Chapter 483 Immortal and Common
After agreeing on the reorganization of the Yuzhou Army, the conversation between Xu Chen and Lu Meng became much more relaxed this time.

Although this matter is inevitable, Prime Minister Xu Chen also has to consider Lu Meng's ideas to some extent. If Lu Meng regards the Huainan Army as his own private army, he will definitely resist and be dissatisfied with the reorganization of the court.

This is not an exaggeration. In fact, the soldiers of this era have strong private soldier attributes.

For example, many of the soldiers under the command of Cao, Liu, Sun, Yuan Shao were actually brought by local powerful nobles. These soldiers were actually more loyal to the generals who directly commanded them, rather than being loyal to the top princes.

In today's case, it was not excessive for Lu Meng to treat the Huainan Army, a team he had completely assembled, as his own private army. If he did not have sufficient awareness, he would definitely not be willing to hand over the team.

Fortunately, the result is now good. Lu Meng’s awareness is higher than Xu Chen imagined, which also made Xu Chen murmur in his heart.

It seems that it is a good idea to let Lu Meng go to the military headquarters first. This guy is quite smart.
After saying this, Xu Chen changed the subject and talked about Xuan Xia's most important preparations for the war.

"I asked Xun Chen to go to Yuzhou so that he can help you manage the people's livelihood. In addition, this is also to allow you to devote more energy to the upcoming southern expedition. You already know the court's southern expedition plan. This time, my goal is to completely wipe out the south and eliminate future troubles. Every bit of available force cannot be wasted. The Yuzhou army must naturally be prepared to join the battlefield."

"Yuzhou will obey the organization's arrangements and orders at any time, but if there is a command, Lu Meng will do it without hesitation."

When talking about this, Lu Meng became excited. He was excited about the completion of his career and the possibility of making great achievements. Of course, another big reason was that he finally had the opportunity to vent his anger.

I have suffered a lot during these years of fleeing with the Huainan Army. Now it is finally my turn to fight back.

"The key to this initial stage of the war lies in the navy. Fighting for control of the Yangtze River waterway is the top priority for our army to open up the situation. However, the Yuzhou Army is not yet needed on the water battlefield. I have other arrangements for you."

Xu Chen's steady voice was heard in the quiet room. It took a very long time to explain the military deployment.

Later, Xu Chen asked someone to send a map and discussed specific tactical arrangements with Lu Meng.

The Southern Expedition aims to completely wipe out the South. Such a war goal means that the war will not be ended hastily. To fully achieve this goal, it may take a considerable amount of time. Xu Chen has enough time to anticipate this.

In this long-term war plan, the Yuzhou Army will also play a very important role. It’s not that Xu Chen attaches great importance to Lu Meng, but every force is important at this critical juncture.

Just like when the chessboard enters a mid-game melee, the players on both sides will try to make the most of every piece on the board.

Xu Chen has absolute confidence in this battle, but he will still remain respectful and cautious enough about war. He will strive to do his best in everything he can do.

Lu Meng was obviously the happiest person about this. His opportunities to establish military merits were visibly becoming fewer and fewer, but he finally caught this last carriage ride.

He was not afraid of a difficult battle or a heavy task, but he was afraid that the imperial court would think that the Yuzhou army was relatively weak and would not give them the opportunity to go to the battlefield.

Now he no longer has this worry. Although the strength of the Yuzhou Army is still far inferior to that of the Yellow Turban Army, there are still enough opportunities to fight in this battle, and if he fights well, there is a good chance of making great achievements.

This time, by going to Beijing to take up the post, Lu Meng finally fulfilled his wish.

Not only did he see the prosperity of the capital, but he also met the man he had been thinking about. Although he was not quite the same as he had imagined, it made him even happier.

He had imagined Xu Chen to be as ethereal as an immortal, after all, Xu Chen's first identity was the leader of a sect. But after actually meeting him, he discovered that Xu Chen was not only not "immortal", but rather particularly "vulgar", and this vulgarity was not in his temperament, but in his every move being realistic.

He never talked about obscure and profound doctrines, but whenever he spoke, he would talk about people's livelihood and military affairs.

Compared to pursuing some immortal way, whether the people can have enough food to eat today is the most important thing in his eyes.

It was this kind of custom that made Lu Meng completely respect him. He did not ask about ghosts and gods but about the common people. Although this was less mysterious, it was more rational and realistic.

Of course, the impression Xu Chen left on Lu Meng was not just the seriousness of official business and the rationality of reality, but also the casualness and ease of getting along with others like friends.

Lu Meng truly felt that this prime minister did not care about status and rank. When it came to official business, he treated himself as a subordinate, but after finishing his business, he chatted with him like a friend of the same age.

Things like status need to be maintained, and the most effective way to do this is to distance yourself from others.

No matter who you are, once you come into close contact with others, you will gradually lose your sense of mystery. Without this sense of mystery, it will be difficult to have a sense of awe from the heart. Therefore, emperors throughout history have always been high and mighty and outsiders are not allowed to approach them. The so-called loneliness is just a choice they make to maintain their authority.

But Lu Meng did not feel any alienation at all towards his immediate superior Xu Chen.

When the two were chatting excitedly, Xu Chen would even ask about the reason behind Lu Meng's uprising.

He has always been curious about Lu Meng, this wild insurgent. Although Xu Chen expected that his ideas would have an effect if they were spread, he did not expect that such a friendly force would suddenly emerge.

Speaking of this incident, Lu Meng couldn't help but smile when he recalled it. In fact, even he couldn't explain what happened.

Whether it was Lu Meng who said it or Xu Chen who heard it, the matter of the divine book falling from the sky seemed a little puzzling. It was too fantastic, but that was the fact.

To this day, Lu Meng still feels that this might be something destined by God.

To be honest, a big part of the reason why Lu Meng threw himself into the great cause without hesitation was that he regarded this as his destiny. Especially now that the great cause of liberation was really on the verge of success, he was even more convinced of this.

Xu Chen certainly had reservations about Lu Meng's so-called destiny. If Lu Meng hadn't said it so seriously, he would have really suspected that it was nonsense made up by Lu Meng.

This topic, of course, was just an interlude in their conversation.

However, what Lu Meng didn't know was that the culprit who gave him the book had now arrived in Beiping City. Of course, even if he met these two guys, they were just strangers.

"Master, we're here. This is the capital city!"

When the wall of Peking appeared in the distance, Ge Xuan, who was carrying a bag on his back, pointed forward happily and shouted to Zuo Ci, who was standing beside him with an immortal look.

(End of this chapter)

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