Chapter 152, Pastel Painting, Comparison

“Is this a crayon?”

"It looks a bit like chalk. Is it colored chalk? Can I use this for drawing?"

Several dance students who were watching Jiang Zhe painting had never used colored powder and were not familiar with this tool.

They saw Jiang Zhe apply a few strokes of color on the face of the character in the painting and rub it evenly, and then they began to guess.

Chen Yan explained to them the tool called color powder.

The sound of discussion reached Lan Xin's ears.

She couldn't help but take a look at Jiang Zhe's position, and her originally calm mood showed a slight ripple.

The color powder this guy uses is actually imported, and it comes in a three-layer box. It's so luxurious.

She tried to tell herself to be calm, calmer and not to be disturbed.

Jiang Zhe wiped off some of the background color of the work and applied some color powder to make the picture blurry and hazy. Several students couldn't understand it, so they went to watch Lan Xin paint.

Lan Xin is a beauty, so when she paints, she can attract more attention from the audience.

Jiang Zhe could sense the movement behind him, but he was not distracted at all and continued to concentrate on painting.

He didn't have many opportunities to use color powder, but after watching some famous works and mastering the basic principles, this technique was no secret to him.

He used sketching techniques combined with rubbing to create images. After each few strokes of color powder, he spread or smeared it into a certain shape.

In the eyes of outsiders, Jiang Zhe's painting frequency is gradually increasing.

Yuan Xiaohan could see the actions of Jiang Zhe and the other man, but could not see their images, so she couldn't help but be curious.

She was also secretly comparing the two men.

Lan Xin has a quiet and strong temperament, while Jiang Zhe is calm, confident and very steady.

According to Yuan Xiaohan's observation, Jiang Zhe's level may be more trustworthy.

At this time, Jiang Zhe focused his energy on shaping the face and hands. The drawing paper only had four pages, and the face and hands did not occupy a large area, so he had to be both general and detailed and vivid.

As the depiction became more and more in-depth, the area he applied the powder on became smaller and smaller each time, and the ups and downs of the characters' faces, as well as the changes in warm and cold colors, were revealed bit by bit.

This rapid transformation once again attracted students to watch.

They saw the image of Yuan Xiaohan gradually emerge in Jiang Zhe's pen, and even saw the effect of an oil painting, and they couldn't help but marvel at it.

It was also the first time that Chen Yan saw Jiang Zhe use pastels to paint such a delicate portrait, and she felt that his technique was better than before.

Yuan Xiaohan's classmate Tao Lin and Lan Xin's classmate Yu Jing were both comparing the differences between their paintings.

Tao Lin didn't know much about painting, so Yu Jing made the comparison silently and tried to be as objective as possible.

The modeling of Lan Xin's works is accurate, and they are the type that captures both form and spirit. As she portrays them, the portraits become more and more delicate.

In Yu Jing's opinion, Jiang Zhe's painting ability is also very strong. His works have both the layers of sketches and the changes of colors, and are even becoming more and more delicate. This kind of visual impact is far beyond the reach of sketches.

For people with average appreciation ability, such pastel paintings have more visual impact.

While Yuan Xiaohan was chatting with her classmates, she saw them walking back and forth between Jiang Zhe and the other man.

She couldn't ask directly how their paintings were, so she signaled Tao Lin with her eyes.

Tao Lin received the message and first gave Jiang Zhe a thumbs up, then turned to look at Lan Xin. She hesitated for a moment and also gave Lan Xin a thumbs up.

Yuan Xiaohan was immediately confused. Which one was the better one?
Jiang Zhe painted the character's face and arms, and when painting the hair, he retained some relaxed brushstrokes, which not only reflects the direction and layers of the hair, but also the soft and fluffy texture.

After he finished drawing Yuan Xiaohan's head, he slightly rendered the surrounding area, ignored the background, and started drawing the clothes directly.

The material of the shirt is smooth, and the material of the skirt is almost translucent. In order to show different textures, he quickly renders the colors, integrates some brushstrokes into the structure, and uses clothing to express the shape of the characters.

A student saw Jiang Zhe quickly draw the clothes, even the texture of the skirt was drawn very realistically, so he moved closer to see it more clearly.

Jiang Zhe finished the full-length portrait of the character in one go. He did not draw the chair, but slightly rendered the picture before stopping.

He first examined the picture himself.

In the painting, Yuan Xiaohan's posture has changed slightly; the real lighting has been changed to the effect of natural light; the highlights on the fingernails cleverly show the texture.

Jiang Zhe examined the picture and felt that there was nothing wrong with this painting, not to mention as a draft, even as a final draft.

He reviews the work systematically.

The system rated it as an excellent work. Jiang Zhe was not discouraged. Although it was not a masterpiece, this painting was more meaningful to him as an experiment.

He took out the fixing liquid and sprayed it quickly, and when the surface was slightly dry, he turned the drawing board over and showed it to Yuan Xiaohan.

Yuan Xiaohan was shocked by the painting. This full-length portrait is only in the size of a quartet, but the main and secondary parts are clearly distinguished. The details are not vague, and the other parts seem simple and general, but the brushwork is decisive and very accurate.

"Great. Can color powder create this effect?"

Jiang Zhe said, "This is a rough draft. I'll paint a watercolor painting after I go back. When I have time, I can paint your dance moves."

Yuan Xiaohan said: "Once I have arranged the venue, I will invite you all to come over."

Jiang Zhe put the painting down and stood up to move around. Sitting for a long time would inevitably make you feel uncomfortable.

At this time, Lan Xin had not finished painting yet.

Jiang Zhe walked over and saw Lan Xin working hard to improve the sketch of the portrait.

Although the lines and blocks of Lanxin's shape are very charming, it suffers from the disadvantage of materials. It is difficult to go into some details when painting with charcoal sticks.

Soon, Lan Xin also finished her painting and showed it to Yuan Xiaohan. "This is a rough draft. I will go back and further improve it before drawing the final draft."

"Yeah, that's great. Thank you."

Yuan Xiaohan has a high EQ. After seeing Jiang Zhe's work, she was not particularly satisfied with Lan Xin's work, but it was already a relatively good work among her portraits. In order to take care of Lan Xin's face, she did not show her dissatisfaction.

Jiang Zhe had already packed up his painting supplies. "Once you guys have decided on a time and place, we'll make an appointment. We'll go back first."

While he was painting, Chen Yan's relationship with several girls improved, and they said goodbye to each other in a friendly manner.

After leaving the teaching building, Jiang Zhe asked, "I saw that you had a good chat with them."

Chen Yan said: "Having a good chat doesn't mean a close relationship."

I see, everyone has their own hidden agenda.

"Next time you come to paint, I want to join in." Chen Yan said.

"Don't worry, I will let you accompany me. I would be worried if you didn't come." Jiang Zhe said.

Soon, Lan Xin and Yu Jing also walked out of the teaching building, chatting as they walked.

"Yu Jing, after looking at Jiang Zhe's paintings, I feel a little lacking in confidence." Lan Xin frowned.

Yu Jing comforted him, "That's not what you said. I admit that he painted well, but that was due to the tools he used. You can also achieve that effect with color powder."

Seeing Lan Xin remained silent, she said, "Okay, Yuan Xiaohan didn't say anything, so you should worry first.

You work for money, and as long as the payer is satisfied, there is no need to make things difficult for yourself.


After Jiang Zhe sent Chen Yan back to the dormitory, he found that several roommates were not there.

He put the painting against the wall, examined it again, and when he felt there was no major problem, he began to wash up and prepare to rest.

Today's life was very fulfilling, making him a little tired.

After he finished washing up, Du Xin and Shao Hui came back one after another.

When the two were chatting with Jiang Zhe, they mentioned that Gan Wenjie had a girlfriend outside of school.

Jiang Zhe asked: "Did you see it?"

Shao Hui said: "He showed off and told us during dinner."

At the same time, Yuan Xiaohan was chatting with Tao Lin.

"Jiang Zhe's painting is so great, I really want to keep it."

Tao Lin said, "Then find a way to buy it. The draft shouldn't be expensive."

Yuan Xiaohan said: "No, I can't let him think I'm greedy. Now I know why his paintings are recognized by the market."

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(End of this chapter)

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