Chapter 329 Wild Cultists
Times change, and the situation becomes urgent before the heroes of many eras are born. Even Sun Ce felt that time was running out when he heard the outcome of the war in the north. This was even more true for Zhuge Liang and Xu Shu, who were still living in seclusion in the mountains to study.

They are too young to have any ability to influence the times and can only watch the development of the situation quietly.

The step-by-step progress of the man who suddenly emerged in the north made countless people in the world breathless. If the momentum continues like this, people in the world don't know how to stop that guy.

Although Xu Shu was young, he could no longer sit still.

He looked around the world for heroes, but couldn't find many that caught his eye. After looking around, he finally decided to go down the mountain to Xinye to see with his own eyes the guy named Liu Bei who was recently trusted by the emperor.

His good friend Zhuge Liang also supported this.

Xu Shu did not hesitate any longer and the next day he entered Liu's camp with his luggage on his back and dressed in white.

Under such circumstances, everyone has to start thinking about their own destiny and choices. Although Zhuge Liang wanted to come out of seclusion, his reputation was not yet well-known. If he was not reused, it would be a waste of his time.

Of course the most important reason is that he has not yet found his own wise leader.

Therefore, he needs to continue waiting, waiting for a hero who truly belongs to him and is worthy of his trust, and waiting for him to see himself.

Zhuge Liang was able to endure loneliness, and he had no problem adapting to being a country bumpkin working the land in the mountains. However, he would occasionally get worried when he saw newspapers coming from the north.

The man's pace is too urgent, how much time will he leave for himself?

It’s not impossible to farm for five or ten years, but farming for a lifetime is another matter.

In this era, transportation is far away and information is blocked. The long distance to the north actually means that many people have limited knowledge of the situation in Xuanxia. But after all, Xuanxia now publishes newspapers, which actually greatly facilitates the Han scholars outside Xuanxia.

As a propaganda tool for Xuanxia, ​​the Xuanxia court had no restrictions on the distribution and circulation of newspapers. Although Xuanxia had no way to sell newspapers to the Han territory, scholars all over the world would take the initiative to seek channels and methods to obtain newspapers.

This kind of thing was not too difficult for Zhuge Liang and his men. Through the "Xuanxia Monthly Report", they could quickly learn about many things happening inside Xuanxia.

The content of recent newspapers naturally includes reports on the decisive battle in the North.

According to the newspapers, after the victory, almost the entire country of Xuanxia was jubilant, and the people were running around and marching to congratulate. The victory instantly became the hottest topic throughout the country of Xuanxia.

This can be directly felt from the newspaper itself, because this issue of the newspaper contains so much content about this decisive battle.

Whether it was real-time reports on the war or articles discussing the impact of the war, the newspapers published them almost one after another.

The knowledgeable people within Xuanxia also realized that Xuanxia would establish the status of the Northern Dynasty after this battle, and they made a clear statement directly in the newspapers.

Zhuge Liang and others even saw that Ju Shou, who was originally a famous scholar in Jizhou, directly issued an article predicting that within ten years, the Northern Dynasty would be able to march south and sweep across the world to achieve complete rule over the entire Chinese land.

Such an arrogant prediction would have been sneered at by the Han scholars in the past, but when they look at it now, no one can laugh, because Xu Chen really has the momentum to do so.

Of course, young talents such as Zhuge Liang could see that Ju Shou's outrageous remarks were actually a propaganda offensive.

Such remarks not only bring tremendous pressure to the so-called Southern Han Dynasty, but also shake the confidence of many Han people.

Whether it was the princes of the Han Dynasty or the scholars and common people, facing such an aggressive Xuan Xia, they had to seriously consider the possibility of Xuan Xia's ultimate victory.

It is also difficult to say how many people in the world have prepared themselves mentally for Xuan Xia's possible future announcement.

At the same time, newspapers flowing out of Xuanxia also arrived in a small place called Lujiagang in Runan. When the merchant handed over the newspaper in his hand and took the money from the other party, he clearly saw a trace of pain in the eyes of the young man in front of him.

The merchants were immediately prepared for bargaining. Although their asking prices were high enough, they would never give in at all.

He had enough confidence to control the young man. As an experienced businessman, he certainly understood that the value of a commodity depended not only on the commodity itself, but also on the degree of customers' desire for it. As long as others were in urgent need of it, even a piece of broken stone could be sold as a treasure.

Obviously, the young man in front of him was very eager for what he had in his hand.

But what surprised him was that although the young man felt the pain in his heart, he did not bargain. Instead, he threw down the money and turned away with the newspaper, without stopping for a moment or any hesitation.

The whole process was so quick and smooth that it made the businessman a little dazed.

"This newspaper is really a good thing. You don't have to worry about not being able to sell it. You can set the price yourself. I think I can get more in the future."

The merchant grumbled, shook his head and turned away. This new business has only recently emerged. At first, there were no merchants specializing in this. It was the scholars who looked for channels to buy from each other, and finally found merchants to specialize in this matter. Now it has formed a corresponding industry.

This business is naturally easy to do. Those who can buy this thing are not short of money, and it will sell like hot cakes.

However, the merchant himself did not quite understand why such a simple and crude paper thing would be so popular among scholars. When he looked at it himself, he did not see anything special about it.

Merchants travel around the world doing business all year round and are not so short of information, but they cannot understand the suffering of scholars who are cut off from information.

Looking at the young man again, after taking the newspaper, he couldn't wait to go under a tree, find a stone to sit down, and slowly read the newspaper.

In this era, news spread very slowly, especially to such a remote hilltop. Even for a major event like the death of the emperor, the people might not know it even after a year. The outcome of the war in the north was actually spread faster by newspapers than by word of mouth.

In fact, he had read the newspaper last month and learned that a great war was going on in the north. The Han coalition led by Yuan Shao had launched a decisive battle against Xuan Xia, and this decisive battle would completely determine the situation in the north.

This directly affected his mind. Although he wanted to know the situation during this month, he had no news channels and could only wait for the new issue of the newspaper.

He sat under a tree, spread out the newspaper and took a look. Just one look and he relaxed instantly.

"Okay, okay, Xuan Xia won. That's good. I was not worried for so long!"

The headline on the front page of the newspaper was exactly Xuan Xia's complete victory in the decisive battle. The simple and straightforward words conveyed the most accurate information, which made the young man smile all of a sudden, and he seemed to empathize with Xuan Xia's victory.

After calming down, the young man did not delay and immediately began to read the main text.

The article reported a general introduction to the course of the battle. When he saw the description of how Prime Minister Xu Chen sent Zhao Yun to bypass the enemy and attack from both sides, achieving a decisive victory in one battle, he could not help but applaud.

"What the hell is the sound of the four generations of three officials? In fact, it is just a silver-coated wax spear head. If he really meets our leader, Yuan Shao will immediately show his true colors. In fact, he is just a straw bag!"

The young man blurted out the title of "Leader" for the man mentioned in the newspaper, but in fact he was not a wandering Yellow Turban, nor was he a citizen of Xuan Xia.

In fact, he was just a wild believer of the Naturalism Church. He happened to get a copy of the "Natural Sutra" from heaven, which enlightened him on the spot and helped him find his life goal.

Even without an organization, he spontaneously believed in the natural religion, and regarded Xuanxia, ​​which had already been established in the north, as a holy land. He also regarded the man with great respect as a prophet and sage.

He was happier than anyone else to see Xuan Xia win the battle.

Perhaps his knowledge and experience were not as good as those of the elite aristocrats, but his intelligence and talent were not inferior to anyone else. No one understood better than him how important this battle in the north was.

Precisely because he knew how important this battle was, he had been tormented for the past month.

If he loses, even if Xuan Xia doesn't collapse immediately, the progress of his great cause will be greatly frustrated, and his future situation will become increasingly difficult, which is something he absolutely does not want to see.

Fortunately, the final result was good. Xuan Xia won, and the great cause of the Natural Religion also made great strides forward.

Turning the pages further, a large amount of space in the newspaper was devoted to reports on the war. The viewpoints and conclusions of many of the articles not only broadened the young people's horizons but also inspired them.

It turns out that Xuan Xia has almost reached the status of the Northern Dynasty, and it is only a matter of time before it can target China.

ten years
Seeing the bold words in the above article, with the goal of unifying the world in ten years at most, how can young people not be excited? After all, the person who wrote this article is someone close to the leader, and even a fool can guess that this must be the meaning conveyed by the leader himself.

Although ten years is already a rather exaggerated period of time, the young man is still impatient. He hopes to see the day when the leader leads the heavenly soldiers to the south and appears before him.

Just when he was watching with great interest, a sudden burst of noise came from the village in the distance, interrupting the young man's thoughts.

Looking over in confusion, his brows immediately frowned, and he saw a wealthy man in brocade clothes saying something to a group of people who were kneeling on the ground and begging.

Although no one knew what exactly happened, this scene made the young man feel uncomfortable for some reason.

"Ziming, you still have the mood to look at these messy things? Your mother is also in there and she was just beaten!" A young man also walked towards the village entrance and reminded Lu Meng when he saw him.

When Lu Meng heard this, his heart was shocked, and then a surge of anger surged from his chest.

(End of this chapter)

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