Chapter 318 Sharp Weapon
When the red morning glow faded and the sun truly rose, the commotion on the battlefield also calmed down. Wen Chou's head rolled under Zhao Yun's horse's hooves, and most of the enemy soldiers, except for some who surrendered on the spot, fled in all directions.

A clean and neat surprise attack solved a problem for his army, but Zhao Yun knew that this was not the end, and he had to rush to the real battlefield next.

Without the threat of Wen Chou's army, he could focus on launching a pincer attack on Yuan Shao's main position.

Xiahou Lan rode over and wiped the blood off his face: "Zilong, the enemy troops are fleeing in all directions. Should we send troops to chase them?"

Zhao Yun shook his head: "Don't pay attention to them. Wen Chou is dead. They are no longer a threat to us without a commander. The most important thing is for us to hurry to the main battlefield."

Upon hearing this, Xiahou Lan nodded.

Zhao Yun gave another order: "Order the entire army to rest for two quarters of an hour. After two quarters of an hour, our army will continue to march and must arrive at the front battlefield at noon!"

Time was running out. Zhao Yun's army, which had just finished a battle, set out on another journey after briefly cleaning up the battlefield.

At the same time, the front battlefield of Zhongshui began to change, and this change was soon noticed by Yuan Shao and others.

On this day, the Yellow Turbans launched an attack as usual. Since the battle between the two sides entered the ten-day stage, the Yellow Turbans completely changed their fighting style, from the previous low-intensity attack to a high-intensity attack.

As the intensity of the war increased, Yuan Shao suddenly felt overwhelmed.

The only thing that could provide him with some comfort was the solid camp under his feet.

However, when a new day came and they saw the Yellow Turbans' offensive momentum again, Yuan Shao and others suddenly realized that it seemed that the Yellow Turbans' attacks in recent days had not really been at their full strength.

It is obvious that the Yellow Turbans have deployed many more troops today than usual. Previous attacks usually maintained a force scale of 30,000 to 40,000 troops, but today's attacking force is at least 70,000 to 80,000, which is almost an attack by the entire army.

Moreover, compared with the previous time, the Yellow Turbans made more adequate preparations for the attack this time.

Yuan Shao and his men saw clearly that there were a large number of simple cloud chariots accompanying the army this time. These were obviously offensive weapons specially made by the Yellow Turbans during this period to target the low walls of the camps.

These simple cloud vehicles are relatively low, but once they are pushed to the side of the camp wall, they can immediately form a staircase for soldiers to walk on.

Although it was impossible to produce too many of these machines in a short period of time, even if there were only a hundred or so, it would be enough to make Yuan Shao and others feel heavy-hearted. This alone would greatly weaken the effectiveness of the camp defense.

Of course, even so, the defenders still have some advantages if they hold their ground inside. However, facing the Yellow Turbans who are ready to attack with all their might, this advantage seems not enough.

Tian Feng looked solemn: "Our army is strong. Even if the battle is difficult, we still have the capital to fight the enemy for a long time. At this time, all we can do is grit our teeth and hold on."

Shen Pei said: "This is already the strongest wave of attack by the Yellow Turbans. As long as we can hold on, the enemy will have no way to defeat us in this battle."

Although both of them made suggestions one after another, these words did not make Yuan Shao feel optimistic at all.

The expressions of the rest of the people were not much better, they all had solemn faces. Facing the heavy attack launched by the Yellow Turbans, they all had a strong sense of uneasiness, a kind of depression and depression that was about to come.

Yuan Shao recalled his optimism of the past few days and suddenly felt a little ridiculous. It turned out that the Yellow Turbans had never taken it seriously, and he actually thought he was fighting well.

When the pressure came, he immediately felt like he couldn't breathe. It was so uncomfortable facing the fierce offensive of the Yellow Turbans these days.

If there is anything that can comfort me these past few days, it is that I had predicted the Yellow Turbans' roundabout harassment plan in advance. Not only did I prevent the Yellow Turbans' actions, I also set an ambush and gave them a sneak attack.

This ambush was brilliant, but that was all; it could not change the overall situation of the battle.

Facing the Yellow Turbans' general attack, Yuan Shao no longer held back. Zhang He, Yan Liang, and Gao Lan had already led their armies to meet the attack respectively. Liu Bei and Guan Yu also led an elite team into action. They were all ready for a decisive battle.

"No matter what, the camp cannot be lost!"

At the last moment, Yuan Shao left a word to everyone and also went to the front line to supervise the battle and command.

This time, Xuanxia's war to the south will directly determine who will be the king of the north. If Xuanxia wins, Xuanxia can occupy the northern part of Shenzhou and look down on the world. If the coalition forces win, Xuanxia's great cause will collapse overnight, and the wealth accumulated over the years will be completely buried. The world will return to the pattern of princes fighting for hegemony.

The direction of the Zhongshui battlefield at the moment can determine the outcome of the entire war, and its significance is extremely significant.

It can be said that the future fate of the entire North and even the entire China is closely related to today.

Yuan Shao led his personal soldiers to the front line. Seeing that the Yellow Turbans were about a hundred steps away from the camp, he personally issued an order to counterattack: "Shoot, shoot!"

In an instant, a rain of arrows fell from the sky, and the rapidly advancing Yellow Turbans were slowed down, but they quickly recovered and continued to advance vigorously.

Although the rain of arrows was dense, and each round of firing could knock down many Yellow Turbans, more Yellow Turbans relied on solid armor to avoid most of the damage from the arrows. This level of counterattack could not stop the Yellow Turbans from advancing. Soon, the Yellow Turbans pushed the simple ladders close to the camp wall, and the soldiers quickly poured in. The two sides had already reached the point of close combat.

On the front line, Zhang He, Gao Lan and Yan Liang calmly commanded the soldiers. Even though the battle was difficult, they had done everything they could and had completed all defensive preparations.

By now, the soldiers had long lost their initial nervousness. They had slowly transformed into veterans, and now, facing a powerful enemy, they were able to calmly wait for battle.

The weapon in his hand is clenched tightly and his feet are firmly on the ground.

Standing on the high camp wall, they can easily launch attacks on the Yellow Turbans below. If someone tries to climb the wall by force, they can work together to strangle or force them back. Even if the Yellow Turbans have ladders, their number is limited after all, and they still have a certain confidence to fight against the Yellow Turbans.

They also knew that they had countless companions behind them, and once they were exhausted, their companions behind them would replace them to withstand the offensive of the Yellow Turbans.

Although the war is difficult to fight, it is not impossible to fight.

If they were not in a situation where death was certain, they would not have thought of surrendering, because the supervision team behind them was watching them covetously, forcing them to suppress their fear and fight the powerful enemy.

If nothing unexpected happens, today's battle will be more difficult, because the Yellow Turbans' offensive today is obviously much more terrifying.

But since we have enough troops, we can hold out against the Yellow Turbans. This battle is not completely hopeless.

When the Yellow Turbans were already in front of them, the soldiers of Yuan's army shouted loudly to boost their morale and prepare for the upcoming head-on battle.

However, a strange thing happened at this point. The Yellow Turbans, who were only ten steps away from the camp wall, suddenly stopped and took out something from their waists in unison.

Before anyone could react, they saw them pulling something down on it, and then sparks started to fly out of it.


Yuan Shao was confused, Zhang He, Gao Lan, Yan Liang and Liu Bei were also confused, and the group of counselors behind them were also confused.

Of course, the most dumbfounded ones must be the Yuan army soldiers who were at the center of the front line. Seeing such a confusing and strange scene, their brains suddenly couldn't react. This was an instinctive confusion in the face of unknown things.

However, the Yellow Turbans didn't care whether they could react or not. After pulling out sparks from the object in their hands, they skillfully swung their arms and threw the object into the wall.

At this time, a strange scene appeared. Many Yuan army soldiers were completely confused and could only watch this thing being thrown at their feet.

When they looked down, they saw that it was a short stick with a metal head connected to a wooden handle. When it fell at their feet, it was still emitting smoke.

Someone bent down to pick it up in confusion, but before his hand could touch the object, he suddenly felt his eyes go dark and his head buzz, and then he felt a tearing sensation in his body. Before he even felt the pain, he lost consciousness.

In a flash, a series of explosions suddenly erupted inside the camp wall, followed by the flying of sand, gravel and soil. Under the smoke and dust, there were the sounds of panic howling from Yuan army soldiers.

Yuan Shao was so shocked that he sat down on the ground, while Zhang He, Gao Lan, Yan Liang and Liu Bei just stood there in a daze, unable to react. The most intense reaction was naturally the soldiers who were shouting and yelling.

Faced with something strange and surprising, few people can remain calm. At this time, the entire Yuan army camp was stunned by the Yellow Turbans' surprising thing.

But there were also many outstanding people in Yuan’s army, and soon many of them reacted and remembered one thing, that is, the explosives that Xuan Xia had mistakenly thought to be the Yellow Turban leader’s lightning strike method.

Although the substance currently used by the Yellow Turbans is different from the previous explosives, its effect is similar.

After realizing this, their original surprise instantly faded away. Fear comes from the unknown, and now that they know it, there is nothing to be afraid of.

"Everyone, brace yourself! It's just the enemy's gunpowder. There's nothing to be afraid of. All soldiers, organize your defense immediately. Let the enemy rush in and none of you will be able to escape!"

At the critical moment, Zhang He was the first to react. After his roar, the others also calmed down gradually.

Without giving it much thought, everyone immediately followed Zhang He to quickly pacify the soldiers.

They acted so quickly that the soldiers slowly returned to normal after a brief panic, and the defense of the camp was reorganized.

However, timing is the most important thing on the battlefield. At the dangerous moment when the two sides were fighting hand-to-hand, the brief chaos in Yuan’s army had created a great opportunity for the Yellow Turbans.

By the time Yuan's army came to their senses, the Yellow Turban army had already reached the camp through ladders and wall passages.

(End of this chapter)

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