Reborn as a great painter, with a system, you can be willful

Chapter 334: Various evaluations, selections, the gap is even bigger

Chapter 334: Various evaluations, selections, the gap is even bigger

In the evening, Jiang Zhe and Chen Yan walked hand in hand in the campus.

The evening breeze and beautiful campus scenery make people relax physically and mentally.

As the sky gradually darkened, many classrooms on campus began to light up. Passing by a teaching building, I could faintly hear the sound of music.

Chen Yan pointed to a window in the teaching building and said, "Our class also has a program, and we train there."

Jiang Zhe looked up and judged from the flickering lights on the window that they were probably rehearsing a dance.

"You are majoring in modeling, can you perform dance?"

Chen Yan said, "It's aerobics. Don't look down on us. There are some students in our class who are very good at it."

"You're not going to join?"

Chen Yan said: "Everyone is fighting for the eight spots to go on stage, but I won't fight for them.

Are you going back to the studio tonight?"

Jiang Zhe said as he walked: "Although I have finished one painting, the color course is not over yet. In the remaining time, I plan to draw one or two more drafts.

Chen Yan suddenly approached and said, "Nothing else can happen to your newly hired model."

In the studio, she had already seen some drafts that Jiang Zhe had drawn based on Liu Yifei.

"Don't worry, that's my mother's colleague."

Chen Yan was just being cautious.

Suddenly, her expression changed rapidly and she put on a very polite smile.

Jiang Zhe knew that he must have met someone he knew again.

There were still students walking or passing by on campus, and the two would occasionally run into people they knew.

He looked back and saw several girls carrying musical instruments walking towards him. One of them waved and greeted Chen Yan from a distance.

When the other person's eyes swept towards him, Jiang Zhe smiled and nodded, but because the other person came closer, he saw that the girl who greeted Chen Yan was one of the musicians in the training room whom he had seen and drawn before.

What a coincidence.

When the other person walked away, Jiang Zhe couldn't help but look back.

Chen Yan smiled: "Did you recognize her? She is in your painting too."

Jiang Zhe was also a little embarrassed, and asked with a smile: "How did you and her know each other?"

"We are students of the same high school. Although we are not in the same class, we have met each other." Chen Yan said: "If your painting is hung up, what do you think their reaction will be?"

Jiang Zhe said: "I don't know, but since both Teacher Yan and Professor Qin agreed, it should be fine."

Ha ha
Jiang Zhe sent Chen Yan back to the dormitory and returned to the studio to prepare to create new works.

With previous practice, he is more confident about his next creation.

A few days later, he received a call from Wang Zhen and learned that the work had been framed.

Jiang Zhe drove to the gallery. He wanted to see the painting immediately after it was framed.

When we arrived at the gallery, most people had already gone off work. Wang Zhen was waiting with a staff member.

Jiang Zhe smiled and said, "Sorry, I delayed your get off work."

"It's okay. We often get off work at seven or eight in the evening. Come and take a look at your work."

Several people worked together to hang Jiang Zhe's new work on the blank wall.

The staff adjusted the lighting.

Jiang Zhe first looked at the overall effect.

This work is paired with a 12cm wide frame and is over 2 meters wide, making it look very grand.

The plain frame matches the color of the picture, creating a modern and simple aesthetic. The two complement each other.

Through contrast, the picture effect is also slightly calmer.

Wang Zhen asked: "How is it? Are you satisfied with the results?"

Jiang Zhe nodded: "Very good."

Wang Zhen said, "I'll give you a suggestion. In the future, if you want to make major changes to the style of your work, you must be cautious."

Jiang Zhe looked at Wang Zhen and asked, "The style of my work has changed a lot? Did anyone criticize it?"

Wang Zhen said: "It can be seen that you are seeking change. I haven't heard any criticism yet. However, your landscapes and portraits are forming their own characteristics, and they are selling well. If you make major changes, some customers may not agree."

Jiang Zhe said: "If you just keep your mature style, it will be hard to make progress."

Wang Zhen said: "It's not that you can't change, but you have to be cautious. Let me give you an example.

There was once a famous Chinese painter in our country, Mr. Lu. His landscape paintings once set an auction record.

Jiang Zhe nodded, knowing this painter.

"In his later years, Lu also wanted to make changes. He learned Western painting and began to change his style. Unfortunately, the gallery that helped him sell his paintings told him - Mr. Lu, if you change your paintings, many buyers will not recognize them.

In order to sell his paintings, the painter had no choice but to change his style back to his previous mature landscape painting style. The merits and demerits will be judged by future generations, but for him, the choice at that time was a helpless one.

I said this just to make you cautious. Fortunately, your change this time is not big, and your previous appearance has been retained. "

Jiang Zhe said: "Thank you for your kindness. I will consider it carefully."

Despite hearing some objections or different opinions, Jiang Zhe is confident about this painting. The system rated it as a fine product, indicating that it has no deviation in aesthetics.

He also understood that Wang really meant well, but he was only twenty years old and it was impossible for him to fix his style.

On Friday afternoon, students from the sophomore oil painting class moved their works to the art gallery one after another, waiting for the preliminary selection.

Jiang Zhe, Fu Min and others helped their classmates carry the works, and then came to the entrance of the art museum, waiting for Wang Zhen to deliver the works.

Mou Xing said, "Jiang Zhe, I heard from Fu Min that you made some major changes to this painting. What is the content of the painting?"

Recently, he didn't go to the gallery and missed out on seeing Jiang Zhe's new works.

Jiang Zhe replied: "Wait a moment, and you will see it." At this time, students from other majors were also submitting their works to the art museum.

Lan Xin also came over and waited with them.

Wang Zhen's vehicle arrived earlier than scheduled.

The workers helped them unload the works from the car and bring them to the first floor of the art museum.

The works of Jiang Zhe and others are packaged in protective packaging, so the contents cannot be seen.

Teacher Hu and several young teachers are guiding the students to arrange their works in different categories.

Because there were too many works participating in the preliminary selection, several long rows of tables were placed on the open space on the first floor, and many works were placed on the tables.

Jiang Zhe and his classmates moved their works to their own classrooms and began to unpack them.

Jiang Zhe saw that Fu Min and Mou Xing were both painting portraits, and their works continued their previous style.

Many people in the class were waiting to see Jiang Zhe's work. As soon as the package was opened, many people gathered around.

“You drew a band?”

"Or a group portrait?"

"too difficult."

Some people lamented the bright colors of the picture, while others said the characters were vivid.

Although Jiang Zhe drew some dramatic characters and actions, he did not relax his requirements on modeling and aesthetics.

Fu Min and Mou Xing were the closest to Jiang Zhe's work and had already begun to observe the details. Their smiles gradually became a little unnatural.

Fu Min looked up at Jiang Zhe twice and said hesitantly, "You used to draw figures... but it wasn't in this style?"

Jiang Zhe asked, "Isn't it beautiful?"

"It's not that they're not beautiful, but the features are too obvious. Are they... too similar?"

Jiang Zhe said, "Just give it a try." He didn't explain.

He had already scanned the surrounding works. His own painting stood out among the many works. From the perspective of artistic creation, the modeling and color were fine. The only thing that might be criticized was that the characteristics of these people were too distinct.

"Let's go and take a look at other people's works," Jiang Zhe suggested.

Seeing that Jiang Zhe didn't care, Fu Min had nothing to say.

Jiang Zhe and his friends walked around the exhibition hall and looked at most of the works. There were more than 400 works on display.

When they passed by the Chinese Painting Department's professional area, they met Lan Xin.

Lan Xin paints portraits, using meticulous brushwork to model the characters and freehand brushwork to model the background.

Lan Xin found an opportunity and whispered to Jiang Zhe, "Why did you suddenly change the style of your new work? Aren't you afraid of being eliminated?"

Jiang Zhe shook his head: "The character modeling style has not changed, only the color method has changed. Your painting has improved significantly, so there should be no problem."

While Lan Xin was talking, several teachers greeted everyone, asked them to display their works, register, and then leave quickly.

The conversation paused.

After Jiang Zhe and his classmates walked out of the art gallery, some students still lingered, admiring other people's paintings.

Many people ran over to see Jiang Zhe's work until the teachers cleared the room for the second time.

A few students walked out of the art gallery and saw that there were fewer people around. They began to discuss: "Jiang Zhe's new painting has a good composition, but why is the character's expression so exaggerated?"

"It's a bit of a deliberate attempt to highlight the characteristics."

"I think he got carried away and did it carelessly, and the shape was not rigorous enough."

“It may be that we can’t control it anymore.”

At the same time, many people are discussing Jiang Zhe's paintings. In the past, when they put their own works next to Jiang Zhe's works, they always felt the gap. Today, seeing the changes in Jiang Zhe, some people feel that they have seen an opportunity to surpass Jiang Zhe.


The dean of the Academy of Fine Arts, several department heads, heads of various majors, and key teachers from each major, a total of more than 20 people, formed the selection group.

The dean explained the overall requirements to everyone, and the department heads arranged the selection quotas and specific requirements for each major.

More than twenty teachers began to select works at the preliminary selection venue on the first floor of the art museum lobby.

The way teachers select works is not much different from the way they select works in art exams.

They walked slowly along the aisle, scanning the paintings one by one. They would stay for a few seconds at paintings that interested them, but would just glance at some paintings and then pass by.

Each department has a teacher who is responsible for recording and arranging the works selected by the teachers into the selection list.

Whenever a teacher points out that a certain work can be kept, the other teachers will evaluate it together. If everyone agrees, it will be selected.

Teacher Yan saw Jiang Zhe's work, stared at it for a few seconds, and said, "This work can be selected. What do you think of it?"

After seeing it, several teachers nearby expressed their agreement.

“The color feel of this painting is very good.”

“The character modeling is powerful.”

Professor Qin and the department head came over and expressed their agreement.

Teacher Hu wrote Jiang Zhe's name on the shortlist.

After the preliminary selection was over and the list was compiled, the number of development works exceeded expectations, so the teachers had to reluctantly screen out some.

After the selection was over, Teacher Hu accompanied Professor Qin to leave the art museum.

"Teacher, there are obvious changes in Jiang Zhe's works. I heard a lot of students talking about it."

Professor Qin asked: "You are their teacher and counselor, what do you think?"

Teacher Hu said: "I think Jiang Zhe's progress this time is particularly obvious. His thinking or painting awareness has improved. Many students don't understand, probably because they are farther away and can't understand."

Professor Qin smiled and said, "Not bad. After becoming a teacher, you have been able to look at things from a certain perspective."

(End of this chapter)

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