Reborn as a great painter, with a system, you can be willful

Chapter 348, Story and Reality, Comparison with Famous Painters

Chapter 348, Story and Reality, Comparison with Famous Painters
Soothing music is playing in Jiang Zhe's studio.

He sat at the workbench, holding a pencil sharpener, and was sharpening pencils rhythmically. He removed a circle of wood skin, leaving 1.5 to 2 cm of the pencil core, and then sharpened it. After sharpening one pencil, he picked up another one... He prepared all the tools, checked them, and put them into the tool bag.

He washed up and returned to the living room, his eyes falling on the Christie's auction catalogue on the table.

After returning from Wang Zhen's gallery, he kept thinking about their conversation. Her casual mention of the opportunity to take off touched him. Although he didn't want to think about this topic, this question always lingered in his mind.

It cannot be denied that he has been looking forward to such an opportunity. In the past, whether it was winning awards, selling paintings, or auctioning works, he was gradually increasing his popularity. However, this kind of increase is like quicksand in the hand, which is very solid, but as time passes, it seems to be dispersing at any time.

He looked at the clock and saw that it was not yet his regular break time, so he sat down at the table and looked through the catalog again, trying to find answers or comfort in the works of his peers.

This catalogue contains the contents of two special auctions. One special session is for the works of contemporary painters, and the other special session is for the works of painters from the 19th and 20th centuries, including some exercises by famous artists.

In general, the estimated value varies greatly, ranging from a few thousand dollars to hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars.

Jiang Zhe noticed an oil painting study by Eugene Boudin. It was not large in size and depicted a dirt path in a garden. It was estimated to be worth US$5 to US$12.

This price is a bit unfair to the painter. He is Monet's teacher and a very good painter. Even if his works are not as good as Monet's and often set records, they should not be priced this high.

Jiang Zhe read the introduction carefully and realized that this practice work would not be sold while the painter was alive.

As time goes by, good works are collected by large institutions, and then by collectors. The remaining paintings that can be sold are these studies or even forgeries.

Jiang Zhe started with this example and compared the works of some contemporary painters. He found some of the copywriting in the catalogue amazing.

Galleries or auction houses are working hard to recommend these contemporary artists' works to the market. This is not only about marketing the works, but also marketing the artists themselves. As Wang Zhen said, they have accumulated 100 to 200 years of experience in this regard.

Jiang Zhe turned to the page where his work was. According to the Christie's auction house's estimated price, it was 2.5 to 4 US dollars. If he added a little more, and added the bonus he had accumulated from two months of study, it should be 5 or even 6 US dollars?

He guessed at the number and remembered a story he had heard before.

When he was in high school, a professional course teacher told him that a work by a famous painter in China was favored by someone. The customer called to buy it, but unfortunately, the painter refused to sell it and even threw the phone. Jiang Zhe remembered this incident because there was a number in the story told by the professional course teacher that seemed very conspicuous at the time: 5 US dollars.

According to the exchange rate at that time, it was about 40 RMB. This story was meant to show that the painter was not moved by fame and fortune. However, it was this number that shocked the students.

Because this painter was very famous and even sparked a debate about the brush and ink of traditional Chinese painting, Jiang Zhe remembered that the prices of this painter's works became higher and higher, even exceeding 100 million yuan.

However, as time went by, after the painter's death, some things were revealed, and it was discovered that there was a large group helping to run his business.

In the twenty years since the beginning of 2000, prices have risen from hundreds of thousands to hundreds of millions. One cannot help but sigh at the great changes in the art market.

Jiang Zhe guessed that it was called a story because there must be some untruth in it. Nevertheless, now, the auction price of his works can be compared with that of this painter.

While feeling proud, he also wondered whether his ability could sustain this price?
After thinking about it, it seems that what I can do, or what I can think of, is to continue to accumulate, borrow the system, and improve myself. No matter how the market changes, I need some confidence to cope with the changes.

Jiang Zhe put down the atlas and prepared to rest.

Tomorrow is the sketching class. I need to practice one sketch after another to build up my confidence.

Early Monday morning, Jiang Zhe drove to the school parking lot, opened the car door, and a cool breeze came in through the gap in the door.

He got out of the car with his tool bag and pulled his clothes tighter.

As autumn approaches, the weather gets colder day by day.

When I arrived at the cafeteria, I saw Chen Yan waiting in line.

Judging from the number of people, you can tell that the breakfast served in the canteen today must be of good quality.

He walked up to Chen Yan.

Chen Yan said, "I'm here. Today we have steamed buns with mushroom sauce and pork, and red bean paste rice cake. What do you want to eat?"

Jiang Zhe took a quick look and chose spring rolls, steamed cakes and tea eggs.

When choosing a drink or porridge, he found that Tremella soup was available today. In the hot Tremella soup, there were red wolfberries floating in it. The color combination was excellent, and the key was——

Jiang Zhe glanced at the students queuing up. Was he worried that the college students would be too tired at night and wanted to catch up on some sleep?
"A serving of Tremella soup."

The two found a seat and sat down. Chen Yan didn't choose Tremella soup, but out of curiosity, she took a sip. "It's sweet."

Jiang Zhe also took a sip: "Not bad. Smooth and smooth."

After breakfast, Jiang Zhe came to the class studio. As expected, those diligent students were already waiting for class. Several students brought breakfast into the studio, and one of them bought a fried pancake with three fresh fillings.

This pie tastes delicious, but it contains leeks, which will be a disaster for others.

When Jiang Zhe smelled the smell, a girl had already spoken: "Chu Chen, you're giving me a headache, can you please come over after dinner?" They were all classmates, so there was nothing to worry about when talking.

The boy who was being talked about didn't care and stood up with a smile: "Sorry, sorry, I'll go to the corridor."

The girls opened all the windows and the smell gradually dissipated. Despite some minor incidents, when the models came to the studio, the students quickly started to create.

Jiang Zhe stared at his work.

At this moment, the two characters on the screen are relatively complete.

The two men were wearing T-shirts, trousers and old-fashioned rubber shoes, standing and sitting one by one in a relaxed posture.

The person sitting crosses his legs.

The person is standing, hunched over, with one leg relaxed and the other leg used as support, and a wooden stick in his hand so he can adjust his center of gravity at any time.

Jiang Zhe has already expressed the changes in movement and stillness at this moment, and all he considered were some details, such as the eyes.

People who have been training to be models for a long time will let themselves get distracted and think about other things, things that make them happy or interesting, in order to distract their attention. In this way, time will pass by unknowingly.

It’s unknown what these two models are thinking, their eyes look a little dull.

If this state is simply drawn, it will appear very dull.

Jiang Zhe made some changes to their eyes. The dull eyes looked more like they were recalling something. Whether they were recalling the happiness of their youth, the struggles of their youth, or the success and failure in life, it was up to the audience to decide.

After Jiang Zhe finished drawing the character's eyes, he began to depict other details.

Some of the holes on clothes are caused by insects, while others are caused by rubbing during washing, and they have different shapes.

The wrinkles, wear and tear on the pants, and some oil stains on some parts. All these details should be combined with the shape and texture to express the theme of the picture.

Jiang Zhe added some objects and green plants to the character's background space.

Some of the sundries were fictitious by him, all to highlight the theme of the picture.

After he had drawn a detail, he used a plastic eraser to brighten some of the lines.

To brighten, one cannot directly make the color white, but rather paint it as light gray. Therefore, he simulated very carefully, and after thinking it over, he acted decisively.

After finishing this part, he leaned back to observe the effect and felt very satisfied.

Whether it is the shape or the details of the accessories, they can all show the real beauty. This kind of reality is not exactly the same as in reality, but through the details of points, lines and surfaces, it simulates the real details.

When Jiang Zhe saw Teacher Su coming, he stood up, gave up his seat, and asked the teacher to show him the painting.

Teacher Su said, "I just watched from a distance for a while, and the overall effect is good. Continue painting according to your idea. Why do you add a pot of flowers in the background?"

Jiang Zhe said: "This flower is called wall chrysanthemum in Binhai. It does not need artificial cultivation. It can survive with a little soil and a little sunlight. It withers every winter and starts to grow again the next year. I think it is a metaphor that people can live strongly."

Teacher Su said, "That's symbolism. Very good."

During the break, some classmates asked Jiang Zhe to help look at the paintings. Jiang Zhe tried to say as little as possible, especially when Teacher Su was present, so as not to make the teacher feel uncomfortable.

Jiang Zhe made overall adjustments to the painting according to his own creative intentions, with some additions and some subtractions.

Friday at 4pm.

When Jiang Zhe was considering the details of a certain scene, he heard Teacher Su say, "Everyone stop for a moment and let's make a summary."

The students looked at Teacher Su.

Jiang Zhe put down the pencil in his hand.

Teacher Su’s summary and comments were very simple. He pointed out the problems encountered by the students one by one, and also encouraged everyone to persist in learning sketching.

"In the remaining time, everyone can tidy up the paintings. We will prepare a small work report exhibition. After you spray the works with fixative, you can put them in the small exhibition hall of the teaching building."

After Teacher Su finished speaking, he went to find the class monitor to make arrangements.

Jiang Zhe looked at his painting. It seemed that he could continue working on it, but the content he wanted to express was basically presented and he could stop at any time.

If I have time in the future, or have new ideas, maybe I can continue creating.

Thinking of this, he began to spray fixative liquid onto the picture.

"Jiang Zhe, you're not going to change?" a classmate asked.

Jiang Zhe said, "I won't change it. I'll just stop here. If I continue, it might be superfluous."

(End of this chapter)

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