Chapter 345 Peking
"Master, we are here. This is Ji County, the capital of Xuan Xia!"

The medicine boy pointed to the distance, where a high wall was erected. After being reinforced and raised several times over the years, the wall already showed the grandeur that a capital city should have.

Although Xu Chen also knew that he could advance the era to the beginning of hot weapons during his lifetime, the role of city walls would become smaller and smaller at that time, and would even restrict the development of the city to a certain extent.

However, he still planned the construction of the city wall of the capital, and the reason was very simple, just to leave some wonders for future generations.

After all, this is the capital city, and it is destined to be the number one city in the world in the future. It must have some momentum and foundation.

Moreover, he recently ordered the name of the capital to be changed.

Hua Tuo also looked forward, and after smiling expectantly, he corrected his apprentice, "It is no longer called Ji County, but Beiping."

In fact, the name Beiping is not uncommon. According to the original regional division of the Han Dynasty, there was a county called Youbeiping on the right side of this place. Its meaning was to the right of Beiping, but the name Beiping was not used as an official place name. It has now been changed by Xu Chen.

"Beiping. That sounds much better. The North is safe. Now it seems to be worthy of the name."

Hua Tuo also sighed and then continued to move forward.

As a newly-promoted capital of China, Beiping now has the atmosphere of a capital city. Even before Master Hua Tuo and his disciples approached, they could already see with their own eyes how prosperous this place was.

Today's Beiping city gate is no longer the small city gate of Ji County.

A towering wall was erected, with the huge word "Beiping" across the gate. Five tall and wide doorways could be seen below, but even so, the city gate still seemed a bit crowded.

Fortunately, although it is crowded here, it does not seem chaotic. In the two passages at the left and right edges, only pedestrians can be seen coming in and out.

The three middle passages are used for vehicles to enter, and the middle passage can also be used to temporarily park and inspect vehicles.

With this arrangement, each flow of people and vehicles is like a dredged stream, flowing slowly in its own channel.

Although there are dense crowds and traffic, people can feel a sense of order in the hustle and bustle.

When he was still a mile or two away from the city gate, Hua Tuo had already seen a long line of caravan vehicles. This scene made him astonished.

Hua Tuo had traveled all over the country for many years, and in his memory, even when the Han Dynasty was relatively stable, there had never been such a grand scene in Luoyang City. Not even caravans of this size could be seen. Most of them were just pedestrians and peddlers.

Hua Tuo could not understand the industrial chain behind this. Minerals, mulberry, hemp, cotton, leather, wood and other industrial raw materials from all over the country were processed in various places, then gathered in Peiping for fine processing, and finally formed into industrial commodities distributed everywhere.

This entire process is constantly running under the huge driving force of commercial activities, ultimately creating a large amount of social wealth and providing a large number of jobs.

Although Hua Tuo did not understand these things, he could intuitively feel the richness of Xuanxia's products.

So powerful.
Seeing this scene, the young disciple couldn't help but laugh at his worries of the past few days. Now it seems that Xuan Xia has not only won the hearts of the people, but even in terms of hard power, it seems that it is incomparable to the South.

As the master and disciple moved forward again, they felt the bustling atmosphere even more, as if they were in a busy city.

As outsiders, they look three steps ahead before they take one step. Everything here is a new experience for them. Even though they are in the midst of noise, they do not feel bored at all.

Listening to other people's conversations and feeling their lives is actually very interesting.

Most of the pedestrians and vendors coming in and out are local people, and their words and conversations vividly reflect what their daily lives are like.

After listening for a while, Master Hua Tuo and his apprentice gradually understood a lot of things. Many key words allowed them to have many associations.

Words like factory, bathhouse, car, academy, female students, official debt, and money house were all very unfamiliar to Hua Tuo and his disciples, but they appeared very frequently among the local people.

Hua Tuo and his disciples could certainly understand that this showed that the lives of the people of Xuanxia, ​​or the people of Beiping, had become very different from those of the people of the Han Dynasty.

This is also a phenomenon they have observed. All the way from Yanzhou, passing through the southern part of Jizhou which has only been occupied by Xuanxia in the last three years, the elements of people's daily life there are still not much different from before.

However, after a round of purges of the powerful families, and with the policies of military land and tax exemption, the people lived a much more comfortable and relaxed life than in the Han Dynasty.

The northern part of Jizhou further north was occupied by Xuanxia even earlier. Many factories have begun to appear in these places, schools have appeared in large county towns, and there are some novel products on the market.

Slight changes have begun to appear in people's daily lives, and many things that the Han people have never seen in their lives have begun to appear here.

Continuing northward into Youzhou, there are even more new and interesting things, including more extensive schools, a visibly improved literacy rate, more and more workers, more abundant goods, more common opera troupes, and roads that are becoming easier to walk on.

Now, they finally came to Beiping, the center of Xuanxia, ​​which made them even more curious about what it looked like. From the outside, they had already felt the hugeness and majesty of the city, but this also blocked their desire to explore it. Beiping was like a woman with a veil covering her face, making them eager to see what it really looked like.

Finally, after a long wait in the queue, they finally entered the city.

Xuanxia was internally stable enough, and there had not been a war for quite a long time. Under such circumstances, there were basically not many defense checks at the city gates, so Hua Tuo and his men entered Beiping very smoothly.

suddenly see the light.

The first thing he saw was an extremely wide road extending into the distance. The road was flat, wide and hard. Hua Tuo took a rough look and found that it was at least four meters wide. Such a wide road naturally made people feel relaxed and comfortable.

Moreover, there was a heavy flow of traffic on the road, the directions on both sides were very consistent, and everything was in order.

Looking at the sides of the road, there are still traditional houses, including shops and residential houses. Hua Tuo couldn't understand many of the shop signs, such as "hot spring bath", "department store", and "optician shop".

Looking further away, Hua Tuo immediately noticed that the architectural style began to change as he got closer to the center. A large number of square-shaped, multi-story buildings sprang up. These new buildings brought a look to the capital that was completely different from the old city.

Hua Tuo and his apprentice were amazed as they walked. They clearly saw that after entering the capital, the ratio of workers to students had increased a lot.

As the capital of Xuanxia, ​​this place indeed presents the most different appearance.

As they were looking around to see something strange, a conversation suddenly took place on the roadside and reached the ears of Hua Tuo and his disciples. When they looked over, they saw that it was a government official who stopped a carriage and was questioning people on the roadside.

Hua Tuo immediately became curious. After hearing this, he realized that the carriage was not well controlled and hit pedestrians at the intersection, so it was stopped and punished.

If it were just this, Hua Tuo would only feel that Xuan Xia's management was strict enough and the rules were strong enough.

But after careful observation, Hua Tuo discovered that the clerk glanced at a small metal plate hanging on the rear of the carriage, and according to the mixed number of numbers and words on it, he actually found the merchant to which the carriage belonged from a booklet in his hand, and then gave the merchant corresponding warnings and penalties.

This surprised Hua Tuo greatly. He immediately realized something and looked again. Sure enough, he saw that the carriages running all over the street all had such cameras hanging on the back.

Can it be done to this extent?
Such meticulous management is absolutely impossible to achieve in the Han Dynasty.

Hua Tuo couldn't help but be surprised. Although he didn't quite understand the point of spending so much effort to manage the vehicles, at least the result that Peking was extremely busy yet not chaotic must be related to this kind of management.

"The Xuanxia court is really powerful. No wonder they can make the north so prosperous."

The disciple was completely convinced and could not help but exclaim in amazement as they walked, and Hua Tuo also agreed with him deeply.

Peking was big enough and prosperous enough, but it also made it difficult for the master and disciple to find their way. They could only ask along the way. The more they walked and the more they saw, the more they felt disconnected.

It is as if they have suddenly stepped into a strange world. A large number of unfamiliar and novel elements make them even feel a little uncomfortable. This kind of separation is actually caused by the difference in times.

Whether in terms of technology or system, Xuanxia has achieved leapfrog development.

No matter what time period the Han people lived in, they would never see these civilian students traveling in groups, nor would they see such large groups of workers.

All the Han people have are noble masters and the lowly beasts of burden who depend on them.

The prosperity and grandeur of the city and the exquisiteness and abundance of the goods could only make Hua Tuo marvel, but were not enough to move him. However, these students and respectable workers made Hua Tuo want to cry after seeing them.

Living in troubled times and having seen too much human misery, he knew very well that no matter how good the medical skills were, they could not save the poor.

And now, Xuan Xia is doing what he cannot do. He can only save one person from the suffering of illness, but Xuan Xia is saving the suffering of the fate of millions of people.

The poor people have really begun to stand up and take charge. Without the so-called aristocratic and powerful people, the world doesn't seem so disgusting anymore.

"Along the way, every household has erected a clay statue of Master Xu. I'm afraid that in the hearts of the people, that person is more powerful than any other god. After all, other gods are illusory, but this one is alive."

Listening to the voices of students, common people, women and workers talking and laughing around him, Hua Tuo felt dazed for a moment and rubbed his eyes which were inexplicably moist.

Coming here from the south is like coming from hell to heaven. Only when you have seen the tragic scene of cannibalism with your own eyes, do you know how precious what you see now is.

I hope this chaos ends soon.
After shaking his head, Hua Tuo could only sigh.

After saying that, Hua Tuo took his apprentice and walked towards Xuanxia Academy and announced his name.

(End of this chapter)

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