Reborn as a great painter, with a system, you can be willful

Chapter 349, Comparison, Talent, Looking Forward to Good Results

Chapter 349, Comparison, Talent, Looking Forward to Good Results
Jiang Zhe carried his large drawing board to the small exhibition hall on the same floor as the studio.

The so-called small exhibition hall is a large empty studio. The homework report exhibition will be held here.

Teacher Su and the class monitor were directing everyone here to display their works.

When he got to Jiang Zhe, he said, "Jiang Zhe, put your work across from me."

The place he pointed to was a place that could be seen as soon as you entered the door, and it was very conspicuous.

Teacher Su also has his own selfish motives. He is the main person in charge of grading assignments, but the school will also send other teachers to participate. If there are good works in his class, as the main lecturer, he will naturally be proud. If there are no good works, or even the overall quality of the works is poor, colleagues will also spread jokes.

Jiang Zhe placed the drawing board in the designated position, took a few steps back and watched the effect.

Other students came in one after another.

Because everyone is using a large, fully-opened drawing board, people keep a certain distance from each other to avoid bumps.

"Fu Min, put your work here." "Mou Xing, ..." Teacher Su directed everyone to put their works in place one by one.

After all the works were displayed, no one was in a hurry to leave.

View your own work and compare it with other students' works.

By putting the works together, the effect can be seen at a glance.

Jiang Zhe's sketches do not have a dark background, but because of the sense of space and the heavy modeling of the characters, they can be immediately noticed among a group of sketches.

Everyone painted the same model, but due to various reasons such as composition, modeling and techniques, the momentum and atmosphere presented in the picture are different. In comparison, obvious differences can be seen.

Some students even leaned over to look at the details of Jiang Zhe's work.

At this time, teachers who participated in the scoring came to the small exhibition hall one after another.

Teacher Su said to the students, "Okay, go back quickly. The grading results will be announced soon."

The students said goodbye to their teachers and left one after another.

Jiang Zhe walked out of the teaching building and met Professor Qin and Teacher Hu on the way to the parking lot.

"Professor Qin, Teacher Hu."

Professor Qin said, "Jiang Zhe, how about your sketch?"

Jiang Zhe modestly said: "I give myself 60 points. Please point out the faults for me."

Professor Qin smiled. "From what you said, it should be good. Oh, by the way." He stopped and seemed to want to chat for a while longer. "When will the auction start at Christie's?"

Jiang Zhe said: "There are still a few days left, and because of the time difference, I may not be able to know the news immediately." He has also been thinking about this matter.

"Oh, when the time comes, no matter what the auction results are, be sure to tell me. But I estimate that since your garden won the silver medal, plus their publicity and marketing, the price will not be too bad. If you can make a good start abroad this time, your future will be smoother."

"I'll remember that." Jiang Zhe agreed.

"Jiang Zhe. Your next professional course—" Teacher Hu waited for Professor Qin to finish speaking, then said, "It's an oil painting sketching class. I won't call everyone together. You can inform each other and prepare the materials."


Jiang Zhe said goodbye to the two teachers.

Professor Qin and Teacher Hu are ready to participate in the grading.

After moving forward for a moment, Teacher Hu turned around, watched Jiang Zhe walk away, and seemed to want to say something but stopped himself.

Professor Qin said, "Just say whatever you want to say."

"I really envy him. He is only a sophomore, but his works have won awards and can be included in auctions. I still have difficulty selling my paintings now," said Teacher Hu.

Professor Qin calmly advised: "Don't compare yourself with him. Compare yourself with your undergraduate and graduate school classmates.

After you graduate from graduate school, you go back to school and find a stable job. Besides work, you occasionally attend training classes and sell a few paintings, which means you have one stable income and two less stable incomes.

Working in a professional college has another advantage: you can always ask for advice and have more opportunities to participate in exhibitions.

Ask yourself, do your classmates envy you? "

Teacher Hu immediately felt much better: "You are right. A small number of our undergraduate students still don't have a job. And not everyone who graduates from graduate school has a suitable job."

Professor Qin said: "You are now the person they envy."

Teacher Hu smiled and said, "That's true. We got together during the holiday not long ago."

Professor Qin said: "If you make unlimited comparisons, it is easy to make your mentality unbalanced. Sometimes, when you meet some people with good talents and good luck, you always feel helpless."

The two chatted as they walked, occasionally greeting passers-by. "Among my college classmates, there is a classmate with great talent. He can easily surpass us. No matter how hard I try, I can't surpass him. When we put our paintings together and compare them, we can immediately see the difference. What should I do? He entered the National Academy of Painting after graduation." Professor Qin slowly counseled: "By the way, have you read the novel "The Moon and Sixpence"? "

"I've seen it." Teacher Hu said, "The prototype of that novel seems to be the great post-Impressionist painter Paul Gauguin."

"Yes, it's a novel based on him. You should know Gauguin's experience. Tell me about it."

Teacher Hu talked about the information he knew.

"Gauguin originally worked in finance, but later lost his job and started to be a professional painter. He later went to Tahiti and depicted some of the local customs and practices. He and Van Gogh were once friends, but later they fell out..."

Professor Qin said: "These are some records in the history of art. These records tend to be praising. Some things require you to understand them yourself.

When I read art history, I saw some information.

When Gauguin was wealthy, he bought some works of painters and met impressionist painters. He also learned to paint, but it was just a hobby at that time. However, he lost his job in middle age. It happened to be in middle age. Think about it, if you want to find a job today, there is an age limit of 35. In order to make a living, he felt that he was very talented in painting, and in fact, he was not bad. So he changed his career to painting.

When he saw the works of Impressionist painters, he also followed their example.

Unfortunately, there were too many geniuses in the era he lived in. When he felt that his paintings were good enough, he participated in important Impressionist exhibitions.

At that exhibition, one painter became famous overnight. "

Professor Qin paused slightly when he said this.

Teacher Hu asked, "Who is it? It's not Gauguin, right?"

Professor Qin said: "It's not him, the pointillist Xula. He's only in his twenties.

Gauguin's work was overshadowed by the work of other painters. People simply didn't notice him."

Teacher Hu felt sorry for Gao.

"This kind of thing is so helpless." Professor Qin said, "You are middle-aged and have not yet blossomed. There are already younger talents rising. What should you do? Gauguin had no choice but to return to Tahiti to paint some of the lives of the indigenous people.

Later people had various opinions on his paintings, but he himself didn't know it.

Gauguin is a famous painter. How many people are drowned? So, keep a balanced mentality. There are so many teachers in our school, how many of them have had their works auctioned at Christie's? "

"You still see it clearly." Teacher Hu said, feeling much better.

The two came to the small exhibition hall.

At this time, there were already five or six teachers waiting here to give grades.

"Professor Qin, everyone is here."

"Let's start grading. Teacher Su, you speak. We are just giving opinions." Professor Qin said.

Teacher Hu brought out the form and prepared to record the scores.

Teacher Su began his comments by reviewing Jiang Zhe’s works.

"Jiang Zhe's paintings have a natural contrast between black and white, and focus on creating the atmosphere and momentum of the picture. Among all the works, they are different. You will notice them at a glance. Some of the virtual and real changes, as well as the details, will make people associate. The tone of the dark part is not dead black. Compared with his works, some paintings that emphasize the contrast between black and white are boring..."

Jiang Zhe's work was rated as excellent, and there was no objection. Next, the other works were reviewed.

Jiang Zhe drove home to have dinner with his parents.

When he got home, his parents had already put the meal on the table.

During the meal, Jiang Yi asked about Jiang Zhe's life in school. After Jiang Zhe answered, he asked, "You have another work to submit to the Venice competition, no news yet?"

Jiang Zhe said: "There is no news yet. The gallery will pay attention to the results of the competition."

"Don't ask and don't add pressure to him." Xu Li said.

"Christie's?" Jiang Yi wanted to ask again.

"Are you still going to eat?"

Jiang Yi said, "I want to know if I can watch the auction live. Isn't there internet now?"

Jiang Zhe said: "At present, I can't see their auction site. I will be notified when there is news."

After dinner, the family of three took Xiaoka out for a walk.

Xiao Ka ran around Jiang Zhe.

Because Jiang Zhe has no time to take care of the pet from Monday to Friday, he is willing to take Xiaoka out for a walk.

"Mom, tomorrow is Saturday. I'll take Xiaoka to my studio and bring her back in the evening."


On Saturday morning, Chen Yan knocked on the door of Jiang Zhe's studio.

She made an appointment with Jiang Zhe to bring Xiao Ka as well.

As soon as I opened the door, I heard Xiaoka's voice.

She first gave Jiang Zhe a hug, then picked up Xiao Ka and caressed him.

"Little guy, how long has it been since I last saw you?"

Jiang Zhe said, "You play with it first, and I will stretch the canvas."

"Do you need my help?"

"No need, just play with it and don't let it bite the canvas." Jiang Zhe found four picture frames and began to stretch the canvas.

For the life drawing course, at least four works are required.

When the owner of the painting supply store sent him the materials, he suggested that he buy canvases that had already been coated with oil painting primer to save time.

Jiang Zhe prefers to prepare it himself.

Whether it is sketching practice or formal creation, these works may be preserved, so as long as conditions permit, he will stretch the canvas himself and make the oil painting base. In this way, he can control the materials and ensure the preservation time of the works for a longer time.

(End of this chapter)

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