Chapter 346: Glimpse of the Truth
Hua Tuo
When Xu Chen saw the list handed over by Zhang Zhongjing, he accurately found a familiar name among them, which surprised him very much.

Such pure technical talents are, to some extent, more valuable than scholars like Xun Chen and Ju Su.

After all, it would be difficult to find such top-notch professionals without Hua Tuo, and people like Xun Chen and Ju Shou are not so indispensable.

It seems that it is not too late, and Hua Tuo did not have time to be killed by Cao Cao.

"I have occasionally heard of Hua Tuo. I know that he has a magical medicine called Ma Fei San, and is also very good at surgery, pediatrics, and acupuncture. He is a rare medical talent. If he can stay in Xuanxia, ​​he will definitely greatly promote the progress of Xuanxia medicine."

Xu Chen put down the list with a smile, looked at Zhang Zhongjing and pointed at Hua Tuo's name.

Zhang Zhongjing immediately understood what was said. He knew that the prime minister in front of him had taken a liking to Hua Tuo.

However, to recruit such technical talents, there is naturally no need for the prime minister Xu Chen to come forward in person. Zhang Zhongjing's identity is more suitable for this task.

"What the Prime Minister said is correct. The only two who are at the forefront of medical skills in the world are me and Hua Tuo. It is indeed a pleasant surprise that he can respond to the call this time. I will try my best to keep him here."

Zhang Zhongjing smiled and readily took on the task.

As a person who is relatively pure in medical knowledge, he is looking forward to having more medical talents work with him to promote the advancement of medicine.

Not to mention anything else, Hua Tuo's Ma Fei San and surgical techniques alone are enough to win her heart.

"In that case, let's go meet them." Xu Chen then stood up from his desk and smiled at Zhang Zhongjing again: "This time we have attracted many medical talents, how many of them can stay here depends on Zhongjing's ability."

Zhang Zhongjing was confident enough that no matter whether these people were seeking a career or academic development, as long as they were not stupid, they would understand which was the best choice between Dahan and Xuanxia.

Now is not the same as when I was first captured by the Yellow Turbans.

Now Xuan Xia dominates the northern border. Anyone who is not a fool can see the unstoppable momentum. Now no one will simply look at Xuan Xia as a traitor.

Even if it were not for the nature of Xuanxia's founding doctrine, many Han scholars would have gone to the north to take the initiative to place their bets.

No matter how the situation develops in the future, Xuan Xia's worst outcome can be the Northern Dynasty, which can be an option for people all over the world.

The Han scholars might be very hesitant about choosing Xuan Xia, but for the general technical talents below, there are not so many concerns. Most of these technical talents are from humble backgrounds who have fallen on hard times, and the glory of the aristocratic families has nothing to do with them anymore.

Even in the Han Dynasty, they are not a vested interest group, so they naturally do not need to worry about Xuan Xia's "persecution", so they will not have so many concerns when choosing Xuan Xia.

As a Chinese dynasty that lasted for hundreds of years, the Han Dynasty naturally had many supporters of "loyal and righteous people", but practical interests were the most powerful attraction.

Zhang Zhongjing believed that these people, including Hua Tuo, would definitely make the right choice. That is why he was so confident about recruiting Hua Tuo.

This is indeed the case. Xuan Xia has too many things that can attract these medical talents. Just a microscope is enough to make many doctors unable to move.

In the medical laboratory of Xuanxia Academy, Hua Tuo and others, under the guidance of the students, were able to see many medical instruments here.

The bottles and jars inside were all labeled with many terms they had never heard of. There were also densely packed wooden signs with precautions hanging on the wall, which made them feel awe-inspiring.

This is a place for medical research, but they, as doctors with excellent memories from all over the place, only feel unfamiliar with it. This approach is obviously completely different from them.

It wasn't until they were finally brought to the microscope stage in the laboratory that they let out an exclamation.

They had already seen various medical findings discovered with the help of microscopes in Nature and Journal of Natural History. Now they could finally see the true face of this medical research artifact.

With the help of this thing, you can see a whole new world. This is a field that everyone who pursues medicine is eager to see with their own eyes.

Everyone knows that the discovery of the microscopic world has directly opened a new chapter in medical theory, but the experience gained by reading only the text of the paper is far less than one-tenth of what one sees with one’s own eyes.

And now, they have got what they wanted.

Under the operation of medical students, Hua Tuo and others looked at slides of various things one by one. They saw microorganisms of various shapes in water droplets, red cells in blood, and even the characteristics of bacteria in culture dishes.

After they read them one by one, many people even shed tears. This was the great happiness of having a glimpse of the truth.

The great significance of the microscope lies in that it is an extremely important research tool in medical research. With it, many research projects can be carried out.

"So far, we have discovered dozens of pathogenic bacteria. By sampling and observing the diseased tissues of patients, we have also established the characteristics of various pathogens and the corresponding symptoms. We have published corresponding papers for each of these pathogens." The student was pointing to a cabinet on the wall. Inside the cabinet were culture dishes of various pathogens, and next to them were drawings of the pathogens and the corresponding symptoms and conditions.

How could the people present not understand the significance of this? With these results, they could use a microscope to diagnose the disease.

This undoubtedly provides doctors who originally relied on observation, auscultation, questioning and palpation with an additional helpful means of diagnosis.

Compared with the high requirements for experience and accuracy in the three diagnostic diagnoses, the latter obviously has great advantages.

They also asked about it. In fact, microscopes are not rare treasures. If they can make one, they can make ten or a hundred. Although it is expensive, they all think it is worth the money.

I don’t know how many people have already thought about getting one, at least Hua Tuo has this idea.

However, the important role of microscopes is not just for diagnosis.

"Moreover, the laboratory has made great progress in the development of medicines using microscopes. Through microscopic observation, we can clearly see the reaction of samples under the microscopic level, so we can test the specific bactericidal effects of various substances. Now we have discovered two magical bactericidal substances."

As soon as the medical student leading them finished speaking, Hua Tuo and others were all moved, and even their breathing became rapid.

They could imagine how much benefit it would bring to the world if this miracle medicine was really discovered.

However, this is not a secret. A corresponding paper has also been published in the journal Nature. Most of the people present have read it. After this was mentioned, they immediately remembered it.

"Is it allicin or penicillin?" Hua Tuo's eyes lit up and he asked.

The student smiled and nodded at Hua Tuo: "It is these two substances. We have already started to use allicin in practice, and its efficacy has been verified. In subsequent experiments, we have indeed observed the effect of allicin in killing bacteria. By chance, we discovered a more powerful bactericidal substance, which is the penicillin we accidentally obtained from observing mold."

Hua Tuo suddenly became excited: "I have read the paper. You said that penicillin can kill a wider range of bacteria. This also means that most common diseases of the people can be cured. If it can be developed, it will be a real miracle drug!"

After this was said, the others also started discussing excitedly.

The student was about to speak, but at this moment, a voice from outside the laboratory answered first.

"Your Excellency is right. If this substance can be developed, it can indeed be called a miracle drug. However, the development of drugs is not such an easy task. There are too many things to consider before a drug can really be put into use."

When the voice sounded, everyone turned their heads and saw a man in black clothes, accompanied by a middle-aged man, walking into the laboratory.

Everyone knew this middle-aged man. He was the famous Zhang Zhongjing, whom they had met before.

But the other person was a strange face, but the students' reactions soon revealed the identity of the visitor.

When they heard the students bowing and greeting this man one by one, calling him "Prime Minister", they naturally understood who this man was. For a moment, the whole laboratory was filled with the sound of panicked greetings.

Xu Chen walked in and nodded in response to everyone one by one, then stopped beside Hua Tuo seemingly casually but actually accurately, then grabbed his hand, looked at everyone and began to speak.

"Penicillin can kill bacteria, but it is not necessarily harmless to humans. To verify the safety and efficacy of drugs, a serious and rigorous experimental process is required. Even if the verification is successful, mass production of drugs also needs to ensure the uniformity of the drugs.

How to formulate standards for drug testing and production is actually an extremely important matter, and it even concerns the future of medicine and pharmaceuticals as a whole.

Therefore, I hope that more people with potential in the industry can join this work, establish various standards for the entire industry, and promote the standardized development of the entire industry!"

As soon as Xu Chen finished speaking, everyone's heart was slightly shocked.

Although they were not quite sure about the specific role of so-called normalization and standardization, they could feel the importance of the matter from Xu Chen's tone. The fact that such an important cause was willing to invite everyone to participate undoubtedly surprised and delighted everyone.

They traveled thousands of miles to Xuanxia, ​​and they might not have been without the intention of developing here for a long time. Xu Chen's words made many people feel at ease.

Only Hua Tuo, whose hand was tightly held by Xu Chen, was dazed for a moment.

Hua Tuo was somewhat flattered that the prime minister was the only one who grabbed him among the crowd, but thinking that it was probably just the prime minister's casual act, he did not think too much about it.

But he also took the opportunity to take a look at the prime minister, who was the one who founded Xuanxia's foundation and was worshipped by thousands of Xuanxia's people.

Young and confident, determined but restrained, generous and easy-going, he truly has the temperament of a heroic leader.

(End of this chapter)

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