Reborn as a great painter, with a system, you can be willful

Chapter 153, Relaxation, Re-stimulation, Reward

Chapter 153, Relaxation, Re-stimulation, Reward
Early Friday morning, Jiang Zhe came to the class studio and saw that three classmates had already started creating.

He walked around the studio and found that half of the drawing boards were still blank.

After yesterday's appreciation and thinking, he vaguely thought that he wanted to create a still life painting with a contemporary flavor, but as for what kind of beauty he wanted to reflect, he still had no idea.

He didn't rush to draw the final draft, but first observed several groups of still lifes to find out what things could reflect the characteristics of the current era. Mineral water bottles, newspapers, damaged keyboards, broken plywood, and some porcelain and metal utensils with modern shapes and decorative patterns...

Jiang Zhe took a sketchbook, drew some still lifes that he thought were useful, tried to combine them, and used drafts to quickly verify his ideas.

He is now becoming more and more accustomed to this way of creation.

Fu Min, Mou Xing and other classmates wanted to see Jiang Zhe's works, but they had not seen any of Jiang Zhe's works for a long time, only drafts.

After a day, many people still hadn't found any ideas, but when they saw that some classmates had already started drawing, they became impatient and continued to look for inspiration.

Drawing according to habit is the simplest option. As long as you draw it carefully, what can you find wrong?

After Jiang Zhe drew more than a dozen drafts, he felt that some of the sketches tended to fall into habitual painting, so he stopped writing immediately.

Looking around, I saw that most of the students had already started drawing the final draft.

Fu Min came over and quietly reminded: "Why not start yet? We only have two weeks."

Jiang Zhe was not affected by the people around him: "Don't worry, think about it first."

He appeared calm and composed on the surface, but he was actually anxious. He just didn't want to be controlled by habit and draw a perfunctory homework.

He drew various sketches over and over again, but he could never find the point that inspired his creative impulse.

At noon, he simply stopped creating and asked Chen Yan to have lunch together.

When Chen Yan saw Jiang Zhe, she immediately noticed that he was in a bad mood, so she asked, "What's wrong? What made you unhappy today?"

Jiang Zhe talked about the problems he encountered.

Chen Yan smiled and said, "I see, you are a little tired. You draw to make money, go to class, and do homework. Don't you think you don't have enough time to play? If you are willing to listen to me, let's go out and play this afternoon. Don't think about anything. Have fun for an afternoon. Maybe you can see some changes. If there is no breakthrough, there is no loss. What's wrong with relaxing for a day?"

Her words woke Jiang Zhe up.

After obtaining the system, I worked hard to make my life better and initially changed my life from what it was in my previous life. However, when I calmed down and thought about it, I realized that I had very little time to relax and entertain myself. Can this be considered a good life?

Jiang Zhe relaxed from the inside. He was only a freshman anyway, so why should he be so tense? "Do you have time?"

Chen Yan said, "Of course. In the afternoon, find a place to relax. By the way, I haven't been to the zoo for a long time. I heard about the new project."

"it is good."

With a goal in mind, the two of them enjoyed their meals more happily.

Jiang Zhe would go to the dormitory to get a backpack and put his camera and other items in it.

The roommates saw Jiang Zhe hurriedly packing his things and asked him what he was going to do in the afternoon.

Jiang Zhe did not hide it and said directly that he planned to go out and play for a while in the afternoon.

Du Xin said, "That's right, this is what college life is like. You were too tired before. Many freshmen play all night and then come back to sleep for another day."

As Jiang Zhe left, he said, "I won't be back tonight."

Several roommates smiled and said, "Have a nice weekend."

Shao Hui saw that Gan Wenjie and Du Xin’s study plans had disappeared from the desk long ago, so he quietly tore off his own study plan and threw it into the trash can.


Jiang Zhe and Chen Yan bought a bunch of snacks and drinks and came to the zoo.

In the afternoon, there were few people coming to the zoo.

The two walked hand in hand on the road, with lush vegetation on both sides. The fresh air and the crisp bird songs instantly made people relax and feel happy.

Jiang Zhe told Chen Yan that the last time he came to the zoo, he stayed in the stables the whole time observing the horses.

Chen Yan told Jiang Zhe: "Since we are out having fun this afternoon, you are not allowed to bring up these topics anymore."

The zoo has changed a lot since a few years ago.

They first went to the even-toed ungulate animal area, bought some animal food, and fed camels, sika deer, red deer and other animals. They then went to the Monkey Mountain and then to the rare bird area.

Wherever we go, we either feed them food or take photos.

In the past, Jiang Zhe might have drawn the image he was interested in, but today he and Chen Yan were just playing.

The two played around in the zoo area and then went to the amusement park.

They found that neither of them had been to an amusement park since they entered junior high school, so when they saw a game that interested them, they went up to try it out.

At the amusement park, the two experienced the long-lost fun...

After getting off the pirate ship, Jiang Zhe felt a little tired. Chen Yan held Jiang Zhe's arm with both hands: "I don't want to play with this thing anymore. Jiang Zhe, I'm a little hungry."

Jiang Zhe checked his watch, "It's almost time for dinner. Shall we go to your favorite restaurant?"

"it is good."

Chen Yan usually pays attention to her diet, but today she might be really hungry.

She wolfed down her dinner and, while sipping her tea, asked, "Jiang Zhe, are you going back to the dormitory tonight?"

Jiang Zhe saw tears in Chen Yan's eyes and understood: "If you don't want to go back, that's fine."

Chen Yan had an indifferent expression on her face: "I'm a little tired today. It's a bit far to go back to the dormitory. I'd like to go to your studio. Is that closer?"

Jiang Zhe stared at Chen Yan. Although it's closer to school, but since you've made it clear, what else can I say? "Let's go back to the studio."

Jiang Zhe's private studio.

He prepared warm water and fruits, and watched Chen Yan walk out of the bathroom wrapped in a bath towel, looking particularly youthful and charming.

Chen Yan met Jiang Zhe's gaze and stretched out her arms generously: "Does it look good?"

"Oh." Jiang Zhe responded. Chen Yan stared at him, "What do you mean? Are you being so perfunctory?"

Jiang Zhe smiled: "I said two words."

Chen Yan was stunned for a moment, then blushed and ran to the lounge: "I'm tired and need to go to bed early."

Jiang Zhe watched her run away and laughed.

After he finished washing up, he came to the lounge and saw Chen Yan sitting on the couch. He quietly dimmed the lights, leaving the room bright but dim, and then slowly walked to the couch.

...Jiang Zhe felt awakened by some sound. He slowly opened his eyes, and when his brain cleared up, he realized that it was the irregular snoring that woke him up.

He turned his head to look to the side and saw Chen Yan sleeping soundly.

Such a beautiful girl also snores. It seems she is really tired.

Looking out the window, it was already daybreak.

Jiang Zhe slowly got up, letting Chen Yan continue sleeping, and went to the study to do a set of Eight-Section Brocade, feeling refreshed.

All the previous fatigue and tiredness disappeared after relaxing and resting last night.

He prepared breakfast for both of them, returned to the lounge, and looked at Chen Yan with interest.

Chen Yan had obviously moved, her posture becoming more relaxed.

He had drawn Chen Yan many times, but looking at Chen Yan at this moment, he suddenly felt the urge to draw this moment again.

Jiang Zhe took out a sketchbook with watercolor paper and used quick and smooth lines to outline Chen Yan's form.

He observed from different angles and painted Chen Yan's most relaxed state.

After drawing three sketches in a row, he used solid watercolor to render. The brushstrokes were still concise and precise, which not only enriched the original pencil draft, but also added a transparent and ethereal beauty to the picture.

After Jiang Zhe finished painting the main body of the figure, he used large brushstrokes to render the background. The background is very simple, without a specific shape, and the light color makes the main body of the picture more prominent.

After he finished three short-term works, he felt very satisfied. After reviewing them with the system, he found that all three works were excellent.

Seeing the system's evaluation, Jiang Zhe burst out laughing.

Thinking back to yesterday's state, how could I have no inspiration when looking at those still lifes? However, the opposite sex like Chen Yan always inspires my creative urge. It really doesn't make sense.

Chen Yan finally woke up.

"You are so bad, I can't stop you no matter what I do."

"Are you sure you stopped it?"

Chen Yan was so angry that she reached out to twist Jiang Zhe.

Jiang Zhe opened the door and welcomed the guest.

Chen Yan quickly begged for mercy.

After stopping playing, she hurriedly stood up and saw the three works that Jiang Zhe had placed next to her.

“When did you draw this?”

"just now."

Chen Yan was both happy and shy when she saw it. She was extremely beautiful in the painting, but she was honest about it. "This painting must not be seen by anyone else."

"Don't worry, this is my forever treasure. You must be hungry, go eat."

While eating breakfast, Chen Yan saw that there were several missed calls on her phone, all from her home numbers.

Chen Yan called back. Her parents asked her when she would be home.

Because it was Saturday, she could only answer that she would go back as soon as possible.

After dinner, Jiang Zhe sent Chen Yan home. She reluctantly asked Jiang Zhe to have a good rest.

Jiang Zhe returned to the studio, thinking about how to turn the three sketches he drew this morning into final drafts.

He had already made up his mind when he was preparing his tools.

The final draft is much larger than the sketch, so changes are necessary.

He changed the background of the figure to the beach, with a more aesthetic tone, capturing the changes in the rhythm of Chen Yan's curves, and using simple and precise brushstrokes to outline the figure's posture structure. At the same time, he made full use of the characteristics of watercolor paint to maintain a free and relaxed style.

By noon, Jiang Zhe had finished a whole watercolor painting. He looked at it for a while and was very satisfied with it.

After a simple lunch, he began to paint watercolor figures using Yuan Xiaohan as his subject matter, taking advantage of the fact that his creative urge had not yet subsided.

With the creative experience of the morning, he no longer stuck to the pastel draft, but made bold changes.

In this painting, Yuan Xiaohan is wearing a gauze skirt and sitting on a chair in a relaxed posture, with the beach and city skyline in the background and light-colored fine sand under her feet.

The natural light makes the skin color of the characters in the painting appear healthy. Because of the rough-grained watercolor paper, the brushstrokes of the background and the beach are simple but have a special texture.

This watercolor painting still displays an ethereal and transparent beauty, and is also evaluated by the system as a masterpiece.

Jiang Zhe felt fulfilled and satisfied as he looked at the five exquisite works created today.

That night, Wang Zhen brought him good news again. The money from the sale of the two winning works had arrived.

There was an extra 12 yuan in Jiang Zhe's account.

He opened the system and saw the prompt.

This time, by selling paintings, I not only redeemed the monthly learning rewards, but also redeemed a part of the previously accumulated reward amount.

 Thanks to fellow book readers for their recommendations and monthly tickets.

  Thank you for your subscription and support.

(End of this chapter)

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