Chapter 171 Chen Wenjing's Invitation

The specific date when Li Yan would go home for vacation had already been announced by Xiaopang in the class group.

So Li Yan had anticipated the invitations, but she did not expect that the first invitation would come from Chen Wenjing.

The content was very simple, "Come back to Yucai Primary School if you are free tomorrow."

It is an invitation that has no reason to refuse.

Li Yan herself had wanted to go there a long time ago. The legend and pride of Yucai has become the god of New Taipei No. 1 High School. If she doesn't go back, how can it be considered a glorious return home?
Teacher Chen Wenjing, you really understand this.

Li Yan also brought Xiaopang along. Xiaopang said that he was embarrassed to go, but turned around and said, "Let's go by bike together at nine o'clock tomorrow morning."

The next morning at 6:30, Li Yan woke up again.

Without even washing my face, I opened my laptop and logged into QQ. Sure enough, Kaiyuan’s avatar was flashing in the lower right corner.

I clicked on it and saw eight messages. The first one was congratulations on the first order exceeding 4,000, which was much better than expected. At the same time, it expressed admiration for the harmonious book review section of Li Yan. Everyone was thanking Li Yan for updating 30,000 words in one day, which was really rare.

The next seven comments were all scolding him, and the main complaint was that Li Yan didn't even care about his first order results and went to sleep soundly, leaving him feeling empty, lonely and cold.

Four thousand orders... I don’t understand what that means, but it’s not impressive enough anyway.

"I'm only in the first grade, and my family is very strict. I have to sneak out at twelve o'clock, which is really troublesome."

"Thank you Kaiyuan editor for your attention. I will try to get the first place on"

Kaiyuan didn’t reply immediately this time. I guess he was very contented and sleeping soundly.

After reading a circle of comments, Li Yan was surprised to find that it was past twelve o'clock and Mr. Shenxu was still responding to a book friend who complained that Li Yan had too many manuscripts in stock.

The response was very domineering, "The purpose of saving up manuscripts is to post VIPs. You want him to post a bunch of free ones, and you support him?"

I hope this person doesn't respond stupidly with "Then you can raise it?"

He can, he really can, and he has already put it into practice.

"The first order exceeded 4,000. I heard from the editor that this is a good result. I'll report this to you, Master. Thank you for your hard work."

I can earn 20 cents for 10,000 words. Yesterday, the VIP word count was 30,000 words, and one subscription was 60 cents. So 4,000 would be 2,400?

After deducting this and that, it would probably be close to two thousand.

In the past, Li Yan would have exclaimed in amazement at this number, and would have wished she had done nothing else but update 30,000 words every day.

But now...I have a bigger appetite.

As expected, when a person's abilities reach a certain level, there are plenty of ways for him to make money, whether it is accidental or intentional.

Therefore, these incomes will not affect Li Yan's pursuit of writing a good story. If it eventually becomes a "work" whose highest honor is to earn XXX amount of money and whose greatest significance is to add a sum of money to Li Yan's savings, it would be a shame to his ability.

If this book can change and move some people, then it will not be written in vain.

While thinking, Li Yan opened Word and started a new day of tentacle monster activities.

"Master Yan, I'm here!"

The voice of the little fat boy.

Who told you to shout "Mr. Yan" so loudly?
Li Yan stood on the windowsill and waved at him, feeling that it was really magical, and kept typing on the keyboard...

Time just flies by.

"Zhiyuan, you don't dare to reply my message on QQ?" Li Yan teased as soon as she saw Lin Zhiyuan.

"Eh? Are you talking about the message in my winter break special training diary? I didn't see that one."

A more advanced way than evasive and pretending to be stupid is to pretend to be stupid and pretend to be stupid by yourself.

"One week. Even if you sleep in, you have to write it in your diary. This is what you promised your mother on the car ride home. I also promised to supervise you."

"I will definitely write it."

The two rode slowly along the way, and Xiaopang never stopped talking, imagining what a noble experience it would be for Li Yan to return to Yucai.

Li Yan just smiled and didn't spoil his fun.

"Zhiyuan, I have a question I've always wanted to ask you. Given your family's financial situation, how did you end up attending a school like Yucai Primary School?"

"Why are you asking me now?" Lin Zhiyuan was surprised by this.

“I didn’t think Yucai was rubbish before.”

"My dad only became rich in recent years. His business suddenly flourished. My family is from the village, and it took a lot of effort to get into Yucai. Later, when my family made some money, my dad also thought about transferring me to another school... probably when I was in the third grade."

"Why don't you leave?"

"Because they think I'm not cut out for studying, and I've only been in elementary school for three years, and my grades aren't good, so it's useless to transfer to a good school." Lin Zhiyuan pouted, "My dad doesn't think elementary education is important, either, so he arranged for me to go to junior high school in New Taipei City, and let me continue to study."

"Oh..." Li Yan was indeed just curious.

"Of course another reason is you."


"I think my deskmate is number one in the grade, so going to another school may not necessarily be better than this. Hehe." Xiaopang showed a proud expression, "Luckily I didn't leave, my deskmate is now number one in the world!" Li Yan laughed, "He's almost number one, but I'm working hard."

"Come to think of it, it's winter vacation, doesn't Teacher Chen take a break?"

Li Yan was also curious about this. "Maybe they are still doing some semester summary or something like that?"

"I understand. It's for you. The teacher refused to give up his day off just to see you."


"Trust me, they will be waiting for you at the door, just like the leaders inspecting Yucai."

"Zhiyuan, there has to be a limit to fantasy."

It turned out that Lin Zhiyuan's fantasy was not quite mature enough.

The main entrance of Yucai Primary School is in a small alley. To enter the school, you have to enter the alley first and pass through a small gatehouse - so Yucai was also called Shimenlou Primary School in the past. However, because it is not well-known, only the teachers who work at Yucai know this history...

Chen Wenjing waited directly at the entrance of the alley.

He waved to Li Yan and the others from a distance.

"Teacher Chen! Long time no see." Li Yan walked over with a smile.

Chen Wenjing immediately hugged her, her round-framed glasses were squeezed crooked, and she smiled so hard that all her facial features were squeezed together: "The teachers have been looking forward to your return for a long time!"


"Look, it's here."

The big iron gate of Yucai Primary School was tightly closed, with only a small opening. The old security guard, who was usually so strict that he would scold even the principal's wife whom he had never met, was actually smiling at this moment, "Hello, Li Yan!"

Damn, it's scary...

It was even more frightening once you entered the door. Math teacher Qiu Runlin and English teacher Huang Qiuying were standing at the door of the teaching office on the first floor of the school, waving happily.

It was only then that the three teachers finally greeted Lin Zhiyuan, "Zhiyuan is here too."

Li Yan reasonably suspected that they only remembered Xiaopang's name now.

"Principal Lin and Director Cai are drinking tea in the teaching office. We'll look for them later." Huang Qiuying said as she walked forward and actually took Li Yan's other hand.

He was carried by two female teachers and followed Teacher Qiu who led the way up the stairs.

Lin Zhiyuan watched in amazement and followed behind silently.

"You've grown taller, stronger, and more handsome, Li Yan!" Huang Qiuying praised.

Chen Wenjing immediately responded, "The teachers heard that you scored 759 points in the final exam, and you were the top student in the grade in both the midterm and final exams. Director Wang was very happy and told our Principal Lin a long time ago. You are the pride of Lincheng!"

Coincidentally, Director Wang in New Taipei should be very happy as well.

"Where are we going?" Li Yan couldn't help but ask.

"Classroom, have you forgotten your 601 so quickly?"

"How could that be?" Li Yan laughed dryly.

I've only graduated for one semester, please don't make it seem like I'm visiting my alma mater more than ten years after graduation...

It was not until he walked into the classroom that Li Yan understood why the teachers had to bring him here to see it.


All the double desks and chairs, which had already had dents on their surfaces, were replaced with new single desks and chairs.

The walls were repainted, the projector and curtains were replaced with new ones, and the classroom doors were replaced with sturdier stainless steel doors.

The ceiling is no longer bare, but has a suspended ceiling. The glaring and trouble-prone incandescent lamps have finally become history.

"How is it?" Chen Wenjing smiled.

"pretty good."

It’s really good. Li Yan certainly hopes that her alma mater will get better and better. Who would want to go out and say every day that they came from a shabby and crappy primary school?

Besides, education is a blessing to all. In Li Yan's eyes, the significance of a good school becoming better is not as great as the significance of a bad school like Yucai becoming passable.

"It's all your fault."

Huh? Li Yan looked at Chen Wenjing who said this in surprise.

"Haven't you noticed, there's a basketball hoop in the playground downstairs, although... the area is not enough for a full court, only half a court." Math teacher Qiu Runlin walked to the corridor railing and pointed at the playground.

"We were originally planning to build a badminton court, but the strong wind outside made it unsuitable, so we voted and decided to build a basketball court," Huang Qiuying added.

"This is also your credit." Chen Wenjing nodded.

The little fat boy was so shocked that he couldn't close his mouth. He suddenly felt that he should be under the car.

(End of this chapter)

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