitness and combat skills, but also in ideology. Their firm enough beliefs allow them to maintain considerable fighting will and morale in most unfavorable situations.

After two days, Wen Chou gradually relaxed and followed the Yellow Turbans all the way. He could see that the Yellow Turbans could do nothing.

However, the calm was only an appearance. Wen Chou did not realize that a crisis was quietly approaching.

When it was the fifteenth day of the war, Zhao Yun gave the order to start cooking at the third watch. After resting, at the fifth watch, taking advantage of the thin light before the sunrise, Zhao Yun led 3,000 cavalrymen to take the lead and headed back to Wen Chou's camp, while more than 6,000 infantrymen in the rear followed closely behind.

Everything is silent, the morning sun breaks through the darkness, and the first ray of sunshine shines down, which means a new day has arrived.

But for Wen Chou, this day was obviously not a day worth being happy about. When the sun rose, the first thing that came was not warmth, but disaster.
In the distance on the horizon behind them was the rising sun. The shadows of the three thousand cavalrymen were stretched extremely long, and the light and shadows swayed between them.

Zhao Yun slowly raised his hand and gave the order in a cold voice.

"Follow me to attack and crush the enemy camp!"

The cavalry responded with a roar, then galloped on their horses and launched an attack on the enemy camp.

The Wen Chou camp finally responded at this time, but it was obviously too late. Before the soldiers woke up from their sleep, the sound of galloping horses was heard in the camp. In panic, they looked everywhere for weapons, but before they could get them in their hands, they had already died at the hands of the Yellow Turban cavalry.

Zhao Yun led the elite cavalry, like an unstoppable crossbow arrow, tore apart Wen Chou's entire camp.

In an instant, the camp was filled with screams of terror and blood. The sudden and fierce attack caught everyone off guard and plunged them into panic.

Fortunately, Wen Chou possessed the basic qualities of an excellent general. After rushing out of the tent, he made the most correct decision.

He immediately called the attention of his personal guards, and the first order he issued was to kill people. However, the people he killed were not the attacking Yellow Turbans, but his own soldiers who were in panic and rushing around.

Although this was inhumane, it did have an immediate effect. After a brutal suppression, the army, which had just been on the verge of a collapse, finally calmed down under the stimulation of blood, and Wen Chou was finally able to slowly organize his troops to resist.

After all, it was an army of 20,000. Although they were temporarily confused when facing the attack of 3,000 cavalry, they were not so easy to be completely defeated.

When Wen Chou organized a large army to counterattack, the situation gradually stabilized. Seeing this, Zhao Yun stopped attacking and led his army to slowly retreat.

Cavalry surprise attacks are very effective, but once the enemy reacts and forms a formation, it will be difficult to attack head-on.

However, this wave of attack was just the beginning. What followed was Xiahou Lan's more than 6,000 infantrymen who followed in a hurry from behind.

Zhao Yun led the cavalry to meet up with Xiahou Lan and reorganized the offensive formation, and this time it was the real killer move.

The Yellow Turban infantry pressed forward, while Zhao Yun led the cavalry and the two wings to cover the charge. The powerful offensive momentum made Wen Chou on the other side gasp and his heart sank to the bottom.

He knew that the Yellow Turbans were serious this time.

Not daring to delay, he immediately deployed his battle formation to fight against the Yellow Turbans. However, due to a mistake, it was too late to escape from the Yellow Turbans and he could only bite the bullet and fight on.

With only these 20,000 soldiers, can we be a match for the enemy?
A great war broke out without Wen Chou's expectation, and the course of the war was exactly as Wen Chou had expected. It was a one-sided situation. In the head-on combat, the Yellow Turbans' superior combat effectiveness could completely make up for the difference of a mere 10,000 troops.

During the battle, the soldiers of Wen Chou's army were like a small boat in a storm, constantly swaying and floating in the wind and waves, in danger of capsizing at any time.

Only two quarters of an hour had passed, but Wen Chou found that his formation was on the verge of collapse under the powerful attack of the Yellow Turbans. Although he was sweating profusely from anxiety, he could not change anything.

Moreover, he soon no longer cared about the situation on the battlefield, but instead began to face great danger himself.

During the fierce battle, the formation of Wen Chou's army had collapsed, and three thousand Yellow Turban cavalrymen had gathered under the command of a white-robed general. Their target was Wen Chou in the center of the enemy army!
Zhao Yun's eyes were cold. He knew that he didn't have much time to waste here. He had to kill the enemy general in one battle, end the battle quickly, and rush to the truly important battlefield.

"Everyone, listen up, follow me and charge at the enemy camp!"

The cavalry responded with a roar, and Zhao Yun drove his horse forward, shooting out like arrows, and the rest of the cavalry followed.

At this critical moment of the fierce battle, the cavalry launched the most fierce attack, which instantly split Wen Chou's army, which was already on the brink of collapse.

Zhao Yun was unstoppable, wielding his silver spear like lightning. He charged all the way and quickly reached Wen Chou's formation.

From a distance of about a hundred meters, Wen Chou's eyes met Zhao Yun's, and he shuddered for no reason. Inexplicably, he had a premonition that today would be his last day.

Zhao Yun did not give him time to think, and his cavalry rushed forward. A flash of cold light arrived first and quickly filled Wen Chou's vision.

(End of this chapter)

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