Chapter 482 Ceremony
"There was Lu Meng, who spontaneously started an uprising in troubled times to respond to the great cause of liberation. Although he was in danger behind enemy lines, he repeatedly pinned down the enemy and created several opportunities for our army to fight on the front line. This is a merit.

In addition, over the course of several years, he built the Huainan Liberated Area, resettled hundreds of thousands of people, cracked down on the powerful, restored people's livelihood, and fought against foreign enemies, which was also an achievement.

In view of Lü Meng's achievements, the organization has unanimously decided to appoint Lü Meng as the governor of Yuzhou!"

In the Prime Minister's Office, Lu Meng stood in the center of the hall, motionlessly accepting Xu Chen's reading. Although the expression on his face was very serious, he was actually so excited that he was almost crazy.

Being able to see in person the man he admired the most was already something that made him ecstatic, not to mention that he had now personally accepted the commission from this man. This supreme honor was enough to surpass anything in this life.

If this ordination ceremony had not been so solemn and dignified, he would have almost lost his composure.

It wasn't just Lu Meng who was serious at this moment. Xu Chen, who was presiding over the ceremony, also had a serious expression on his face. It was not until the letter of appointment was read that he smiled and sat back at the table.

On the table were stationery and a square, heavy seal of the prime minister.

Once Xu Chen signed his name on the letter of appointment and stamped it with the seal, it meant that Lu Meng had truly become Xuanxia's Yuzhou Mu.

Xu Chen smiled and picked up the brush to dip it in ink. When he was about to sign, he suddenly stopped, then raised his head and looked at Lu Meng who was standing straight opposite him.

This made Lu Meng feel nervous, and he wondered if something had gone wrong.

Fortunately, Xu Chen's next words put him at ease: "The governor is a local official. He should not only protect the peace of the area, but also deal with the difficulties of the people's livelihood. The court believes that you can do a good job in this job. Don't let down the organization, and don't let down the people."

Hearing this, Lu Meng's expression became solemn: "I dare not slack off in the slightest. I will do my best to do my job well and give a good explanation to the organization and the people!"

Xu Chen nodded and smiled, then he signed his name, then he picked up the seal of the prime minister with both hands and pressed it down.

The clerk next to them quietly recorded what happened here and created files.

When Xu Chen stood up and handed the thin letter of appointment to Lu Meng, Lu Meng's face began to turn red visibly. Although he tried his best to control his expressions and movements, he still couldn't suppress the blood rushing due to excitement.

Even he himself could not have imagined that he, who came from a humble background, could reach this point today.

This is a local shepherd!

During the Han Dynasty, only the top elite aristocratic families, or direct relatives of Liu Han, were qualified to hold such an official position, but now he has done it.

Lu Meng was somewhat proud of himself. After all, this was a future he had earned through his own strength.

Of course, he was also grateful for the trust that Xu Chen and the court had in him, which made him feel more pressure and responsibility. Only when he saw the current prosperity of the north did he realize that he still had a lot to do.

Even if Yuzhou cannot be as prosperous as Youzhou in the future, at least it cannot fall behind too much. Otherwise, it would be a small matter for one's own incompetence to be embarrassed, but a big matter for letting down the people.

Of course, Xu Chen would not really leave everything to Lu Meng. After all, Lu Meng was just a self-made man. When it comes to understanding and adapting to Xuanxia's governance model, his ability is probably far inferior to that of a rough man like Wang Dang. After all, Wang Dang and Lu Ping are all talents who have grown up along the way. They have enough time to learn, so that they can be qualified as local officials like Mushou.

If Lu Meng were asked to develop industrial and commercial adjustment policies like other places, or deal with many things such as government budgets, infrastructure and people's livelihood planning, Lu Meng would definitely be completely in the dark and would not know how to start. Therefore, it is necessary to arrange an assistant for him.

"I believe Ziming can do a good job, but you are still unfamiliar with the people's livelihood. I will send Xun Chen to accompany you. He has been with me for many years and is proficient in managing affairs. He can assist you in completing your work."

As Xu Chen spoke, he pulled Lu Meng to sit on a soft chair nearby, and the two began to talk across a small table.

The solemn ceremony was over, and the two could get along more casually. Although Lu Meng was a little flattered by Xu Chen's closeness at first, he quickly got used to it.

"The leader is right. I do lack a lot in governance. If I had capable people to assist me, I would feel more at ease." Lu Meng grinned, trying to appear more natural.

Perhaps it was because Xu Chen's leadership aura was too strong, at this moment Lu Meng was as nervous and uneasy as if he were in front of his commander.

Of course Xu Chen could sense Lu Meng's unintentional restraint, but he was already used to this reaction. In fact, except for old acquaintances like Wang Dang, Ju Shou and Zhang Zhongjing, other guys would be more or less unnatural in front of him.

Even if he was not happy about it, it was unavoidable due to his status. In the eyes of most people, his status as a leader and prime minister naturally aroused respect.

In order to ease the atmosphere, Xu Chen also casually said: "You have been traveling in Beijing these few days. What do you see and hear?"

When talking about this, Lu Meng couldn't help but shook his head and smiled bitterly: "The prosperity of the capital is confusing, and I am reluctant to leave. In comparison, I still have a lot to do in Huainan, that is, military construction. The Huainan army has been lagging behind for too long. In comparison, my previous achievements are simply not worth mentioning."

Xu Chen laughed and said, "The prosperity of the capital is the result of more than ten years. It is naturally not something Huainan can catch up with in just a few years. As long as Ziming works hard to govern, he will definitely be able to create a new situation in the future."

At this time, Lu Meng's eyes flickered slightly, but he said: "I am impatient, I just hope that the people of Yuzhou can live a good life as soon as possible, and I also hope that the Yuzhou army can keep up with the combat power level of the brother troops. However, due to my limited ability, it is not easy to achieve these."

When he said this, Lu Meng looked at Xu Chen earnestly and said, "So I hope the court can send more officials and generals to Yuzhou. I think this will greatly speed up the development of Yuzhou."

After hearing this, Xu Chen looked at Lu Meng twice more, thinking that this boy is quite sensible.

Since he brought it up himself, there's no need for me to beat around the bush.

After clearing his throat, Xu Chen smiled and said, "This matter is easy to handle. I have always had the idea of ​​reorganizing the Huainan Army. Once the court and the military draw up a charter for this matter, it will be done."

Lu Meng was immediately overjoyed: "That's great. This way, I won't have anything to worry about when I return to Yuzhou."

The two looked at each other, smiled knowingly, and then picked up their teacups and started drinking.

(End of this chapter)

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