Reborn as a great painter, with a system, you can be willful

Chapter 220, Works Selected, Subsequent Opportunities

Chapter 220, Works Selected, Subsequent Opportunities

When Jiang Zhe heard his name, his first reaction was excitement, and his second reaction was that the task issued by the system should be stable.

At the same time, he felt that there were many looks from both sides, including envy, appreciation, jealousy and doubt.

There were many people who won awards in the exhibition, but only ten of them had their works selected to decorate important occasions.

Teacher Hu also stared at Jiang Zhe: "Amazing! He was selected with such a small chance." As she said this, she felt sad, after all, her work was also on display. Now, her student was selected, but the teacher was not, which made her feel bad. Fortunately, she soon thought of her teacher, Professor Qin, who was also not selected, and she seemed to feel much better all of a sudden. In addition, the way of thinking after becoming a teacher is different from when she was a student, and the perspective of looking at problems is slowly changing.

She felt honored that her students' works were selected.

Jiang Zhe said to Teacher Hu with a smile: "It all depends on the cultivation of the teacher."

"Don't be so talkative."

The meeting host announced that the selected persons were asked to stay for a separate meeting.

"Do you want me to accompany you?" asked Teacher Hu.

Jiang Zhe thought for a moment and said, "It's okay. Just go and do what you want. I'll go back to school by myself."

After the meeting was adjourned, people who had nothing to do left one after another, and many people who knew Jiang Zhe came over to express their congratulations.

"Congratulations, Jiang Zhe." "Thank you."

"Wow! You're so young, and your work can be hung there. We can see your paintings when we go to meetings in the future."

"From now on, we can also see your paintings in our local news."

Jiang Zhe expressed his gratitude repeatedly and did not forget to say a few humble words.

Professor Qin came over from the front row and said, "Jiang Zhe, this is your first time attending a meeting like this, do you have any difficulties?
Jiang Zhe said, "No problem. After the meeting, I'll take a ride back by myself."

Professor Qin thought for a moment and said, "Okay, you are a freshman and an adult. You should also experience these situations. Pay attention. I just took a look and you are the youngest among those who stayed. Don't talk too much. Just listen to what others say. Even if someone raises some doubts about you, don't take it to heart. If you are unsure about something, just say you need to think about it and use the method of delaying. When you come back, we can discuss it again."

"Okay, I'll remember it." Jiang Zhe agreed.

Professor Qin and Teacher Hu left with the crowd.

A staff member greeted the people who stayed. "All selected members, please go to the small meeting room."

Everyone followed the staff to the small meeting room next door.

When Jiang Zhe walked into the meeting room, he found Jin Yuming waiting outside the meeting room. Remember, I didn't call out his name just now.

The other painters also looked at Jin Yuming, but none of them expressed any opinion.

The staff gestured for everyone to sit at the long oval table in the center of the conference room.

The ten selected people quickly determined that the seats near the staff should be the main seats, and the rest could be any they wanted. Because there were no name tags, everyone was polite to each other and sat around the table according to age. Jiang Zhe sat at the last seat in the row by the window.

Because the meeting hadn't started yet, the selected people were in a good mood and were chatting in a relaxed manner. These ten people knew each other, and only Jiang Zhe couldn't remember their names or couldn't match them up.

Fortunately, the person sitting next to her introduced her.

A female painter named Hou Jie said to a man in his 50s, "Lao Ma, this is the second time you have been selected. One of your paintings was displayed in the hall before."

According to the introduction by the people around me, Hou Jie is good at watercolor and printmaking, while Lao Ma is good at traditional Chinese painting of flowers and birds.

Lao Ma said, "I'm not very satisfied with the painting now. This is a good opportunity to make up for it."

"You're welcome." A tall and thin male painter said, "Xiao Jiang and I are the youngest among them. Can you tell me how you arranged things in the past?" He is good at sculpture and murals.

Lao Ma said: "In the past, there were several arrangements. One was that the work was selected and directly posted. If the person in charge was not satisfied, it might need to be revised.

The most difficult thing is the other situation, which is to come up with a new topic, arrange a time and place, and get everyone together to redraw it."

After hearing this, several people seemed to be thinking about it.

"Do you know what's going on this time?" someone asked the staff.

The staff member smiled and replied: "How would I know? I am only responsible for logistics."

"Do you want a place to celebrate today?" a painter suggested.

"I definitely can't do that today." Lao Ma said, "When your friends know you've been selected, I'm sure a lot of them will invite you for a drink. I might have to go to two of them, and I can't refuse either."

"Yes, if you don't go, people will say that you just won a prize and you don't want to play with your friends." Someone agreed, with an expression of pain and happiness on his face.

Hou Jie said: "I guess this is not just a one-time meeting. We will meet again in the future, so there is no rush."

The door opened and the president, vice president and others entered the meeting room.

Everyone stood up. "Everyone, please sit down. We are family, so don't be so polite." The president smiled and waved his hand, and everyone sat down to talk.

He sat in the main seat, and the vice president and others sat on both sides, including Director Gao.

The president saw that everyone had gathered and said, "Thank you for coming to this small meeting. Before the meeting, I would like to express my gratitude to you all. Thank you for your support for the association's work and publicity work. I would also like to congratulate you all. Through this exhibition, you have stood out from many members and won praise from your superiors and colleagues.

Everyone here has different areas of expertise, different ages, and comes from different groups. They are all our backbone and can represent the level and reputation of the Binhai Art Association. "

The president spoke in a rhythmic manner, pausing from time to time to give the crowd plenty of time and hints to applaud. Although all the people present were painters, they were not newcomers to society. They naturally knew when to cooperate. Listening to the compliments one after another, many people knew that today's meeting was definitely not that simple.

Jiang Zhe has also worked in the workplace and understands this principle.

After the president made an opening speech, he asked Vice President Qi to arrange specific tasks.

Vice President Qi had been taking notes conscientiously. At this moment, he put down his pen, picked up his notebook and began to assign tasks.

“You may have noticed today that the number of people selected is not quite the same as the requirements we initially announced.

Because this time, the propaganda task has new requirements. Everyone here has a work that has been selected to be used as decoration in a hall of the Marina Hall. The content remains unchanged.

The selection of works for the Provincial Capital Binhai Hall still requires further screening by higher authorities. The results have not yet come out, so everyone can wait patiently.

In addition, our Binhai Hall has just renovated a hall, and this hall requires a large-scale theme work.

Because this is a very important occasion and the works are very important, we will collect them from all members. The reason why we invite you is that we have high hopes for you. After all, it is difficult to guarantee the quality of large-scale collection.

When selecting the works, we also took into account the difficulty of this follow-up work and did not select painters over 70 years old. "

Everyone understood. Vice President Qi meant that these people were selected for their convenience in participating in the subsequent work.

They have just discovered that not only is there no one over 70 years old here, but there is only one person over 60 years old.

“We hope that all artists present here will participate, but of course, it is not mandatory.”

After Vice President Qi finished speaking, everyone expressed their willingness to contribute.

The president and several others looked at each other and were very happy.

Vice President Qi continued: "The size of this work is tentatively set at 3.5 x 6.8 meters. Oil painting, Chinese painting, watercolor, decorative painting, relief are all acceptable.

The theme is to show our coastal history and culture, local customs, scenic spots and historical sites, and urban development..."

Everyone listened to these requests, and although they appeared calm on the surface, they were secretly worried in their hearts. These requirements were too comprehensive.

After Vice President Qi stated his requirements, he asked if anyone had any questions.

Everyone asked about some detailed requirements and restrictions. Jiang Zhe did not ask any questions, but just listened and took notes.

Seeing that everyone had no problem, Vice President Qi said, "Considering the time and the large size, we suggest that everyone can form groups and complete it as a group. It is not necessary to complete it individually. Just report it to the association."

There have been precedents before, so some people really started to consider it. Some people also think that works by two or more people tend to become mediocre.

A painter named Zhang Shixin spoke: "I have a suggestion. I would like to collaborate with Jin Yuming to complete a work and participate in the selection."

Vice President Qi and the others looked at each other and asked, "He is not among your group of candidates. Why did you choose him?"

Zhang Shixin said: "I know he is good and has experience in creating large-scale works."

After discussing with several people, Vice President Qi gave the answer: "Okay. You two will create the work, and you will be the main one. When signing, you will be in front and he will be behind."

In addition to these two people, several other painters decided to complete the work together. Jiang Zhe still didn't say anything.

The president concluded: "After your works are selected, you will continue to participate in re-creation. The association will also provide you with some convenient conditions. We initially plan to arrange a better location for everyone to work together. The necessary materials will be provided by the association and relevant departments. You don't have to worry about logistical issues such as food and accommodation."

Everyone expressed their gratitude.

After the meeting, Jiang Zhe and others left. He saw Zhang Shixin and Jin Yuming talking to the president and others.

He didn't bother about other people's affairs. He returned to school and went straight to Professor Qin's office.

After listening to Jiang Zhe's retelling of the meeting's requirements, Professor Qin said, "This is a good thing. Although there are many requirements, it can help you develop experience in creating large-scale works. Do you have any ideas of your own?"

Jiang Zhe said, "I recently completed a landscape painting and sent it to the competition. Take a look."

He took out his camera and showed Professor Qin the landscape paintings he had created.

After Professor Qin looked at it, he said, "This painting is quite good. Do you want to create in this style?"

Jiang Zhe said: "On the way back, I thought about it. Since we want to show the coastal landscape, we can't use a small landscape of a street and a group of buildings. It must be a three-section landscape. There are many good precedents in classical painting. However, the expression method and content need to be reconceived."

(End of this chapter)

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