Chapter 319 It’s Over
In the rear position, Xu Chen held up a telescope in the watchtower to observe the battlefield situation. He could see that the Yellow Turbans had already rushed into the reinforcement camp, and a huge melee broke out between the two sides.

Due to the terrain of the camp, the Yellow Turbans were unable to deploy their troops in formation, and the soldiers began to rely more on their own abilities to fight individually.

Of course, the same was true for Yuan Shao's side.

Even in such a super melee, the Yellow Turbans, who were better equipped and had stronger combat capabilities, still had the upper hand. However, Yuan Shao's army was strong after all, so although the battle was fierce, there were no signs of defeat for the time being.

The ability to quickly gain the upper hand in this battle was, of course, related to Xuan Xia's latest combat weapon, a new weapon called the Thunderbolt Bomb.

Based on the explosive pack, a new gunpowder weapon was finally developed. This is a throwing explosive weapon that uses a flint fuse filled with black powder. This thing is actually not unfamiliar to Xu Chen. It can be said to be a super low-end grenade.

Of course, the newly developed weapons actually have great defects and can only be effective under specific conditions.

Due to the limitations of explosive materials, the power of this low-end grenade is quite limited, and it can only cause direct damage when it lands right at the enemy's feet.

On an open battlefield, grenades may not be more useful than bows and crossbows.

With a combat distance of dozens of steps, they can only be shot and scream in the face of the rain of arrows thrown by the enemy from more than a hundred steps away. But if they really have to get close, the two sides will engage in close combat and the area damage will easily injure friendly forces by mistake.

In addition, another bigger drawback is that it is difficult to make and the output is low.

In fact, in the current combat environment, this new weapon cannot revolutionize the form of warfare and is not enough to become a standing weapon, but Xu Chen still produced a batch of it in order to play a key role in specific situations.

A new weapon may have many disadvantages, but it has one advantage that cannot be replaced by other weapons.

Only during an attack, when bows and crossbows are completely ineffective, can it demonstrate its value through throwing, and now is obviously the best scenario for its use.

It doesn't matter that the power is small. The cold weapon combat formation is dense enough, and any random throwing can hit people. As long as the number is large enough, the damage caused should not be underestimated.

And explosive weapons have another advantage, which is their natural intimidation effect.

The enemy would surely fall into fear and panic if they were suddenly faced with terrible explosions and vibrations without any psychological preparation.

Xu Chen certainly knew that these limited number of thunder bombs were not enough to directly blow up the enemy, but it would be enough as long as they could achieve a short-term suppression effect.

The current effect on the battlefield has already met Xu Chen's expectations.

The Yellow Turbans' attack had already survived the most painful stage of the siege with the help of the thunder bombs. The short period of time gained was enough for the Yellow Turbans to cross the camp wall and attack inside.

Of course, although Yuan’s army is powerful, it is not an easy task to completely defeat the enemy. After all, the terrain here is dangerous, and the fighting will still make the Yellow Turbans uncomfortable.

If it were just that, it might not be possible to defeat the enemy in a short period of time, but Xu Chen still wanted to end everything today.

If playing all these cards is still not enough, then there is the last straw that breaks the camel's back!
Today is the date for the final attack. Zilong should not be late.
The battle lasted for a long time, and both sides were still fighting hard. The soldiers fought each other in the dense battlefield in the camp. Both sides showed considerable fighting will. Although Yuan Shao's army was very passive in the face of the powerful offensive, they were able to hold the front line by continuously replenishing their troops.

Xu Chen kept watching the development of the battlefield, and he became nervous unconsciously. After all, this battle was of too great significance.

The outcome of this battle determines too many things, whether Xuanxia can take the first real step towards its rise, who will be the king of northern Shenzhou, and the outcome of the fight for destiny all depend on this battle.

Although Xu Chen was very confident, he believed in his route and his soldiers, but no one could absolutely control the risks of war. No one could guarantee that unexpected situations would not occur and a one in ten thousand result would not occur.

As if realizing that he was too tense, Xu Chen put down the telescope and stopped paying attention to the tragic battlefield in the distance. Instead, he took a long breath and forced himself to relax.

When human power is limited, I have done everything to the best of my ability and deployed all the cards I can think of. This is all I have tried, and I can't think of how to do better.

Since I have already done my best to control what I can, if something uncontrollable happens, I will have to accept it calmly.

After calming down, Xu Chen suddenly realized that a thin layer of sweat had appeared on his forehead and neck without him noticing. He clearly felt that his body was beginning to feel a little hot.

Subconsciously, he looked up and saw that the early winter sun had already climbed to its highest point. It turned out that it was already noon.
"Master, there has been a change in the enemy army!" Tian Shitou, who had been standing next to Xu Chen, keenly noticed the changes in Yuan's army through the telescope and hurriedly exclaimed to Xu Chen.

Xu Chen's mood, which had just relaxed, was suddenly pulled up again.

Without thinking about it, Xu Chen picked up the telescope again and looked. Sure enough, he saw that in the enemy camp in the distance, the battle line of Yuan’s army, which had been barely holding on, suddenly began to shake violently and seemed to be about to collapse.

The situation on the battlefield changed so quickly, in just a blink of an eye.

There must be other factors that caused the situation to change.

"It must be Zilong who exerted his strength!"

Xu Chen didn't even have to think about what factors would affect his occupancy at this juncture.

It seems that his last card finally achieved the winning goal at the critical moment.

Xu Chen's guess was completely correct. Zhao Yun led his lone army of less than 10,000 people, and after wiping out Wen Chou, he hurried all the way and finally arrived at the battlefield at noon.

At this time, the entire army was exhausted after a rapid march, but when Zhao Yun heard the deafening shouts in the distance and the Yuan army soldiers running around, he knew that a fierce battle had already begun on the front battlefield.

At this time, there is no time for the brothers to rest, they must attack in one go.

The worst thing when marching and fighting is to be attacked from two sides. This puts tremendous psychological and practical pressure on the army. Once a situation where it is difficult to take care of both ends is formed, it will be the beginning of defeat.

Zhao Yun expressed his intention to attack Yuan Shao from both sides, making it difficult for him to cope with the situation!
"Brothers, take up the weapons in our hands and charge in!" Zhao Yun's eyes were cold, and after a shout, he spurred his horse to the front.

Xiahou Lan took out a thunder bomb from his waist, smiled excitedly, and shouted: "Brothers, let's make achievements and save the people from danger today. Follow me and kill!"

The two generals charged forward in the lead, and the soldiers behind them naturally did not want to be outdone, and they all rushed towards the enemy formation. In an instant, a noisy shout of challenge broke out from the rear camp of Yuan army.

This movement immediately attracted the attention of everyone in Yuan’s army. From Yuan Shao to his counselors, all of them turned pale.

But before they could say anything, they heard a sudden rumbling explosion in the rear camp, which made their faces look even uglier.

Sure enough, when he came to his senses, the rear camp was in chaos.

Soon, a familiar scene appeared again. The rear camp was suddenly lost, and the enemy army rushed in directly and fought with their own soldiers.

What made Yuan Shao and others despair was that they clearly discovered that a new group of enemy troops joining the battlefield from the rear had a direct impact on the overall situation, and the entire battlefield was heading towards collapse.

"Governor, this battle is over. Lead your troops to break out from the rear immediately!" Tian Feng sighed and stood up to give advice to Yuan Shao.

Yuan Shao's face turned as pale as paper in an instant, and he turned to look at his other counselors.

At this moment, he hoped that these people could come up with a brilliant plan to help him turn the current desperate situation around.

But all the counselors looked dejected. In this situation, there was actually no remedy.

It’s over, it’s all over. God won’t help our Yuan family!

(End of this chapter)

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