Reborn as a great painter, with a system, you can be willful

Chapter 516: Reciprocity, actions speak louder than words

Jiang Zhe washed up in the bathroom, washing away the dust from the journey.

The sound of his parents talking in the living room made him feel that no matter how wonderful the outside world was, it could not compare to the warmth and warmth of being with his parents.

He dried his hair, walked into the living room, and saw that his parents had already prepared a table of food.

When Xiao Ka saw Jiang Zhe coming out, he immediately came over and asked for a pat on the head.

Jiang Yi asked, "Would you like some old wine or beer? Let's rest here tonight."

"Dad, I'm going to rest at home. Forget about the wine." Jiang Zhe said.

He came back just in time for dinner.

Jiang Zhe has been away for nearly a month. Now, the family is reunited and happily having dinner.

Mr. and Mrs. Jiang Yi have a lot to say.

For nearly a month, although I kept receiving good news from Jiang Zhe, a mother always worries when her son is away from home.

The two asked whatever they thought of.

Jiang Zhe answered them one by one.

After dinner, my parents brought out some large boxes.

As soon as Jiang Zhe came back, he noticed that there were many more boxes in the living room. Some were gifts he had mailed back, and some were for unknown purposes.

"These are the things you mailed over. We haven't touched them yet, waiting for you to come back and see how to distribute them." Jiang Yi pointed to another box.

"These are the gifts from your friends and relatives. Please think about how you should respond. I have written down the people and the gifts."

After Jiang Zhe was nominated and won the award, people came to visit him one after another. Some were Jiang Zhe's friends, some were people in the art circle, and even distant relatives who had not been in contact for many years.

Although Jiang Yi and his wife gave a warm reception, some gifts were returned, and some gifts that could not be returned were also recorded.

The old couple were happy when people came to visit them, but they knew that these people were not coming for them.

Jiang Zhe checked the gifts. There were nutritional supplements, handicrafts, and some expensive painting tools.

In addition to some friends, there were also gifts from the new manager of Wang Zhen Gallery and a gift from Times Auctions.

He divided these gifts into several categories according to the relationships of the givers.

Some of them are friends who visit me frequently, and I have already prepared return gifts.

For people with whom he has little or no contact, Jiang Zhe plans to prepare gifts of equal value as return gifts.

After he sorted the gifts, he said to his parents, "Mom and Dad, you can use some of these gifts. For example, you can eat the dried fish maws and bird's nests. If you don't think you can use some of them, I will give them as gifts in return."

Jiang Zhe divided up the gifts he brought back and went to visit several relatives with his father that night.

On the way, he called some friends and told them that he had returned to Binhai.

The father and son came back from visiting relatives.

Jiang Yi said: "Your villa has been completed. We go to check it out almost every day. You can move in any time.

I have discussed it with your mother, and we will not go. We are in good health and live a comfortable life now. We feel uncomfortable if you often entertain friends there. "

Jiang Zhe tried to persuade them, but both his parents disagreed, so he had to respect their choice.

The news of his return to Binhai spread quickly and someone called that night.

The next morning, Jiang Zhe drove to school with gifts.

Professor Qin's wife opened the door and saw Jiang Zhe standing outside with a gift.

"Hello teacher!"

"Jiang Zhe is here? Come in quickly. Why do you bring so many things? Your teacher Qin is in the inner room." Mrs. Qin let Jiang Zhe in, "Mr. Qin, Jiang Zhe is here."

Hearing the sound, Professor Qin came out and was very happy to see Jiang Zhe.

According to the estimated time, Jiang Zhe was the first one to come to him, which made him feel respected and valued.

"How was your rest?" He also showed the love and care of an elder for the younger generation.

"I had a good rest. I didn't feel tired during the trip. I just participated in many activities in the capital."

Professor Qin took Jiang Zhe to the study and asked about the details of participating in the Biennale in Venice.

Mrs. Qin prepared tea and fruit for the two of them and then left the study.

After listening to Jiang Zhe's detailed account of the outing, Professor Qin encouraged him, "These activities are unavoidable, so don't feel tired. Many people want to participate in such activities and enjoy this treatment, but no one has paid attention to him.

You see, some of these activities will have immediate effects, while others will take effect slowly over time.

I want to ask you a very honest question. With these experiences, or qualifications, when you returned to the capital this time, did you feel that many people were more polite to you? "

Jiang Zhe said: "I can feel it."

“This is a reflection of having a certain level of qualifications and experience.

There are many people who can't achieve the same results as you, and they have to rely on time and face to slowly get by, and hang out at every event to become familiar with the crowd. But don't learn from them."

The two chatted for a while, and Jiang Zhe asked, "Teacher Qin, can I trouble you for something? I want to visit other teachers."

Professor Qin said, "Of course I will tell you how to find them."

Jiang Zhe wanted to visit the school's leading teachers. Some teachers were homebodies, staying in school all the time, and they were always there when he looked for them, but some leading teachers were very active, and he needed acquaintances to know how to find them.

Jiang Zhe wrote down the contact information and said goodbye to Professor Qin and his wife.

Mrs. Qin asked him to take the gift back.

Jiang Zhe said, "Teacher, these are all prepared for you two. There are some tonics and cosmetics that cannot be given to others."

The gift included a set of painting supplies. Professor Qin took a look at it and liked it very much.

At that time, there were many painting tools and pigments imported from foreign countries, but the variety was not as rich as it would be 20 years later. Professor Qin signaled his wife to accept them.

After Jiang Zhe left, Mrs. Qin packed up the gifts and said to Professor Qin, "Old Qin, do you feel that the aura seems a little different when Jiang Zhe returns this time?"

"You feel it too, right? Even though he may not notice it himself, after experiencing certain things, a person's temperament will change unconsciously."

"Is the price he sells his paintings for now the highest in the school?" asked Mrs. Qin.

Professor Qin recalled the conversation just now and said with emotion: "His award-winning work has been collected by someone. The price of that work is the highest in the school."

Mrs. Qin was surprised when she heard her husband whisper a number: "The future development of this child..."

Professor Qin replied: "It has a bright future."

Mrs. Qin sighed: "Some teachers in our school sell their works for several thousand yuan. The gap is too big.

Professor Qin picked up the paint that Jiang Zhe had given him, and while examining it, he said, "There is no comparison. When we were chatting just now, he mentioned something. The Venice Academy of Fine Arts has invited him to study for a master's degree."

"Really? Don't you still want to recruit him for graduate studies?"

Professor Qin said: "He needs a bigger stage. If he continues on his current path, he will be popular no matter which school he goes to in two years."


Jiang Zhe visited the homes of several school leaders and teachers in turn, and then visited friends in the Binhai art circle.

Finally we came to Wang Zhen’s gallery.

Walking into the gallery, many staff members greeted him enthusiastically.

Jiang Zhe glanced around the exhibition hall.

All my works were taken to the capital for exhibition, and there are some new works here.

A pretty woman in her twenties with shoulder-length hair came out to greet Jiang Zhe.

Jiang Zhe shook her hand and said, "Manager Yan, congratulations on your promotion."

Manager Yan used to be Wang Zhen’s assistant and also worked as a business manager for a gallery.

After Wang Zhen opened a branch in the capital, she had to run back and forth between the two places. She specially promoted Manager Yan to be in charge of the daily work of Binhai Company.

Manager Yan warmly invited Jiang Zhe to come to the office.

Jiang Zhe presented his gift. Because Manager Yan had visited Jiang Zhe's parents before, he specially expressed his gratitude.

"Don't be polite. This is my duty. You are our pillar." Manager Yan said, "Boss Wang entrusted this work to me. I count on you to help me hold the fort."

Jiang Zhe said: "We have all seen your abilities."

Manager Yan took the opportunity to suggest: "Take all your works to the capital for exhibition. If you have new works, don't forget to display them here."

"Don't worry, after I come back, I will spend most of my time creating."

After the two chatted for a few minutes, Jiang Zhe went to find some classmates.

They had already talked on the phone before coming, and Mou Xing, Fu Min and Lan Xin spent most of their time in the gallery.

Jiang Zhe took the gifts from the car and went directly to their workroom in the gallery.

When I opened the door, I saw three people chatting while drawing.

"Jiang Zhe is here?"

"Why are you tanned?" The three of them were very enthusiastic when they saw Jiang Zhe.

Jiang Shou distributed the gifts he brought back to three classmates: "Each of you has a different gift.

You can’t bring snacks because they spoil easily. Girls have cosmetics. Mou Xing has cigars. ”

Mou Xing has developed a smoking habit since his sophomore year, and Jiang Zhe brought him two cigars.

The three of them opened the packages and saw the gifts, and they all liked them very much. These gifts were valuable, in line with their preferences, and it was obvious that the gift givers put a lot of thought into them.

The gifts also included picture albums and painting supplies that the three people were interested in.

The three people smiled happily and expressed their gratitude non-stop.

The chats between classmates were more relaxed and casual. Mou Xing and the other two had different interests, and when they asked Jiang Zhe about his experiences going out, they paid attention to different details.

Jiang Zhe took out the information of Venice Academy of Fine Arts and gave it to the three of them. "Take a look. If you have the opportunity, you may want to study abroad there."

When the three people saw the materials, they expressed their gratitude but had different thoughts.

Without considering other things, just looking at the tuition fee or registration fee, it’s a headache. It’s over 1 Euros. Add to that the living expenses, how much money will it cost over the years?

Mou Xing and Fu Min were somewhat tempted. After Lan Xin read it once, she no longer thought about studying abroad.

After leaving the gallery, Jiang Zhe returned to his studio. After doing some tidying up, he heard a knock on the door.

He knew who it was.

When I opened the door, I saw Chen Yan standing outside.

"come on in."

Chen Yan walked into the door, waited for Jiang Zhe to close the door, and then hugged Jiang Zhe.

"Why does it take so long?!" Not only that, she also sniffed Jiang Zhe's body.

"Why, you don't recognize my smell?"

"Smell it, is there any other smell?"

Although they often talk on the phone, Jiang Zhe knows that it is useless to say anything at this time, so he directly picks up Chen Yan and walks into the bedroom...

(End of this chapter)

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