Chapter 484 Against the Heavens
Master and disciple Zuo Ci and Ge Xuan were walking on the streets of Peking, looking at the vendors and pedestrians passing by, unable to take their eyes away for a moment.

Going all the way north, from Xuzhou to Qingzhou, and from Qingzhou to Youzhou, we saw that people's livelihood along the way had completely recovered. This land of China, shrouded in war and disaster, was finally beginning to show its vitality again.

They thought that the people they saw along the way, each doing their own business, was the limit of what Xuanxia could do, but the further north they went, the more surprised they were, because the closer they got to the capital of Xuanxia, ​​the more new and strange things they discovered, and the more unfamiliar they became.

This sense of strangeness was particularly evident in the city of Peking. When they were there, they even felt like this was another world, because there were too many things that were unfamiliar to them.

It was early morning, and the streets were filled with rickshaws coming and going. In the gradually noisy environment, the shouting of newsboys was particularly sharp. There were also people selling bread and food on their shoulders, and small street stalls were set up one by one. It was very lively.

At this time, both local workers and students as well as foreign merchants began their day's livelihood. They either bought some pancakes and ate them while walking, or sat leisurely at a food stall and ate noodles and buns.

Living in it, you can feel the busy atmosphere of life, but the congestion and busyness are limited to the sides of the road. The road seems spacious and orderly with only passing vehicles.

Of course, this does not mean that the common people have such good habits that they can strictly abide by the rules of separating people and vehicles. Instead, a team of horse-riding yamen officials would pass by on the road from time to time. Once a car or a person did not obey the regulations and collided with them recklessly, they would be punished and warned by the yamen officials.

Even so, this cannot make everyone follow the rules, but at least it can make most people follow the rules, which is why we have the order we see before our eyes today.

"Hey, you two guests look like experts. Why don't you take a look at our new medicinal herbs? We have the best old ginseng and ganoderma lucidum from overseas. They are all picked from deep mountains and old forests with great effort. Just breaking off a piece of them can save a life!"

The two were staring at the street scene intently. The owner of a nearby drugstore saw that they were carrying bags and looked like alchemists, so he quickly greeted them.

In this era, the identity boundaries between wandering alchemists and Taoist doctors are actually very blurred, and Zuo Ci and Ge Xuan have become the target customers in the eyes of the drugstore owner.

It has to be said that Zuo Ci and Ge Xuan were indeed good at medicine. When the shopkeeper called them, they looked at each other, nodded, and walked in. They wanted to see how good the medicinal materials were here.

The shopkeeper was overjoyed and quickly welcomed the two of them in. He saw that the shop was full of medicine cabinets. The shopkeeper introduced them one by one. The medicinal materials were indeed complete and rich in variety. Zuo Ci and Ge Xuan nodded repeatedly when they saw it.

There are quite a few rare medicinal herbs among them, which really makes Zuo Ci excited.

However, what he was most concerned about were the top-quality medicinal materials mentioned by the shopkeeper.

"May I have a look at the old ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum that the shopkeeper just mentioned?" After looking at it for a while, Zuo Ci smiled and shook his head, then asked the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper was quite surprised when he heard this. He thought he was just selling this top-grade medicinal material to attract customers, but he didn't expect they really had this intention. After thinking about it, he turned around and got two wooden boxes from the inner room.

Before opening it, the shopkeeper glanced at them and said, "Let me tell you in advance, if you two want this kind of medicinal material, the price will definitely be high."

Ge Xuan smiled and said, "Shopkeeper, just open it. Even if we can't buy it, it won't hurt anything if we take a look."

The shopkeeper said nothing more and carefully opened the wooden box. The old ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum inside immediately appeared in the sight of Zuo Ci and Ge Xuan, and they were both shocked when they saw it.

With their keen eyesight, they can naturally tell the quality of the medicinal materials. These old ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum are at least a hundred years old.

This kind of top-grade medicinal material was only available in the palace in the past. This made the two of them stare at it in amazement. They had to say that they were really excited at this moment. This was something that could not be found easily.

When the shopkeeper saw their expressions, he had an idea in his mind: "Our medicine is collected from the high mountains and deep forests of the Three Han countries. It was not available before, but now that the trade between the country and the outside world is frequent, we can get it. You two must seize the opportunity." Zuo Ci couldn't take his eyes away, but finally shook his head with difficulty, and then smiled bitterly.

Ge Xuan was in the same mood as Zuo Ci at this time. The most painful thing in the world was to ask for something but not be able to get it. Such excellent top-grade medicinal materials were right in front of them, but they were short of money and could not afford them.

Zuo Ci didn't even bother to ask about the price: "This medicine is indeed very good, but I don't need it for now. Let's look at other options first."

The shopkeeper got it over with just one sentence, and his face showed visibly dissatisfaction, but he didn't say much in the end.

Although he couldn't afford such top-grade medicinal herbs, Zuo Ci still bought some other herbs so that the shopkeeper's hospitality would not be wasted.

Just one pharmacy was enough to make the master and his disciple feel a little tired, not to mention the various shops behind them.

The abundance of goods and materials in the city of Peking really opened their eyes.

Along the way, they saw many treasures such as spices and exotic animals from Luzon, aquatic products from Fuso, sable furs from the Three Koreas, and other rare items. There were also novel items such as sweaters, cotton coats, and glass everywhere. Even in the bookstore, there were many storybooks and records, which really opened their eyes.

Among these, rare things such as precious medicinal materials might have been seen by the Han people in the past, but they would never flow into the hands of the common people.

As for the many novel products that came from Xuanxia's unique development of industry and commerce, it was the first time they saw them with their own eyes, and too many things seemed unfamiliar to them.

Even though they had traveled a lot and were well-informed, they still felt uncomfortable everywhere after arriving in Xuanxia.

They are not familiar with the atmosphere here, do not recognize the things here, and do not understand the rules here. To them, this place is a completely unfamiliar world.

"This place is really prosperous, it's like two completely different worlds from the south. Maybe it's just like what Master said, the fate of China will fall on Xu Chen's head."

Although the backpack behind him was filled with a lot of newly bought things and was quite heavy, Ge Xuan was not tired at all, but rather very excited.

He felt like there was no end to the capital city. He could not take off his fine cotton-padded clothes after putting them on, he could buy a big box of convenient matches at a time, and he could not let go of the exquisite telescopes that he could not put down.

Ge Xuan, who was used to traveling around the world, suddenly didn't want to leave anymore.

“That’s natural. The changes in this world and the flow of fortune cannot escape my master’s eyes. I only need to count with my fingers to calculate that the destiny will be fulfilled on Xu Chen.” Zuo Ci raised his eyebrows and said lightly.

While playing with the telescope, Ge Xuan said, "But Master, didn't you say at the beginning that Xu Chen would have a hard time making it?"

Zuo Ci's face froze, and he coughed and said, "Time changes. That time was that time, and this time is this time. How can they be the same?"

After saying this, Zuo Ci began to murmur in his heart. Who could have known at that time that Xu Chen could really do something against the will of heaven?

(End of this chapter)

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