Reborn as a great painter, with a system, you can be willful

Chapter 422, Beautiful Scenery in the Rain, People Holding Umbrellas

Early Friday morning, Jiang Zhe and Chen Yan were eating in the small cafeteria, looking out the window from time to time.

The sky was gloomy, as if it might rain at any time.

Chen Yan swallowed the food in her mouth and said, "Yesterday's forecast said that there will be light to moderate rain today. Can you still sketch today?"

Jiang Zhe turned back and continued eating. "I don't know. There is no notification yet. It doesn't matter. There are many places to take shelter from the rain without delaying the sketching."

After finishing their meal, the two walked out of the cafeteria and met several classmates. Everyone was also waiting for the teacher's notice.

Chen Yan said, "Jiang Zhe, let me get you an umbrella." Jiang Zhe said, "No, I have an umbrella in my car. Go to class as soon as possible."

After Chen Yan left, Jiang Zhe and several classmates waited at the entrance of the teaching building.

Soon, the monitor brought a notice that the sketching would continue. The teacher reminded everyone to bring their umbrellas and be prepared. If it rained heavily, they could go back to the studio.

Jiang Zhe started looking for materials after receiving the notice. Soon, he had already thought of what to draw today.

The weather was gloomy and cloudy, but under this light, some buildings and roads appeared brighter than before due to the special contrast between light and dark.

Jiang Zhe feels that the moment before the storm comes is worth describing.

In order to quickly capture the feeling, he found the right angle and began to use watercolors to depict the moment when the wind and rain came on campus.

The main scenery in the painting is part of an old three-story teaching building, as well as roads and several large trees.

The road stretches into the distance, and the gloomy sky can be vaguely seen at the edge of the picture.

This painting is only four-page in size. Jiang Zhe used a large watercolor brush and painted quickly, so he painted very quickly.

Even so, during the painting process, raindrops were already falling. The teachers and students walking on the road quickened their pace.

Jiang Zhe was at the corner of a wisteria corridor, which was shaded from the top, so he would not be rained on for the time being.

He quickly completed a watercolor and examined the painting.

On the still-dried screen, there appeared a corner of the campus covered with dark clouds and approaching storm.

People running on the road add to the atmosphere of the painting.

The system's evaluation of this painting is excellent.

Jiang Zhe looked up at the top of the corridor and felt that his position should be able to withstand the raindrops. So he put away his watercolor tools and observed again.

As the rain got heavier, more and more students passed by with umbrellas. Some stopped and called Jiang Zhe. "Jiang Zhe, do you want to go back to the studio? Let's go back together."

Jiang Zhe said: "Thank you. I will draw for a while."

One of the classmates saw that Jiang Zhe's place could shelter from the rain, and hesitated for a while, but finally rushed back to the studio because he was worried that the rain would get heavier.

Jiang Zhe heard the raindrops hitting the leaves and falling around the corridor, making crackling sounds.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and there were no pedestrians on the campus roads. It seemed as if he was the only one left in the bustling campus.

Close your eyes, listen with your ears, and use your sense of touch to feel the coolness and wetness brought by the rain.

He really enjoyed the quiet and comfort of this moment.

My heart gradually calms down and I feel the rhythm of the rain.

In the rain, the scenery in the distance becomes hazy and blurred. All objects have become wet. In this case, the original light and dark contrast has changed again, and the sky seems to be bright again. The blurriness of the rainy scene is different from the haziness of the fog, as if everything is flowing and changing.

The hazy, flowing images give people a dreamlike visual image. The chaotic sound of raindrops slowly forms another meaning in Jiang Zhe's ears, like an ethereal musical instrument, intoxicating.

He seemed to understand instantly how to find beauty in the ordinary and commonplace.

While experiencing, Jiang Zhe used his keen observation to capture the necessary materials.

At this moment, his observation angle was basically the same as when he was painting watercolors before, but the content he considered was different, so the picture needed to present a different look.

He opened the umbrella and held it above himself to avoid getting the canvas wet. Then, he quickly started painting, trying to capture the ever-changing light and shadow, and even the smell of the air, solidifying the moving moment of nature on the canvas with oil paint.

Because in order to express the rainy scene, it is necessary to use virtuality and reality as well as colors to create the atmosphere of the picture, form a visual image, and thus achieve artistic expression.

Jiang Zhe decomposes the inherent colors of nature and reorganizes the color relationship by using the contrast between cold and warm, light and dark.

The colors of nature have been refined and used more skillfully in his brush. The flowing objects in the rain often use a very pure blue-purple color, which is very transparent. The whole picture is rich and subtle in color. The contrast is strong at first, but as it is portrayed step by step, it slowly reaches harmony, making the scenery in the rain contain inner vitality and exude a charming breath.

In order to express the characteristics of the objects in the rain, Jiang Zhe also made changes in brushstrokes and modeling techniques. He deliberately blurred the shape structure of the object and the contour lines of the edges, and the colors and brushstrokes were very close to the rhythm of falling raindrops.

In between paintings, when observing the picture, he found that some almost abstract brushstrokes could give rise to more imagination, thus achieving a kind of artistic truth.

Jiang Zhe summarized and improved at the same time. This kind of reality is an expression based on rationality. Although some objects are blurry, more artistic charm can be obtained from the blur.

He didn't know whether this could be considered as a new painting language, but it was obviously different from his previous paintings.

Moreover, through such creation, it is really enjoyable to immerse oneself in the process of getting close to nature.

His sleeves and trouser legs were soaked by the rain, but he ignored them.

As Jiang Zhe painted stroke by stroke, the scenery in the rain gradually emerged.

The colors on the canvas are piled up, some thick and some thin, but the atmosphere they create is vivid and moist, like a piece of light music.

The rain was getting heavier, and Jiang Zhe had to move again. This inevitably made him a little wet, but he didn't care about hiding from the rain, and continued to concentrate on painting.

He heard footsteps.

Looking for the source of the sound, I saw Chen Yan running towards me quickly with an umbrella.

Chen Yan came to Jiang Zhe, breathed a sigh of relief, raised the umbrella and helped Jiang Zhe block the rain.

"Thank you, thank you for your hard work." Jiang Zhe said.

After class, she passed by Jiang Zhe's class studio, but didn't see Jiang Zhe. She guessed that he was still sketching, so she came to look for him.

"Why don't you go back and take shelter from the rain first?" Jiang Zhe asked again.

"Don't worry, I'll wait for you." Chen Yan said. She moved to get closer to Jiang Zhe.

Jiang Zhe saw this scene and said thank you again.

Chen Yan seldom holds an umbrella for others, but at this moment, she didn't feel tired at all.

The scenery becomes more beautiful in the rain.

(End of this chapter)

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