Reborn as a great painter, with a system, you can be willful

Chapter 141, Evaluation, Debate, Good News

Chapter 141, Evaluation, Debate, Good News
Early in the morning, Jiang Zhe took Xiao Ka and sent his parents to the station.

Jiang Yi and his wife are going to visit relatives and friends, so Jiang Zhe needs to take care of himself and Xiao Ka this weekend.

Jiang Zhe returned to his new home, packed up, and took Xiao Ka to go out with Chen Yan. Because they had just finished a long-term assignment, they felt much more relaxed, so the two of them had a lot of fun.

At the same time, Professor Qin and several teachers came to the studio of the freshman oil painting class.

In the spacious and bright studio, a row of sketches are arranged in an orderly manner; more than a dozen chairs are placed in an arc facing the works.

Some teachers of the oil painting major are already waiting here.

During the waiting time, everyone chatted in a relaxed atmosphere.

Professor Qin looked at the two professors, several associate professors, and seven or eight lecturers and teaching assistants who were present. This group of teachers made up the strongest major in the entire Department of Plastic Arts, and even in the entire academy. Although the Chinese painting major also thought so.

Teacher Hu is the youngest and is responsible for miscellaneous work at the venue, running around to make contacts, and preparing various materials for everyone.

Soon, two teachers invited from other majors also arrived.

When Professor Qin saw that everyone was present, he stood up and said to everyone, "Now that everyone is here, let's start grading immediately. In order not to affect everyone's holiday, let's try to review all the assignments that need to be graded today.

Let me briefly talk about the requirements. Evaluate each assignment fairly and impartially. Praise the good ones and redo the bad ones.

The scoring is still based on the old requirements, with aesthetic awareness and skill expression accounting for 2 points each and process evaluation accounting for points.

We will score the works according to their numbers and then make our comments.

Teacher Hu distributed the score sheets to everyone.

The teachers have already seen the works. Some sit on chairs and fill out forms, while others walk up to the works to observe and then grade them. The forms with the completed grades are handed to Teacher Hu.

Teacher Hu waited to collect the last score sheet, and started to count the scores with another young teacher and the teacher in charge of counting the grades in the Academic Affairs Office.

Professor Qin said, "Please share your views on this major course assignment. Please also ask Teacher Jia to share his feelings about teaching freshmen. Let's discuss it together.

Teacher Jia, you go first. "

Teacher Jia was about to stand up, but another teacher said, "Oh, don't be polite, just sit down and talk."

Seeing that the atmosphere was not so serious, Teacher Jia sat back down and said, "Let me talk about my reflections first. Well, my first impression of teaching freshmen this time is that this batch of students is very strong."

He raised his hand and pointed out several works one by one with his fingers: "Starting from this side, Mou Xing's work, Jiang Zhe's work, and this one, Fu Min's work, are all very good.

Especially Fu Min, a girl who is very bold in painting.

There are also works by Jiang Zhe, who has been learning the style of the master. His works have good movement and beauty.
The paintings of several other students are also good. If you only look at the works of these few people, they have reached or even exceeded the level of senior students. Of course, some of this class are in the middle level, and some have weak foundations and painting awareness. "

He pointed out a few more works: “These were repainted once, but the results are still not ideal.

In general, the atmosphere in this class is quite good, and there is rarely any slander or disruption. I have experienced this during class, and the mutual promotion between them has a positive effect. "

Professor Qin waited for Teacher Jia to finish speaking, then said directly: "Tell me about the problem. Don't just talk about the good side."

Teacher Jia said: "Then I will talk about a few issues. The first one is direction. A group of students still adhere to the painting habits during the art examination. I think in this regard, we need to strengthen the aesthetic cultivation. Encourage students to absorb nutrition from many aspects regardless of their foundation."

When he finished speaking, another teacher said, "I have seen these works. Seven or eight of them were drawn too hastily. It is okay to promote competition, but it is not good to make people impatient. We must not be too eager for quick success."

Someone took the initiative to speak, and someone else immediately followed up: "Let me say something too. I have always been against changing students' works. If the teacher changes the painting, whose work should it be considered?"

These words were somewhat targeted, and many people looked at the teacher who spoke.

A somewhat chubby teacher said: "Our subject is a very intuitive art. How can we teach if we only talk but don't draw?"

The two men had opposing opinions.

Except for a few young teachers who did not participate, everyone else spoke.

When it comes to things that do not concern them, everyone is in harmony. However, once different teaching viewpoints are involved, the teachers start arguing rudely.

“We have a lead teacher, and other teachers are participating. They should demonstrate to students.”

"If you want to demonstrate, you can find another piece of paper."

“Doing this is inconsistent with our tradition, isn’t it?”

"Good traditions should be upheld, but I have a personal suggestion. In the classes I teach, other teachers can give advice, but please don't change the students' work. I pay attention to every student, and if you change the work, it is likely to disrupt the plan."

The arguments became louder and louder, causing several teachers who were counting the scores to stop their work. They knew that these teachers were all capable people and none of them would give in to the other.

Professor Qin didn't have a good solution to this problem. "We are discussing the problem, not arguing about right or wrong. Teacher Jia, is there anything else you want to say?"

Teacher Jia did not participate in the debate just now.

He knew what Professor Qin meant, and said hurriedly, "I'm thinking about setting goals for the next classes based on the students' levels. We should have higher requirements for students with high levels. We can't ignore students with weak foundations either, and we can urge them to catch up as soon as possible."

A teacher said, "This is a very good suggestion. Not only homework, but also sketching should have requirements. The sketching class taught by our teacher Hu is very good, and we can consider strengthening it. Sketching homework should also be reviewed regularly." He glanced at Teacher Hu while speaking.

Teacher Hu heard it but didn't look up.

Professor Qin said as he took notes: "We will hold a teaching research meeting next week to discuss specific goals. Everyone go back and think about it."

Teacher Hu handed a form to Professor Qin. Professor Qin took a look and handed the form to the teacher next to him. "The scores are calculated. Let's take a look. After reading it, you can express your different opinions."

The form was finally passed to Teacher Jia.

He saw that the highest scorer was Jiang Zhe, with 11 points, and Fu Min had 10.5 points. The score gaps among the following students were quite large.

"Does anyone have any objections to this score?" Professor Qin asked.

Everyone still asked the main teacher to speak first.

Teacher Jia said: "I personally like the works of Fu Min and Jiang Zhe. I will approve of whoever gets the highest score between them.

When I graded the students, I gave Fu Min full marks for her performance and only one mark for Jiang Zhe. This was because Fu Min worked harder in the learning process and there were several times when she worked until very late.

I have no opinion on other people’s scores.”

Although Mr. Jia's words were very tactful, everyone understood what he meant.

Two teachers said that they liked Fu Min's works because of their strong visual impact and their ability to actively express their understanding of sculpture.

Some people think that Jiang Zhe's work is good, while others think that Mou Xing's work is rated too low.

Professor Qin finally said: "The controversy is focused on the works of Jiang Zhe and Fu Min. I personally think that these two works have their own characteristics. Jiang Zhe's paintings focus on expressing the overall movement, which has both visual impact and the details are also worth pondering. The more you look at them, the more you like them.

Fu Min's paintings are bold and typical of Russian style, with strong visual impact and aesthetic expression. If you feel that the score should be modified, we will follow the procedure. "

Everyone looked at each other and finally decided to keep the score unchanged. Because according to the procedure, changing the score requires everyone to sign and re-score.

Everyone quickly selected several works of poor quality and asked the students to redraw them.

"Okay, let's report it according to this." Professor Qin asked everyone to sign the form and handed it to the teacher in charge of statistics in the Academic Affairs Office. "Let's talk about the exhibition. If the works are too bad, they will not be arranged to participate in the campus report exhibition for the time being. After they redraw during the holiday, we will decide based on the quality of the works."

When he saw that everyone agreed, he said, "Okay, let's go to the sophomore studio. After we get the scores, we'll select the candidates to participate in the college student joint exhibition."

I suggested to some teachers: "Don't use these course exercises to participate in the group exhibition. You can notify them in advance and prepare early."

"We can guide them appropriately in their creation."

"I heard that we were given 30 places in the oil painting major. The competition is still very fierce."


Jiang Zhe and Chen Yan took Xiao Ka out for a walk and didn't come to the studio until after lunch.

Jiang Zhe used Chen Yan as a reference to complete a watercolor painting. He hadn't painted watercolors for a few days, and it was a bit refreshing to start again.

After getting tired of painting, the two started playing and Xiao Ka was put in a cage.


Beep, beep, beep—the ringing of the cell phone woke Jiang Zhe from his sleep.

He opened his eyes and looked up, only to see Chen Yan sleeping soundly beside him.

He reached for his phone and saw that the caller ID was Teacher Hu's number. He immediately pressed the answer button: "Teacher Hu?"

"Jiang Zhe, are you in school?"

Jiang Zhe slowly sat up, trying to wake himself up. "Teacher Hu, I'm at home."

Teacher Hu's voice was a little noisy: "I have good news for you. Your homework score this time is the first in the class. Come to the studio the day after tomorrow to prepare for the school report exhibition."

"Thank you, Mr. Hu." Jiang Zhe expressed his gratitude and asked, "Mr. Hu, is it possible that my work will be selected as a work to be retained in school?"

Teacher Hu smiled and said, "Don't worry, wait for the news."

"I understand. Thank you." Jiang Zhe ended the call and put down the phone. This good news made him completely sober.

After a lot of hard work, I finally got the result. Although I am not sure whether my work can be retained by the school, there is still hope as I got the first place in the score.

Chen Yan was also awakened by the sound of his voice. "What's wrong?"

Jiang Zhe stretched out his hand while relaying the good news.

"Oh, disgusting!"

(End of this chapter)

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