Chapter 91 Tradition
The Yellow Turbans returned with a great victory, which was a happy event celebrated by the soldiers and civilians of Yuyang. Although the sacrifices brought by the war added a sense of heaviness to the celebration, life must move forward after all. Even the families of the people who suffered pain had to cheer up and fight for their lives.

Victory in the war guarantees their stable lives, and now is the time for everyone to enjoy the fruits of victory.

The spring plowing has ended. The people observe the growth of crops every day and go to the fields to weed and kill insects every day, hoping for a good harvest in autumn. This kind of stable life is the happiness they pursue.

It is enough to have good farmland, no heavy taxes to bother you, and no need to worry about the coming of war.

The people's lives were peaceful and stable, and the Yellow Turbans were doing their job well. In this battle, they captured the three counties of Pinggu, Luxian and Guangping. With the complete internal skills that Xu Chen had cultivated in Yuyang, he didn't have to worry about everything at this time, and the organization could run on its own.

The many Yellow Turbans who could not be accommodated in Yuyang were immediately added to the three counties, and then military settlements were set up. The powerful families were cleared out, punished and punished, and the assets were checked and the land was divided. Everything was exactly the same as in Yuyang.

After this series of operations, the Yellow Turbans won over the hearts of the people in several places at the fastest speed and then began to build their organization.

The populations of the other three counties varied. Finally, the Yellow Turbans set up a total of 22 military settlements in the three counties based on the population. Together with the seven military settlements in Yuyang, the Yellow Turbans controlled 29 military settlements with a total population of nearly 130,000, and actually controlled half of Yuyang County.

Of course, it would take more than a few days to complete all these tasks, so the Yellow Turbans could only do it slowly.

On the other hand, the leader Xu Chen rarely asked about state affairs after the war. He only invited Zhang Zhongjing to have secret talks every day, and the content of their talks was completely unknown to outsiders.

But in fact, what the two said was just a continuation of the topic they had discussed in the military medical camp.

In the quiet room, Xu Chen and Zhang Zhongjing sat opposite each other, with a charcoal stove boiling tea next to them, and rolls of blank bamboo slips placed between them. Zhang Zhongjing knew that this was the text carrier for Xu Chen to create the "Natural Classic".

The reason why I appeared here was because Xu Chen entrusted me to help him record the text.

According to Xu Chen, it was because he, as the leader, was not good at writing, so he had to ask for help. Now that he had a good relationship with him, it was difficult to refuse, so he agreed.

Now that the bamboo slips are ready, with pen and ink placed next to them, he can start writing as soon as Xu Chen recites the contents of the scriptures.

In fact, he was also very curious about what kind of approach Xu Chen's "Natural Teaching" was, and which one was better or worse than the "Taiping Jing" believed in by Taoist Zhang Jiao.

The Taiping Jing was written by You Ji and is a huge work of more than 200,000 words. It was actually a famous study at that time. Before the Yellow Turban Rebellion, scholars all over the world and even the great scholars in the court had studied this sutra.

This sutra is not just a discussion of Taoist beliefs. In fact, it can also be considered a Taoist plan of governance offered to the emperor. It was an attempt by Taoism to get closer to imperial power. However, the final result was not that the emperor adopted the "Taiping Jing" to replace Confucianism with Taoism. Instead, Zhang Jue, the rebel leader, started a rebellion under the name of Taiping Dao.

If Zhang Jiao had succeeded in becoming emperor, it would have been fine, because then Taoist rule of the world in the future would have been inevitable, and the Taoist efforts would have been successful.

However, now that the Yellow Turbans have fallen, the status of the Taiping Jing has become awkward, and it has now become a banned book in the Han Dynasty. Even if Xu Chen has emerged now under the banner of the Yellow Turbans, his intention is not to inherit the legacy of the Taiping Jing, but to start a new business by listing through a backdoor listing.

Based on Zhang Zhongjing's understanding of the Taiping Jing, this Taoist work is actually of very high level, otherwise it would not have become a popular subject at that time.

Can Xu Chen, a guy whose hair hasn't even fully grown, really create something that surpasses the Taiping Jing?

He was very skeptical about this. If Xu Chen could not surpass him, then starting a new business would be ridiculous.

The Taiping Jing contains not only the Taoist classics on the world, but also the monarch's way of governing. Of course, Confucianism and Taoism copied and integrated each other, and there are many concepts that are consistent with Confucianism. For example, Confucianism talks about benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, trustworthiness, gentleness, courtesy, frugality and modesty, while the Taiping Jing also talks about virtue, benevolence, righteousness, propriety, civility, martial arts and law. The content of these two contents is very high.

But no matter what, the Taiping Jing has its own complete set of explanations for the world, society, country, and monarch, and it can definitely be regarded as an excellent theory of governing the world.

That is to say, the academic field is now firmly controlled by Confucianism. Otherwise, this set of ideas would still be able to guide the operation of society.

It’s not that Zhang Zhongjing looked down on Xu Chen, but he knew that to complete such a work, one must have a deep enough understanding of the world, society and even the country, which all requires experience.

How can a guy of fifteen or sixteen years old like you surpass Yu Ji's painstaking work for most of his life?

After everything was ready, Xu Chen smiled slightly, and then his calm and confident voice rang out in the quiet room.

"Natural gods are indescribable and have no consciousness. They are the principles and laws. Only when there are laws can all things evolve.

All things in the universe, whether it is the birth and death of stars, the rotation of the sun and the moon, the changing of the seasons, birth, aging, sickness and death, are all generated and operated according to laws and theorems. Only by observing, summarizing and understanding the laws and theorems can we glimpse the mechanism of all things.

Seeking truth and understanding the world is the way for human beings to practice self-improvement.

Attaining the third path, ordinary people can benefit from construction; attaining the thirty path, ordinary people can get rid of diseases; attaining the three hundred path, ordinary people can enjoy wealth and freedom, break free from shackles, reach the moon in the sky, and catch turtles in the five oceans; attaining the three thousand path, ordinary people can become gods, omnipotent, hold the truth, and spur the universe! "

When he said this, Xu Chen paused and looked over.

Zhang Zhongjing finally came back to his senses, then silently dipped the ink and began to write. However, the more he wrote, the weirder his expression became.

Of course he understood that this was Xu Chen's or the Natural Dao's worldview.

This is an indispensable part of any complete theory. You must at least say or make up something to explain how the world came into being before people will believe other things you have to say.

But, if it were just this, it would be a bit too simple.

Although Confucianism is not very good in this regard, this did not prevent Zhang Zhongjing from having doubts in his heart.

As a Taoist priest, you might as well copy the Taoist techniques and use them. There is no shame in that. Why do you have to create such a weird thing on your own?

When Zhang Zhongjing finished writing slowly, Xu Chen saw his strange expression and smiled: "I teach the world theory, does Zhongjing think it is inappropriate?"

Zhang Zhongjing hesitated for a moment, but chose to speak frankly: "It's not inappropriate, but it's too brief and I'm afraid it's hard to convince people."

Hearing this, Xu Chen was not annoyed, but laughed out loud: "Zhongjing is right. This is indeed a brief summary, but completing this scripture is not the work of me alone. It requires the collective wisdom of mankind and the efforts of generations to complete it. Perhaps after hundreds, thousands, and even millions of years, this scripture will still not be complete."

(End of this chapter)

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