Reborn as a great painter, with a system, you can be willful

Chapter 140, Gains from Observation and Learning, Completion of Sketching

Chapter 140, Gains from Observation and Learning, Completion of Sketching

Several classmates in the class ate together and talked about topics of concern. Although the environment was noisy, they were all happy.

Jiang Zhe understood that Fu Min took the initiative to talk to him today because he had experience in participating in the competition and wanted to get some useful information from him. Although the other party's questioning method was very direct, it made people feel more real.

After finishing their meal, several people left together.

At this time, the number of people dining in the cafeteria gradually decreased.

When Jiang Zhe walked out of the cafeteria door, he saw Yuan Xiaohan with ponytail and a girl walking towards him.

They talked as they walked, and when they got closer, Jiang Zhe greeted them politely.

Yuan Xiaohan also responded politely.

Jiang Zhe glanced to her side.

The girl next to Yuan Xiaohan was slightly shorter than her. The clothes she wore were obviously much older than Yuan Xiaohan's. She was thin, with a smiling face, and had a gentle feeling.

Jiang Zhe didn't pay much attention to Yuan Xiaohan. Let him do the task.

He returned to his dormitory and thought about his afternoon creation before taking a nap.

After adjusting his work this morning, Jiang Zhe was still not satisfied. Although his work was outstanding in the class, he wanted to do better.

For this creation, he used a precious opportunity to observe the master's painting. Therefore, he wanted to do his best.


After Jiang Zhe woke up from his nap, he didn't rush to the studio. He clicked on the system and opened the page for observation and study.

The observation and learning screen remains in the state where it was paused last time.

He clicked to continue studying.

The simulation learning screen continues.

The system simulated the creation process of David, and then continued the simulation using other surviving works of Michelangelo as templates.

The simulation sequence is carried out in timeline.

In 1508, Michelangelo, 33 years old, began to create the frescoes on the dome of the Sistine Chapel, and completed them in 1512 when he was 37 years old.

In 1513, he began to work on the statue of Moses, which was completed in 1516 when he was 41 years old.

In 1523, at the age of 48, he completed the sculpture - Madonna and Child;

In 1524, at the age of 49, he completed the sculpture - River God;
In 1530, at the age of 55, he created Apollo Drawing an Arrow;
In 1533, at the age of 58, he completed the sculpture - The God of Victory;
He began painting The Last Judgment in 1535 and completed it in 1541 when he was 66 years old.

In 1545, at the age of 70, he completed the frescoes of the tomb of Julius II and the dome of the Paul's Chapel - The Return of St. Paul;
In 1547, at the age of 72, he was appointed by Pope Paul III as the chief architect for the reconstruction of St. Peter's Basilica. In 1550, at the age of 75, he completed the fresco on the dome of the Paul's Chapel - The Crucifixion of St. Peter.
Michelangelo died on February 1564, 2 at the age of 18. A few days before his death, he was still sculpting Rondanini's Pietà.

After the system demonstration was over, Jiang Zhe was immersed in observing and learning, unable to extricate himself.

Based on the existing work information, the system simulated the creation process of many works. The one that left a deep impression on Jiang Zhe was the Sistine Chapel dome frescoes.

The main part of the mural is Genesis, which consists of nine paintings. Twelve male and female prophets are painted on the niches around the main part.

In addition, there is the Last Judgment, which was painted by Michelangelo on the altar wall under the magnificent dome of the Sistine Chapel. It was the ceiling fresco of Genesis above it that helped Michelangelo become famous in his thirties.

Michelangelo's frescoes were painted on wet plaster, a day-to-day, careful process that required a great deal of preparatory planning and a series of brilliant sketches, from early designs for dynamic compositions to perfect studies of figures and heads.

The system simulates the painting process based on the existing sketches. Although it may be different from the real thing, it still makes Jiang Zhe fascinated.

Looking back on this observation and study, Jiang Zhe truly understood the evaluation of Michelangelo by later researchers.

Throughout his life, Michelangelo considered himself a sculptor and believed that sculpture was the guide of painting. His works are natural and have an unrestrained power from within.

Although Jiang Zhe wanted to learn painting knowledge from Michelangelo's works, and the works simulated by the system were mainly sculptures, the shock and understanding that this observation brought him were enough to digest for a long time.

All in all, he felt that he gained a lot from this observation and study.

He closed the simulated learning page and saw the system page prompt:

Players observe Michelangelo's creative process and gain new skills.

Jiang Zhe opened his skill bar and saw two new skills - mural painting and sculpture. However, these two skills were still in the entry-level stage.

He estimated that it might be because he only watched the process but did not practice it.

He did not try out the new skills, but took advantage of the demonstration he had just watched to learn, so that he could remember them clearly, and began to appreciate the process of the master drawing the draft.

Although these drafts are merely preparatory work for the murals, they can still bring some benefits.

With the experience of observation and learning, Jiang Zhe came to the studio and examined his work again.

After watching the master's creative process, my horizons have been broadened, and when I look at my own paintings again, I can quickly find the differences.

By seeing the gap and then solving the problem, you can be more targeted.

Jiang Zhe began to adjust his work. Because the modification involved a large scope, he could only proceed step by step.

He first erased some areas that he thought were useless, weakening minor details and highlighting the overall beauty of the sculpture.

With the changes, the virtual and real changes in the main part of the picture are more subtle, and a sublime beauty is highlighted.

Before he knew it, Jiang Zhe had been painting until the evening. He stopped painting when he felt the light was too weak to work properly, and then he observed his work.

Although some changes have been made, the painting seems to be even more beautiful.

Jiang Zhe thought that there was still one day left tomorrow, which should be enough.

At this time, the monitor returned to the studio. In the afternoon, she accompanied five classmates who were donating their love to donate blood.

Many people saw the squad leader and asked about the process of charity.

Listening to the squad leader talking about some details of the process, the few people who failed to get the opportunity could only regret it inwardly.

While the class monitor was talking about his experience, Jiang Zhe looked at the works of other students.

All students' creations have entered the final stage, which is a stage that tests one's talent.

When he left the studio and went to the cafeteria to eat, he was still thinking about the success and failure of this creation. After reflection, he found the problems he had in painting.

One of the obvious problems is that the painting habits and awareness he developed during his painting studies, including in his previous life, have both advantages and disadvantages.

For example, when students first learn sketching, teachers often teach them to use straight lines to summarize shapes, and even summarize methods such as "square rather than round". This method can help students quickly master the ability to grasp shapes, which is good for students' learning. However, if it is over-emphasized or blindly emphasized, other training will be neglected, such as the training of arcs and the ability to condense the beauty of objects.

When Jiang Zhe watched the masters create, what he felt most deeply and gained the most was the creation of beauty.

Michelangelo has always been strongly pursuing the beauty of the soul and the beauty of reason, the beauty of nature and matter. Many people who observe his works will think of the same word - sublime. This is also the summary of people's painting masters during the Renaissance.

With his new understanding, he realized what aspects he should work hard on in his future practice.

After dinner, Jiang Zhe and Chen Yan returned to the dormitory and saw Shao Hui drinking glucose.

He knew that Shao Hui had also won the opportunity to show his love in the class, so he asked: "How do you feel? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Shao Hui put down the glucose bottle and said, "It's okay, it's just that my body temperature has changed a little. The doctor said it's normal."

He opened the plastic bag on the table and said to Jiang Zhe, "The school has distributed some food. Try it."

Jiang Zhe quickly refused: "No, this is your tonic."

Shao Hui said: "It's okay, I'm a good guy, what's the big deal?"

Seeing that Shao Hui was in good spirits, Jiang Zhe changed the subject: "Gan Wenjie doesn't seem to be back. Did he find a girlfriend?"

Du Xin, who had been catching up on his homework, looked up and said, "I feel like he is. He has been a little agitated these past two days. If he doesn't say it, we can't ask."

After that, he put away his books and homework, and said to Jiang Zhe and the others, "I'm going to go play with my classmates."

Shao Hui joked: "What should we say if my sister-in-law calls us?"

Du Xin went out with a smile: "I probably won't call tonight."

Shao Hui continued reading the novel.

Jiang Zhe took out a sketch book borrowed from the library.

The library has so many picture albums, but some books cannot be borrowed.

He found this book with Michelangelo's works among the books that could be borrowed. Among them was a work that he liked very much - the Last Judgment (sketch).

This work was created by Michelangelo around 1534-1536, drawn with black chalk and red chalk.

When Jiang Zhe was observing the simulated creation, he paid special attention to this work.

The printing quality of the album in front of me is average, but it can be used as a reference.

He picked up a charcoal pencil and began to copy the sketch.

During the copying process, he deliberately corrected some problems in the creation and put into practice his insights gained during observation.

This kind of training requires not only accumulation, but also thinking and repeated pondering, about how to apply the learned methods if you are to depict a new shape yourself.

Thinking and practicing alternately made him forget the time. He turned off the lights and went to sleep only after knowing that Shao Hui and the other two had gone to rest.

On Friday, Jiang Zhe revised his work until 3 pm based on his experience and gains.

The class monitor began to organize the students who had completed their works, pack up their tools, and set up the studio.

Jiang Zhe looked at his sketch carefully. Although he was not yet satisfied with it, he had tried his best.

The squad leader came to Jiang Zhe and saw that he was still observing, so he smiled and said, "Okay, stop looking. It's good enough. You are too serious and put a lot of pressure on us!"

Jiang Zhe put down his paintbrush and replied, "Okay, let's call it a day. I won't add any more pressure to your work."

He packed up his painting supplies, and arranged his works with his classmates according to Teacher Jia's instructions, and then cleaned the studio.

Today is Friday, and I can go home for the weekend again.

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(End of this chapter)

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