Reborn as a great painter, with a system, you can be willful

Chapter 307: Different, the competition begins

Chapter 307: Different, the competition begins

Although the live painting session was over, some students who were interested and passionate about oil painting surrounded Jiang Zhe and his three companions and asked various questions.

No matter how difficult the questions were, the four of them answered them patiently.

"Teacher Jiang, I have never been able to draw the structure of a hand. Either the structure is wrong or the proportions are wrong. How should I learn?"

The person who asked the question was a student in his thirties.

The hands of the characters in Jiang Zhe's works attracted the attention of more than one student.

When he was painting, although he used direct painting, he tried his best to imitate the effect of transparent glazing technique, so there was a natural transition in both structure and light and dark changes. The texture of the character's skin, even the vitality of the young woman, plus some flexible brushstrokes to assist, made many students envious.

While some people were asking questions, others were waving their fingers in the air, trying to figure out Jiang Zhe's technique.

Jiang Zhe thought for a moment and said to the students: "First, you need to observe the hands of people of different ages, remember the structure, and then slowly apply it. There is no trick for this step, you can only practice more. In addition, you can get useful methods from the works of masters..."

He talked about his experience in portraying characters, especially he quoted some common sense of classical oil painting techniques. He learned from his own teachers and recommended some masterpieces to his students.

"These are just my personal suggestions. You can copy according to your own preferences. It is best to study a work seriously and learn a famous painting thoroughly before studying other works."

"Teacher Jiang, why do you want to process the background into a space? I see that the other three teachers all draw flat and single backgrounds?" another student asked.

Jiang Zhe glanced at the student who asked the question. "We have different preferences for painting and different learning directions, so the backgrounds arranged according to the theme must be different.

The way I deal with the background is to imitate the techniques of the Florentine School, but if I only paint a space, it will look very dull, like a layer of wallpaper, so I arranged a group of people on the picture. The people in the background cannot be too clear, and people need to feel that the model is in the light coming in from the window, forming a very natural indoor light effect..."

His explanation of the background of how he handled the situation was half-truth and half-false.

Although I had a pleasant conversation with the students, there is some information that cannot be shared.

He arranged more than a dozen people in the background watching the painting. Due to the needs of perspective and light and shade, these background characters gradually became smaller and their shapes were simple and blurred.

He again uses a teasing approach when dealing with the movements and forms of the background characters.

Because, through Professor Qin and Wang Zhen, he knew that several judges would not vote for him, so several of these background characters were distracted and sending text messages on their phones.

Jiang Zhe used these teasings in very inconspicuous places. If you don't pay attention, it's hard to notice.

However, if anyone has seen what these judges did during the lecture, they will understand the ridicule in the background of the picture.

Except for some information that could not be said, Jiang Zhe answered the students' questions as much as possible. He felt respect from the eyes and words of some students, so the communication was very pleasant.

While Jiang Zhe and his colleagues were communicating with the students, the judges invited by the Art Museum and the Cultural Palace to vote for the competition were also looking at the four paintings, and some of them were communicating with them while watching.

The judges all had smiles on their faces, and seemed to appreciate the work of Jiang Zhe and his team. As for the hidden messages in their private conversations, only they themselves understood.

Jiang Zhe glanced to the side and saw the actions of some judges through the crowd.

"Dear students, everyone is very enthusiastic about learning. However, due to time constraints, I have to announce the end of the lecture again." The lecturer said to everyone: "We have exceeded the time limit, and we need to give the staff of the Cultural Palace some time to clean up. If you are still enthusiastic, you can continue to participate in our courses, or go to the art museum to observe the works of outstanding painters."

He made a summary and told the students to vote for their favorite works when they left. Each student in the course had one vote.

While clearing the area, the staff of the Cultural Palace placed the paintings of Jiang Zhe and the other two people at the exit of the hall. There was a small voting box in front of each painting.

When students and audience members leave, they put their votes into the small box corresponding to the work.

After all the students have left, the staff will put the paintings back in the hall.

Jiang Zhe and a few others have already put away their painting supplies.

Director Li waited until all the students left, then said to the four people: "Everyone, you can go back first and wait for news. After we organize the scoring, we will carry out the follow-up work according to the process. You will know the news tomorrow." Several people said they understood.

Just as Jiang Zhe picked up the painting box, He Chi came over and took the initiative to shake hands and say goodbye to several people.

"Let's communicate more if we have the chance."

"If you have a chance to come to Binhai, remember to look for me."

Seeing what Jiang Zhe and He Chi did, Lin Yi and Yao Jian also came over to greet and say goodbye.

As I said, although they are competitors, the enthusiasm and courtesy on the surface are just as strong.

After saying goodbye to He Chi and the other two, Jiang Zhe walked out of the Cultural Palace with Professor Qin and Wang Zhen.

As they walked toward the parking lot, Professor Qin said to Jiang Zhe, "I have been observing your paintings. This time, you did a great job. It is already very good that you can achieve such an effect in an hour and a half. If it were me, I would not be so sure."

Jiang Zhe said: "Teacher, my evaluation is not objective enough. What do you think of the other three paintings?"

They now reached the car.

Professor Qin said, "I think the other three are quite capable. Let's get in the car and talk about it."

Wang Zhen asked Jiang Zhe and Professor Qin to sit in the back seat, and he sat in the co-pilot seat.

After Professor Qin and the others started the car, he said, "Among the three, He Chi has the best foundation. It can be seen that he has studied classical oil painting seriously. His realistic skills are second only to yours. The other two are not weak either, but they turned to abstract and surreal painting too early, and temporarily switched back to realistic painting. Some habits cannot be changed, and some shapes are too exaggerated. I just don't know if these judges can accept it.

If I accept their style, I might give it a high score. "

He looked at Jiang Zhe and began to analyze his work carefully: "Your painting style has the style of Raphael and Ingres. Some judges and students can accept it. I am now worried that there will be human factors."

Wang Zhen said, "Professor Qin, do you want to invite some judges out?"

Professor Qin shook his head: "Now, the evaluation has begun. After the results come out, I will arrange a meeting with a few friends."

Jiang Zhe asked: "Teacher, can I take my sketch back?"

Professor Qin smiled and said, "Don't worry, Yao Jian and He Chi are all able to sell paintings, so they should be more anxious than you."


The paintings of Jiang Zhe and four others were lined up in a row in the hall. A dozen judges, divided into two groups, were evaluating the paintings.

Director Li has been looking at Jiang Zhe's works.

The model in the painting has a sunny and happy look in her eyes, and her hair is fluffy and flowing. The white shirt and plaid skirt form a strong contrast between light and dark. In addition to the original inherent color, some soft gray is added to echo the background.

Models who are somewhat reserved in reality become enthusiastic in Jiang Zhe's works, as if they are listening to your words. The works become more charming the more you look at them.

The more he looked at it, the more he felt that his judgment was correct.

At this time, the person in charge of presiding over the evaluation process will announce the start of voting and announce the process and evaluation requirements again.

The two groups of judges from the Art Museum and the Cultural Palace voted separately. After the voting, the impartial staff and the tellers read out the votes together.

Director Li notified the staff and asked them to bring in four small boxes containing the audience's votes.

Two supervisors from the relevant department also came to the hall.

(End of this chapter)

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