Chapter 92 Methodology

The most important result along the way was the resolution of the issue of survival. Now that the Yellow Turbans had occupied four counties, they finally had some living space.

This allowed Xu Chen to not have to focus all his energy on the war that could not be delayed, and he could start to consider the long-term development of the Yellow Turbans.

In fact, from a rational point of view, directly inheriting the Taiping Dao's tradition would undoubtedly be more conducive to the development of the cause. After all, the old Taoist Zhang Jiao had already laid the foundation. As long as he became a powerful leader, he would naturally be able to accept the Yellow Turban legacy in its entirety.

Now that they have set up a new regime, the Yellow Turbans in other places may not be willing to recognize them in the future.

But Xu Chen still does not regret his choice. Only by taking a completely new path can he lead this civilization out of the historical vicious circle. Even though the process will be much more difficult, he is not afraid.

Therefore, the construction of the religion had to be put on the agenda, and the first thing to do was to get the scriptures of the Natural Way out.

Any religion in this world needs to rely on scriptures to shape the thoughts and behaviors of its followers; otherwise, it will not be able to form a unified consciousness.

As long as your story can make enough people believe it, you can tame the world in the name of gods.

Generally speaking, although the contents of the stories told by religions may vary, the core is not much different. There is always a specific god who creates the world, and the religion that believes in and promotes this god naturally becomes the representative of the god in the human world.

But Xu Chen went against this and tried a new way of worshipping the gods.

There is no real God in this world, so there is no need to invent a specific God, but scientific laws and rules exist objectively, so why can't the so-called God be the law itself?

At least in this way, what people believe in is no longer false and subjective, but concrete and real.

As for the practice of cultivation, it is not necessary to engage in self-indulgence like an ascetic monk who punishes the body, nor is it necessary to adopt an inhumane attitude of forbidding desires. Wouldn't it be better to use this perseverance to do some research?

For the natural way, studying the laws of the great way and exploring the mechanisms of all things is the way of practice.

The benefits of practicing other religions are all false.

However, the benefits of practicing the natural way are real. As long as you practice and achieve enlightenment, it is not just the individual human being that becomes powerful, but humanity as a whole. This vision is so huge that one cannot imagine how big it is.

After all, religion is just a framework. To guide the believers in a certain direction depends on what you put inside it.

However, Xu Chen's explanation was a little difficult for Zhang Zhongjing to understand. He looked at Xu Chen in confusion: "What kind of scripture needs to be completed by all people in the world?"

Xu Chen smiled and said, "Since it is the way of nature, it must explain the mechanism of all things in the world. But even if I spend my entire life, I am afraid it is not enough to study a small problem to the extreme. There are so many things in this world. Only when all mankind uses their wisdom together can we discover the truth bit by bit."

At this time, Xu Chen smiled slightly: "This is exactly why I requested that Zhongjing's medical research results be included. With Zhongjing's results, it can help people get a glimpse of medical principles little by little. Isn't this the composition of the truth in the world? As long as people use their wisdom to continuously study various principles and finally gather them into scriptures, then mankind can get a glimpse of the full picture of truth."

The room suddenly became quiet, and only the faint sound of a burning stove could be heard.

Zhang Zhongjing was a little stunned for a moment. Regardless of his worldview, when he heard the scripture, he instinctively felt that it seemed very feasible. What was even more refreshing to him was Xu Chen's statement of relying on the common wisdom of mankind.

Thinking about myself, as far as medical research is concerned, this is actually a very difficult thing. But what if there are enough people in the world studying this, can millions of people discover more principles that they have never understood or thought of?
But after coming to his senses and thinking carefully, he shook his head again: "That being said, the so-called truth is not something that mortals can easily see. All living beings are ignorant and not worthy of doing this!"

Xu Chen also shook his head: "The truth is difficult to seek because of the lack of methods. However, I have already understood this matter. Now I have a natural science methodology that can help people break free from the shackles and see the truth!"

Zhang Zhongjing was shocked. The first time he looked at Xu Chen he was skeptical. Is there really someone who has a way to explore the truth?
Xu Chen's overly young face made him subconsciously refuse to believe it.

But Xu Chen's extremely confident and calm smile couldn't help but make him waver.

Maybe this guy can really do it. After all, this kid has always seemed pretty weird.

"I'd like to hear the details!" Zhang Zhongjing subconsciously perked up.

Xu Chen did not rush to answer, but picked up the teapot and brewed tea for Zhang Zhongjing. Then he slowly asked a question: "Nowadays, people talk about the world, the law of destiny, and the yin and yang and the five elements. Does Zhongjing agree with this?"

Zhang Zhongjing was silent for a while. As a Confucian scholar, it was difficult for him to say about his understanding of the world.

Confucianism places more emphasis on the study of relationships between people. When it comes to understanding the world, it actually has a huge shortcoming. It can be said that it is completely lame. It was not until the rise of Neo-Confucianism in the Song and Ming dynasties that the Confucian worldview was gradually perfected.

On the contrary, the Taoist explanation of Yin and Yang and the Five Elements is more complete. Regardless of whether it is true or not, at least it is self-consistent.

Even medical theories are mostly applied from Taoist theories, and people are more accepting of this explanation.

After a moment of silence, Zhang Zhongjing said, "This ancient sage's words have their own reasons."

Xu Chen smiled and said, "Whether such things are correct or not does not depend on the sages, nor on you and me, but on proof!"

Zhang Zhongjing was stunned. How could one prove such a thing?
Xu Chen finally revealed his true intention: "The law of truth evolves all things, and it really exists. Since it really exists, it must be proven. Only after it is designed and proven can people seek the truth. What cannot be proven is not the truth!"

When Xu Chen said this, his expression became serious, and the next sentence might be the most precious gift he brought to this era.

"Exploring the truth is for spiritual practice. The purpose of spiritual practice is to transform the world and strengthen oneself. The truth is in all the phenomena in the world that we see before our eyes. This is because the underlying mechanism of the world is all based on the laws of Taoism. In this way, we can reversely seek the truth from natural phenomena.

I can seek the truth with the methodology of natural science. First, observe the phenomena; second, propose hypotheses; third, design experiments; and fourth, draw conclusions!
Only after these four steps can one be said to have realized the truth, and then one can record it in the Natural Scripture to complete the Three Thousand Great Ways! "

The natural science methodology observes phenomena, proposes hypotheses, designs experiments, and draws conclusions. Can we explore the truth using this method?
Zhang Zhongjing was not quite sure about this, but he suddenly felt the urge to give it a try.

(End of this chapter)

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