Reborn as a great painter, with a system, you can be willful

Chapter 335, Selection, Different Evaluations, Reversal

Chapter 335, Selection, Different Evaluations, Reversal
Early Saturday morning, Jiang Zhe drove to school.

Yesterday, Teacher Hu informed the students that they had to go to the art museum early this morning to wait for the preliminary selection results.

He parked the car in the parking lot and saw Chen Yan waiting for him at the exit.

The two walked towards the cafeteria.

"You didn't know the result in advance?" Chen Yan asked.

Jiang Zhe said: "I don't know. I guess the results were announced yesterday."

When I entered the small cafeteria, I saw that many students and teachers were already eating.

The two of them bought some food and found seats to sit down.

Chen Yan ate fried spring rolls while observing the surroundings. "Many students from the Department of Plastic Arts will probably go to wait for the results, but I think many people here will take their works back home."

Jiang Zhe said: "I feel that you are more excited than me."

Chen Yan said: "I don't feel any pressure, I'm just here to watch the fun."

While the two of them were talking, students who knew Jiang Zhe were also discussing him. Some speculated or even bet on whether Jiang Zhe's work would be selected this time.
Yesterday, some students who had seen his paintings spread some of his ideas.

After finishing their meal, Jiang Zhe and his friend walked towards the art museum at a leisurely pace.

At eight o'clock sharp, the doors of the art gallery opened.

In order to avoid chaos, the teachers in charge of arranging activities and exhibitions in each department gathered their students in the open space in front of the art museum, announced the names of the students, and arranged follow-up matters.

"Come over quickly, I'll wait for you at the door." Chen Yan said to Jiang Zhe.

Jiang Zhe nodded to her and walked towards his class.

The students in the sophomore oil painting class gathered around Teacher Hu and formed a circle.

"Everyone worked very hard in the process of preparing for the exhibition. Regardless of whether they are selected or not, they all deserve praise..." Teacher Hu laid the groundwork first.

Everyone watched as Teacher Hu unfolded the form in his hand, looking forward to hearing their own names.

"Jiang Zhe, Fu Min, Mou Xing, our class monitor, and Wang Bin." Teacher Hu read out the names of five people.

When they heard that these five students' works were selected, many of them looked disappointed.

Some people who can't keep things to themselves have looked a little ugly.

Teacher Hu noticed the reactions of the crowd and said, "The number of places for this exhibition is limited. Students who failed to participate should not be discouraged. There will be many opportunities in the remaining three years. Congratulations to the five selected students.

Regardless of whether you are selected or not, don’t relax. There is a long way to go and you must keep working hard. ”

I don't know who started the applause first, but the sparse applause gradually turned into warmer applause.

Although many people are unhappy, they still work on the surface.

At this time, applause broke out from the surrounding classes.

"Students who were not selected, please take your works back for safekeeping." Teacher Hu said, "I have seen all your works this time, and you are all very serious.

The five selected students will wait in the art gallery. "Come on, let's go in." After that, he led the students in the class into the art gallery.

Jiang Zhe saw Chen Yan standing next to the entrance of the art museum, looking at him with inquiring eyes, so he smiled and nodded to her.

Chen Yan immediately understood what he meant, a bright smile appeared on her face, and she gave Jiang Zhe a thumbs up.

She came over and followed Jiang Zhe into the art gallery.
"I knew you would be fine."

A group of people came to the place where the works were stored, picked up their works, and left one after another.

When leaving, many people deliberately ran over to take a look at Jiang Zhe's paintings, and by the way, congratulated Jiang Zhe who was waiting next to them.

When the students left one after another and only five candidates were left, Fu Min said to Jiang Zhe, "What's wrong with these people? Why are they only congratulating you and not me? I heard yesterday that many people questioned your paintings."

Jiang Zhe said in a relaxed tone: "I understand. Think about how they feel at this moment."

Mou Xing said to Fu Min: "It's okay, they don't congratulate you, but I congratulate you, congratulate you~" Later, he simply sang it in Cantonese.

A few people were in a good mood and were talking and laughing when Teacher Hu came over and said, "You five, quickly move the paintings to the east side of the exhibition hall. The tables need to be removed."

Paintings of several people, some large and some small.

Jiang Zhe's paintings are more than two meters wide. He can lift them by himself, but he has to work hard to control them to keep them steady.

Chen Yan hurried over to help him.

Following Teacher Hu's request, several people came to the east side of the exhibition hall.

Teacher Hu asked the girls to stay and the boys helped move the tables and chairs away.

After Jiang Zhe and his companions came back, they saw the teachers from the Academy of Fine Arts accompanying the senior management of the Academy of Fine Arts to the exhibition hall.

Teacher Hu told Jiang Zhe and others: "Although your work has been selected, it must first be reviewed by the highest level of the academy before its placement can be determined.

You just stay next to the work.

Teachers from our college's School of Fine Arts, accompanied by senior members of the School of Fine Arts, come here. If they ask about your work, you can explain your creative thinking. "

Senior management and teachers began to inspect.

The Academy of Fine Arts is under the senior management of the Academy of Art, so some procedures must be followed before the exhibition begins.

The group of people really just took a look, like taking a walk, and occasionally made a comment.

When they approached Jiang Zhe and his companions, Teacher Hu and his students took the initiative to greet them.

The senior executives nodded in response.

The teacher from the Academy of Fine Arts introduced them, "This is the work of students from the second year class of the oil painting major."

A senior executive looked at the works and said, "These works are all good." He knew Jiang Zhe and asked, "Jiang Zhe, which one is yours?" Jiang Zhe pointed out his own work.

"Okay, good." The senior executive didn't ask any more questions and just walked away.

Jiang Zhe looked at the squad leader.

Because he just heard the squad leader quietly preparing, how should he answer when he was asked?

The monitor felt a little lost.

After the top executives of the Academy of Fine Arts left, the dean of the Academy of Fine Arts and the heads of each department began to discuss the specific arrangements for the exhibition.

Out of earshot of the students, the various teachers began arguing.

At this point, unlike yesterday's large-scale preliminary selection, after the teachers' exhibition locations are determined, they will discuss how to arrange the locations of the students' works.
Who gets the best position?
With the mediation of the dean and several department heads, the positions were finally allocated.

The exhibition hall, which can be seen as soon as you enter the door, displays the works of teachers and graduate students.

Undergraduate works, arranged by major.

Works by oil painting professionals are displayed in the east booth.

Because the booth they were assigned was very close to their current location, Mr. Hu led Jiang Zhe and several others to hang the works, adjust the height, and label the works as quickly as possible, and also invited workers to adjust the lighting.

After everything was ready, Jiang Zhe stepped back to check the effect of his work.

The exhibition hall of the Academy of Fine Arts is much larger than the Wang Zhen Gallery. My own works, hung here, appear more majestic.

Fu Min and others checked out the works around them.

Mou Xing said to Jiang Zhe: "Our work is at a disadvantage when it is hung next to yours. It is easy to be overlooked."

Fu Min said: "Next time, I plan to paint a bigger work."

Teacher Hu checked it one last time and said to Jiang Zhe and the others, "Today is Saturday, you should go back and rest early. You don't have to come when the class starts on Monday, just concentrate on your studies."

"Goodbye, teacher." Several people said goodbye to Teacher Hu and walked out of the exhibition hall together.

Walking down the stairs, Jiang Zhe looked back at the entrance of the art museum.

It was expected that I would be successfully selected.

The recognition I have received now all comes from professional teachers. Their criteria for judging the works are from the perspective of artistic creation. But in the future, the exhibition will be open to the whole school and even to the outside world. At that time, will my works still receive so many praises?
On Sunday, Jiang Zhe rested at home and painted.

Because it was close to an important festival, the Art College prepared a variety of activities and celebrations. Everyone was busy preparing for them, and many teachers had no time to rest.

Among all the colleges under the Academy of Art, the Academy of Fine Arts was the first to produce results.

Because the display at the Academy of Fine Arts is not as lively as those at the Academy of Music and other colleges, in order to ensure the effect, you must be the first to go on stage.

The Academy of Fine Arts made careful arrangements and for the second time invited senior officials from the Academy of Fine Arts, as well as senior officials from other colleges, to view the exhibition in advance one day before the opening.

According to the work, we ask the senior management to check if there are any problems. After confirmation, we can proceed smoothly on Monday.

At 10:30 am, the Dean of the Academy of Art and several senior executives, accompanied by the Academy of Fine Arts, came to the exhibition hall. The Academy of Fine Arts also specially invited some teachers and senior executives from the Academy of Music.

The exhibition hall has been arranged according to the development process.

The senior executives listened to the report first and then looked at the preparations for the exhibition. After seeing some of the specific preparations, they expressed satisfaction.

Everyone started to look at the works, starting with the teachers' works.

"Professor Qin has a new work?"

"Professor Lu's paintings are very impressive."


The top leaders were generous in praising these key teachers.

After looking at the teacher's work, I looked at the students' work.

From the Chinese painting exhibition area, walk to the oil painting exhibition area.

The dean stopped in front of a painting. "Your students from the Academy of Fine Arts painted this for students from the Academy of Music. The painting is very vivid."

The dean of the Academy of Fine Arts hurriedly introduced: "This is the work of Jiang Zhe, a sophomore in the oil painting major. It depicts a scene in the training room."

The dean glanced at the label. "It's him. Very good."

Everyone continued to move forward.

Teacher Lu from the Conservatory of Music was walking with the crowd and passed by Jiang Zhe's work, observing it intently. When he noticed the people in the painting, his face suddenly froze.

She pondered for a moment and said a few words to the top management of her college.

The two of them caught up with the dean together.

"Dean, there seems to be something wrong with Jiang Zhe's painting?"

As long as there were no fundamental errors in the works they had seen, no one criticized them.

After hearing what Teacher Lu said, most people stopped.

Someone looked at Jiang Zhe's painting again.

The dean asked, "Is there something wrong with his painting?"

Teacher Lu explained: "In the painting, there are two students who are in a daze. The image does not seem very positive."

The dean walked back and everyone followed him.

The dean looked at the image pointed out by Teacher Lu for a moment and said, "There's nothing wrong with this image, right? Most of the students in the painting are very serious and dedicated to their training."

(End of this chapter)

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