Chapter 330 The world should change

"Mom, how are you!"

His old mother was beaten, so Lu Meng had no time to care about anything else. He could only hurriedly put away the newspaper and rushed here. The first thing he saw was his old mother among the crowd.

At this time, there was blood on Lu's mother's forehead, and she was sitting on the edge of the crowd wiping her tears secretly. This made Lu Meng furious and he had the urge to kill someone.

While wiping his mother's wound, he carefully helped her to sit aside. Lu Meng suppressed his anger and glanced at the wealthy man in the crowd. He knew who had done the beating without asking.

At this time, next to the wealthy man stood two or three servants holding sticks. They looked ferocious, and they must be the murderer.

"Mother, please sit here and I will go and avenge you!"

Lu Meng's eyes suddenly turned cold, and he stood up and was about to go over.

But this action frightened Lu's mother, and she didn't even bother to wipe away her tears and grabbed Lu Meng's hand.

"We can't go, we can't go. Master Lu raised the rent today. Our life is already very difficult. If we offend him again and provoke Master Lu to stop us from renting land, then I'm afraid my mother and I will starve to death next year."

When Lu Meng heard this, he immediately understood what was going on here.

Sure enough, when he looked at it calmly again, he saw that the money the villagers were begging for was mostly to ask Mr. Lu to extend the land rent or provide loans.

This made Lu Meng even more disheartened.

This year, there was a drought and the villagers generally had poor harvests. At this time, Mr. Lu, who controlled the most local land, not only did not reduce the rent for the sake of the villagers to relieve their difficulties, but instead raised the rent to add fuel to the fire for the villagers. It can be said that he was cruel.

If the rent goes up next year, everyone's life will be even more difficult, but if they don't agree, they won't have enough land to survive.

This situation is really a dilemma.

There is no need to put yourself in other people's shoes. Lu Meng himself felt a little breathless. After all, his family was one of those who suffered from oppression by local powerful people.

Although, as a poor family, if we move up in social status, we may be related to Mr. Lu, but this is meaningless.

Lu Meng turned his head and looked at his mother, saying, "Mother, how can I turn a blind eye to your suffering? If I can endure this, I would be worse than an animal!"

The mother became even more anxious: "You are crazy. In our Lujiagang, even if we offend the government, we cannot offend Mr. Lu. I just suffered a little injustice. Don't make a big deal out of it. How can we live like this!"

After saying this, Lu's mother wanted to pull Lu Meng back home, but when she pulled him, it was like pulling a stone and he didn't move at all.

Lu Meng had practiced martial arts for many years and had a strong physique, so it was naturally impossible for a woman to pull him easily.

When Lu's mother looked again, she was shocked to see that Lu Meng had a cold face, which made her feel uneasy for no reason. She seemed to have a premonition that something bad was going to happen today.

"Mom, today's incident is not just about you being beaten. It's more about fairness and justice. Your son knows his limits. You don't have to worry."

Lu Meng's calm and cold voice came, which made Lu's mother, who was about to say something, involuntarily quiet down. The son who always listened to her, was so tough when he really started to insist on something.

After Lu Meng settled his mother, he turned around and looked at the servants who were still beating the villagers, his eyes became colder. These villagers were beaten because they could not repay the loan from Master Lu. It was natural to repay debts, and it seemed that it was right, but it was precisely because of this naturalness that this kind of thing seemed terrible.

Lu Meng recalled the many principles he had learned from the "Book of Nature".

The leader has already clearly analyzed all this cruel oppression through writing.

Farmers depend on the weather for their livelihood and naturally have no ability to resist natural risks. Once the harvest is poor, they will inevitably have a hard time surviving. At this time, they need to borrow or rent from the nobles who control the resources. With these two combinations, the fields will naturally be concentrated in the hands of the upper class.

Throughout the entire process, everything was reasonable. There was no need for ugly snatching, nor was there any need to violate any moral principles or ethics. Things just evolved naturally to reach this result.

Even if the nobles gave the farmers land to farm and lent them money to get by when they were in need, this could be considered a good deed. If they also did some work like building bridges and roads on a daily basis, the farmers would be so grateful that they would call them great philanthropists.

As for what the farmers should do if they can’t pay back the money in the end, of course they will use their land to pay off the debt. It is only natural to pay back debts.

What, you have no land to farm? I, your master, am merciful enough to rent it to you. You shouldn’t complain that the rent is too high. I give you the land to farm so that you can survive. You should kneel down and kowtow to me to thank me.

Lu Meng was enlightened instantly after reading the "Natural Classic". It was the words in the book that cleared the fog for him and allowed him to see the most fundamental and darkest things.

As long as such social operating rules exist, such things will always happen. No matter whether a hundred years, a thousand years, or ten thousand years pass, the people at the bottom will never have a chance to turn over.

How to solve this problem? Lu Meng already knew the answer, and the answer lies in Xuan Xia.

The world needs to change. The Han Dynasty cannot reverse its chronic illness. Only a thorough reform from the inside out, starting from the ground up, will give the world hope of dispelling the darkness and shedding light.

The leader's business in the north is in full swing, but for the people in the south, waiting one more year may mean the difference between life and death.

I, Lu Mengzhi, am not ordinary. How can I just passively wait for the leader to spread his grace? Since God has bestowed the scriptures upon me, this is a sign for me.

It's time to do something
The crowd at this time was filled with gloom and sadness, and the villagers' lives were almost at their limit.

The world has been difficult in recent years. Not only do they have to face the government's grain and conscription, but even God seems to have become more capricious. The weather is extremely changeable at times, causing the vast majority of farmers to complain bitterly.

At this time, any extra pressure could completely destroy them, and now this pressure has come.

Mr. Lu looked at the people begging for mercy without a trace of sympathy in his heart.

Everyone goes to pity them, but who will pity me, the master? In such a big Lujiagang, there are still so many fields that are not mine. Is this fair?
The weather conditions are good now, with more droughts and more floods. If there were a good harvest every year and every family had enough food and clothing, how could I, the master, still lend money and collect farmland?

Mr. Lu seemed to be able to imagine that next year when these peasants could not pay back the money, they would come to Mr. Lu's house one by one and hand over their land to him.

Then, the few remaining self-cultivating farmers in Lujiagang will completely become tenants of their own family and become completely dependent on their own estate. Their daughters will warm their beds, their sons will serve as their slaves, and they themselves will farm for their own family from generation to generation.

Mr. Lu was still dreaming, so he didn't notice that a young man holding a hatchet had walked through the crowd and was calmly walking towards him from behind.

Until a streak of blood shot out and streaked across the sky, Lujiagang began to become no longer peaceful.
(End of this chapter)

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